start	end	text
0	3160	Standard Chinese, a modular approach.
3160	8360	Money module, units 4 through 6, review tape 1.
8360	13160	This tape contains a review of materials of units 4 through 6 of the money module.
13160	16120	The target list sentences from each of the last three units
16120	19560	are reviewed here for both comprehension and production.
19560	22720	The sentences are grouped in brief situational exchanges,
22720	25160	which are randomly presented.
25160	29320	Your comprehension of the target list sentences is reviewed first.
29320	33080	After you hear the Chinese sentence, give an English equivalent.
33080	35280	Your answer will be confirmed.
35280	37240	Let's begin.
37240	39040	Number 1
39040	49400	我们家里的东西有的到了,有的还没到。
49400	55280	Of our household things, some have arrived and some haven't arrived yet.
55280	57200	Number 2
57200	58920	麻烦你。
58920	68080	我这儿有100块美金的旅行支票。
68080	69720	Sorry to bother you.
69720	74240	I have a hundred dollars US in traveler's checks here.
74240	79720	请你给我换换。
79720	83080	Please change it for me.
83080	85920	Number 3
85920	92760	你们这里可以换美金吗?
92760	96640	Can US currency be changed here?
96640	99440	对不起,不可以。
99440	108080	您得在台湾银行换。
108080	110920	I'm sorry, that's not possible.
110920	114640	You have to change it at the Bank of Taiwan.
114640	117000	Number 4
117000	129040	他们卖的盘子碗,有的真好看,可是贵一点。
129040	132440	Some of the dishes they sell are really good looking,
132440	135840	but they're a little expensive.
135840	138040	Number 5
138040	143160	你要怎么换?
143160	146040	How do you want to change it?
146040	152360	请你给我两张五块的吧。
152360	156160	Would you give me two fives please?
156160	157800	Number 6
157800	166800	银行,几点钟开门,几点钟关门?
166800	172320	What time does the bank open and what time does it close?
172320	179680	九点钟开门,三点钟关门。
179680	184440	It opens at nine o'clock and closes at three o'clock.
184440	189600	现在两点半。
189600	194080	It's half past two now.
194080	196080	Number 7
196080	202280	我买的那些盘子碗都不太贵,贵的我没买。
202280	212280	Those dishes I bought were all not too expensive.
212280	215280	The expensive ones I didn't buy.
215280	218280	Number 8
218280	224280	你们收美金不收?
224280	226280	Do you accept US currency?
226280	230280	对不起,我们不收美金。
230280	238280	I'm sorry, we don't accept US currency.
238280	240280	Number 9
240280	245280	我要换台币。
245280	249280	I want to change some money into台币。
249280	259280	好,一块美金换三十八块台币。
259280	264280	Okay, one dollar US is thirty-eight dollars台币。
264280	266280	Number 10
266280	271280	你买什么了?
271280	274280	What did you buy?
274280	279280	我买盘子碗了。
279280	282280	I bought dishes.
282280	285280	Number 11
285280	290280	有没有银行?
290280	293280	Is there a bank here?
293280	300280	有,银行就在那。
300280	305280	There is, the bank is right over there.
305280	307280	Number 12
307280	314280	请你等一等,我就来。
314280	318280	Please wait a moment, I'll be right back.
318280	321280	Number 13
321280	328280	您买了多少盘子碗?
328280	331280	How many dishes did you buy?
331280	337280	我买了十个大盘子。
337280	341280	I bought ten large plates.
341280	343280	Number 14
343280	351280	请问,是不是在这换钱?
351280	356280	May I ask, is it here that I change money?
356280	363280	是,是在这换。
363280	367280	Yes, it is here that you change it.
367280	369280	Number 15
369280	376280	请你给我点小票子行不行?
376280	378280	Please give me some small bills.
378280	382280	Would that be all right?
382280	384280	Number 16
384280	391280	你的饭碗是什么颜色的?
391280	394280	What color are your rice bowls?
394280	398280	是蓝的。
398280	403280	They're blue ones.
403280	409280	我也喜欢蓝的。
409280	412280	I like blue ones too.
412280	414280	Number 17
414280	421280	今天的牌价是多少?
421280	424280	What's today's exchange rate?
424280	427280	今天的牌价是一块美金,
427280	435280	换一块九毛六人民币。
435280	443280	Today's exchange rate is $1.00 US to $1.96人民币。
443280	445280	Number 18
445280	448280	没什么。
448280	451280	It's nothing.
451280	453280	Number 19
453280	462280	你的这个茶杯很好,是在什么地方买的?
462280	465280	This teacup of yours is very nice.
465280	467280	Where was it bought?
467280	473280	是在第一公司买的。
473280	476280	It was bought at the first company.
476280	478280	Number 20
478280	488280	我这儿有一百块美金的旅行支票。
488280	490280	Sorry to bother you.
490280	494280	I have a hundred dollars US in travelers checks here.
494280	500280	请你给我换换。
500280	502280	Please change it for me.
502280	504280	Number 21
504280	510280	你们这里可以换美金吗?
510280	514280	Can US currency be changed here?
514280	517280	对不起,不可以。
517280	525280	你得在台湾银行换。
525280	527280	I'm sorry, that's not possible.
527280	530280	You have to change it at the Bank of Taiwan.
530280	532280	Number 22
532280	542280	我们家里的东西有的到了,有的还没到。
542280	548280	Of our household things, some have arrived and some haven't arrived yet.
548280	550280	Number 23
550280	555280	你要怎么换?
555280	557280	How do you want to change it?
557280	564280	请你给我两张五块的吧。
564280	567280	Would you give me two fives please?
567280	569280	Number 24
569280	578280	银行几点钟开门,几点钟关门?
578280	583280	What time does the bank open and what time does it close?
583280	591280	九点钟开门,三点钟关门。
591280	595280	It opens at nine o'clock and closes at three o'clock.
595280	600280	现在两点半。
600280	603280	It's half past two now.
603280	606280	Number 25
606280	617280	他们卖的盘子丸有的正好看,可是贵一点。
617280	621280	Some of the dishes they sell are really good looking,
621280	624280	but they're a little more expensive.
624280	626280	Number 26
626280	631280	你们收美金不收?
631280	634280	Do you accept US currency?
634280	635280	对不起。
635280	640280	我们不收美金。
640280	644280	I'm sorry, we don't accept US currency.
644280	646280	Number 27
646280	651280	我要换台币。
651280	655280	I want to change some money into台币。
655280	664280	好,一块美金换三十八块台币。
664280	670280	Ok, $1 US is $38台币。
670280	672280	Number 28
672280	683280	我买的那些盘子丸都不太贵,贵的我没买。
683280	686280	Those dishes I bought were all not too expensive.
686280	690280	The expensive ones I didn't buy.
690280	695280	If you had any problems with these sentences, rewind the tape and work on them some more.
695280	699280	Or go back and take another look at the reference list and notes for each unit.
699280	703280	If you understood all the sentences, you should begin reviewing your production of them.
703280	708280	In the next section, English sentences are given and you put them into Chinese.
708280	710280	Let's begin.
710280	713280	Number 1
713280	715280	Please wait a moment.
715280	719280	I'll be right back.
719280	721280	Number 2
721280	725280	What did you buy?
725280	728280	你买什么了?
728280	732280	I bought dishes.
732280	736280	我买盘子丸了。
736280	738280	Number 3
738280	744280	Is there a bank here?
744280	750280	Is there a bank here?
750280	753280	这儿有没有银行?
753280	759280	There is. The bank is right over there.
759280	763280	有,银行就在那儿。
763280	765280	Number 4
765280	767280	Please give me some small bills.
767280	773280	Would that be all right?
773280	778280	请你给我点小票子行不行?
778280	780280	Number 5
780280	786280	How many dishes did you buy?
786280	790280	您买了多少盘子丸?
790280	799280	I bought ten rice bowls and ten large plates.
799280	804280	我买了十个饭碗,十个大盘子。
804280	806280	Number 6
806280	813280	May I ask, is it here that I change money?
813280	817280	请问,是不是在这儿换钱?
817280	823280	Yes, it is here that you change it.
823280	827280	是,是在这儿换。
827280	829280	Number 7
829280	832280	It's nothing.
832280	835280	没什么。
835280	837280	Number 8
837280	844280	What color are your rice bowls?
844280	849280	你的饭碗是什么颜色的?
849280	852280	They are blue ones.
852280	855280	是蓝的。
855280	860280	I like blue ones, too.
860280	863280	我也喜欢蓝的。
863280	865280	Number 9
865280	872280	What's today's exchange rate?
872280	877280	今天的排价是多少?
877280	884280	Today's exchange rate is $1.00 US to $1.96人民币.
884280	886280	Number 10
886280	894280	Can U.S. currency be changed here?
894280	898280	你们这里可以换美金吗?
898280	902280	I'm sorry, that's not possible.
902280	905280	I'm sorry, that's not possible.
905280	909280	I'm sorry, that's not possible.
909280	913280	I'm sorry, that's not possible.
913280	923280	You have to change it at the Bank of Taiwan.
923280	929280	对不起,不可以。您得在台湾银行换。
929280	931280	Number 11
931280	934280	This teacup of yours is very nice.
934280	942280	Where was it bought?
942280	947280	你的这个茶杯很好,是在什么地方买的?
947280	949280	Number 12
949280	951280	Sorry to bother you.
951280	961280	I have $100 US in travelers checks here.
961280	967280	麻烦你,我这儿有100块美金的旅行支票。
967280	971280	Please change it for me.
971280	974280	请你给我换换。
974280	976280	Number 13
976280	985280	What time does the bank open and what time does it close?
985280	991280	银行几点钟开门,几点钟关门。
991280	1000280	It opens at 9 o'clock and closes at 3 o'clock.
1000280	1004280	九点钟开门,三点钟关门。
1004280	1008280	It's half past two now.
1008280	1011280	现在两点半。
1011280	1013280	Number 14
1013280	1024280	Of our household things, some have arrived and some haven't arrived yet.
1024280	1029280	我们家里的东西有的到了,有的还没到。
1029280	1031280	Number 15
1031280	1036280	How do you want to change it?
1036280	1039280	你要怎么换?
1039280	1044280	Would you give me two fives please?
1044280	1049280	请你给我两张五块的吧。
1049280	1051280	Number 16
1051280	1056280	I want to change some money into Taipei.
1056280	1059280	我要换台币。
1059280	1070280	Ok, $1 US is $38台币。
1070280	1076280	好,一块美金换38块台币。
1076280	1079280	Number 17
1079280	1082280	Some of the dishes they sell are really good looking,
1082280	1091280	but they're a little more expensive.
1091280	1098280	他们卖的盘子丸有的真好看,可是贵一点。
1098280	1100280	Number 18
1100280	1107280	Do you accept US currency?
1107280	1110280	你们收美金不收?
1110280	1117280	Sorry, we don't accept US currency.
1117280	1121280	对不起,我们不收美金。
1121280	1123280	Number 19
1123280	1126280	Those dishes I bought were all not too expensive.
1126280	1137280	Expensive ones I didn't buy.
1137280	1143280	我买的那些盘子丸都不太贵,贵的我没买。
1143280	1145280	Number 20
1145280	1150280	What did you buy?
1150280	1153280	你们买什么了?
1153280	1157280	I bought dishes.
1157280	1160280	我买盘子丸了。
1160280	1162280	Number 21
1162280	1164280	Please wait a moment.
1164280	1166280	I'll be right back.
1166280	1173280	请你等一等,我就来。
1173280	1175280	Number 22
1175280	1180280	Is there a bank here?
1180280	1183280	这儿有没有银行?
1183280	1190280	There is. The bank is right over there.
1190280	1194280	有,银行就在那。
1194280	1195280	Number 23
1195280	1201280	How many dishes did you buy?
1201280	1205280	您买了多少盘子丸?
1205280	1217280	I bought ten rice bowls and ten large plates.
1217280	1221280	我买了十个饭碗,十个大盘子。
1221280	1224280	Number 24
1224280	1232280	Please give me some small bills. Would that be all right?
1232280	1237280	请给我点小票子,行不行?
1237280	1239280	Number 25
1239280	1246280	May I ask, is it here that I change money?
1246280	1250280	请问,是不是在这儿换钱?
1250280	1253280	Yes, it is here that you change it.
1253280	1258280	是,是在这换。
1258280	1261280	Number 26
1261280	1269280	What color are your rice bowls?
1269280	1272280	你的饭碗是什么颜色的?
1272280	1275280	They are blue ones.
1275280	1277280	是蓝的。
1277280	1282280	I like blue ones too.
1282280	1285280	我也喜欢蓝的。
1285280	1287280	Number 27
1287280	1290280	It's nothing.
1290280	1293280	没什么。
1293280	1295280	Number 28
1295280	1301280	What's today's exchange rate?
1301280	1304280	今天的牌价是多少?
1304280	1311280	Today's exchange rate is $1.00 US to $1.96人民币。
1311280	1318280	If you had any problems with these sentences, rewind the tape and work on them some more.
1318280	1321280	This is the end of the tape.
1321280	1324280	End of money module, units 4 through 6.
1324280	1342280	Review tape 1.