Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 2
     A mother and her son who immigrated to America from China five years ago
are talking after dinner:
A: Xiao Ming, nǐ zai chi yidiǎnr	Xiao Ming, have some more to eat. a.
B: Mā, wo chībao le, bu xiang chi	工full,Mom. I don*t want any
 le.	more.
A: Měitian nian shu niande zhěme	You study so late every day,
wan, zai bu du5 chi yidiǎnr,	if you keep eating so little, how
   zěnme xing na?	will that do?
B: Wo zhende chibǎo le, yidiǎnr	工*ve really had enough. I Just
   d5u bu xiǎng chī le.	don!t want any more.
A: Haizi, nī you shěnme xīnshi	Son, what do you have on your
    Kě bu kěyi he wo tāntan?	mind? Can you talk about it
                                        vith me?
B: Mā, ni zuoxia. Zanmen lai	Mom, sit down. Wefve been in
Měiguo siwǔnian le, laide shihou	America for four or five years now.
wo hai shi ge hāizi, xianzai	When we came I was still a child,
    yǐ j īng shi daren le. Wo	but now Ifm an adult. But even
suīran zhǎngda le, kěshi zuo	though Ifve grown up, whenever I
    shěnme shir, haishi xiang xian	do something I still like to
   he nin tantan.	discuss it with you first.
A: Hǎode, you shěnme shir, nī	Okay, if you have something
   jiu shuo ba!	you'd like to talk about, go
B: Mā, wS you jǐge Měiguo tong-	Mom, I have a few American class-
    xuě, d5u shi xuě Zhongwěnde,	mates who study Chinese. This
jīnnian shujia, tāmen xiǎng dao	suiomer vacation, they want to go
Yazhou qu kankan, wo yě xiang	to Asia, and 工*d like to go with
   he tamen yiqǐ qū.	them.
A: Dou shi nianqīng rěn ma?	Are they all yoiing people?
B: Shi a, d5u shi daxuěsheng.	Yes, they1re all college students,
A: Tāmen qu Yazhou, shi qū vanr	Are they going to Asia for fun or
haishi qu yanj iū YazhSude	to study the political and cultural
    zhěngzhi, wěnhua qingxing?	situation in Asia?
B: Wo xiang, tāmen juěde YazhSu	工 think they find Asian culture
wěnhua hěn you yisi, YazhSu	and the social situation in the Asian
    gěguo shěhuide qingkuang yě	countries very interesting, hěn you yisi.
Unit 1
A: Tāmen juěde zui you yiside	Which place do they think is the
   difang shi nar a?	most interesting?
B: Dangran shi Zhongguo!	China, of course!
A: Nī likai Zhongguo zhi you	You left China only four or five
siwunian, jiu xiSng huiqu le?	years ago, and already you vant to
                                            go "back again?
B: Wo laide shihou cai shang	When I came I was only in senior
 gāozhong> dui Zhongguo wěnhua	high, and ī understood too little
 dongdede tai shao. Wo xiang	a"bout Chinese culture. I think I
    wo yinggai huīqu kankan.	ought to go "back to visit.
A: Zhongguode věnhua yǐj īng you	Chinese culture already has four
siqianniānde lishJ, ySu yiside	thousand years of history, and there
dongxi hen duo. Ni yao yanjiū	are many interesting things. I’m not
Zhongguo wěnhua, wo bu fǎndui•	against your vanting to study Chinese
Buguo, zou yiqiān, nī yiding	culture. But "before you go you have
yao he Yěye haohaor tSn yici.	to talk it over thoroughly with Grand-
Ta jishinian měiyou huiqu le,	pa. He hasn’t "been "back in several
y£ding you hen duo hua yao he	decades and I’m sure he’ll have a lot
  ni shu5.	to say to you.
B: Wo jizhu le, yiding he Yěye	I111 remem'ber. I111 make sure I
haohaor tanyitan.	talk it over thoroughly vith Grandpa.