1. A: Nǐ dào náli qù? 你到哪里去? Where are you going? 4 1 FSI-Chinese B: Wǒ dào kāfēitīng qù. 我到咖啡厅去。 I'm going to a coffeehouse 4 1 FSI-Chinese 2. B: Nǐ zhīdao bu zhidao Huáměi Kāfēitīng? 你知道不知道华美咖啡厅? Do you know of the Huáměi Coffeehouse? 4 1 FSI-Chinese A: Bù zhīdào. 不知道。 No, I don't. 4 1 FSI-Chinese 3. A: Dào nàli qù, zěnme zǒu? 到哪里去,怎么走? How do I get there? 4 1 FSI-Chinese 4. C: Cóng zhèli wàng zuǒ zǒu. 从这里往左走。 From here you go to the left. 4 1 FSI-Chinese 5. C: Dàole lùkǒu, zài wàng yòu zǒu. 到了路口,再往右走。 When you have reached the intersection, then you go to the right. 4 1 FSI-Chinese 6. C: Dàole lùkǒu, zài wàng yòu zǒu, jiù dāo le. 到了路口,再往右走,就到了。 When you have reached the intersection, then you go to the right, and then you're there. 4 1 FSI-Chinese 7. A: Wǒ xiān wàng zuǒ zǒu, duì bu dui? 我先往左走,对不对? First I go to the left. Is that correct? 4 1 FSI-Chinese C: Duì le. 对了。 That's correct. 4 1 FSI-Chinese 8. A: Ránhòu ne? 然后呢? And after that? 4 1 FSI-Chinese C: Ránhòu, dàole lùkǒu, zài wàng yòu. 然后,到了路口,再往右。 After that, when you have reached the intersection, then you go to the right. 4 1 FSI-Chinese A: Hǎo, wǒ zhīdao le. Xièxie. 好,我知道了。 Good, I’ve got it now. Thank you. 4 1 FSI-Chinese 9. A: Qǐngwèn, cóng zhèli dào yínháng qù, wàng yòu zǒu, duì bu dui? 请问,从这里到银行去,往友走,对不对? May I ask, to get from here to the bank you go to the right. Is that correct? 4 1 FSI-Chinese B: Bú shi, cóng zhèli yìzhí zǒu. 不是,从这里一直走。 No, from here you go straight. 4 1 FSI-Chinese 10. fànguǎnzi (fànguǎnr) 饭馆子 (饭馆儿) restaurant 4 1 FSI-Chinese 11. shāngdiàn 商店 store, shop (Taipei) 4 1 FSI-Chinese 12. pùzi 铺子 store, shop (Běijīng) 4 1 FSI-Chinese 13. xuéxiào 学校 school 4 1 FSI-Chinese 14. fángzi 房子 house 4 1 FSI-Chinese 15. xiàng 向 towards 4 1 FSI-Chinese