1.	A:	Huáng Kēzhǎng, Huáng Tàitai, huānyíng, huānyíng.	黄科长,黄太太,欢迎欢迎。	Section Chief Huáng, Mrs. Huáng—welcome.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
	A:	Qǐng jìn.	请进。	Please come in.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
2.	B:	Fù Tàitai, nín hǎo?	富太太,您好?	How are you, Mrs. Franklin?	6	4	FSI-Chinese
	B:	Zhè shi yìdiǎn xiǎo yìsi.	这是一点小意思。	Here is a small token of appreciation.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
3.	B:	Wǒ zhīdào nín xǐhuan shānshuǐ huà.	我知道您喜欢山水画。	I know you like landscape paintings.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
	B:	Tèbiě qǐng péngyou gěi nín huàle yìzhang.	特别请朋友给您画了一张。	I asked a friend to paint one especially for you.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
	*A:	Nín zhēn shi tài kèqi. Xièxie.	您真是太客气。谢谢。	You are really too polite. Thanks.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
	A:	Lái, wǒ gěi nīmen jièshao jièshao.	来,我给你们介绍介绍。	Come. I’ll introduce the two of you.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
4.	A:	Zhèiwei shi He Jiàoshòu, zài Táidà jiāo jīngjixué.	这位是何教授,在台大教经济学。	This is Professor Hollins, who teaches economics at Táiwān University.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
	A:	Hé Jiàoshòu, zhèiwei shi Huáng Kēzhǎng, zài Táiwān Yínháng gōngzuò.	何教授,这位是黄科长,在台湾银行工作。	Professor Hollins, this is Section Chief Huáng, who works at the Bank of Táiwān.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
	A:	Zhèiwei shi Huáng Tàitai.	这位是黄太太。	This is Mrs. Huáng.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
5.	B:	Jiǔyǎng, jiǔyǎng.	久仰,久仰。	Glad to meet you.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
	B:	Nín láile duó jiǔ le?	您来了多久了?	How long have you been here?	6	4	FSI-Chinese
	C:	Jiǔyǎng. Wǒ gāng lai liǎngge yuè.	久仰。我刚来两个月。	Glad to meet you. It has been only two months since I came.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
6.	C:	Hái yǒu hěn duō bù shóuxide dìfang.	还有很多不熟悉的地方。	There is still much I’m not familiar with.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
	C:	Yǐhòu hái yào xiàng nín qǐngjiào.	以后还要向您请教。	Later I’ll need to request more  advice from you.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
7.	B:	Náli, náli.	哪里,哪里。	Not at all, not at all.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
	B:	Xīwàng yǐhòu yǒu jīhui duō jiànmiàn.	希望以后有机会多见面。	I hope that in the future we will have an opportunity to meet more.	6	4	FSI-Chinese
8.		fāngfǎ	方法	method, way, means	6	4	FSI-Chinese
9.		fázi	法子	method, way	6	4	FSI-Chinese
10.		huàr	画儿	painting (Běijīng pronunciation)	6	4	FSI-Chinese
11.		qǐng zuò	请坐	please sit down	6	4	FSI-Chinese
12.		shèhuìxué	社会学	sociology	6	4	FSI-Chinese
13.		túshūguǎn	图书馆	library	6	4	FSI-Chinese
14.		zuò	坐	to sit	6	4	FSI-Chinese