cháng 常 often WLF 1 FSI-Chinese chángcháng 常常 often WLF 1 FSI-Chinese cháoshǐ 潮湿 to be humid WLF 1 FSI-Chinese chéng 城 city, town WLF 1 FSI-Chinese chèngli 城里 in the city WLF 1 FSI-Chinese chūntiān (chūntian) 春天 spring WLF 1 FSI-Chinese dōngtiān (dōngtian) 冬天 winter WLF 1 FSI-Chinese duǎn 短 to be short WLF 1 FSI-Chinese fēng 风 wind WLF 1 FSI-Chinese fěngjǐng 风景 scenery WLF 1 FSI-Chinese fùjìn (fùjìn) 附近 area, neighborhood WLF 1 FSI-Chinese guā 刮 to blow (of wind, typhoons, etc.) WLF 1 FSI-Chinese hǎibiān(r) 海边(儿) seashore WLF 1 FSI-Chinese hé 河 river WLF 1 FSI-Chinese hú 湖 lake WLF 1 FSI-Chinese huánjìng 环境 environment WLF 1 FSI-Chinese juéde 觉得 to feel WLF 1 FSI-Chinese kāishǐ 开始 to begin, to start WLF 1 FSI-Chinese kōngqì (kōngqi) 空气 air WLF 1 FSI-Chinese kōngqì wūrǎn 空气污染 air pollution WLF 1 FSI-Chinese lěng 冷 to be cold WLF 1 FSI-Chinese liángkuai 凉快 to be cool WLF 1 FSI-Chinese líkāi 离开 to leave WLF 1 FSI-Chinese nuǎnhuo 暖和 to be warm WLF 1 FSI-Chinese qìhòu (qìhou) 气候 climate WLF 1 FSI-Chinese qíng 清 to be clear WLF 1 FSI-Chinese qǐngjìng 请静 to be quiet WLF 1 FSI-Chinese qiūtiān (qiūtian) 秋天 fall, autumn WLF 1 FSI-Chinese rè 热 to be hot WLF 1 FSI-Chinese rénkǒu 人口 population WLF 1 FSI-Chinese sēnlín 森林 forest WLF 1 FSI-Chinese shān 山 mountain WLF 1 FSI-Chinese shǎo 少 to be few; seldom WLF 1 FSI-Chinese táifēng 台风 typhoon WLF 1 FSI-Chinese tiān 天 sky, heaven WLF 1 FSI-Chinese tiānqì (tiānqi) 天气 weather WLF 1 FSI-Chinese tīngshuō 听说 to hear that, to hear it said WLF 1 FSI-Chinese wūrǎn 污染 pollution WLF 1 FSI-Chinese xiǎng 想 to miss, to think of WLF 1 FSI-Chinese xiāngxià (xiāngxià) 乡下 to he in the country, the countryside WLF 1 FSI-Chinese xiàtiān (xiàtiān) 夏天 summer WLF 1 FSI-Chinese xià xuě 下雪 to snow WLF 1 FSI-Chinese xià yǔ 下雨 to rain WLF 1 FSI-Chinese xīnxiān (xīnxian) 新鲜 fresh WLF 1 FSI-Chinese yǒu(de) shíhou 有的时候 sometimes WLF 1 FSI-Chinese zuì 最 most, -est WLF 1 FSI-Chinese zuǒyòu 左右 approximately, about WLF 1 FSI-Chinese