bāng máng 帮忙 to help, to aid, to assist WLF 6 FSI-Chinese bèi 被 by (indicates the one who carries out the action in a passive sentence) WLF 6 FSI-Chinese -buliǎo 不了 unable to ... (verb ending) WLF 6 FSI-Chinese dǎ diànhuà 打电话 to make a phone call, to telephone WLF 6 FSI-Chinese diànhuà 电话 telephone, telephone call WLF 6 FSI-Chinese dìqū 地区 area, region WLF 6 FSI-Chinese diū 丟 to lose WLF 6 FSI-Chinese dòng 动 to move WLF 6 FSI-Chinese dòngbuliǎo 东不了 unable to move WLF 6 FSI-Chinese duàn 断 to sever, to break WLF 6 FSI-Chinese fānyì 翻译 to interpret, to translate WLF 6 FSI-Chinese fāxiàn 发现 to discover WLF 6 FSI-Chinese Góng’ānjú 公安局 Bureau of Public Security (PRC) WLF 6 FSI-Chinese gútou 骨头 bone WLF 6 FSI-Chinese gùyì 故意 intentionally, willfully, on purpose WLF 6 FSI-Chinese jiàshǐ 驾驶 driver, pilot; to drive, to pilot WLF 6 FSI-Chinese jiàshǐ zhízhào 驾驶执照 driver’s license WLF 6 FSI-Chinese jǐngchá 警察 policeman WLF 6 FSI-Chinese jǐngchájú 警察局 police station WLF 6 FSI-Chinese jiùhùchē 救护车 ambulance WLF 6 FSI-Chinese jūnshì 军事 military WLF 6 FSI-Chinese kān 看 to look after, to watch over WLF 6 FSI-Chinese -liàng -辆 (counter for vehicles) WLF 6 FSI-Chinese lǐng 领 to collect, to pick up (something which is issued) WLF 6 FSI-Chinese liú xuě (xiě, xuè) 流血 to bleed WLF 6 FSI-Chinese lùbiān(r) 路边 side of the road WLF 6 FSI-Chinese mǎshàng 马上 immediately WLF 6 FSI-Chinese mótuōchē (mōtuōchē) 摩托车 motorcycle WLF 6 FSI-Chinese páizi 牌子 sign, poster, plate; brand name, trade mark WLF 6 FSI-Chinese qí 骑 to ride by straddling WLF 6 FSI-Chinese ràng 让 to let, to allow, to cause someone to do something WLF 6 FSI-Chinese shéi 谁 someone WLF 6 FSI-Chinese shìqing 事情 matter, affair, business, thing WLF 6 FSI-Chinese -sǐle 死了 like crazy, to death (state verb ending) WLF 6 FSI-Chinese tái 抬 to carry (by two or more people) WLF 6 FSI-Chinese téngsǐ le 疼死了 to hurt like crazy, to hurt to death (figuratively) WLF 6 FSI-Chinese tuǐ 腿 leg WLF 6 FSI-Chinese wàishì 外事 foreign affairs WLF 6 FSI-Chinese wàiguó 外国 foreign country WLF 6 FSI-Chinese wéixiǎn (wēixiǎn) 危险 to be dangerous, to be perilous, danger WLF 6 FSI-Chinese yàoburán 要不然 otherwise, or else WLF 6 FSI-Chinese yóuyǒng 游泳 to swim WLF 6 FSI-Chinese zāogāo 糟糕 oh no! how awful! how terrible! what a mess!; to be awful WLF 6 FSI-Chinese zhāojí 着急 to get upset, to be anxious, to be worried WLF 6 FSI-Chinese zhào xiàng 照相 to take a picture WLF 6 FSI-Chinese -zhe -着 marker of duration for actions and states WLF 6 FSI-Chinese zhuàng 撞 to bump into, to run into, to collide with WLF 6 FSI-Chinese zhùyì (zhùyi) 注意 to pay attention, to take notice WLF 6 FSI-Chinese