1 Nín míngtiān lái ma? 您明天来了吗? Are you coming tomorrow? Bù zhīdào nín míngtiān lái bu lái. 不知道您明天来不来。 I don't know whether you are coming tomorrow or not. 6 1 FSI-Chinese 2. Tā zǒu le ma? 他/她走了吗? Has he/she gone? Bù zhīdào tā zǒu le meiyou. 不知道他/她走了没有。 I don't know whether he/she has gone or not. 6 1 FSI-Chinese 2. Nín yǒu gōngfu ma? 您有功夫吗? Do you have free time? Bù zhīdào nín yǒu gōngfu meiyou. 不知道您有功夫没有。 I don't know whether you have free time or not. 6 1 FSI-Chinese 3. Tā zuótiān qù le ma? 他/她昨天去了吗? Did he/she go yesterday? Bù zhīdào tā zuótiān qù le meiyou, 不知道他/她昨天去了没有。 I don't know whether he/she went yesterday. 6 1 FSI-Chinese 4. Tā yǒu qiǎn ma? 他/她有钱吗? Does he/she have money? Bù zhīdào tā yǒu qián meiyou. 不知道他/她有钱没有。 I don't know whether he/she have money or not. 6 1 FSI-Chinese 5. Tā hái yào ma? 他/她还要吗? Does he/she still want it? Bù zhīdào tā hái yào bu yào. 不知道他/她还要不要。 I don't know whether he/she still wants it. 6 1 FSI-Chinese 6. Tā mǎi le ma? 他/她买了吗? Did he/she buy? Bù zhīdào tā mǎi le meiyou. 不知道他/她买了没有。 I don't know whether he/she did buy or not. 6 1 FSI-Chinese