1. Nǐ shénme shíhou chūqu? 你什么时候出去? What time are you going out? Wǒ yìhuǐr jiù chūqu. 我有一会儿就出去。 I'm going out in Just a little while. 6 1 FSI-Chinese 2. Nǐ chūqu duó jiǔ? 你出去多久。 For how long are you going out? Wǒ jiù chūqu yìhuīr. 我就出去一会儿。 I'm Just going out for a little while 6 1 FSI-Chinese 3. Nǐ shénme shíhou chūlai? 你什么时候出来? What time are you coming out? Wǒ yìhuǐr jiù chūlai. 我一会儿就出来。 I'll be out in a moment. 6 1 FSI-Chinese 4. Nǐ qù duó jiǔ? 你去多久? How long are you going? Wǒ jiù qù yìhuǐr. 我就去一会儿。 I'll just go for a while. 6 1 FSI-Chinese 5. Tā shénme shíhou lái? 他/她什么时候来? What time does he/she come? Tā yìhuǐr jiù lái. 他/她一会儿就去 。 He/she will be there later 6 1 FSI-Chinese 6. Tā kàn duó jiǔ? 他/她看多久? How long does he/she look at it? Tā jiù kàn yìhuǐr. 他/她就看一会儿。 He/she just watches for a while. 6 1 FSI-Chinese 7. Nǐ shénme shíhou zǒu? 你什么时候走? What time are you leaving? Wǒ yìhuǐr jiù zǒu. 我一会儿就走。 I'll leave in a while. 6 1 FSI-Chinese