1. Yīnwei shàngwǔ wǒmen yǒu yàojǐnde shì, suóyi gǎidào xiàwǔ le. 因为上午我们有要紧的事,所以改到下午了。 Because we have some important business in the morning, we will have to change to the afternoon. Lín Zhǔrèn bù néng lái 林主任不能来 Lín Zhǔrèn cannot come Yīnwei shàngwǔ Lín Zhǔrèn bù néng lái, suóyi gāidào xiàwǔ le. 因为上午林主任不能来,所以改到下午了。 Because Director Lín cannot come in the morning, we will have to change to the afternoon. 6 5 FSI-Chinese 2. Yīnwei shàngwǔ Lín Zhǔrèn bù néng lái, suóyi gǎidào xiàwǔ le. 因为上午林主任不能来,所以改到下午了。 Because Lín Zhǔrèn cannot come in the morning, we will have to change to the afternoon. tā zài Wàijiāobù kāi huì 他在外交部开会 he has a meeting at the foreign ministry Yīnwei shàngwǔ tā zài Wàijiāobù kāi huì, suóyi gǎidào xiàwǔ le. 因为上午他在外交部开会,所以改到下午了。 Because he had a meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the morning, we will have to change to the afternoon. 6 5 FSI-Chinese 3. Yīnwei shàngwǔ tā zài Wàijiāobù kāi huì, suóyi gǎidào xiàwǔ le. 因为上午他在外交部开会,所以改到下午了。 Because he had a meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the morning, we will have to change to the afternoon. wǒ děi jiāo shū 我得教书 I have to teach Yīnwei shàngwǔ wǒ děi jiāo shū, suóyi gǎidào xiàwǔ le. 因为上午我得教书,所以改到下午了。 Because I have to teach in the morning, we will have to change to the afternoon. 6 5 FSI-Chinese 4. Yīnwei shàngwǔ wǒ děi jiāo shū, suóyi gǎidào xiàwǔ le. 因为上午我得教书,所以改到下午了。 Because I have to teach in the morning, we will have to change to the afternoon. wǒ děi dào Dàshiguān qù 我得到大使馆去 i have to go to the embassy Yīnwei shàngwǔ wǒ děi dào Dàshiguān qù, suóyi gǎidào xiàwǔ le. 因为上午我得到大使馆去,所以改到下午了。 Because I have to go to the embassy in the morning, we will have to change to the afternoon. 6 5 FSI-Chinese 5. Yīnwei shàngwǔ wǒ děi dào Dàshiguān qù, suóyi gǎidào xiàwǔ le. 因为上午我得到大使馆去,所以改到下午了。 Because I have to go to the embassy in the morning, we will have to change to the afternoon. wǒ děi gēn Wǔ Xiānsheng dāngmiàn tántan 我得跟伍先生当面谈谈 I need to speak to Mr. Wu face to face Yīnwei shàngwǔ wǒ děi gēn Wǔ Xiānsheng dāngmiàn tántan, suóyi gǎidào xiàwǔ le. 因为上午我得跟伍先生当面谈谈,所以改到下午了。 Because I had to have a face-to-face meeting with Mr. Wu in the morning, we will have to change to the afternoon. 6 5 FSI-Chinese 6. Yīnwei shàngwǔ wǒ děi gēn Wǔ Xiānsheng dāngmiàn tántan, suóyi gǎidào xiàwǔ le. 因为上午我得跟伍先生当面谈谈,所以改到下午了。 Because I had to have a face-to-face meeting with Mr. Wu in the morning, we will have to change to the afternoon. wǒ méi gōngfu 我没工夫 I have no time Yīnwei shàngwǔ wǒ méi gōngfu, suóyi gǎidào xiàwǔ le. 因为上午我没工夫,所以改到下午了。 Because I have no time in the morning, we will have to change to the afternoon. 6 5 FSI-Chinese