1. B: Wài. 喂 Hello. 6 5 FSI-Chinese A: Wài, shi Wàijiāobù ma? 喂,是外交部吗? Hello. Is this the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? 6 5 FSI-Chinese A: Wǒ yào zhǎo Lín Sīzhang shuō huà. 我要找林司长说话。 I want to speak with Department Chief Lín. 6 5 FSI-Chinese 2. B: Nín shi nǎr a? 您是哪儿? Who is this? 6 5 FSI-Chinese A: Wǒ xìng Lèkēláiěr. Wǒ shi Fǎguo Dàshiguǎnde Shāngwù Jīngjiguān. 我姓勒克莱尔。我是法国大使馆的商务经济官。 My name is Leclaire. I am the Commercial/Ecomonics Officer from the French Embassy. 6 5 FSI-Chinese B: Nín děngyiděng, wǒ gěi nín kànkan tā zài bu zai. 您等一等,我给您看看他在不在。 Wait a moment. I’ll see whether he is here or not. 6 5 FSI-Chinese 3. B: Wài, tā zhèihuǐr bú zài. Nín yào liú ge huàr ma? 喂,他这会儿不在。您要留个话儿吗? Hello. He is not here at the moment. Would you like to leave a message? 6 5 FSI-Chinese A: Láojià, tā huílaide shíhou, nín qǐng ta gěi wǒ dǎ ge diànhuà. 劳驾,他回来的时候,您请他给我打个电话。 When he comes back, please ask him to give me a phone call. 6 5 FSI-Chinese 4. B: Hǎo, qǐng nín bǎ nínde diànhuà hàomǎr gàosong wǒ. Wǒ xiěxiàlái. 好,请您把您的电话号儿告诵我, 我写下来。 All right. Please tell me your phone number. I’ll write it down. 6 5 FSI-Chinese A: Wǒde diànhuà shi wǔ èr yāo-sān sān yāo. My phone number is 521-331. 6 5 FSI-Chinese 5. C: Duìbuqǐ, nǐ gāngcǎi géi wo dǎ diànhuà, wō bú zài. 对不起。你刚才给我打电话,我不在。 I’m sorry. When you called me just now, I wasn’t in. 6 5 FSI-Chinese C: Nǐ yǒu shì ma? 你有事吗? Can I help you with something? 6 5 FSI-Chinese A: Shì a! Wǒ nèitiān gēn nín yuēhǎole míngtiān shídiǎn dào nín bàngōngshì qu tántan. 是啊!我那天跟您约好了明天十点到您办公室去谈谈。 Yes, you can. The other day I made an appointment with you to go to your office at ten o’clock tomorrow for a talk. 6 5 FSI-Chinese 6. A: Yīnwei míngtiān zǎoshang wǒ yǒu yíjiàn yàojǐnde shì, suóyi xiǎng wèn nín wǒmen néng bu néng gǎi dào xiàwǔ. 因为明天早上我有要紧的事,所以想问您我们能不能改到下午。 Because I have an urgent business matter tomorrow morning, I want to ask you whether we can change it [the appointment] to the afternoon. 6 5 FSI-Chinese *C: Xiàwǔ shénme shíhou? 下午什么时候? What time in the afternoon? 6 5 FSI-Chinese A: Nín kàn xiàwǔ sān-sìdiǎn zěnmeyàng? Duì nín fāngbian bu fangbian? 您看下午三四点怎么样?对您方便不方便? What do you think of three or four in the afternoon? Is that convenient for you? 6 5 FSI-Chinese C: Sìdiǎn bǐ sāndiǎn hǎo. Wǒ sāndiān zhōng děi kāi huì. 四点比三点好。我三点中得开会。 Four would be better than three. I have to attend a meeting at three o’clock. 6 5 FSI-Chinese A: Hǎo ba. Nà míngtiān sìdiǎn zhōng jiàn. 好吧。那明天四点钟见。 All right. Well then, see you at four o’clock tomorrow. 6 5 FSI-Chinese C: Hǎo, wǒ sìdiǎn zhōng děng ni. 好,我四点钟等你。 All right. I’ll wait for you at four o’clock. 6 5 FSI-Chinese 7. háishi 还是 still 6 5 FSI-Chinese 8. wàiguo 外国 foreign, abroad 6 5 FSI-Chinese 9. wàiguo rén 外国人 foreigner (non-Chinese) 6 5 FSI-Chinese 10. wūzi (yìjiān) 屋子 (一间) room 6 5 FSI-Chinese 11. yāo 幺 one (telephone pronunciation) 6 5 FSI-Chinese