1. Wèi,nǐ shi Zhū Kēzhǎng ma? 喂, 你是朱科長嗎? Hello. Are you Section Chief Zhū? Shì. Nín shi něiwèi? 是。您是哪位? Yes. Who is this, please? Wǒ shi Wēilián Mǎdīng 我是威廉馬丁。 I’m William Martin. Òu,Mǎdīng Xiānsheng,hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn. 哦, 馬丁先生, 好久不見。 Oh, Mr. Martin—I haven’t seen you for a long time. 2. Wo yǒu diǎnr shì xiǎng gēn nín dāngmiàn tántan. 我有點兒事想跟您當面談談。 I have something I would like to talk with you about in person. 3. Nín yǒu gōngfu meiyou? 您有功夫沒有? Do you have any free time? 4. Shénme shíhou duì nín héshì? 什麽時候對您合適? What time would suit you? 5. Sāndiǎn bǐ liǎngdiǎn fāngbian yìdiǎnr. Yīnwei wǒ yìhuǐr chūqu,yěxǔ liǎngdiǎn huíbulái. 三點比兩點方便一點兒。因爲一會兒出去,也許兩點回不來。 Three would be more convenient than two. Since I’m going out in a little while, I might not be able to get back by two. Nàme,wǒ sāndiǎn zhōng zài lóuxiàde huìkèshì děng nín. 那麽, 我三點鐘在樓下的會客室等您。 Well then, I’ll wait for you in the reception room downstairs at three o’clock. 6. huídelái 回得來 to be able to get back in time 7. kòng(r) 空(兒) free time, spare time 8. lóushàng 樓上 upstairs 9. shāngliang 商量 to discuss, to talk over 10. yǒu kòng(r) 有空(兒) to have free time