Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 2 In Tiānjīn, a grandmother talks with her high school age daughter. A: Xiǎolán, kàn hào na! Reading the paper, Xiǎolán? B: Nǎinai, jǐntiǎn hàoshang shuōle, Yíge zuì hǎo, liǎngge gòu le, sānge tài duō! Grandma, today it says in the paper, One is best, two are enough, three are too many! A: Shénme? Yíge zuì hǎo? Wǒ méi tīngmínghai. What? One is best? I don't understand. B: Nà shi shuō shēng háizi, shēng yíge zuì hǎo, liǎngge jiù gòu le, sānge tài duō. It's about having children. It's best to have one, two are enough, and three are too many. A: _(w)Shēng yíge zuì hǎo? Shēng ge nuháizi zěnme hàn? Hái děi zài shēng yíge nánde ma! It's best to have one? What do you do if you have a girl? Then you have to try to have a boy! B: Ei, nǎinai, nuháizi you shenme hù hǎo? Nánháizi yě hǎo, nuháizi yě hǎo, dōu shi zìjīde háizi ya! But Grandma, what's wrong with girls? Boys or girls, they're all one's own children! A: Nà hù yíyàng, nuháizi jiēle hūn, shēngle háizi, háizi děi xing zhàngfude xìngr, nī xiǎng nánháizi he nuháizi yíyàng ma? It's not the same thing. When a girl gets married and has a child, the child has to take the husband's surname. You think boys are the same as girls? B: _(w)Nà wǒ hù tongyì. Nín yě shi nude, nín wèishenme nàme kànbuqī fùnu a? That I don't agree with. You're a woman too. Why do you look down on women so much? A: Bu shi kànhuqǐ, shèhuìde qíng xing jiù shi zhèiyangr. Nǐ yéye xing Zhāng, wǒ zìjǐ xing LǏ, jiēhūn yǐhòu rénjia jiào wo Zhāng Lǐ Shi, zěnme méiyou rén jiào wo Lǐ Zhāng Shi? It's not that I look down on them. That's the way society is. Your grandfather's name is Zhāng and mine is Lǐ. After we got married people called me Zhāng LǏ Shi. Why didn't anyone call me Lǐ Zhāng Shi! B: Zhèi shi jiù fēngsú, xiànzài méiyou zhèixiē shuōfǎr le. Wǒ shi Zhāng Xiǎolán, jiēhūn yǐhòu wǒ hái shi Zhāng Xiǎolán. That's the old custom. Those terms aren't used anymore. I'm Zhāng Xiǎolán, and after I get married I'll still be Zhāng Xiǎolán. A: Yǐhòu háizi yě xing Zhāng ma? And will your children use the surname Zhāng too? B: Zěnme bù kéyi, nín kàn duìmiànr- de Wáng Āyí, yǒule háizi jiào Wang Lin, yě méiyou rén shuō bù kéyi ma! Zài shuō, duō shēng háizi you shénme hǎochur, dajiā shōurù dōu bù duō, háizi duōle, dàren duō kǔ! Why not? Look at Auntie Wáng across the way. When she had her child it was called Wáng LÍn, and no one said there was anything wrong with that. Besides, what’s the advantage in having a lot of children? Everyone has a small income, and if there are a lot of children, how hard it is for the adults! A: Hǎole, hāole, jiù suàn nǐ shuōde duì. Kuài chī fàn ba! Chīwánle hái děi shàng xué qu na! Okay, okay, let’s say you’re right. Hurry up and eat! You have to go to school after you finish eating!