VOCABULARY Module & Unit ai to love 了.6 ai shang to fall in love vith 了.6 ānding to be peaceful and stable, to be 了•了 quiet and settled "bata father, dad, papa 了.U "bait iān daytime 了.3 -"ban (counter for class of students) 了.3* "bang to "be great, to be fantastic,to be 了•&•,了•了* terrific "bang mang to help; help 了.U "bangzhu to help; help; as a help to,for 了.2 "bao to wrap 了.8* "bSochi to keep, to preserve, to maintain 了.5 bǎohu to protect 了.6 běihou "behind someone1 s "back 了 .2* -běizi all one1s life, lifetime 了.2 "běnlai originally, in the "beginning, at first; 了•了 to begin with, in the first place "benren herself, himself, oneself,野self, 了.6* etc. "bī to compare 了.1* "bian to change,to become different 了.3 bianchěng to change into 了.2' 了.3 bJci each other, one another, both; the 了-5* same to you "bingren sick person,patient 了.3* b6mǔ aunt (wife of father1s elder brother); 了.8 (term for the mother of one1s friend) "boshi Ph.D. 7.2* "bii fangxīn to worry 了.3* "bu guan no matter (vhat, whether, etc.) 了.5*,了.6 "bu huāng "bu mang calm, not the least "bit flustered 了 .8* bū Jian "bū san donft leave until vefve met up 了•了* "bu Jiandān not ordinary,not commonplace; remark- 了•了* able "bu něng "bu to have to,must 了•了 "bu shǎo to "be quite a lot,to be much, to 了•紅 be many "bii shi. •. Jiu shi." if it isnft.. .then it1 s; either... 了.了 or... "bii xiang hua to be ridiculous, to be outrageous, 了.6 to be absurd (talk, acts, etc.) SOC, Vocabulary 2了 2 Module & Unit cāi only (before an amount) 了.3 cai only in that case, only under this 了.5 condition cāichan property 了 • U canjiā to participate in, to take part in; 了.6 to Join; to attend chang to "be long 了.1 chāng gě to sing (songs) 了.6* chao to "be noisy; to disturb "by making 了.8 noise chaoxing to wake (someone) up "by "being noisy 了.8 -chěng (verb ending) into 了.3 chěngshi city; urtan 了.6 chěngyuanguo member country 了.6* chituxiaqu to "be unatle to eat 了.3 chī ku to suffer, to undergo hardship T.U chou yān to smoke (totacco) 了.6 chuang "bed 了-2*, 了.5* chuāntong tradition, traditional 了.1 conglai ever (up till now),always (up till 了.3 now) conglai "bu/mei never (up till now) 了.3 cong. .. (Ver"b)-qī to "begin (Vert)-ing from". 了.了 cūnr village 了 .6* dāduoshu(r) the great majority 了.5 -dai generation; era, (historical) period 了.5 daishang to take along (Běijīng) 了-8。 dājiě "older sister” (a respectful term 了 of address for a woman atout one’s own age or older) dalu mainland, continent 了.1 dang (political) party 了.6 dānxīn to "be worried, to "be uneasy 了-U dānzi list; form 了.8 dao to pour, to dump 了.1 -dao (resultative ending used for percep- 了,3 tion ty one of the senses : .1 iandao, kandao, tīngdao, etc.) -dao (resultative ending used to indicate 了.3 reaching; in xiangdao, tandao, etc., translated as "atout" or ’’of’’5 daochu everywhere 了•了 * dāodě morality, morals, ethics 了-2 dao lāji to take out (dump) the garbage 了.3* daolī principle, truth» hows and whys; 了.2 reason, argument, sense daxuěshēng college student 了•1* da zhang to fight a war, to go to war 了.8 SOC, Vocabulary gǎi will probably 了.U gai should, ought to 了了.8 273 Module & Unit da zhen to get an injection 了,8* da zi to type (on a typewriter) 了,6 dě to get 了.5 dědao to receive, to get 了.5 -de huā if; in case; supposing that 了.6 děi kan to depend on 了.8 děng when; by the time; till 了.8 děng dao wait until; when, by the time 了,3 děng yixia wait a minute; in a little while 了.8 -dian point 了.1 diao ySnlěi to cry 7.3* diwei position,status 了.2 dǒngde to understand, to grasp, to know 了.1 duanpian short (stories, articles) 了.6 dull to be independent; independence 了.2 duo (du5) how (to what extent) 了.U duo hao! how great that is! 7.2* duoshu(r) the majority (of), most (of) 了.5 ěi say! (interjection telling that the 了.3* speaker Just thought of something) ěrtong child (formal word) 了.6 ěrxifu(r) (-fer) daughter-in-law 了.U fāda to be (highly) developed, to be 了.2•,了.5 v flourishing, to be prosperous fǎlū law 了 fan to translate 了•了* fan to violate, to offend, to commit; to 了•了 have an attack (of an old disease) fandui to oppose, to be against 了.1* -fangmian (-mlan) aspect,side, area, respect 了.1 fangwěn to visit 了.6* fǎnzhěng anyvay, in any case 了.3* fan zui to commit a crime 了•了 fazhǎn to develop, to expand, to grow 了.5 fen points 7.5* fen to divide, to separate, to split 了,6 fengsu custom(s) 了• 5 fenkai to separate, to split up 了.6 funii woman; women, womankind 了.2 fūqi blessings, good fortune 了.h gāi will probably 了 • U * cai should, ouffht to 7.U° . 7.fl SOC, Vocabulary Module & Unit gai to build, to construct 了.U* gaibian to change; change(s) 了.1*, 了.5 gānbu cadre 了.6 gǎnjuě feeling, sensation; to feel, to 了.1 perceive ganma to do what; (colloquial) why on earth, 了.8 what for gan shenme to do what; (colloquial) vhy on earth, 了.8 what for gǎnxiě to be thankful, to be grateful 了.3* gaogān senior cadres 了 .6* gaozhōng senior high school 了.1*, 了.2*, 了.5* geguo various countries 7.1* gěming revolution 了 • 8* gēn to follow 7.8° g5ng male (for animals) 了.2* Gongchǎndǎng Communist Party 了.6 gongchǎng factory, mill, plant, works 了.6* gonggong grandfather, grandpa (paternal) 了 gōngke homework 了 •了 * Gongqingtuan Communist Youth League 了.6* gōngshāngyě industry and commerce 了.5 gongye industry 7 • 5 gōngyipǐn handicrafts 了 • 8 guǎn to take care of; to mind, to bother 了.2 about guǎnggao advertisement 7.7 guānnian concept, idea, notion 了.2 guānxīn to be concerned/care about 7.1* guanyu as to, with regard to, concerning, 了,1 about gǔhuī bone ashes, ashes (of a person) 了.5* guīju rules of proper behavior, social 了.3*, 了 etiquette, manners; special customs, established practice, rule (of a community or organization) guojiā country, state, nation; national 了.1 guoqu the past 了 • U guoqu to pass; to pass away, to die 了.8 guo rizi to live; to get along 了.U° gushi story 了 .6。 gǔshū ancient book 了.1° hai fairly, passably 了 hǎiluoyīn heroin 了•了 hǎochu benefit, advantage 了•5 haohaor properly, carefully, thoroughly 了.1°, 了.8 hǎo shi hǎo, kěshi…well, okay, but… 了,3* haoxiang to seem as if,to seem like 了.8 2jb SOC, Vocabulary 275 Module & Unit hēiyě (darkness of) night, nighttime 了.3 hěn to hate, to loathe, to detest 了.6 Hongwěibīng (a) Red Guard; the Red Guards 了.6 houlai later, afterwards 7.2°, 7.5 Huashěngdun Youbao Washington Post 了•了 -hui (counter for shi^ "matter”) 了•8 hui might; to be likely to; will 了.1 huo to live; to become alive; to survive; 了.5 to be live/alive/living; mobile, moving hushuo to talk nonsense; nonsense, drivel 了.2* huxiǎng mutually 了.蚁 ji to remember; to commit to memory 了,5* -jiā (counter for families) 了 j iSndan to be simple 了.了 JiSng to stress, to pay attention to, to 了.3 be particular about Jiǎng prize 7.5] JiSng jiu to be particular about; to be 了 .3* elegant, to be tasteful jiaotang church, cathedral 了•了* Jiaoyu to educate; education 了•了 jiāru to Join 了 jiāting family 了 .3* jīdong to be agitated, to be worked up 7.1° jiě to borrow; to lend 了.1 jiědao to successfully borrow 了.1 jiěfajig to liberate, to emancipate; liberation 了.6 jiěhūn (jiēhūn) to get married 了.2 jiěyi to mind, to take offense 了.6 jijimangmang in a hurry, extremely rushed 了.6 jfmang to be hasty, to be hurried 了.6 jinbu to progress; progress 了•了 jindaishī modern history 了 .1* Jīngshěn energy, spirits 了.3* jīnr today (Běijīng) 7.8° jlnzhāng to be nervous, to be upset 了.3* j i zhu to remem'ber 了 • 1 * -ju sentence; (counter for sentences or 了.1 utterances, often followed by hua, ’’speech”) jundui army 了 juzi shuǐ(r) orange juice (Běijīng) 7.1* (V V) kan try and (v), (V) and see how it is 了•了 kan to depend on 了.8 SOC, Vocabulary 2 了6 Module & Unit kanbuqǐ to look down on, to scorn, to 了•“ despise kandao to see 了.3 kanzhe (followed *by a verb) as one sees fit, 了.8 as one deems reasonable kao to take/give an exam, test, or quiz 了.8 kao to depend on, to rely on; to lean 7.2 against; to be near, to be next to kaolu to consider, to think about; con- 了.1 sideration kaoshi to take/give an exam, test, or quiz; 了.8 exam, test kěāi to be loveable, to be adorable 7.8° kěkāyin cocaine 了•了 Kěkoukělě Coca Cola 了.1。, 了.3 kělian to be pitiful 7-3] ken to be willing to 了 •了* kū to cry 了.3 • •_lāi for the past", (amount of time) 了.6 lai (used before a verb to express that 了•了 something vill be done) lai to do (something), to perform 了.8 (something), to have (an event), to help oneself to (food, etc.), to Join in (a game, etc.) laji garbage 了.3: lanwěiyan appendicitis 7. lao all the time, always 了.8* laodong to labor 了.5 laodongli labor force, labor; able-bodied 了.5 person laolao grandmother,grandma (maternal) 了 • “ * laoli labor force; labor T. 5 lao shīfu old master 7.5 laoshǔ (laoshu) mouse or rat 7.2^ lǎoxiānsheng old gentlemen 7.5o laoyě grandfather, grandpa (maternal) 了 laozong (used vith surname as an affectionate 7.8° term for a high-ranking PLA commander) liǎ (Beijīng colloquial word meaning 7-8* liangge, ”two”) lian.•.dou/yě.•• even.•• 了•了 liao to chat 了.3 liao tiān(r) to chat 了.3 lǐmao manners, politeness 了 •!+ lǐngdao to lead, to direct, to exercise lead- J.6 ership (over); leadership; leader, leading cadre SOC, Vocabulary 277 Module & Unit liushi niandāi the decade of the sixties 7.1* liūxia to leave 7.1* liuxlng to be common, to "be popular, to be 了.2 prevalent luān to "be in disorder, to "be in a mess, 了•了 to "be chaotic; arbitrarily, recklessly, any old way luanqīlDazāo in a mess, in confusion, in dis- 了.了 order; miscellaneous, motley, all thrown in together ma (marker for obviousness of 了.3 reasoning) manmanr (manman) slowly; gradually, "by and "by; taking 了.1 one1s time (doing something); (tell) all about, in all details měi yisi to be uninteresting/boring; to "be 了.2 pointless/meaningless; to "be a drag; to "be without value, not worthy of respect, cheap mlngbai to understand, to "be clear on, to 了.5 comprehend; to "be clear, to "be in-telligible Ming Bao Ming Pao (a Hong Kong newspaper) 了•了 mǔ female (for animals) 了•2• nSlnai grandmother (paternal) 7.1* na hai yong shuo that goes vithout saying 了 .2* Nan Měi South America 了.T* nannu men and women, male-female 了.2 nanshou to "be uncomfortable; to feel "bad, 了.3 to feel unhappy nantīng to "be unpleasant to hear; to sound 了.8 "bad, to offend the ears; to "be scandalous ne (used in questions asking the where- 了.U* abouts of someone/something) něngli ability 7.6° nianji (nianji) age 了 nianqing to "be young 7.1 nong (něng) to do; to fool with;- to get 7.3^ nongcūn country, rural area; rural 了•?*, 了.6 nonglai to get and "bring 了-3 nongmln peasant 了 • 5 * nongyě agriculture 了*5 nyli to make efforts 7.7* nūsheng coed, woman student ,7.3* SOC, Vocabulary 278 Module & Unit pa to be afraid 了 pǎolai pǎoqu to run around 7.6* pěngdao to run into, to come across 了.8* -piān (counter for sheets, articles or 了 pieces of writing) piān to fool, to deceive 了.2* picha bing pizza 7.1* pingděng equality; to be equal (of people) 了.2 pīnming with all onefs might, for all one 7.2 is worth, desperately, like mad; to risk onefs life, to defy death pīzhǔn to give permission, to approve; 了.5* approval, permission, sanction popo grandmother, grandma 了.4* qiǎng gun 了 •了: qiang to be strong 了.6* qiānxie nian a fev years back, in recent years 了.8 qiāo men to knock at the door 了.4* qiguai to be strange, to be odd, to be 了.3 surprising qǐlai to get up (in several senses) 了.U -qilai (resultative ending which indicates 了.3 starting) Qinghai (a province in western China) 了.3* qingkuāng situation, circumstances, condition, 了•1 state of affairs qingxing situation, circumstances, condition, 7*1 state of affairs quan to advise, to urge, to try to 了.8 persuade quan j ia rěn the whole family 了 rang to make (someone a certain vay) 了.1 rěn person; self; body 了.U rěnjia people; other people; someone else; 了.U they; he, she; I rěxin to be enthusiastic and interested, 了.3 to be varmhearted, to be earnest rěxīnqilai to become enthusiastic and interested 了.3 rizi day; date; time 了.3* ru to enter; to join (an organization) 了.6 ru Tuān to Join the Communist Youth League 了.6 (Gongqingtuan or Gongchǎnzhǔyi Qingniantuan) SOC, Vocabulary 279 Module & Unit sha to kill (means unspecified); to 了•了 kill (specifically, vith a knife or knifelike instrument); to try to kill sha to be stupid, to be dumb, to be 7.8 silly, to be naive shafa sofa 7.8* -shang (verb ending indicating starting 7.6 and continuing) shang xuě to go to school; to attend school 7,6 shangyě commerce, business 7.5 Shāoxiandui Young Pioneers 7.6* shěhui society; social 7.1 shengchan to produce; production 7.5 shenghuo to live; life; daily life; livelihood 7.2 shengyl (shēngyi) business, trade 了.8 shenqǐng to apply (for) 7.2* shěntī body; health 了.it shi to cause (followed by a verb), to 了•了 make, to enable shichang market .了 • 5 • shijiě vorld 7.6 shijiěshang in the vorld, in the whole world 7.6 shijiěxing vorldvide 7-7 shixing to practice* to carry out, to put 7.6 into effect, to implement (a method, policy, plan, reform, etc.) shi zai really; to be real 7.2 shou to receive 7-7 shou to be thin 7.7* shǒuchaode handwritten 7.^* shou jiaoyu to receive an education 了•了 shourū income, earnings T•5 shoushi to straighten up; to get one*s 了•紅 things ready shujiā summer vacation 7.1 shuSbuqingchu can 丨 t explain clearly 7 • 1 shuodao to speak of; as for 7.3 shuofǎ vay of saying a thing; statement, 7.5 version, argument shuoshi Master丨s degree 了7-5* sī to die _ 了.3*, 了.5 Si Shū the Four Books (Daxuě> Zh5ngy5ng> 了.li Lunyǔ> Mengz?) sixiang thought, vay of thinking 了.5* songhuiqu to take/escort back 了.5* songxing to see (someone off), to wish 了.8 (someone) a good trip; to give a going-avay party SOC, Vocabulary 280 Module & Unit suan le forget it, letfs drop the matter, 了.2 let it go at that; come off it, come on sūnnū granddaughter (through onefs son) 了 sǔnzi grandson (through onefs son) 了 suoyǒude. . . dou all 了. 3 tan lianTai to be in love, to be going together 了.8* (courtship) tǎoyān to dislike, to be disgusted vith 了.6 těng to be very fond of, to be attached to, 了.8 to dote on ti to carry (from the hand at the side 了.8* of the body) tiao to Jump, to leap 了.3* timu (-mu) topic, subject; title; examination 了.5 question, test problem ting to heed (advice), to obey (orders) 了.5 tongjū to cohabit; cohabitation 了.2 tongyi to consent, to agree 了.5 tour head, chief, boss 了•了* -tuan group, society 了.6 Tuān (Communist Youth) League 了.6 tǔdi land 了 • h vāigong grandfather, grandpa (maternal) 了.U* wāipo grandmother, grandma (maternal) 了 waiwěn foreign language 了•5 * wǎnhui evening party 了 • 6 * wǎnlian wǎnhūn late involvement and late marriage 了.2* wěile in order to; for the purpose of; for 7.5 the sake of věnhua culture; schooling, education, 了.1 literacy wěnxuěJiā writer, literary man 了.6* wěnzhāng article, essay; prose (writing) style 了.2 vǒde tian na! my God! 了.1 wǔjiao noontime nap 了•8 -xia under 了.6 xiāndai to be modern; contemporary; modern 了-1" times xiǎng to sound, to make a sound 了 xiang to be like, to resemble; like; 了.2 such as SOC, Vocabulary ?8i Module & Unit xiangbuchǔ canft think up, canft come up vith 了.2* xiangdang quite, pretty, considerably 了.2 xiangdao to think of 了.3 xiǎngxin to believe (in); to trust,to 了•了* be convinced (that) xiao young 了 .1* xiao dianr shēng(r) a little more quietly 了.8* xiao pěngyou little friend; kids 了.魟 xiaoshun to be filial; filial obedience 了.3 xiaoshuS(r) fiction, novel 7• 1 xia qi to play chess 了.6 -xiaqu (resultative ending which indicates 了.2 continuing an action) -xiaqu down (directional ending used for 了.3 eating or drinking dovn) xī du to take drugs; drug taking 了.了 xiguan habit, custom, usual practice; to be 了.5 accustomed to, to be used to xīn heart 了.3 -xing nature,-ness, -ity 了•了 xingkul fortunately, luckily 了•“• xingqu interest 了.2 xīnli in onefs heart, in onefs mind T.l* xīnshi something weighing on onefs mind, 了.1* worry xīnwěn news 了.2 Xīnwěn ZhSukan Newsweek 了.2 xuě hao to learn from good examples, to learn 了 •了* to be a good person xuěhui to learn, to master 7*6* xuěql semester, term (of school) 了.1 xuěshēnghul student association 7.1* xuě yī to study medicine 了.2 xunlianban training class 了.6* yan j iū (-jiu, -jiu) to study (in detail), to do 了.1 research on; research yao kan to depend on 了.8 Yazhou (YS-) Asia 了 yěda evening university 了.6* ye gai really should 了 ...yě hǎo, ...yě hǎo whether...or.••; both...and. • • 了.5 yě jiu accordingly, correspondingly, so 了.5 yěye grandfather (paternal) 了.1*, 了•紅 yī medical science, medicine (used in 了.2 phrases like xuě yī) yī as soon as 了.1*, 了•“* -yi hundred million 了.3 SOC, Vocabulary 282 Module & Unit yi"biān(r). . . doing. . .while doing. . . 了.1 yi"bian(r) • • • yifāngmian..., yi- on the one hand...on the other hand; 了.2 fangmian... for one thing..., for another thing... yijiāzi one family; the whole family; the 了.8* same family yimian(r)... doing...while doing... 了.1 yimian(r)... yitiān dao wan all day long 了.3 yīxuě medical science,medicine 了.2 yīyuan hospital 7.3* yizhi all along, continuously, all the 了.2 time (up until a certain point) yonggSng to "be hardworking, to be industrious 了.3 (in one’s studies) you excellent 了. 5 you to come up to (a certain level) 了.2* you also 了.U you anyway; after all 了.8 you banfǎ, (dui... ) to be able to deal with (something) 了.了 you "bāngzhu to be helpful 7.2 you daoli to make sense 了.2 youěryuan kindergarten 7.5* you guīju to have manners,to be proper 了.U you hǎochu to be beneficial, to be good (for) 了.5 you lJmāo to "be well mannered, to be polite 了.U you qiān to be rich 了.U you xiao to be effective; to "be valid 了•了 you xingqu to "be interested 了.2 you yan j iū to have done research on; to know 了.2 a lot about you yong to be useful 了.3 yuanlai original, former; originally, 了.8 formerly; it turns out that•", so."! (expresses finding out the true situation) yuanyi to wish,would like,to want to; 了.8 to "be willing to yuanyin reason,cause 了,6 yue lai yuě... more and more..., increasingly 7,2 yuě...yuě••. the more...the more... 了,2 yunqi luck 了 • 8 zai shu5 furthermore, "besides, moreover 了.5°, 了.8° zai ye "bū/mei never again 了•了 zǎo a long time ago 了.3° zǎohūn early marriage; child marriage; to 了.5 marry as a child; to marry early SOC, Vocabulary 283 Module & Unit zěnme (yi)huf shi whatfs it all about 7.8 zenme (yi)huf shi like this 7.8 zěren (-rěn) responsibility 7 • J zhSng to grow 7.3 zhSngda to grow up 7.3 zhangfu husband 7•5 zhānzhēng war T.U* zhSobudao canft find, to be unable to find 7.2# zhaogu to take care of; care 7.2#, 7.5 zhěi yixiazi after this, as a result of this 7.8 zhěme (yi)huf shi like this 7*8 zhěng Just, precisely, right 7.5 zhěngcě policy 7-5** 7*6 zhěngfu government 了•&' 7*6 zhenghSo(r) it Just so happens that, to happen 7.8 to, as it happens; just in time. Just right, Just enough zhengzhi politics; political 7.1 zhi hSo can only, to have to, to "be forced to T.U zhishi knowledge 了.2 zhi yeLo provided that, as long as 7*6#, 7.7 -zhong in 了•了* Zhongguo QTngniin China Youth (a periodical) 了.2. zhong n&n qīng nu to regard males as superior 7*3 to females 2h5ngxuěsheng High School Student (a periodical) 了.2. zhoukan weekly publication, weekly magazine 了.2 zhuan qiān to earn money, to make money 了.3 zhurěn host, master 7.3# zhibdLalai to move and stay (in a place),to T.U settle down zhǔyfiLo mainly 7*5# ziyou freedom; to be free 7.2 ziyou shichSng free market 7*5# zSng always; inevitably, vithout 了.1 exception; after all, in any case zongjiSo (organized) religion T•T. zSngtSng president 7.6* zui mouth 了 .T. zut crime, guilt 7.7 zuiJin lately, recently; the near future, 7*3 soon zuS to be, to act as 7.3 zuSbuliSo to be unable to do T.U* zu5 irbai to worship, to go to church 7.7# zudxia to sit down 7»1FSIFSI-