WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:09.000 Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Biographic Information Module Unit 1, Comprehension Tape 1. 00:09.000 --> 00:19.000 This unit is set in the PRC. On this tape, you'll learn to understand questions and answers about where you're staying, and a few polite phrases used in greetings. 00:19.000 --> 00:25.000 Suppose Ms. Novak is a foreign service officer who's just arrived in Peking and is staying at the Peking Hotel. 00:25.000 --> 00:32.000 Here's how she might be asked where she's staying and how she would reply. May I ask, where are you staying? 00:32.000 --> 00:38.000 請問,你住在哪兒? 00:38.000 --> 00:46.000 I'm staying at the Peking Hotel. 我住在北京飯店. 00:46.000 --> 00:54.000 Here's the word for to stay at. 住在,住在,住在. 00:54.000 --> 01:03.000 The second syllable,在, in the compound 住在, to stay at, is the same as the word 在, to be at, which was introduced in the last unit. 01:03.000 --> 01:11.000 Here's the word for hotel. 飯店,飯店,飯店. 01:11.000 --> 01:21.000 And here's the name, Peking Hotel. 北京飯店,北京飯店,北京飯店. 01:21.000 --> 01:26.000 Here's the exchange line. 請問,你住在哪兒? 01:26.000 --> 01:33.000 我住在北京飯店. Again. 請問,你住在哪兒? 01:33.000 --> 01:40.000 我住在北京飯店. Check your comprehension. 請問,你住在哪兒? 01:40.000 --> 01:48.000 May I ask, where are you staying? 我住在北京飯店. 01:48.000 --> 01:53.000 I'm staying at the Peking Hotel. 我住在北京飯店. 01:53.000 --> 01:59.000 With most verbs, you can say yes to a question by repeating the verb as a short answer. 01:59.000 --> 02:04.000 Since a short answer by itself sounds abrupt in Chinese, it's usually followed by a full sentence. 02:04.000 --> 02:08.000 The short answer acts as a sort of preface to what follows. 02:08.000 --> 02:12.000 To say yes to the question, 它是陳同志嗎? 02:12.000 --> 02:17.000 For instance, you would usually say 是,它是陳同志. 02:17.000 --> 02:21.000 There are some verbs that may not be repeated as short answers. 02:21.000 --> 02:26.000 The verb 住在 is one of them. To give a short yes answer to a question with 住在, 02:26.000 --> 02:29.000 you simply use the verb 是. 02:29.000 --> 02:34.000 Listen for 是, meaning yes, in the following exchange. 02:34.000 --> 02:37.000 Are you staying at the Nationalities Hotel? 02:37.000 --> 02:44.000 你住在民族飯店嗎? 02:44.000 --> 02:54.000 Yes, I'm staying at the Nationalities Hotel. 是,我住在民族飯店. 02:54.000 --> 03:05.000 Here's the name for the Nationalities Hotel. 民族飯店. 03:05.000 --> 03:11.000 The word 民族 means nationalities in the sense of ethnic groupings rather than countries. 03:11.000 --> 03:17.000 Here's the exchange live. 你住在民族飯店嗎? 03:17.000 --> 03:24.000 是,我住在民族飯店. Again, 你住在民族飯店嗎? 03:24.000 --> 03:27.000 是,我住在民族飯店. 03:27.000 --> 03:34.000 The verb 住在 may also be used in asking what city a person is living in, although not for anything larger such as a province. 03:34.000 --> 03:40.000 Listen to the following live exchange. 你住在上海嗎? 03:40.000 --> 03:43.000 不,我不住在上海. 03:43.000 --> 03:48.000 Notice that the word for no in this exchange is simply 不 in the following tone. 03:48.000 --> 03:54.000 Listen to the word for no. 不,不,不. 03:54.000 --> 04:01.000 Since 不住在 can't be used for a short answer, the word 住在 is omitted and 不 is used alone. 04:01.000 --> 04:09.000 The short answer 不 is, of course, followed by a full sentence answer. Here's the exchange again. 你住在上海嗎? 04:09.000 --> 04:12.000 不,我不住在上海. 04:12.000 --> 04:18.000 Check your comprehension. 你住在上海嗎? 04:18.000 --> 04:27.000 Do you live in Shanghai? 不,我不住在上海. 04:27.000 --> 04:30.000 No, I don't live in Shanghai. 04:30.000 --> 04:37.000 You may have noticed that with the city name, the verb 住在 is translated as to live in rather than to stay at. 04:37.000 --> 04:42.000 Someone who already knows that you're staying at a hotel may want to ask which hotel you're staying at. 04:42.000 --> 04:50.000 The word for which is 哪個.Listen to the question word which and be sure to identify its tone pattern. 04:50.000 --> 04:59.000 哪個,哪個,哪個.Listen for 哪個,which in this exchange. 04:59.000 --> 05:08.000 Which hotel are you staying at? 你住在哪個飯店? 05:08.000 --> 05:17.000 I'm staying at the Peking Hotel. 我住在北京飯店. 05:17.000 --> 05:24.000 Here it is live. 你住在哪個飯店? 05:24.000 --> 05:37.000 Again, 你住在哪個飯店? 我住在北京飯店.Check your comprehension. 你住在哪個飯店? 05:37.000 --> 05:45.000 Which hotel are you staying at? 我住在北京飯店. 05:45.000 --> 05:48.000 I'm staying at the Peking Hotel. 你住在哪個飯店? 05:48.000 --> 05:58.000 You may have recognized the bound word 哪, from an expression you had in earlier units. Listen. 你是哪個人? 05:58.000 --> 06:03.000 What's your nationality? 你住在哪個飯店? 06:03.000 --> 06:06.000 Which hotel are you staying at? 哪個飯店? 06:06.000 --> 06:14.000 Literally, 哪個人 is which country person and 哪個飯店 is which hotel? 06:14.000 --> 06:21.000 You may be wondering why the English question word which corresponds sometimes to 哪, and sometimes to 哪個. 06:21.000 --> 06:31.000 This is how to keep them straight. 哪 is always only part of a word. Never try to use it except in compounds you've learned, such as 哪個. 06:31.000 --> 06:38.000 On the other hand, 哪個 is a full word, like the question word which in English, and may be used freely. 06:38.000 --> 06:44.000 For example, since person is 人, which person is 哪個人? 06:44.000 --> 06:52.000 Listen for 哪個人 in the following live exchange. Miss Novak, looking at a newspaper photograph of a Labor Day celebration, 06:52.000 --> 07:00.000 asked her Chinese companion to identify some officials she doesn't recognize. Listen. 哪個人是美同志? 07:00.000 --> 07:09.000 她是美同志. Again, 哪個人是美同志? 07:09.000 --> 07:17.000 On its own, without a noun like hotel or person after it, the word 哪個 may be translated which one. 07:17.000 --> 07:23.000 For instance, the question in the last exchange could have been simply 哪個是美同志? 07:23.000 --> 07:29.000 which one is comrade may? Listen to the two questions compared. 07:29.000 --> 07:46.000 Which person is comrade may? 哪個人是美同志? 07:46.000 --> 07:55.000 In any situation less impersonal than talking about a picture of strangers, it's considered rude to use the general counter 個 when referring to adults. 07:55.000 --> 08:10.000 Instead, you use the polite counter for persons. Wait. Listen to the Chinese or which comrade 哪位同志? 08:10.000 --> 08:19.000 Now suppose that Miss Novak is attending the Labor Day celebration in person. Listen. Which one is comrade Zhang? 08:19.000 --> 08:32.000 哪位是張同志? She is comrade Zhang. 她是張同志. 08:32.000 --> 08:39.000 Notice that Miss Novak asks her question using 哪位 alone with no noun after it. This is the usual pattern. 08:39.000 --> 08:48.000 Since the counter way is only used with persons, the combination 哪位 can only mean which person, even without the noun then. 08:48.000 --> 08:56.000 Here's the exchange again. Live. 哪位是張同志? 08:56.000 --> 09:08.000 Again. 哪位是張同志? Check your comprehension. 哪位是張同志? 09:08.000 --> 09:15.000 Which one is comrade Zhang? 哪位是張同志? 09:15.000 --> 09:22.000 You'll remember that we called your attention to the low tone of the syllable 哪, meaning which. 09:22.000 --> 09:35.000 The word for that has the following tone syllable 哪. Listen to that comrade 哪位同志? 09:35.000 --> 09:41.000 The only difference between 哪位同志? Which comrade? And 哪位同志? 09:41.000 --> 09:52.000 That comrade is the difference between a low tone and a falling tone. The same was true of the difference between 哪, where, and 哪, there. 09:52.000 --> 10:05.000 This is a good lesson in the importance of tones. Listen to this example. Which one is comrade Gao? 哪位是高同志? 10:05.000 --> 10:13.000 That one is comrade Gao. 哪位是高同志? 10:13.000 --> 10:19.000 Here it is live. 哪位是高同志? 10:19.000 --> 10:26.000 Again. 哪位是高同志? 10:26.000 --> 10:34.000 The following sentences will give you some more practice with this tone distinction between questions with 哪, which, and statements with 哪. 10:34.000 --> 10:44.000 That 他住在哪个饭店? 10:44.000 --> 10:54.000 Which hotel is he staying at? 哪位是梅同志? 10:54.000 --> 11:03.000 That one is comrade 哪? 哪个是民族饭店? 11:03.000 --> 11:16.000 Which one is the nationalities hotel? 你住在哪个饭店? 11:16.000 --> 11:28.000 Which hotel are you staying at? 那个人是高同志? 11:28.000 --> 11:35.000 That person is comrade 高同志? 11:35.000 --> 11:44.000 Now that you have had the words for which and that, you want the word for this. Here it is 这句话你一说就好了. 11:44.000 --> 11:54.000 It may be helpful to remember that the answers 这句话的答案是这句,这句话的答案是这句,这句话的答案是这句话,郵寄,这句话的答案,这句话的答案,这句话的答案,这句话的答案 are all in the falling tone. 11:54.000 --> 11:57.000 而其中的问题是哪个,哪个? 11:57.000 --> 11:59.000 哪个,哪个? 11:59.000 --> 12:00.000 在哪里? 12:00.000 --> 12:01.000 在哪里? 12:01.000 --> 12:02.000 都在Botom 12:02.000 --> 12:04.000 小伯伯在地区的宿舍 12:04.000 --> 12:06.000 在那个人的房间中说話 12:06.000 --> 12:07.000 他就在那里 12:07.000 --> 12:08.000 听 12:08.000 --> 12:11.000 你住在这个饭店吗? 12:11.000 --> 12:14.000 不,我不住在这个饭店 12:14.000 --> 12:16.000 再次 12:16.000 --> 12:19.000 你住在这个饭店吗? 12:19.000 --> 12:22.000 不,我不住在这个饭店 12:22.000 --> 12:25.000 不,我不住在这个饭店 12:25.000 --> 12:28.000 不,我不住在这个饭店 12:28.000 --> 12:31.000 不,我不住在这个饭店 12:31.000 --> 12:34.000 不,我不住在这个饭店 12:34.000 --> 12:37.000 不,我不住在这个饭店 12:37.000 --> 12:40.000 不,我不住在这个饭店 12:40.000 --> 12:43.000 这个,这个,这, only be used to refer to something relatively close 12:43.000 --> 12:47.000 not to something farther away that you just pointing to 12:47.000 --> 12:49.000 那,我们作为大家该评则 12:49.000 --> 12:55.000 Now let's review all three specifying words, which, this, and that. 12:55.000 --> 12:58.000 See if you can tell them apart in the following isolated sentences. 12:58.000 --> 13:02.000 You'll hear each sentence twice. 13:02.000 --> 13:10.000 你住在哪个饭店? 13:10.000 --> 13:13.000 Which hotel are you staying at? 13:13.000 --> 13:21.000 那个不是民族饭店。 13:21.000 --> 13:25.000 That one's not the nationality's hotel. 13:25.000 --> 13:33.000 哪位是高同志? 13:33.000 --> 13:36.000 Which one is combat高? 13:36.000 --> 13:43.000 那位是谁? 13:43.000 --> 13:46.000 Who is that? 13:46.000 --> 13:54.000 你住在这个饭店吗? 13:54.000 --> 13:58.000 Are you staying at this hotel? 13:58.000 --> 14:05.000 Mr. Bauer, one of Ms. Novak's colleagues, has taken her to meet Conrad Jiang, a Chinese diplomatic official. 14:05.000 --> 14:09.000 Here's the Chinese diplomatic equivalent for the name Novak. 14:09.000 --> 14:16.000 诺瓦克。 14:16.000 --> 14:21.000 Here's what Conrad Jiang and Ms. Novak might say to each other after being introduced. 14:21.000 --> 14:24.000 Conrad Jiang, good morning. 14:24.000 --> 14:29.000 江同志您早。 14:29.000 --> 14:31.000 Good morning, Ms. Novak, how are you? 14:31.000 --> 14:40.000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。 14:40.000 --> 14:43.000 Here's the word used to say good morning. 14:43.000 --> 14:49.000 早、早、早。 14:49.000 --> 14:52.000 Literally, the word 早 means early. 14:52.000 --> 14:56.000 By itself, it's only used in informal situations between friends. 14:56.000 --> 15:01.000 Otherwise, you either add the word 您 or mention the person's name along with it. 15:01.000 --> 15:08.000 Notice that the person's name may come before or after the rest of the greeting and is pronounced as an independent exclamation. 15:08.000 --> 15:17.000 Here's the word used to translate 女士。 15:17.000 --> 15:24.000 An unmarried foreign woman in the PRC might be addressed as 女士。 15:24.000 --> 15:28.000 Actually, the title 女士 can be used to a married woman as well. 15:28.000 --> 15:32.000 Naturally, it follows her own surname, not her husband. 15:32.000 --> 15:36.000 Traditionally, the word 女士 is a formal respectful term, 15:36.000 --> 15:39.000 which suggests that the woman addressed is well educated. 15:39.000 --> 15:41.000 Here's the exchange line. 15:41.000 --> 15:44.000 江同志您早。 15:44.000 --> 15:48.000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。 15:48.000 --> 15:56.000 Notice that in this exchange, the greeting 您好 appears in an alternate form without a question marker. 15:56.000 --> 15:58.000 Here's the exchange again. 15:58.000 --> 16:01.000 江同志您早。 16:01.000 --> 16:05.000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。 16:05.000 --> 16:07.000 Check your comprehension. 16:07.000 --> 16:11.000 江同志您早。 16:11.000 --> 16:14.000 Hello, John. Good morning. 16:14.000 --> 16:20.000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。 16:20.000 --> 16:24.000 Good morning, Ms. Novak. How are you? 16:24.000 --> 16:32.000 Here's the word for a very 横、横、横。 16:32.000 --> 16:37.000 Listen to John's greeting with Ms. Novak's response. 16:37.000 --> 16:40.000 Good morning, Ms. Novak. How are you? 16:40.000 --> 16:45.000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。 16:45.000 --> 16:49.000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。 16:49.000 --> 16:51.000 I'm very well. 16:51.000 --> 16:55.000 我很好。我很好。 16:55.000 --> 17:03.000 Notice that in idiomatic English, the sentence 我很好 is translated I'm very well, not I'm very good. 17:03.000 --> 17:06.000 Here's the exchange line. 17:06.000 --> 17:10.000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。 17:10.000 --> 17:12.000 I'm very well. 17:12.000 --> 17:14.000 Again. 17:14.000 --> 17:17.000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。 17:17.000 --> 17:19.000 I'm very well. 17:19.000 --> 17:22.000 Listen as the conversation continues. 17:22.000 --> 17:25.000 May I ask, where are you from in America? 17:25.000 --> 17:33.000 请问,你是美国哪儿的人? 17:33.000 --> 17:36.000 I'm from San Francisco, California. 17:36.000 --> 17:39.000 我是加州旧金山人。 17:39.000 --> 17:42.000 我是加州旧金山人。 17:42.000 --> 17:45.000 Here's the Chinese for San Francisco. 17:45.000 --> 17:52.000 旧金山,旧金山,旧金山。 17:52.000 --> 17:57.000 Literally, the name 旧金山 means Old, Gold Mountain. 17:57.000 --> 18:01.000 If you want to pinpoint where someone is from within a larger area, 18:01.000 --> 18:03.000 you put the name of the larger area first, 18:03.000 --> 18:05.000 followed by the smaller. 18:05.000 --> 18:08.000 In English, we do it the other way around. 18:08.000 --> 18:10.000 Here's the exchange line. 18:10.000 --> 18:15.000 Listen for the sequence, larger area, smaller area. 18:15.000 --> 18:19.000 请问,你是美国哪儿的人? 18:19.000 --> 18:22.000 我是加州旧金山人。 18:22.000 --> 18:27.000 Notice that the answer in this exchange mentions both California and San Francisco. 18:27.000 --> 18:29.000 Although you can answer simply, 18:29.000 --> 18:31.000 我是旧金山人. 18:31.000 --> 18:33.000 I'm from San Francisco. 18:33.000 --> 18:36.000 In general, a question mentioning both a larger and smaller area 18:36.000 --> 18:38.000 will be answered with both areas. 18:38.000 --> 18:40.000 Here's the exchange again. 18:40.000 --> 18:44.000 请问,你是美国哪儿的人? 18:44.000 --> 18:47.000 我是加州旧金山人. 18:47.000 --> 18:50.000 Check your comprehension. 18:50.000 --> 18:55.000 请问,你是美国哪儿的人? 18:55.000 --> 18:58.000 May I ask, where are you from in America? 18:58.000 --> 19:03.000 我是加州旧金山人. 19:03.000 --> 19:07.000 I'm from San Francisco, California. 19:07.000 --> 19:11.000 Listen as the conversation continues live. 19:11.000 --> 19:14.000 江同志,您是哪儿的人? 19:14.000 --> 19:17.000 我是山西大同人. 19:17.000 --> 19:22.000 Again,江同志,您是哪儿的人? 19:22.000 --> 19:25.000 我是山西大同人. 19:25.000 --> 19:27.000 Check your comprehension. 19:27.000 --> 19:32.000 江同志,您是哪儿的人? 19:32.000 --> 19:35.000 Where are you from, Comrade John? 19:35.000 --> 19:41.000 我是山西大同人. 19:41.000 --> 19:45.000 I'm from Datong, from San Francisco. 19:45.000 --> 19:48.000 Listen as the conversation continues live. 19:48.000 --> 19:53.000 请问,罗娃克女士,您现在住在哪儿? 19:53.000 --> 19:56.000 我住在北京饭店. 19:56.000 --> 19:59.000 很好. 20:17.000 --> 20:22.000 请问,罗娃克女士,您现在住在哪儿? 20:22.000 --> 20:24.000 那個飯店好嗎? 20:24.000 --> 20:25.000 很好 20:28.000 --> 20:32.000 請問諾瓦克女士,您現在住在哪兒? 20:32.000 --> 20:38.000 請問,您現在住在哪兒,諾瓦克? 20:38.000 --> 20:41.000 我住在北京飯店 20:44.000 --> 20:46.000 我住在北京飯店 20:47.000 --> 20:49.000 那個飯店好嗎? 20:51.000 --> 20:53.000 那間飯店很好嗎? 20:53.000 --> 20:54.000 很好 20:56.000 --> 20:57.000 很好 20:57.000 --> 20:58.000 很好 21:17.000 --> 21:20.000 早,諾瓦克女士,您好 21:20.000 --> 21:22.000 您好,方同志 21:22.000 --> 21:26.000 請問,諾瓦克女士,您是美國哪的人? 21:26.000 --> 21:28.000 我是舊金山人 21:28.000 --> 21:30.000 請問您是哪的人? 21:30.000 --> 21:32.000 我是山東濟南人 21:33.000 --> 21:35.000 您現在住在哪兒? 21:35.000 --> 21:37.000 我住在北京飯店 21:37.000 --> 21:39.000 那個飯店好嗎? 21:39.000 --> 21:40.000 很好 21:41.000 --> 21:42.000 again 21:44.000 --> 21:47.000 早,諾瓦克女士,您好 21:47.000 --> 21:49.000 您好,方同志 21:49.000 --> 21:54.000 請問,諾瓦克女士,您是美國哪的人? 21:54.000 --> 21:56.000 我是舊金山人 21:56.000 --> 21:58.000 請問您是哪的人? 21:58.000 --> 22:00.000 我是山東濟南人 22:00.000 --> 22:02.000 您現在住在哪兒? 22:02.000 --> 22:04.000 我住在北京飯店 22:04.000 --> 22:06.000 那個飯店好嗎? 22:06.000 --> 22:07.000 很好 22:11.000 --> 22:14.000 早,諾瓦克女士,您好 22:14.000 --> 22:17.000 早,諾瓦克女士,您好 22:17.000 --> 22:19.000 您好,方同志 22:19.000 --> 22:23.000 請問,諾瓦克女士,您是美國哪的人? 22:30.000 --> 22:33.000 請問,諾瓦克女士,您是美國哪的人? 22:34.000 --> 22:38.000 請問,諾瓦克女士,您是美國哪的人? 22:38.000 --> 22:41.000 請問,諾瓦克女士,您是美國哪的人? 22:42.000 --> 22:44.000 我是舊金山人 22:46.000 --> 22:48.000 我是山東濟南人 22:48.000 --> 22:50.000 請問您是哪的人? 22:54.000 --> 22:56.000 請問,諾瓦克女士,您是美國哪的人? 22:56.000 --> 22:59.000 我是山東濟南人 23:02.000 --> 23:04.000 我是山東濟南人 23:05.000 --> 23:07.000 您現在住在哪兒? 23:07.000 --> 23:09.000 您現在住在哪兒? 23:09.000 --> 23:11.000 我住在北京飯店 23:14.000 --> 23:16.000 我住在北京飯店 23:17.000 --> 23:19.000 我住在北京飯店 23:20.000 --> 23:22.000 那個飯店好嗎? 23:25.000 --> 23:27.000 那個飯店好嗎? 23:27.000 --> 23:28.000 很好 23:31.000 --> 23:32.000 很好 23:32.000 --> 23:38.000 最後一個評論,請把這幾句話和交換作詢問 23:39.000 --> 23:40.000 第一 23:41.000 --> 23:43.000 您住在這個飯店嗎? 23:46.000 --> 23:48.000 您在這間酒店? 23:49.000 --> 23:51.000 不,我住在這個飯店 23:54.000 --> 23:57.000 不,我住在這間酒店 23:58.000 --> 23:59.000 第二 23:59.000 --> 24:02.000 哪位是張同志? 24:04.000 --> 24:06.000 哪位是卡麥莊? 24:07.000 --> 24:08.000 第三 24:09.000 --> 24:11.000 您住在哪個飯店? 24:14.000 --> 24:16.000 哪個酒店住在哪個飯店? 24:17.000 --> 24:18.000 第四 24:18.000 --> 24:22.000 早,諾瓦克女士,您好 24:24.000 --> 24:27.000 早安,請回家,您好嗎? 24:27.000 --> 24:29.000 我很好 24:32.000 --> 24:33.000 很好 24:34.000 --> 24:35.000 第五 24:36.000 --> 24:38.000 請問,您住在哪兒? 24:41.000 --> 24:43.000 請問,您在哪兒? 24:44.000 --> 24:45.000 第六 24:46.000 --> 24:48.000 您是美國哪的人? 24:51.000 --> 24:53.000 您從哪兒來的? 24:54.000 --> 24:55.000 第七 24:55.000 --> 24:57.000 我住在北京飯店 25:01.000 --> 25:03.000 我住在北京飯店 25:04.000 --> 25:05.000 第八 25:06.000 --> 25:08.000 您住在民族飯店嗎? 25:11.000 --> 25:13.000 您住在民族飯店嗎? 25:14.000 --> 25:16.000 是,我住在民族飯店 25:20.000 --> 25:22.000 是的,我住在民族飯店 25:22.000 --> 25:24.000 我住在民族飯店 25:25.000 --> 25:26.000 第九 25:27.000 --> 25:29.000 我住在加州舊金山人 25:32.000 --> 25:34.000 我住在 San Francisco, California 25:35.000 --> 25:36.000 第十 25:38.000 --> 25:40.000 那位是張同志? 25:42.000 --> 25:44.000 那位是卡麥莊 25:46.000 --> 25:48.000 您能夠和您的意識和意見 25:48.000 --> 25:50.000 或想要的批准 25:50.000 --> 25:52.000 您仍然有困難 25:52.000 --> 25:54.000 聽到這個批准 25:56.000 --> 25:58.000 這是批准的結尾 25:58.000 --> 26:00.000 這是文化資訊模式 26:00.000 --> 26:21.000 批准,批准,批准,批准,批准