WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.640 down to Chinese, a modular approach. 00:02.640 --> 00:06.880 biographic information module unit 6, production tape 1. 00:08.680 --> 00:14.360 on the comprehension tape in this unit, you learn to understand questions and answers about the duration of a visit. 00:14.360 --> 00:18.480 before you go on to learn how to say these things, check your comprehension of them. 00:18.480 --> 00:20.880 put the following sentences into English. 00:20.880 --> 00:22.360 number 1 00:22.360 --> 00:23.960 你做多久? 00:26.400 --> 00:28.440 how long are you staying? 00:28.440 --> 00:30.440 我住一年 00:32.040 --> 00:34.040 I'm staying one year. 00:34.040 --> 00:35.720 number 2 00:35.720 --> 00:38.720 你太太在香港住多久? 00:41.480 --> 00:44.120 how long is your wife staying in Hong Kong? 00:44.120 --> 00:46.320 我想她住两天 00:48.720 --> 00:51.440 I think she's staying two days. 00:51.440 --> 00:53.120 number 3 00:53.120 --> 00:58.840 你想在台湾住多久? 00:58.840 --> 01:01.840 how long are you thinking of staying in Taiwan? 01:01.840 --> 01:06.840 我想住六个月. 01:06.840 --> 01:09.880 I'm thinking of staying six months. 01:09.880 --> 01:11.720 number 4 01:11.720 --> 01:16.080 你来了多久了? 01:16.080 --> 01:18.320 how long have you been here? 01:18.320 --> 01:23.320 我来了两个星期了. 01:23.320 --> 01:25.600 I've been here two weeks. 01:25.600 --> 01:27.040 number 5 01:27.040 --> 01:33.440 你从前来过吗? 01:33.440 --> 01:35.560 Have you ever been here before? 01:35.560 --> 01:40.440 我从前没来过. 01:40.440 --> 01:43.600 I haven't been here before. 01:43.600 --> 01:47.640 If you had any problems with these sentences, rerun the tape and work on them some more. 01:47.640 --> 01:52.400 If you understood them all, you should begin working on how to ask these questions and how to answer them. 01:52.400 --> 01:54.600 Listen to this exchange. 01:54.600 --> 01:56.240 你做多久? 01:56.240 --> 01:58.360 我住一年. 01:58.360 --> 02:00.840 repeat how long? 02:00.840 --> 02:03.840 多久? 02:03.840 --> 02:06.800 多久? 02:06.800 --> 02:09.600 多久? 02:09.600 --> 02:11.560 The phrase 多久? 02:11.560 --> 02:14.320 how long is similar to the phrase 多大? 02:14.320 --> 02:15.240 how old? 02:15.240 --> 02:18.280 in which 多 is a question word asking how much. 02:18.280 --> 02:21.240 repeat how long are you staying? 02:21.240 --> 02:25.240 你住多久? 02:25.240 --> 02:28.600 你住多久? 02:28.600 --> 02:32.760 You'll notice here that the verb to stay is a single verb 住. 02:32.760 --> 02:39.240 What we've been referring to as the verb 住在 to stay at is actually this verb 住 plus the verb 在. 02:39.240 --> 02:44.720 How do you say how long are you staying? 02:44.720 --> 02:47.840 你住多久? 02:47.840 --> 02:51.160 Try asking the question, how long are you staying again? 02:51.160 --> 02:55.760 This time you'll get a confirmation and a reply. 02:55.760 --> 02:58.000 你住多久? 02:58.000 --> 02:59.800 我住一年. 02:59.800 --> 03:02.360 again. 03:02.360 --> 03:04.440 你住多久? 03:04.440 --> 03:08.200 我住一年. 03:08.200 --> 03:11.800 Unlike most nouns in Chinese, the word for year 年 03:11.800 --> 03:14.160 doesn't need a measure word when used with numbers. 03:14.160 --> 03:16.200 repeat one year. 03:16.200 --> 03:19.000 一年. 03:19.000 --> 03:21.640 一年. 03:21.640 --> 03:24.200 一年. 03:24.200 --> 03:28.120 How would you say four years? 03:28.120 --> 03:30.960 四年. 03:30.960 --> 03:37.400 In English, when someone asks how long, you usually answer with the word for as in I'm staying for a week. 03:37.400 --> 03:44.080 In Chinese, the phrase telling how long follows the verb just as in English, but no extra word like for is needed. 03:44.080 --> 03:46.920 repeat I'm staying for one year. 03:46.920 --> 03:50.680 我住一年. 03:50.680 --> 03:54.400 我住一年. 03:54.400 --> 04:01.840 You'll remember that what we've been calling time phrases such as 明天 tomorrow come before the verb. 04:01.840 --> 04:05.320 他明天来, he's coming tomorrow. 04:05.320 --> 04:11.960 Now you see that what we will call duration phrases such as 一年 one year come after the verb. 04:11.960 --> 04:15.240 我住一年.I'm staying for one year. 04:15.240 --> 04:18.480 It's the difference between when and how long. 04:18.480 --> 04:22.440 When comes before the verb and how long comes after the verb. 04:22.440 --> 04:28.000 How do you say I'm staying one year? 04:28.000 --> 04:31.800 我住一年. 04:31.800 --> 04:33.960 Try answering the question yourself. 04:33.960 --> 04:36.840 Say that you're staying one year. 04:36.840 --> 04:40.960 你住多久? 04:40.960 --> 04:44.400 我住一年. 04:44.400 --> 04:49.240 Again,你住多久? 04:49.240 --> 04:54.280 我住一年. 04:54.280 --> 04:56.200 Mr. King is visiting Hong Kong. 04:56.200 --> 05:00.720 Listen to Mr. King answer a question about it. 05:00.720 --> 05:03.080 你太太住多久? 05:03.080 --> 05:05.560 她住两天. 05:05.560 --> 05:10.840 The word for day, 天, like the word for year, 年, doesn't need a measure word 05:10.840 --> 05:12.120 when used with numbers. 05:12.120 --> 05:14.040 Repeat two days. 05:14.040 --> 05:17.120 两天. 05:17.120 --> 05:20.480 两天. 05:20.480 --> 05:23.200 两天. 05:23.200 --> 05:26.240 Repeat she's staying two days. 05:26.240 --> 05:30.120 她住两天. 05:30.120 --> 05:33.320 她住两天. 05:33.320 --> 05:35.960 Now let's suppose that your wife is visiting Hong Kong. 05:35.960 --> 05:37.560 She's staying there two days. 05:37.560 --> 05:39.560 Try answering the next question. 05:39.560 --> 05:44.360 你太太住多久? 05:44.360 --> 05:46.880 她住两天. 05:46.880 --> 05:51.680 Again,你太太住多久? 05:51.680 --> 05:54.640 她住两天. 05:54.640 --> 05:57.680 What's the word for day? 05:57.680 --> 05:59.680 天. 05:59.680 --> 06:02.360 What's the word for year? 06:02.360 --> 06:05.280 年. 06:05.280 --> 06:09.520 Mr. King could have been asked about his wife's trip to Hong Kong in a more detailed way. 06:09.520 --> 06:11.400 Listen. 06:11.400 --> 06:14.640 你太太在香港住多久? 06:14.640 --> 06:17.240 我想她住两天. 06:17.240 --> 06:19.320 Repeat the word for Hong Kong. 06:19.320 --> 06:22.440 香港. 06:22.440 --> 06:25.720 香港. 06:25.720 --> 06:28.960 香港. 06:28.960 --> 06:32.640 In the question, how long is your wife staying in Hong Kong? 06:32.640 --> 06:35.280 你太太在香港住多久? 06:35.280 --> 06:39.800 The place phrase,在香港, is put before the verb 住. 06:39.800 --> 06:43.280 We can't put both the place and the duration after the verb. 06:43.280 --> 06:47.080 Repeat, how long is your wife staying in Hong Kong? 06:47.080 --> 06:53.480 你太太在香港住多久? 06:53.480 --> 06:57.000 你太太在香港住多久? 06:57.000 --> 06:59.760 Try asking, how long is your wife staying in Hong Kong? 06:59.760 --> 07:06.200 Ahead of the speaker. 07:06.200 --> 07:10.480 你太太在香港住多久? 07:10.480 --> 07:12.200 Try asking the question again. 07:12.200 --> 07:18.080 This time you'll get a confirmation and a reply. 07:18.080 --> 07:21.520 你太太在香港住多久? 07:21.520 --> 07:24.960 我想她住两天. 07:24.960 --> 07:26.520 Again. 07:26.520 --> 07:30.800 你太太在香港住多久? 07:30.800 --> 07:34.400 我想她住两天. 07:34.400 --> 07:37.640 Repeat the verb to think. 07:37.640 --> 07:40.480 想. 07:40.480 --> 07:43.400 想. 07:43.400 --> 07:47.040 想. 07:47.040 --> 07:50.240 Repeat, I think she's staying two days. 07:50.240 --> 07:54.280 我想她住两天. 07:54.280 --> 07:59.280 我想她住两天. 07:59.280 --> 08:04.560 Try answering the question yourself. 08:04.560 --> 08:06.840 Suppose your wife is visiting Hong Kong. 08:06.840 --> 08:08.640 You're not sure how long she's staying. 08:08.640 --> 08:11.520 It might be two days. 08:11.520 --> 08:17.640 你太太在香港住多久? 08:17.640 --> 08:21.720 我想她住两天. 08:21.720 --> 08:23.280 Again. 08:23.280 --> 08:29.560 你太太在香港住多久? 08:29.560 --> 08:32.560 我想她住两天. 08:32.560 --> 08:36.240 The next exchange talks about Mr. King's plans for staying in Taiwan. 08:36.240 --> 08:37.000 Listen. 08:37.000 --> 08:39.040 你想住多久? 08:39.040 --> 08:41.560 我想住一年. 08:41.560 --> 08:44.920 The verb想 can mean to think that. 08:44.920 --> 08:47.160 When used directly in front of another verb, 08:47.160 --> 08:51.440 it can also mean to be thinking of that is to plan to or to intend to. 08:51.440 --> 08:54.600 Repeat, I'm thinking of staying one year. 08:54.600 --> 08:58.960 我想住一年. 08:58.960 --> 09:01.920 我想住一年. 09:01.920 --> 09:04.440 Try responding to the question yourself now. 09:04.440 --> 09:08.320 Assume that you're in Taiwan and you intend to stay one year. 09:08.320 --> 09:12.480 你想住多久? 09:12.480 --> 09:15.600 我想住一年. 09:15.600 --> 09:16.640 Again. 09:16.640 --> 09:19.920 你想住多久? 09:19.920 --> 09:23.280 我想住一年. 09:23.280 --> 09:26.960 Listen as another visitor is asked how long he's staying. 09:26.960 --> 09:29.560 你想在台湾住多久? 09:29.560 --> 09:32.120 我想住八个月. 09:32.120 --> 09:34.360 Repeat the word for month. 09:34.360 --> 09:37.040 月. 09:37.040 --> 09:39.640 月. 09:39.640 --> 09:40.720 月. 09:40.720 --> 09:42.520 You'll notice that the word for month. 09:42.520 --> 09:44.240 月 does take a counter. 09:44.240 --> 09:47.640 哥,repeat eight months. 09:47.640 --> 09:50.400 八个月. 09:50.400 --> 09:53.520 八个月. 09:53.520 --> 09:56.320 八个月. 09:56.320 --> 09:59.800 Repeat, I'm thinking of staying eight months. 09:59.800 --> 10:04.040 我想住八个月. 10:04.040 --> 10:08.040 我想住八个月. 10:08.040 --> 10:09.920 Try answering the question yourself. 10:09.920 --> 10:12.960 Assume that you're staying in Taiwan eight months. 10:12.960 --> 10:15.360 你想在台湾住多久? 10:15.360 --> 10:17.720 我想住八个月. 10:17.720 --> 10:20.520 我想住八个月. 10:20.520 --> 10:21.760 Again. 10:21.760 --> 10:26.640 你想在台湾住多久? 10:26.640 --> 10:30.080 我想住八个月. 10:30.080 --> 10:33.520 Now you're asked about a friend who's come to Taiwan just for a visit. 10:33.520 --> 10:35.040 Listen. 10:35.040 --> 10:37.760 你朋友想住多久? 10:37.760 --> 10:40.840 他想住两个星期. 10:40.840 --> 10:43.080 Repeat the word for week. 10:43.080 --> 10:45.320 星期. 10:45.320 --> 10:47.320 星期. 10:47.320 --> 10:51.320 星期. 10:51.320 --> 10:55.320 Repeat, he's thinking of staying two weeks. 10:55.320 --> 11:00.320 他想住两个星期. 11:00.320 --> 11:04.320 他想住两个星期. 11:04.320 --> 11:11.320 Try saying he's thinking of staying two weeks ahead of the speaker. 11:11.320 --> 11:14.320 他想住两个星期. 11:14.320 --> 11:16.320 Try responding to the question now. 11:16.320 --> 11:18.320 Your friend is staying two weeks. 11:18.320 --> 11:23.320 你朋友想住多久? 11:23.320 --> 11:26.320 他想住两个星期. 11:26.320 --> 11:27.320 Again. 11:27.320 --> 11:32.320 你朋友想住多久? 11:32.320 --> 11:36.320 他想住两个星期. 11:36.320 --> 11:38.320 Here's a piece of a conversation. 11:38.320 --> 11:39.320 Listen. 11:39.320 --> 11:41.320 你想在台湾住多久? 11:41.320 --> 11:43.320 我想住三个星期. 11:43.320 --> 11:45.320 在香港呢? 11:45.320 --> 11:48.320 我想住十天. 11:48.320 --> 11:49.320 Now you try. 11:49.320 --> 11:52.320 You're being asked some questions about a trip of yours. 11:52.320 --> 11:57.320 You're thinking of staying three weeks in Taipei and ten days in Hong Kong. 11:57.320 --> 12:02.320 你想在台湾住多久? 12:02.320 --> 12:05.320 我想住三个星期. 12:05.320 --> 12:10.320 在香港呢? 12:10.320 --> 12:13.320 我想住十天. 12:13.320 --> 12:15.320 Try it again. 12:15.320 --> 12:20.320 你想在台湾住多久? 12:20.320 --> 12:22.320 我想住三个星期. 12:22.320 --> 12:26.320 在香港呢? 12:26.320 --> 12:30.320 我想住十天. 12:30.320 --> 12:33.320 So far you've expressed how long with future activities only. 12:33.320 --> 12:37.320 But what if you want to express how long something has taken so far? 12:37.320 --> 12:39.320 How long it's going to be going on? 12:39.320 --> 12:42.320 你来了多久了? 12:42.320 --> 12:45.320 我来了三天了. 12:45.320 --> 12:50.320 The first look coming right after the verb indicates completion of action. 12:50.320 --> 12:51.320 I have come. 12:51.320 --> 12:55.320 And the second look coming at the end of the sentence indicates the change up to the present. 12:55.320 --> 12:57.320 It's three days now. 12:57.320 --> 12:58.320 Repeat. 12:58.320 --> 13:00.320 I've been here for three days. 13:00.320 --> 13:05.320 我来了三天了. 13:05.320 --> 13:08.320 我来了三天了. 13:08.320 --> 13:14.320 The double look construction is used when you're talking about an action started in the past and still going on. 13:14.320 --> 13:19.320 How do you say I've been here three days? 13:19.320 --> 13:23.320 我来了三天了. 13:23.320 --> 13:25.320 Try responding to the question. 13:25.320 --> 13:27.320 How long have you been here? 13:27.320 --> 13:29.320 Say that you've been here for three days. 13:29.320 --> 13:33.320 你来了多久了? 13:33.320 --> 13:37.320 我来了三天了. 13:37.320 --> 13:42.320 你来了多久了? 13:42.320 --> 13:47.320 我来了三天了. 13:47.320 --> 13:48.320 Let's review a bit. 13:48.320 --> 13:51.320 Duration phrases go after the verb. 13:51.320 --> 13:55.320 To talk about the duration of something still going on, use two laws. 13:55.320 --> 13:58.320 One right after the verb and one at the end of the sentence. 13:58.320 --> 14:02.320 Try putting the following English sentences into Chinese. 14:02.320 --> 14:07.320 I've been here three months. 14:07.320 --> 14:10.320 我来了三个月了. 14:10.320 --> 14:14.320 I'm staying one year. 14:14.320 --> 14:17.320 我住一年. 14:17.320 --> 14:22.320 I've been here a week. 14:22.320 --> 14:26.320 我来了一个星期了. 14:26.320 --> 14:29.320 She's been here two days. 14:29.320 --> 14:33.320 她来了两天了. 14:33.320 --> 14:37.320 She's staying two days. 14:37.320 --> 14:40.320 她住两天. 14:40.320 --> 14:45.320 I'm thinking of staying four months. 14:45.320 --> 14:48.320 我想住四个月. 14:48.320 --> 14:52.320 I've been here for three weeks. 14:52.320 --> 14:57.320 我来了三个星期了. 14:57.320 --> 15:00.320 If you want to talk about how long something lasted in the past, 15:00.320 --> 15:02.320 that is the duration of something completed, 15:02.320 --> 15:04.320 you use a different pattern. 15:04.320 --> 15:07.320 Listen as Mr. King talks about his wife staying in Hong Kong. 15:07.320 --> 15:10.320 She's back in Taiwan now. 15:10.320 --> 15:13.320 你太太在香港住了多久? 15:13.320 --> 15:15.320 她住了两天. 15:15.320 --> 15:18.320 There's only one marker Lu in this sentence. 15:18.320 --> 15:20.320 We're talking about completed action here. 15:20.320 --> 15:22.320 The activity is no longer happening. 15:22.320 --> 15:25.320 There's no need for the new situation Lu at the end of the sentence. 15:25.320 --> 15:28.320 Repeat, she stayed two days. 15:28.320 --> 15:33.320 她住了两天. 15:33.320 --> 15:38.320 她住了两天. 15:38.320 --> 15:41.320 To indicate that you're talking about the duration of something that is over, 15:41.320 --> 15:42.320 no longer happening, 15:42.320 --> 15:45.320 place the marker Lu directly after the verb. 15:45.320 --> 15:51.320 How do you say she stayed two days? 15:51.320 --> 15:55.320 她住了两天. 15:55.320 --> 15:58.320 I'm responding to a question about your wife staying in Hong Kong. 15:58.320 --> 16:01.320 Say she stayed two days. 16:01.320 --> 16:06.320 你太太在香港住了多久? 16:06.320 --> 16:10.320 她住了两天. 16:10.320 --> 16:12.320 Again, 16:12.320 --> 16:18.320 你太太在香港住了多久? 16:18.320 --> 16:21.320 她住了两天. 16:21.320 --> 16:24.320 In this next exchange someone is talking about his trip 16:24.320 --> 16:26.320 and how long he stayed in each place. 16:26.320 --> 16:28.320 Listen. 16:28.320 --> 16:30.320 你在台北住了多久? 16:30.320 --> 16:32.320 我住了三个星期. 16:32.320 --> 16:34.320 在香港呢? 16:34.320 --> 16:37.320 我住了十天. 16:37.320 --> 16:38.320 Now you try it. 16:38.320 --> 16:41.320 Say that you stayed in Taipei for three weeks 16:41.320 --> 16:43.320 and in Hong Kong for ten days. 16:43.320 --> 16:47.320 你在台北住了多久? 16:47.320 --> 16:50.320 我住了三个星期. 16:50.320 --> 16:54.320 在香港呢? 16:54.320 --> 16:56.320 我住了十天. 16:56.320 --> 16:58.320 Try it again. 16:58.320 --> 17:02.320 你在台北住了多久? 17:02.320 --> 17:04.320 我住了三个星期. 17:04.320 --> 17:08.320 在香港呢? 17:08.320 --> 17:13.320 我住了十天. 17:13.320 --> 17:15.320 Now two of you said this which talk about how long 17:15.320 --> 17:18.320 either for future events or events which are still taking place 17:18.320 --> 17:21.320 or events which are completely in the past. 17:21.320 --> 17:23.320 I'll give you some English sentences 17:23.320 --> 17:24.320 and you put them into Chinese. 17:24.320 --> 17:26.320 Let's start. 17:26.320 --> 17:30.320 I'm staying one year. 17:30.320 --> 17:34.320 我住一年. 17:34.320 --> 17:37.320 I stayed one year. 17:37.320 --> 17:41.320 我住了一年. 17:41.320 --> 17:44.320 I've been here one year. 17:44.320 --> 17:49.320 我来了一年了. 17:49.320 --> 17:53.320 She stayed one week. 17:53.320 --> 17:57.320 她住了一个星期. 17:57.320 --> 18:01.320 He's staying two days. 18:01.320 --> 18:04.320 他住两天. 18:04.320 --> 18:08.320 He stayed three months. 18:08.320 --> 18:11.320 他住了三个月. 18:11.320 --> 18:15.320 He's been here for three months. 18:15.320 --> 18:19.320 他来了三个月. 18:19.320 --> 18:21.320 Here's a familiar exchange. 18:21.320 --> 18:22.320 Listen. 18:22.320 --> 18:23.320 他来了吗? 18:23.320 --> 18:26.320 来了.他来了. 18:26.320 --> 18:28.320 Earlier in this module, 18:28.320 --> 18:29.320 we said 他来了. 18:29.320 --> 18:31.320 means she's come. 18:31.320 --> 18:34.320 Where the marker 喽 is interpreted as both the completed action marker 18:34.320 --> 18:36.320 and the new situation marker. 18:36.320 --> 18:39.320 But there's another way to interpret this sentence. 18:39.320 --> 18:40.320 And that's with only one 喽. 18:40.320 --> 18:42.320 the completed action marker. 18:42.320 --> 18:46.320 In this case,the sentence 他来了 is interpreted as 18:46.320 --> 18:49.320 she did come the action being over. 18:49.320 --> 18:52.320 Let's say that you had a party at your place a week ago. 18:52.320 --> 18:55.320 Now a friend who couldn't make it is asking who did come. 18:55.320 --> 18:57.320 The person she's asking about did come. 18:57.320 --> 19:02.320 Answer the question 他来了吗? 19:02.320 --> 19:06.320 来了.他来了. 19:06.320 --> 19:09.320 Now she asks about someone who didn't come. 19:09.320 --> 19:11.320 林小姐来了吗? 19:11.320 --> 19:14.320 没来.她没来. 19:14.320 --> 19:18.320 As you remember,the advert May negates actions in the past. 19:18.320 --> 19:21.320 Repeat,no,she didn't come. 19:21.320 --> 19:26.320 没来.她没来. 19:26.320 --> 19:29.320 没来.她没来. 19:29.320 --> 19:31.320 Try answering the question yourself. 19:31.320 --> 19:34.320 Miss Lin didn't come. 19:34.320 --> 19:38.320 林小姐来了吗? 19:38.320 --> 19:41.320 没来.她没来. 19:41.320 --> 19:46.320 Again.林小姐来了吗? 19:46.320 --> 19:49.320 没来.她没来. 19:49.320 --> 19:51.320 Now let's turn to another topic. 19:51.320 --> 19:54.320 Listen.你从前来过吗? 19:54.320 --> 19:57.320 我从前没来过. 19:57.320 --> 20:00.320 Repeat the word for formerly or before. 20:00.320 --> 20:05.320 从前.从前. 20:05.320 --> 20:08.320 从前. 20:08.320 --> 20:10.320 As with other adverbs telling when, 20:10.320 --> 20:13.320 the word从前 goes before the verb. 20:13.320 --> 20:16.320 Repeat,have you ever been here before? 20:16.320 --> 20:20.320 你从前来过吗? 20:20.320 --> 20:24.320 你从前来过吗? 20:24.320 --> 20:29.320 The marker 过 after the verb lie carries the meaning of having ever had the experience of. 20:29.320 --> 20:31.320 It directly follows the verb. 20:31.320 --> 20:34.320 Repeat,have you ever been here before? 20:34.320 --> 20:40.320 你从前来过吗? 20:40.320 --> 20:42.320 Try asking the question yourself. 20:42.320 --> 20:47.320 You get a confirmation and a reply. 20:47.320 --> 20:49.320 你从前来过吗? 20:49.320 --> 20:54.320 我从前没来过.Again. 20:54.320 --> 20:56.320 你从前来过吗? 20:56.320 --> 20:59.320 我从前没来过. 20:59.320 --> 21:04.320 Notice that negating a sentence with 过 adds 没 before the verb and keeps the 过. 21:04.320 --> 21:10.320 While,as you remember,the negation of a sentence with 了 adds 没 before the verb and drops the 了. 21:10.320 --> 21:13.320 Repeat,I've never been here before. 21:13.320 --> 21:21.320 我从前没来过. 21:21.320 --> 21:23.320 Try responding to the question yourself. 21:23.320 --> 21:25.320 Say that you've never been here before. 21:25.320 --> 21:28.320 你从前来过吗? 21:28.320 --> 21:34.320 我从前没来过.Again. 21:34.320 --> 21:38.320 你从前来过吗? 21:38.320 --> 21:42.320 我从前没来过. 21:42.320 --> 21:46.320 Listen to this exchange as Mr. King talks about being in Taiwan. 21:46.320 --> 21:50.320 王先生,你来了多久了? 21:50.320 --> 21:52.320 我来了一个月了. 21:52.320 --> 21:54.320 你从前来过吗? 21:54.320 --> 21:56.320 我从前没来过. 21:56.320 --> 21:58.320 你想住多久? 21:58.320 --> 22:01.320 我想住一年. 22:01.320 --> 22:04.320 Now you try it. Take the part of Mr. King. 22:04.320 --> 22:06.320 You've been in Taiwan for a month now. 22:06.320 --> 22:08.320 You've never been there before. 22:08.320 --> 22:10.320 And you're thinking of staying one year. 22:10.320 --> 22:16.320 王先生,你来了多久了? 22:16.320 --> 22:18.320 我来了一个月了. 22:18.320 --> 22:22.320 你从前来过吗? 22:22.320 --> 22:24.320 我从前没来过. 22:24.320 --> 22:29.320 你想住多久? 22:29.320 --> 22:34.320 我想住一年.Try it again. 22:34.320 --> 22:39.320 王先生,你来了多久了? 22:39.320 --> 22:41.320 我来了一个月了. 22:41.320 --> 22:45.320 你从前来过吗? 22:45.320 --> 22:48.320 我从前没来过. 22:48.320 --> 22:51.320 你想住多久? 22:51.320 --> 22:54.320 我想住一年. 22:54.320 --> 22:56.320 Now let's review what we've covered on this tape. 22:56.320 --> 23:00.320 I'll give you some sentences in English and you put them into Chinese. 23:00.320 --> 23:02.320 Number one. 23:02.320 --> 23:06.320 Have you ever been here before? 23:06.320 --> 23:10.320 你从前来过吗? 23:10.320 --> 23:13.320 I haven't been here before. 23:13.320 --> 23:16.320 我从前没来过. 23:16.320 --> 23:18.320 Number two. 23:18.320 --> 23:23.320 I'm thinking of staying in Taiwan. 23:23.320 --> 23:28.320 你想在台湾住多久? 23:28.320 --> 23:32.320 I'm thinking of staying eight months. 23:32.320 --> 23:36.320 我想住八个月. 23:36.320 --> 23:38.320 Number three. 23:38.320 --> 23:42.320 How long have you been here? 23:42.320 --> 23:45.320 你来了多久了? 23:45.320 --> 23:49.320 I've been here three weeks. 23:49.320 --> 23:53.320 我来了三个星期了. 23:53.320 --> 23:54.320 Number four. 23:54.320 --> 23:59.320 How long did your wife stay in Hong Kong? 23:59.320 --> 24:05.320 你太太在香港住了多久? 24:05.320 --> 24:09.320 She stayed two days. 24:09.320 --> 24:13.320 她住了两天. 24:13.320 --> 24:17.320 How long are you staying? 24:17.320 --> 24:20.320 你住多久? 24:20.320 --> 24:23.320 I'm staying one year. 24:23.320 --> 24:28.320 我住一年. 24:28.320 --> 24:31.320 This is the end of the tape. 24:31.320 --> 24:44.320 This is the end of the biographic information module unit six production tape one.