WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:07.000 Standard Chinese, a modular approach. Directions module unit 1, production tape 1. 00:07.000 --> 00:13.000 On the comprehension tape in this unit, you learn to understand some sentences asking or giving directions. 00:13.000 --> 00:17.000 Before you learn how to say these things, test your comprehension of them. 00:17.000 --> 00:20.000 Put the following exchanges from the target list into English. 00:20.000 --> 00:30.000 Number 1,你知道不知道華美咖啡廳?Do you know of the huame coffee house? 00:30.000 --> 00:42.000 知道。Yes, I know. Number 2,到那里去怎么走?How do I go there? 00:42.000 --> 00:50.000 从这里往左走。From here you go to the left. 00:50.000 --> 01:02.000 到了路口,往右走就到了。When you reach the intersection, then you go to the right, and then you're there. 01:02.000 --> 01:11.000 Number 3,从这里到银行去,我先往右走,对不对? 01:11.000 --> 01:16.000 To get from here to the bank, first I go to the right, is that correct? 01:16.000 --> 01:24.000 不是,从这里一直走。No, from here you go straight. 01:24.000 --> 01:35.000 然后到了路口,往左走。After that, when I reach the intersection, I go to the left. 01:35.000 --> 01:40.000 对了。That's correct. 01:40.000 --> 01:45.000 好,我知道了,谢谢。 01:45.000 --> 01:49.000 Good, I've got it now, thank you. 01:49.000 --> 01:54.000 If you had any trouble understanding these sentences, rewind the tape and work on them some more. 01:54.000 --> 01:58.000 If you understood them all, you should begin learning how to say them. 01:58.000 --> 02:02.000 Listen to this exchange as two friends meet on the street. 02:02.000 --> 02:09.000 你到哪里去?我到咖啡厅去。Repeat the verb to go. 02:09.000 --> 02:14.000 去,去。Repeat the question, where are you going? 02:14.000 --> 02:25.000 Literally, you to where go.你到哪里去?你到哪里去? 02:25.000 --> 02:29.000 So far you've seen 到 as a full verb meaning to arrive. 02:29.000 --> 02:31.000 Here it's a prepositional verb meaning to. 02:31.000 --> 02:38.000 Do remember that other prepositional verbs such as 给 for could also be full verbs such as 给 to give. 02:38.000 --> 02:49.000 Repeat, where are you going?你到哪里去?你到哪里去? 02:49.000 --> 02:57.000 Notice the word order, the prepositional verb phrase 到哪里? goes before the full verb 去. 02:57.000 --> 03:07.000 How do you say, where are you going?你到哪里去? 03:07.000 --> 03:12.000 You've probably found prepositional verbs such as 到 or 给 easy enough to handle. 03:12.000 --> 03:17.000 The resemblance to English prepositions such as 到 in or for is a help. 03:17.000 --> 03:24.000 You've had to remember, however, that the prepositional phrase like 给我 precedes a full verb like 还还. 03:24.000 --> 03:27.000 Now you've come to another point to remember. 03:27.000 --> 03:32.000 Chinese often uses a prepositional verb like 到 where English uses no preposition. 03:32.000 --> 03:36.000 How do you say, where are you going? 03:36.000 --> 03:41.000 你到哪里去? 03:41.000 --> 03:49.000 Listen to the exchange again.你到哪里去?我到咖啡厅去. 03:49.000 --> 03:57.000 Repeat the word for coffee house.咖啡厅.咖啡厅. 03:57.000 --> 04:05.000 Repeat, I'm going to a coffee house.我到咖啡厅去. 04:05.000 --> 04:09.000 我到咖啡厅去. 04:09.000 --> 04:17.000 Notice that although we say going to a coffee house in English, there is no word in the Chinese corresponding to the article a. 04:17.000 --> 04:29.000 How do you say, I'm going to a coffee house?我到咖啡厅去. 04:29.000 --> 04:34.000 Listen to this exchange.你到哪里去?我到咖啡厅去. 04:34.000 --> 04:38.000 你要不要去?好,我去. 04:38.000 --> 04:41.000 Now you try it. You're going to a coffee house. 04:41.000 --> 04:54.000 When you meet a friend on the street and she asks you where you're headed, you tell her and then ask if she wants to go.你到哪里去? 04:54.000 --> 05:00.000 我到咖啡厅去.你要不要去?好,我去. 05:00.000 --> 05:03.000 Again.你到哪里去? 05:03.000 --> 05:14.000 我到咖啡厅去.你要不要去?好,我去. 05:14.000 --> 05:18.000 The conversation continues. Listen. 05:18.000 --> 05:23.000 你知道不知道华美咖啡厅?不知道. 05:23.000 --> 05:31.000 Repeat the verb to know or to know of.知道.知道. 05:31.000 --> 05:35.000 Repeat the name of the coffee house, the huamei coffee house. 05:35.000 --> 05:39.000 华美咖啡厅. 05:39.000 --> 05:43.000 华美咖啡厅. 05:43.000 --> 05:55.000 Repeat the question, do you know of the huamei coffee house?你知道不知道华美咖啡厅? 05:55.000 --> 06:00.000 你知道不知道华美咖啡厅? 06:00.000 --> 06:13.000 Try saying it yourself, ahead of the speaker.你知道不知道华美咖啡厅? 06:13.000 --> 06:27.000 Try asking the question again, this time you'll get a reply.你知道不知道华美咖啡厅?不知道.Again. 06:27.000 --> 06:35.000 你知道不知道华美咖啡厅?不知道. 06:35.000 --> 06:42.000 Since neither of the friends know where the huamei coffee house is, they ask someone on the street. Listen. 06:42.000 --> 06:48.000 你知道不知道华美咖啡厅?知道.到哪里去怎么走? 06:48.000 --> 06:56.000 从这里往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.Repeat, how do I go? 06:56.000 --> 07:02.000 怎么走?怎么走? 07:02.000 --> 07:13.000 You've already seen the verb 走 means to leave. Here you find another meaning of the verb 走 to take a route, to go by way of. Now repeat the whole sentence. How do I go there? 07:13.000 --> 07:23.000 到哪里去怎么走?到哪里去怎么走? 07:23.000 --> 07:34.000 Notice that the question starts off with what could be a complete sentence itself. A propositional verb phrase and a full verb.到哪里去?I'm going there. 07:34.000 --> 07:46.000 It's then followed by a question word and another full verb.怎么走?By what route?How do you say, how do I go there? 07:46.000 --> 07:50.000 到哪里去怎么走? 07:50.000 --> 07:54.000 Try it again. This time you'll get a reply. 07:54.000 --> 07:59.000 到哪里去怎么走? 07:59.000 --> 08:07.000 从这里往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.Again. 08:07.000 --> 08:12.000 到哪里去怎么走? 08:12.000 --> 08:19.000 从这里往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了. 08:19.000 --> 08:26.000 Listen to how you might break these directions up into parts.我先往左走,对不对? 08:26.000 --> 08:43.000 对了.Repeat the adjectival verb to be correct.对,对,对.Repeat, is that correct?对不对?对不对? 08:43.000 --> 08:54.000 Now repeat the prepositional verb which means towards or in the direction of.往,往. 08:54.000 --> 09:01.000 Although both prepositional verbs往 and到 can be translated as to, they mean different things. 09:01.000 --> 09:16.000 Use到 to mean to as in到北京去.Go to Peking when you actually do go all the way to the place.Use往 to mean towards when you go in the direction of a place but not all the way there. 09:16.000 --> 09:30.000 Now repeat the word for the direction left.左,左.Repeat, go to the left.往左走,往左走. 09:30.000 --> 09:52.000 Repeat the adverb first.先,先.Repeat, first I go to the left.我先往左走,我先往左走. 09:52.000 --> 10:14.000 Notice that the adverb先 comes directly after the subject 我,before the prepositional verb 往.Repeat, first I go to the left.is that correct?我先往左走,对不对? 10:14.000 --> 10:28.000 Try asking the question yourself. You'll get a reply.First I go to the left.is that correct?我先往左走,对不对? 10:28.000 --> 10:43.000 对了.Again.我先往左走,对不对?对了.The conversation continues. 10:43.000 --> 11:06.000 然后呢?然后到了路口往右走.Repeat the word for after that or afterwards.然后,然后.Repeat, and after that.然后呢?然后呢? 11:06.000 --> 11:27.000 Try saying it yourself. This time you'll get a reply.然后呢?然后到了路口再往右走.Again.然后呢?然后到了路口再往右走. 11:27.000 --> 11:54.000 Try asking both questions now.First I go to the left.is that correct?Then I ask about afterwards.我先往左走,对不对?对了.然后呢?然后到了路口再往右走.Again.我先往左走,对不对?对了.然后呢?然后到了路口再往右走.Again.我先往左走,对不对? 11:54.000 --> 12:20.000 对了.然后呢?然后到了路口再往右走.Let's break up that answer into several parts and take a closer look.Repeat the word for an intersection.路口。路口。Repeat the first part of the sentence. 12:20.000 --> 12:25.000 When you reach the intersection, more literally, arrived at the intersection. 12:25.000 --> 12:31.000 到了路口,到了路口。 12:31.000 --> 12:34.000 Now the second part of the sentence. 12:34.000 --> 12:37.000 Repeat the word for then, used in commands or suggestions. 12:37.000 --> 12:41.000 在,在。 12:41.000 --> 12:44.000 Now repeat the word for the direction right. 12:44.000 --> 12:48.000 有,有。 12:48.000 --> 12:52.000 Repeat, then go to the right. 12:52.000 --> 12:56.000 再往右走。 12:56.000 --> 13:00.000 再往右走。 13:00.000 --> 13:05.000 Again you see the verb 走, used instead of the verb 去 to mean go. 13:05.000 --> 13:10.000 This is because the emphasis is on the route taken, not on the final destination. 13:10.000 --> 13:13.000 What's the word for the direction right? 13:13.000 --> 13:15.000 有. 13:15.000 --> 13:20.000 How do you say, then go to the right. 13:20.000 --> 13:24.000 再往右走。 13:24.000 --> 13:27.000 Repeat the first two parts of the sentence now. 13:27.000 --> 13:31.000 When you reach the intersection, then you go to the right. 13:31.000 --> 13:37.000 到了路口,再往右走。 13:37.000 --> 13:43.000 到了路口,再往右走。 13:43.000 --> 13:47.000 Notice that the marker 路 is used to indicate completed action here. 13:47.000 --> 13:51.000 The sentence does not say that he has reached the intersection already, 13:51.000 --> 13:54.000 but when he has reached it, then he goes to the right. 13:54.000 --> 13:58.000 Completed action 路 does not tell you whether the action is past, present or future. 13:58.000 --> 14:01.000 This you must find out from the context. 14:01.000 --> 14:08.000 How do you say, when you reach the intersection, you go to the right. 14:08.000 --> 14:12.000 到了路口,再往右走。 14:12.000 --> 14:15.000 What completed action 路 does tell you in this sentence, 14:15.000 --> 14:19.000 is that getting to the intersection will be done before going to the right. 14:19.000 --> 14:24.000 You use the marker 路 here to show the completion of one action in relation to another. 14:24.000 --> 14:31.000 How do you say, when you reach the corner, you go to the right. 14:31.000 --> 14:37.000 到了路口,再往右走。 14:37.000 --> 14:39.000 Try answering the question yourself now. 14:39.000 --> 14:44.000 After that, when you reach the intersection, then you go to the right. 14:44.000 --> 14:50.000 然后呢? 14:50.000 --> 14:57.000 然后到了路口,再往右走。 14:57.000 --> 15:04.000 Again 然后呢? 15:04.000 --> 15:11.000 然后到了路口,再往右走。 15:11.000 --> 15:13.000 Listen to the final reply. 15:13.000 --> 15:16.000 好,我知道了。 15:16.000 --> 15:19.000 Repeat, now I've got it. 15:19.000 --> 15:21.000 我知道了。 15:21.000 --> 15:24.000 我知道了。 15:24.000 --> 15:27.000 Notice that you use the new situation 了 15:27.000 --> 15:31.000 to give the idea that now you know it although before you did not. 15:31.000 --> 15:33.000 How do you say, now I've got it. 15:33.000 --> 15:38.000 我知道了。 15:38.000 --> 15:40.000 Repeat, good, now I've got it. 15:40.000 --> 15:43.000 Thank you. 15:43.000 --> 15:48.000 好,我知道了。谢谢。 15:48.000 --> 15:53.000 好,我知道了。谢谢。 15:53.000 --> 15:57.000 Listen to this short conversation using what you've just learned. 15:57.000 --> 16:01.000 请问,到华美咖啡厅去怎么走? 16:01.000 --> 16:06.000 从这里往右走,到了路口,再往右走,就到了。 16:06.000 --> 16:08.000 好,我知道了。 16:08.000 --> 16:10.000 Now you try it. 16:10.000 --> 16:13.000 Try asking how you get to the huame coffee house. 16:13.000 --> 16:16.000 When you've heard the directions say good, now I've got it. 16:16.000 --> 16:22.000 Thank you. 16:22.000 --> 16:26.000 请问,到华美咖啡厅去怎么走? 16:26.000 --> 16:30.000 从这里往右走,到了路口,再往右走,就到了。 16:30.000 --> 16:35.000 好,我知道了。谢谢。 16:35.000 --> 16:40.000 Again. 16:40.000 --> 16:45.000 请问,到华美咖啡厅去怎么走? 16:45.000 --> 16:50.000 从这里往右走,到了路口,再往右走,就到了。 16:50.000 --> 16:57.000 好,我知道了。谢谢。 16:57.000 --> 17:02.000 Here's a quick review. 17:02.000 --> 17:05.000 What's the word for the direction right? 17:05.000 --> 17:07.000 右。 17:07.000 --> 17:10.000 What's the word for after that? 17:10.000 --> 17:13.000 然后。 17:13.000 --> 17:16.000 What's the word for the direction left? 17:16.000 --> 17:20.000 左。 17:20.000 --> 17:23.000 And what's the word for first? 17:23.000 --> 17:26.000 先。 17:26.000 --> 17:29.000 Here's another conversation. Listen. 17:29.000 --> 17:33.000 请问,从这里到银行去往右走,对不对? 17:33.000 --> 17:37.000 不是,从这里一直走。 17:37.000 --> 17:45.000 Repeat the prepositional verb from 从。 17:45.000 --> 17:52.000 Unlike the prepositional verb 到, the prepositional verb 从 is never used alone as a full verb. 17:52.000 --> 17:55.000 Repeat the prepositional phrase from here. 17:55.000 --> 18:01.000 从这里。 18:01.000 --> 18:04.000 Repeat to get from here to the bank. 18:04.000 --> 18:12.000 从这里到银行去。 18:12.000 --> 18:17.000 Repeat to get from here to the bank, you go right. 18:17.000 --> 18:24.000 从这里到银行去往右走。 18:24.000 --> 18:30.000 从这里到银行去往右走。 18:30.000 --> 18:33.000 Repeat to get from here to the bank, you go right. 18:33.000 --> 18:35.000 Is that correct? 18:35.000 --> 18:42.000 从这里到银行去往右走,对不对? 18:42.000 --> 18:48.000 从这里到银行去往右走,对不对? 18:48.000 --> 18:49.000 Now repeat. 18:49.000 --> 18:54.000 May I ask, if you get from here to the bank, you go to the right, is that correct? 18:54.000 --> 19:02.000 请问,从这里到银行去往右走,对不对? 19:02.000 --> 19:09.000 请问,从这里到银行去往右走,对不对? 19:09.000 --> 19:13.000 Try it again, this time you'll get a reply. 19:13.000 --> 19:22.000 Repeat to get from here to the bank, you go right. 19:22.000 --> 19:26.000 请问,从这里到银行去往右走,对不对? 19:26.000 --> 19:31.000 不是,从这里一直走。 19:31.000 --> 19:36.000 Again. 19:36.000 --> 19:40.000 请问,从这里到银行去往右走,对不对? 19:40.000 --> 19:44.000 从这里一直走。 19:44.000 --> 19:46.000 Now repeat the adverb, straight. 19:46.000 --> 19:51.000 一直,一直。 19:51.000 --> 19:54.000 Repeat, go straight. 19:54.000 --> 20:00.000 一直走,一直走。 20:00.000 --> 20:03.000 Repeat, from here you go straight. 20:03.000 --> 20:08.000 从这里一直走。 20:08.000 --> 20:13.000 从这里一直走。 20:13.000 --> 20:20.000 Notice that the adverb一直, comes right before what it most directly modifies, that is the verb走. 20:20.000 --> 20:24.000 Repeat, no, from here you go straight. 20:24.000 --> 20:30.000 不是,从这里一直走。 20:30.000 --> 20:35.000 不是,从这里一直走。 20:35.000 --> 20:41.000 Try responding to the question yourself now, correct the person, tell her to go straight. 20:41.000 --> 20:48.000 请问,从这里到银行去往右走,对不对? 20:48.000 --> 20:54.000 不是,从这里一直走。 20:54.000 --> 20:56.000 Again. 20:56.000 --> 21:04.000 请问,从这里到银行去往右走,对不对? 21:04.000 --> 21:09.000 不是,从这里一直走。 21:09.000 --> 21:13.000 Notice that even though the other person asks her question with,对不对? 21:13.000 --> 21:15.000 You answer with,不是。 21:15.000 --> 21:21.000 This is because the answer 不对, is considered rather blunt. 21:21.000 --> 21:23.000 Now let's review what we've covered on this tape. 21:23.000 --> 21:27.000 Put the following sentences from the target list into Chinese. 21:27.000 --> 21:28.000 Number one. 21:28.000 --> 21:33.000 I'm going to a coffee house. 21:33.000 --> 21:39.000 Do you know the huamei coffee house? 21:39.000 --> 21:46.000 Do you know the huamei coffee house? 21:46.000 --> 21:49.000 No, I don't. 21:49.000 --> 21:53.000 不知道。 21:53.000 --> 21:54.000 Number two. 21:54.000 --> 22:01.000 How do I get from here to the bank? 22:01.000 --> 22:05.000 你到银行去怎么走? 22:05.000 --> 22:09.000 From here you go straight. 22:09.000 --> 22:15.000 从这里一直走。 22:15.000 --> 22:17.000 Number three. 22:17.000 --> 22:24.000 First from here I go straight, is that right? 22:24.000 --> 22:29.000 我先从这里一直走,对不对? 22:29.000 --> 22:32.000 That's right. 22:32.000 --> 22:34.000 对了。 22:34.000 --> 22:43.000 After that, when I've reached the intersection, I go to the right. 22:43.000 --> 22:51.000 然后到了路口往右走。 22:51.000 --> 22:57.000 No, go to the left. 22:57.000 --> 23:02.000 我往左走。