standard Chinese a modular approach, directions module, unit one, production take two. before beginning exercise one, read the instructions in your workbook. exercise one. for this exercise you'll need to learn to refer to some of the buildings you commonly find in a city. repeat the word for grade school or primary school. 小學,小學. repeat the word for restaurant. 飯館,飯館. now do the exercise. number one. 請問,到銀行去怎麼走? 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了. again. 請問,到銀行去怎麼走? 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了. try it again. this time, restate the first part of the directions. 請問,到銀行去怎麼走? 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了. 我先往左走,對不對? 對了. 然後呢? 然後,到了路口,再往右走. 好,謝謝. number two. 從銀行到咖啡廳去怎麼走? 從這裡往右走,到了路口,再往右走就到了. again. 從銀行到咖啡廳去怎麼走? 從這裡往右走,到了路口,再往右走就到了. try it again. this time, restate the first part of the directions. 從銀行到咖啡廳去怎麼走? 從這裡往右走,到了路口,再往右走就到了. 我先往右走,對不對? 對了. 然後呢? 然後,到了路口,再往右走. 好,謝謝. number three. 從咖啡廳到小學去怎麼走? 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了. again. 從咖啡廳到小學去怎麼走? 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了. try it again. this time, restate the first part of the directions. 從咖啡廳到小學去怎麼走? 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了. 我先一直走,對不對? 對了. 然後呢? 然後,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了. 好,謝謝. number four. 從小學到大學去怎麼走? 從這裡往左走,到了路口,往右走就到了. again. 從小學到大學去怎麼走? 從這裡往左走,到了路口,往右走就到了. try it again. this time, restate the first part of the directions. 從小學到大學去怎麼走? 從這裡往左走,到了路口,往右走就到了. 我先往左走,對不對? 對了. 然後呢? 然後,到了路口,再往右走. 好,謝謝. number five. 從大學到飯館去怎麼走? 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了. again. 從大學到飯館去怎麼走? 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了. try it again. this time, restate the first part of the directions. 從大學到飯館去怎麼走? 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了. 我先一直走,對不對? 對了. 然後呢? 然後,到了第二個路口,往左走. 好,謝謝. number six. 從飯館到銀行去怎麼走? 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了. again. 從飯館到銀行去怎麼走? 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了. try it again. this time, restate the first part of the directions. 從飯館到銀行去怎麼走? 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了. 我先往左走,對不對? 對了. 然後呢? 然後,到了路口,再往右走. 好,謝謝. before beginning exercise two, read the instructions in your workbook. exercise two. today is September the 11th. you've just recently moved to Taipei. a new acquaintance is interested in what places you go to. answer his questions. 你今天到哪裡去? 我先到美國銀行去,然後到台灣銀行去. 昨天呢? 我是先到國賓大飯店去的,然後到飯館去的. 明天呢? 我明天先到美國銀行去,然後到第一大飯店去. 後天呢? 我先到台灣大學去,然後到飯館去. several months later, the same acquaintance is interested in where you go now. you're taking classes at Taiwan University now. today's date is December the 10th. 你今天到哪裡去? 我先到台灣大學去,然後到華美咖啡廳去. 昨天呢? 我是先到第一公司去的,然後到台灣大學去的. 明天呢? 我先到台灣大學去,然後到飯館去. 後天呢? 我先到第一公司去,然後到華美咖啡廳去. later in the spring, the same acquaintance ask about where it is you go these days. you're still taking classes at Taiwan University. you're also writing a paper on the school system in Taiwan and visiting some local schools. today is March the 23rd. 你今天到哪裡去? 我先到台灣大學去,然後到中山小學去. 昨天呢? 我是先到和平小學去的,然後到台灣大學去的. 明天呢? 我先到中山小學去,然後到和平小學去. 明天呢? 我先到台灣大學去,然後到和平小學去. before going on to exercise three, read the instructions in your workbook. exercise three, one. 他們那兒不賣美國雜誌. 他們那兒賣不賣美國雜誌? two,他走了? 他走了沒有? three,他沒來? 他來了沒有? four,他不看中國書? 他看不看中國書? 那本字典他還沒買? 那本字典他買了沒有? 他到上海去了? 他還沒換錢? 他換錢了沒有? eight,他沒有孩子? 他有沒有孩子? nine,他沒到南京去? 他到南京去了沒有? ten,他們那兒不收美金? 他們那兒收不收美金? eleven,那份中文報他還沒看? 那份中文報他看了沒有? twelve,他還沒走? 他走了沒有? this is the end of production tape two unit one directions module standard chinese a modular approach