{"text": "Standard Chinese, a modular approach, Directions Module Unit 3, Production Tape 1.The situations on this tape are set in Peking.On this tape, you'll learn how to talk about the relative distance of things.You'll also learn some typically peaking expressions for directions.Before going on to learn how to say these things, test your comprehension.Put the following into English.1.\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb\u554a\u3002Oh, you're going out.\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66\u3002I thought I'd go out to buy a few books.2.\u8001\u5bb6\u54ea\u513f\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002Excuse me, where is there a place that sells books?\u738b\u798f\u666f\u5927\u8857\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97,\u5f88\u5927\u3002There's a new China bookstore on Wangfujing Boulevard, which is very large.\u79bb\u8fd9\u513f\u8fdc\u5417?Is it far from here?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1.Not far, very close.\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u3002It's possible to get there by walking.\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?How do I go?\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u7ba1,\u5c31\u662f\u738b\u798f\u666f\u5927\u8857\u3002You go out from the main door, turn to the north, and that's Wangfujing Boulevard.\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?How far do I go?\u8d70\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u8def\u4e1c\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u4e2a\u5927\u697c,\u5c31\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u3002Go a short distance, the first building on the right is the new China bookstore.If you had any trouble understanding these sentences, rewind the tape and work on them some more.If you understood them all, you should begin learning how to say them.Listen to this first exchange.Miss Novak is on her way out of the Peking Hotel.\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb\u554a\u3002\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66\u3002Repeat the verb to go out.\u51fa\u53bb\u3002\u51fa\u53bb\u3002This verb is a compound of the verb \u51fa to exit or go out and \u53bb to go.Repeat, I thought I'd go out to buy a few books.\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66\u3002\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66\u3002Notice that the bound word \u51e0 how many means a few when it's used without a tone.Fry saying it ahead of the speaker. I thought I'd go out to buy a few books.\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66\u3002Fry responding to the comment yourself now.\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb\u554a\u3002\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66\u3002Again.\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb\u554a\u3002\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66\u3002Repeat the first comment now.Oh, you're going out. Notice the intonation.\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb\u554a\u3002\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb\u554a\u3002This comment is really a form of greeting. Instead of saying hello when you just happen to run across someone you know, you state the obvious to acknowledge his presence such as,Oh, you're here or oh, you've come. How do you say, oh, you're going out?\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb\u554a\u3002Next, Ms. Novak asks someone for directions.\u8001\u5bb6\u54ea\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002\u738b\u5e9c\u8b66\u5927\u8857\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97,\u5f88\u5927\u3002Repeat the word for excuse me.\u8001\u5bb6\u3002\u8001\u5bb6\u3002This is a peaking expression.Repeat a place where books are sold.\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002In the last unit, you saw the phrase \u5356\u5510\u7684,a candy seller or candy counter.As you can see, this is a common way to refer to various types of stores.Repeat.Excuse me.Where is there a store that sells books?\u8001\u5bb6\u54ea\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002\u8001\u5bb6\u54ea\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002Try asking the question yourself. You'll get a reply.\u8001\u5bb6\u54ea\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002\u738b\u5e9c\u8b66\u5927\u8857\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97,\u5f88\u5927\u3002Again.\u8001\u5bb6\u54ea\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002\u738b\u5e9c\u8b66\u5927\u8857\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97,\u5f88\u5927\u3002A quick review.What's the verb to go out?\u51fa\u53bb\u3002How do you say a place that sells books?\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002How do they say excuse me in peaking?\u8001\u5bb6\u3002The conversation continues.Listen.\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u5f97\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1\u3002Repeat the actual word for bookstore.\u4e66\u5e97\u3002\u4e66\u5e97\u3002Repeat new China bookstore.\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u3002\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u3002Repeat the prepositional verb from\u79bb,\u79bb\u3002Although both zhong and li are translated as from, they are quite different.The prepositional verb li is actually one point apart from another.It's mainly used when discussing distances.Other times you use zhong for from.Now repeat the adjectival verb to be far.\u8fdc\u3002\u8fdc\u3002As with other prepositional verb phrases, the phrase with li from goes before the full verb.In this case, the adjectival verb \u8fdc to be far.Repeat is it far from here?\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?Repeat is the new China bookstore far from here?\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?Try asking the question yourself now, you'll get a reply.\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1\u3002Again.\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1\u3002Repeat the adjectival verb to be near.\u8fd1\u3002\u8fd1\u3002Repeat it's not far very close.\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1\u3002\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1\u3002Try answering the question yourself now, it's not far very close.\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1\u3002Again.\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1\u3002Listen to Miss Novak's next question.\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u3002You already know that the verb \u8d70 can mean to go by way or it can mean to walk. The word \u8d70\u7740 is the form of the verb which means walking.Repeat walking \u8d70\u7740 \u8d70\u7740Repeat is it possible to get there by walking?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?You may wonder why this sentence means it's possible to get there by walking and not just is it possible to walk.The idea of there is contained in the verb \u53bb.As you remember both \u8d70 and \u53bb can mean to go.We said that the difference is that \u53bb is used when the destination is in mind.Repeat again, is it possible to get there by walking?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?Now repeat the question, how do I go there?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?Again the question \u600e\u4e48\u53bb and\u600e\u4e48\u8d70 may seem very close in meaning. Use \u600e\u4e48\u8d70 when you want to know by what route to go.Use \u600e\u4e48\u53bb when you want to know by what means to get there.Repeat both questions now.How do I go there? Is it possible to walk there?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?Try it yourself now, you'll get a reply.How do I go there? Is it possible to get there by walking?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?Again \u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?Try the conversation from the beginning now. I'll give you your lines in English as they come up. Let's begin. Excuse me, where is there a store that sells books?\u8001\u5bb6,\u54ea\u513f\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684?\u738b\u5e9c\u666f\u5927\u8857\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97,\u5f88\u5927.Is the new China bookstore far from here?\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u513f\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1.How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?Again, excuse me, where is there a store that sells books?\u8001\u5bb6,\u54ea\u513f\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684?\u738b\u5e9c\u666f\u5927\u8857\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97,\u5f88\u5927.Is the new China bookstore far from here?\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u513f\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1.How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5.The conversation continues. Listen.\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0\u5c31\u662f\u738b\u5e9c\u666f\u5927\u8857.Oh,\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u5bf9\u4e86.Repeat the word for entrance, literally big door.\u5927\u95e8,\u5927\u95e8.Repeat, go out from the entrance.\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb.Repeat the verb to turn.\u62d0,\u62d0.Repeat the prepositional verb to or toward.\u671d,\u671d.The prepositional verb\u671d, meaning to, is mainly used in Peking, and usually when talking about north-southeast or west.Repeat, turn to the north.\u671d\u5317\u62d0,\u671d\u5317\u62d0.Repeat, I go out from the entrance and turn to the north.\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0.\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0.Repeat, I go out from the entrance and turn to the north.is that correct?\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?Try to exchange yourself now.First, ask what way you go, then repeat the directions to see if you got them right.\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0,\u5c31\u662f\u738b\u5e9c\u4e95\u5927\u8857\u3002\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002Again.\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0,\u5c31\u662f\u738b\u5e9c\u4e95\u5927\u8857\u3002\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002A quick review. What's the word for boulevard?\u5927\u8857.What's the edgied travel verb to be far?\u8fdc.What's the word for entrance?\u5927\u95e8.What's the verb to turn?\u62d0.Miss Norvac has another question. Listen.\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?\u8d70\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u8def\u4e1c\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u5c31\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97.Repeat how far?\u591a\u8fdc?\u591a\u8fdc.You've seen the question word \u591a\u8fdc before when talking about ages as in \u591a\u5927,how old?Repeat how far do I go?\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?Try asking the question yourself. You'll get a confirmation and a reply. How far do I go?\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?\u8d70\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u8def\u4e1c\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u5c31\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97.Again.\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?\u8d70\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u8def\u4e1c\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u5c31\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97.Try the conversation from the beginning again. I'll give you your lines in English. Excuse me. Where's there a store that sells books?\u8001\u5bb6,\u54ea\u513f\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684?\u738b\u5e9c\u4e95\u5927\u8857\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97,\u5f88\u5927.Is the new China bookstore far from here?\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u513f\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1.How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u7740\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u8d70\u7740\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5.How do I go?\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0\u5c31\u662f\u738b\u5e9c\u4e95\u5927\u8857.Oh, I go off on the entrance and turn to the north.Is that right?\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u5bf9\u4e86.How far do I go?\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?\u8d70\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u8def\u4e1c\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u5c31\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97.A little later, when Miss Novak has walked a bit, she asks another person.\u8001\u5bb6,\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?\u662f\u7684.Repeat the word for a building.\u5927\u697c.\u5927\u697c.This word,\u5927\u697c,actually refers to multi-storied buildings.Repeat,is that building the new China bookstore?\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?Repeat,excuse me.Is that building the new China bookstore?\u8001\u5bb6,\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?\u8001\u5bb6,\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?Try asking the question yourself now.You'll get a reply.Excuse me.Is that building the new China bookstore?\u8001\u5bb6,\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?\u8001\u5bb6,\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?\u662f\u7684.Again.\u8001\u5bb6,\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?\u662f\u7684.Now let's review what we've covered on this tape.Put the following sentences into Chinese.Number one.Oh, you're going out.\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb.I thought I'd go out to buy a few books.\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66.Is the new China bookstore far from here?\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u513f\u8fdc\u5417?Not far, very close.\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1.How do I go?Is it possible to get there by walking?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?It's possible to get there by walking.\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5?Number two.Excuse me.How do I get to the movie theater?\u8001\u5bb6,\u5230\u7535\u5f71\u9662\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?Go off on the entrance and turn to the north.\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb\u671d\u5317\u62d0.How far do I go?\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?Not far.\u4e0d\u8fdc.Number three.Excuse me.Is that building the new China bookstore?\u8001\u5bb6,\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?Yes.\u662f\u7684.This is the end of the tape.End of directions module unit three, production tape one.\u8c22\u8c22\u5927\u5bb6.", "segments": [{"id": 0, "seek": 0, "start": 0.0, "end": 8.0, "text": "Standard Chinese, a modular approach, Directions Module Unit 3, Production Tape 1.", "tokens": [4520, 474, 515, 4649, 11, 257, 31111, 3109, 11, 5822, 3916, 48251, 27894, 805, 11, 30088, 6551, 494, 502, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.24606626410233348, "compression_ratio": 1.588235294117647, "no_speech_prob": 0.2855169177055359}, {"id": 1, "seek": 0, "start": 8.0, "end": 12.0, "text": "The situations on this tape are set in Peking.", "tokens": [2278, 6851, 322, 341, 7314, 366, 992, 294, 430, 38437, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.24606626410233348, "compression_ratio": 1.588235294117647, "no_speech_prob": 0.2855169177055359}, {"id": 2, "seek": 0, "start": 12.0, "end": 16.0, "text": "On this tape, you'll learn how to talk about the relative distance of things.", "tokens": [11747, 341, 7314, 11, 291, 603, 1466, 577, 281, 751, 466, 264, 4972, 4560, 295, 721, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.24606626410233348, "compression_ratio": 1.588235294117647, "no_speech_prob": 0.2855169177055359}, {"id": 3, "seek": 0, "start": 16.0, "end": 20.0, "text": "You'll also learn some typically peaking expressions for directions.", "tokens": [3223, 603, 611, 1466, 512, 5850, 520, 2456, 15277, 337, 11095, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.24606626410233348, "compression_ratio": 1.588235294117647, "no_speech_prob": 0.2855169177055359}, {"id": 4, "seek": 0, "start": 20.0, "end": 23.0, "text": "Before going on to learn how to say these things, test your comprehension.", "tokens": [49731, 516, 322, 281, 1466, 577, 281, 584, 613, 721, 11, 1500, 428, 44991, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.24606626410233348, "compression_ratio": 1.588235294117647, "no_speech_prob": 0.2855169177055359}, {"id": 5, "seek": 0, "start": 23.0, "end": 25.0, "text": "Put the following into English.", "tokens": [37594, 264, 3480, 666, 3669, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.24606626410233348, "compression_ratio": 1.588235294117647, "no_speech_prob": 0.2855169177055359}, {"id": 6, "seek": 2500, "start": 25.0, "end": 31.0, "text": "1.\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb\u554a\u3002Oh, you're going out.", "tokens": [16, 13, 2166, 48973, 4905, 1543, 3756, 11, 291, 434, 516, 484, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1895907807023558, "compression_ratio": 1.0335195530726258, "no_speech_prob": 0.0005406047566793859}, {"id": 7, "seek": 2500, "start": 31.0, "end": 37.0, "text": "\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66\u3002", "tokens": [25246, 48973, 2930, 108, 6336, 254, 8802, 2930, 99, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1895907807023558, "compression_ratio": 1.0335195530726258, "no_speech_prob": 0.0005406047566793859}, {"id": 8, "seek": 2500, "start": 37.0, "end": 40.0, "text": "I thought I'd go out to buy a few books.", "tokens": [40, 1194, 286, 1116, 352, 484, 281, 2256, 257, 1326, 3642, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1895907807023558, "compression_ratio": 1.0335195530726258, "no_speech_prob": 0.0005406047566793859}, {"id": 9, "seek": 2500, "start": 40.0, "end": 45.0, "text": "2.\u8001\u5bb6\u54ea\u513f\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002", "tokens": [17, 13, 10439, 5155, 17028, 22933, 2412, 5322, 244, 2930, 99, 1546, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1895907807023558, "compression_ratio": 1.0335195530726258, "no_speech_prob": 0.0005406047566793859}, {"id": 10, "seek": 2500, "start": 45.0, "end": 49.0, "text": "Excuse me, where is there a place that sells books?", "tokens": [33553, 438, 385, 11, 689, 307, 456, 257, 1081, 300, 20897, 3642, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1895907807023558, "compression_ratio": 1.0335195530726258, "no_speech_prob": 0.0005406047566793859}, {"id": 11, "seek": 4900, "start": 49.0, "end": 58.0, "text": "\u738b\u798f\u666f\u5927\u8857\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97,\u5f88\u5927\u3002", "tokens": [19940, 33952, 50218, 3582, 42529, 2412, 20182, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 11, 4563, 3582, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16839497709927492, "compression_ratio": 1.0105820105820107, "no_speech_prob": 0.00021154618298169225}, {"id": 12, "seek": 4900, "start": 58.0, "end": 63.0, "text": "There's a new China bookstore on Wangfujing Boulevard, which is very large.", "tokens": [9077, 311, 257, 777, 3533, 43478, 322, 14499, 69, 4579, 278, 50121, 11303, 11, 597, 307, 588, 2416, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16839497709927492, "compression_ratio": 1.0105820105820107, "no_speech_prob": 0.00021154618298169225}, {"id": 13, "seek": 4900, "start": 63.0, "end": 68.0, "text": "\u79bb\u8fd9\u513f\u8fdc\u5417?Is it far from here?", "tokens": [18614, 119, 5562, 22933, 3316, 250, 14769, 30, 6802, 309, 1400, 490, 510, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16839497709927492, "compression_ratio": 1.0105820105820107, "no_speech_prob": 0.00021154618298169225}, {"id": 14, "seek": 4900, "start": 68.0, "end": 74.0, "text": "\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1.Not far, very close.", "tokens": [1960, 3316, 250, 11, 4563, 17463, 13, 15208, 1400, 11, 588, 1998, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16839497709927492, "compression_ratio": 1.0105820105820107, "no_speech_prob": 0.00021154618298169225}, {"id": 15, "seek": 7400, "start": 74.0, "end": 80.0, "text": "\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?", "tokens": [15282, 6734, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12297073570457664, "compression_ratio": 1.30625, "no_speech_prob": 3.973500497522764e-05}, {"id": 16, "seek": 7400, "start": 80.0, "end": 85.0, "text": "How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking?", "tokens": [6462, 360, 286, 352, 30, 1119, 309, 1944, 281, 483, 456, 538, 4494, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12297073570457664, "compression_ratio": 1.30625, "no_speech_prob": 3.973500497522764e-05}, {"id": 17, "seek": 7400, "start": 85.0, "end": 91.0, "text": "\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u3002It's possible to get there by walking.", "tokens": [9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 1543, 3522, 311, 1944, 281, 483, 456, 538, 4494, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12297073570457664, "compression_ratio": 1.30625, "no_speech_prob": 3.973500497522764e-05}, {"id": 18, "seek": 7400, "start": 91.0, "end": 95.0, "text": "\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?How do I go?", "tokens": [15282, 9575, 30, 6462, 360, 286, 352, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12297073570457664, "compression_ratio": 1.30625, "no_speech_prob": 3.973500497522764e-05}, {"id": 19, "seek": 7400, "start": 95.0, "end": 103.0, "text": "\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u7ba1,\u5c31\u662f\u738b\u798f\u666f\u5927\u8857\u3002", "tokens": [35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 11, 46610, 26668, 23131, 11, 5620, 19940, 33952, 50218, 3582, 42529, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12297073570457664, "compression_ratio": 1.30625, "no_speech_prob": 3.973500497522764e-05}, {"id": 20, "seek": 10300, "start": 103.0, "end": 110.0, "text": "You go out from the main door, turn to the north, and that's Wangfujing Boulevard.", "tokens": [3223, 352, 484, 490, 264, 2135, 2853, 11, 1261, 281, 264, 6830, 11, 293, 300, 311, 14499, 69, 4579, 278, 50121, 11303, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0806044498121882, "compression_ratio": 1.1040723981900453, "no_speech_prob": 2.398604374320712e-05}, {"id": 21, "seek": 10300, "start": 110.0, "end": 116.0, "text": "\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?How far do I go?", "tokens": [9575, 6392, 3316, 250, 30, 6462, 1400, 360, 286, 352, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0806044498121882, "compression_ratio": 1.1040723981900453, "no_speech_prob": 2.398604374320712e-05}, {"id": 22, "seek": 10300, "start": 116.0, "end": 126.0, "text": "\u8d70\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u8def\u4e1c\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u4e2a\u5927\u697c,\u5c31\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u3002", "tokens": [9575, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 24658, 38409, 1546, 18049, 7549, 3582, 162, 2429, 11, 5620, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0806044498121882, "compression_ratio": 1.1040723981900453, "no_speech_prob": 2.398604374320712e-05}, {"id": 23, "seek": 10300, "start": 126.0, "end": 132.0, "text": "Go a short distance, the first building on the right is the new China bookstore.", "tokens": [12104, 257, 2099, 4560, 11, 264, 700, 2390, 322, 264, 558, 307, 264, 777, 3533, 43478, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0806044498121882, "compression_ratio": 1.1040723981900453, "no_speech_prob": 2.398604374320712e-05}, {"id": 24, "seek": 13200, "start": 132.0, "end": 137.0, "text": "If you had any trouble understanding these sentences, rewind the tape and work on them some more.", "tokens": [8031, 291, 632, 604, 5253, 3701, 613, 16579, 11, 41458, 264, 7314, 293, 589, 322, 552, 512, 544, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1251864484561387, "compression_ratio": 1.3333333333333333, "no_speech_prob": 0.0003763483837246895}, {"id": 25, "seek": 13200, "start": 137.0, "end": 141.0, "text": "If you understood them all, you should begin learning how to say them.", "tokens": [8031, 291, 7320, 552, 439, 11, 291, 820, 1841, 2539, 577, 281, 584, 552, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1251864484561387, "compression_ratio": 1.3333333333333333, "no_speech_prob": 0.0003763483837246895}, {"id": 26, "seek": 13200, "start": 141.0, "end": 143.0, "text": "Listen to this first exchange.", "tokens": [35819, 281, 341, 700, 7742, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1251864484561387, "compression_ratio": 1.3333333333333333, "no_speech_prob": 0.0003763483837246895}, {"id": 27, "seek": 13200, "start": 143.0, "end": 147.0, "text": "Miss Novak is on her way out of the Peking Hotel.", "tokens": [47205, 31948, 514, 307, 322, 720, 636, 484, 295, 264, 430, 38437, 20354, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1251864484561387, "compression_ratio": 1.3333333333333333, "no_speech_prob": 0.0003763483837246895}, {"id": 28, "seek": 13200, "start": 147.0, "end": 160.0, "text": "\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb\u554a\u3002\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66\u3002Repeat the verb to go out.\u51fa\u53bb\u3002\u51fa\u53bb\u3002", "tokens": [2166, 48973, 4905, 1543, 25246, 48973, 2930, 108, 6336, 254, 8802, 2930, 99, 1543, 8524, 494, 267, 264, 9595, 281, 352, 484, 13, 48973, 1543, 48973, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1251864484561387, "compression_ratio": 1.3333333333333333, "no_speech_prob": 0.0003763483837246895}, {"id": 29, "seek": 16000, "start": 160.0, "end": 170.0, "text": "This verb is a compound of the verb \u51fa to exit or go out and \u53bb to go.Repeat, I thought I'd go out to buy a few books.", "tokens": [5723, 9595, 307, 257, 14154, 295, 264, 9595, 220, 7781, 281, 11043, 420, 352, 484, 293, 220, 6734, 281, 352, 13, 8524, 494, 267, 11, 286, 1194, 286, 1116, 352, 484, 281, 2256, 257, 1326, 3642, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1366631518835309, "compression_ratio": 1.3403141361256545, "no_speech_prob": 8.946495654527098e-05}, {"id": 30, "seek": 16000, "start": 170.0, "end": 181.0, "text": "\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66\u3002\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66\u3002", "tokens": [25246, 48973, 2930, 108, 6336, 254, 8802, 2930, 99, 1543, 25246, 48973, 2930, 108, 6336, 254, 8802, 2930, 99, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1366631518835309, "compression_ratio": 1.3403141361256545, "no_speech_prob": 8.946495654527098e-05}, {"id": 31, "seek": 16000, "start": 181.0, "end": 187.0, "text": "Notice that the bound word \u51e0 how many means a few when it's used without a tone.", "tokens": [15208, 573, 300, 264, 5472, 1349, 220, 6336, 254, 577, 867, 1355, 257, 1326, 562, 309, 311, 1143, 1553, 257, 8027, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1366631518835309, "compression_ratio": 1.3403141361256545, "no_speech_prob": 8.946495654527098e-05}, {"id": 32, "seek": 18700, "start": 187.0, "end": 194.0, "text": "Fry saying it ahead of the speaker. I thought I'd go out to buy a few books.", "tokens": [37, 627, 1566, 309, 2286, 295, 264, 8145, 13, 286, 1194, 286, 1116, 352, 484, 281, 2256, 257, 1326, 3642, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1509975488635077, "compression_ratio": 1.251497005988024, "no_speech_prob": 9.888452768791467e-05}, {"id": 33, "seek": 18700, "start": 194.0, "end": 208.0, "text": "\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66\u3002Fry responding to the comment yourself now.\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb\u554a\u3002", "tokens": [25246, 48973, 2930, 108, 6336, 254, 8802, 2930, 99, 1543, 37, 627, 16670, 281, 264, 2871, 1803, 586, 13, 2166, 48973, 4905, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1509975488635077, "compression_ratio": 1.251497005988024, "no_speech_prob": 9.888452768791467e-05}, {"id": 34, "seek": 18700, "start": 208.0, "end": 216.0, "text": "\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66\u3002Again.\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb\u554a\u3002", "tokens": [25246, 48973, 2930, 108, 6336, 254, 8802, 2930, 99, 1543, 37968, 491, 13, 2166, 48973, 4905, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1509975488635077, "compression_ratio": 1.251497005988024, "no_speech_prob": 9.888452768791467e-05}, {"id": 35, "seek": 21600, "start": 216.0, "end": 225.0, "text": "\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66\u3002Repeat the first comment now.", "tokens": [25246, 48973, 2930, 108, 6336, 254, 8802, 2930, 99, 1543, 8524, 494, 267, 264, 700, 2871, 586, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14168995182688643, "compression_ratio": 1.305084745762712, "no_speech_prob": 2.1552868929575197e-05}, {"id": 36, "seek": 21600, "start": 225.0, "end": 237.0, "text": "Oh, you're going out. Notice the intonation.\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb\u554a\u3002\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb\u554a\u3002", "tokens": [3756, 11, 291, 434, 516, 484, 13, 13428, 264, 560, 266, 399, 13, 2166, 48973, 4905, 1543, 2166, 48973, 4905, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14168995182688643, "compression_ratio": 1.305084745762712, "no_speech_prob": 2.1552868929575197e-05}, {"id": 37, "seek": 21600, "start": 237.0, "end": 245.0, "text": "This comment is really a form of greeting. Instead of saying hello when you just happen to run across someone you know, you state the obvious to acknowledge his presence such as,", "tokens": [5723, 2871, 307, 534, 257, 1254, 295, 28174, 13, 7156, 295, 1566, 7751, 562, 291, 445, 1051, 281, 1190, 2108, 1580, 291, 458, 11, 291, 1785, 264, 6322, 281, 10692, 702, 6814, 1270, 382, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14168995182688643, "compression_ratio": 1.305084745762712, "no_speech_prob": 2.1552868929575197e-05}, {"id": 38, "seek": 24500, "start": 245.0, "end": 257.0, "text": "Oh, you're here or oh, you've come. How do you say, oh, you're going out?\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb\u554a\u3002", "tokens": [3756, 11, 291, 434, 510, 420, 1954, 11, 291, 600, 808, 13, 1012, 360, 291, 584, 11, 1954, 11, 291, 434, 516, 484, 30, 2166, 48973, 4905, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15621185302734375, "compression_ratio": 1.1004566210045663, "no_speech_prob": 1.5868612535996363e-05}, {"id": 39, "seek": 24500, "start": 257.0, "end": 264.0, "text": "Next, Ms. Novak asks someone for directions.\u8001\u5bb6\u54ea\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002", "tokens": [31002, 11, 7741, 13, 31948, 514, 8962, 1580, 337, 11095, 13, 10439, 5155, 17028, 2412, 5322, 244, 2930, 99, 1546, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15621185302734375, "compression_ratio": 1.1004566210045663, "no_speech_prob": 1.5868612535996363e-05}, {"id": 40, "seek": 24500, "start": 264.0, "end": 274.0, "text": "\u738b\u5e9c\u8b66\u5927\u8857\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97,\u5f88\u5927\u3002Repeat the word for excuse me.\u8001\u5bb6\u3002", "tokens": [19940, 36516, 39499, 3582, 42529, 2412, 20182, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 11, 4563, 3582, 1543, 8524, 494, 267, 264, 1349, 337, 8960, 385, 13, 10439, 5155, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15621185302734375, "compression_ratio": 1.1004566210045663, "no_speech_prob": 1.5868612535996363e-05}, {"id": 41, "seek": 27400, "start": 274.0, "end": 279.0, "text": "\u8001\u5bb6\u3002", "tokens": [10439, 5155, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16741316345916396, "compression_ratio": 1.2914572864321607, "no_speech_prob": 3.0008883186383173e-05}, {"id": 42, "seek": 27400, "start": 279.0, "end": 291.0, "text": "This is a peaking expression.Repeat a place where books are sold.\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002", "tokens": [5723, 307, 257, 520, 2456, 6114, 13, 8524, 494, 267, 257, 1081, 689, 3642, 366, 3718, 13, 5322, 244, 2930, 99, 1546, 1543, 5322, 244, 2930, 99, 1546, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16741316345916396, "compression_ratio": 1.2914572864321607, "no_speech_prob": 3.0008883186383173e-05}, {"id": 43, "seek": 27400, "start": 291.0, "end": 297.0, "text": "In the last unit, you saw the phrase \u5356\u5510\u7684,a candy seller or candy counter.", "tokens": [4575, 264, 1036, 4985, 11, 291, 1866, 264, 9535, 220, 5322, 244, 17198, 238, 1546, 11, 64, 11237, 23600, 420, 11237, 5682, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16741316345916396, "compression_ratio": 1.2914572864321607, "no_speech_prob": 3.0008883186383173e-05}, {"id": 44, "seek": 27400, "start": 297.0, "end": 302.0, "text": "As you can see, this is a common way to refer to various types of stores.Repeat.", "tokens": [10884, 291, 393, 536, 11, 341, 307, 257, 2689, 636, 281, 2864, 281, 3683, 3467, 295, 9512, 13, 8524, 494, 267, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16741316345916396, "compression_ratio": 1.2914572864321607, "no_speech_prob": 3.0008883186383173e-05}, {"id": 45, "seek": 30200, "start": 302.0, "end": 312.0, "text": "Excuse me.Where is there a store that sells books?\u8001\u5bb6\u54ea\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002", "tokens": [33553, 438, 385, 13, 14436, 307, 456, 257, 3531, 300, 20897, 3642, 30, 10439, 5155, 17028, 2412, 5322, 244, 2930, 99, 1546, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1470077782869339, "compression_ratio": 1.3157894736842106, "no_speech_prob": 5.029661406297237e-05}, {"id": 46, "seek": 30200, "start": 312.0, "end": 317.0, "text": "\u8001\u5bb6\u54ea\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002", "tokens": [10439, 5155, 17028, 2412, 5322, 244, 2930, 99, 1546, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1470077782869339, "compression_ratio": 1.3157894736842106, "no_speech_prob": 5.029661406297237e-05}, {"id": 47, "seek": 30200, "start": 317.0, "end": 327.0, "text": "Try asking the question yourself. You'll get a reply.\u8001\u5bb6\u54ea\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002", "tokens": [51, 627, 3365, 264, 1168, 1803, 13, 509, 603, 483, 257, 16972, 13, 10439, 5155, 17028, 2412, 5322, 244, 2930, 99, 1546, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1470077782869339, "compression_ratio": 1.3157894736842106, "no_speech_prob": 5.029661406297237e-05}, {"id": 48, "seek": 32700, "start": 327.0, "end": 334.0, "text": "\u738b\u5e9c\u8b66\u5927\u8857\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97,\u5f88\u5927\u3002Again.", "tokens": [19940, 36516, 39499, 3582, 42529, 2412, 20182, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 11, 4563, 3582, 1543, 37968, 491, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09095884406048318, "compression_ratio": 1.2554744525547445, "no_speech_prob": 5.69243593417923e-06}, {"id": 49, "seek": 32700, "start": 334.0, "end": 339.0, "text": "\u8001\u5bb6\u54ea\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002", "tokens": [10439, 5155, 17028, 2412, 5322, 244, 2930, 99, 1546, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09095884406048318, "compression_ratio": 1.2554744525547445, "no_speech_prob": 5.69243593417923e-06}, {"id": 50, "seek": 32700, "start": 339.0, "end": 352.0, "text": "\u738b\u5e9c\u8b66\u5927\u8857\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97,\u5f88\u5927\u3002A quick review.What's the verb to go out?\u51fa\u53bb\u3002", "tokens": [19940, 36516, 39499, 3582, 42529, 2412, 20182, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 11, 4563, 3582, 1543, 32, 1702, 3131, 13, 3748, 311, 264, 9595, 281, 352, 484, 30, 48973, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09095884406048318, "compression_ratio": 1.2554744525547445, "no_speech_prob": 5.69243593417923e-06}, {"id": 51, "seek": 35200, "start": 352.0, "end": 366.0, "text": "How do you say a place that sells books?\u5356\u4e66\u7684\u3002How do they say excuse me in peaking?\u8001\u5bb6\u3002", "tokens": [6462, 360, 291, 584, 257, 1081, 300, 20897, 3642, 30, 5322, 244, 2930, 99, 1546, 1543, 6462, 360, 436, 584, 8960, 385, 294, 520, 2456, 30, 10439, 5155, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11374773850312105, "compression_ratio": 1.1116751269035532, "no_speech_prob": 1.3647421837958973e-05}, {"id": 52, "seek": 35200, "start": 366.0, "end": 381.0, "text": "The conversation continues.Listen.\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u5f97\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1\u3002Repeat the actual word for bookstore.\u4e66\u5e97\u3002", "tokens": [2278, 3761, 6515, 13, 35819, 13, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 18614, 119, 5916, 3316, 250, 14769, 30, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 4563, 17463, 1543, 8524, 494, 267, 264, 3539, 1349, 337, 43478, 13, 2930, 99, 22469, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11374773850312105, "compression_ratio": 1.1116751269035532, "no_speech_prob": 1.3647421837958973e-05}, {"id": 53, "seek": 38100, "start": 381.0, "end": 408.0, "text": "\u4e66\u5e97\u3002Repeat new China bookstore.\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u3002\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u3002Repeat the prepositional verb from\u79bb,\u79bb\u3002", "tokens": [2930, 99, 22469, 1543, 8524, 494, 267, 777, 3533, 43478, 13, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 1543, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 1543, 8524, 494, 267, 264, 2666, 329, 2628, 9595, 490, 18614, 119, 11, 18614, 119, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.21032359383322977, "compression_ratio": 1.1827956989247312, "no_speech_prob": 2.169796971429605e-05}, {"id": 54, "seek": 40800, "start": 408.0, "end": 413.0, "text": "Although both zhong and li are translated as from, they are quite different.", "tokens": [9171, 3222, 1293, 710, 46507, 293, 375, 366, 16805, 382, 490, 11, 436, 366, 1596, 819, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15692393459490875, "compression_ratio": 1.423913043478261, "no_speech_prob": 0.00016067115939222276}, {"id": 55, "seek": 40800, "start": 413.0, "end": 420.0, "text": "The prepositional verb li is actually one point apart from another.It's mainly used when discussing distances.", "tokens": [2278, 2666, 329, 2628, 9595, 375, 307, 767, 472, 935, 4936, 490, 1071, 13, 3522, 311, 8704, 1143, 562, 10850, 22182, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15692393459490875, "compression_ratio": 1.423913043478261, "no_speech_prob": 0.00016067115939222276}, {"id": 56, "seek": 40800, "start": 420.0, "end": 427.0, "text": "Other times you use zhong for from.Now repeat the adjectival verb to be far.", "tokens": [46, 616, 1413, 291, 764, 710, 46507, 337, 490, 13, 13267, 7149, 264, 29378, 3576, 9595, 281, 312, 1400, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15692393459490875, "compression_ratio": 1.423913043478261, "no_speech_prob": 0.00016067115939222276}, {"id": 57, "seek": 42700, "start": 427.0, "end": 441.0, "text": "\u8fdc\u3002\u8fdc\u3002As with other prepositional verb phrases, the phrase with li from goes before the full verb.", "tokens": [3316, 250, 1543, 3316, 250, 1543, 10884, 365, 661, 2666, 329, 2628, 9595, 20312, 11, 264, 9535, 365, 375, 490, 1709, 949, 264, 1577, 9595, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16337005070277621, "compression_ratio": 1.3225806451612903, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001021364878397435}, {"id": 58, "seek": 42700, "start": 441.0, "end": 455.0, "text": "In this case, the adjectival verb \u8fdc to be far.Repeat is it far from here?\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?", "tokens": [4575, 341, 1389, 11, 264, 29378, 3576, 9595, 220, 3316, 250, 281, 312, 1400, 13, 8524, 494, 267, 307, 309, 1400, 490, 510, 30, 18614, 119, 5562, 3316, 250, 14769, 30, 18614, 119, 5562, 3316, 250, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16337005070277621, "compression_ratio": 1.3225806451612903, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001021364878397435}, {"id": 59, "seek": 45500, "start": 455.0, "end": 468.0, "text": "Repeat is the new China bookstore far from here?\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?", "tokens": [8524, 494, 267, 307, 264, 777, 3533, 43478, 1400, 490, 510, 30, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 18614, 119, 5562, 3316, 250, 14769, 30, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 18614, 119, 5562, 3316, 250, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08397958828852727, "compression_ratio": 1.264516129032258, "no_speech_prob": 4.103267201571725e-05}, {"id": 60, "seek": 45500, "start": 468.0, "end": 484.0, "text": "Try asking the question yourself now, you'll get a reply.\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1\u3002", "tokens": [51, 627, 3365, 264, 1168, 1803, 586, 11, 291, 603, 483, 257, 16972, 13, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 18614, 119, 5562, 3316, 250, 14769, 30, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 4563, 17463, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08397958828852727, "compression_ratio": 1.264516129032258, "no_speech_prob": 4.103267201571725e-05}, {"id": 61, "seek": 48400, "start": 484.0, "end": 504.0, "text": "Again.\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1\u3002Repeat the adjectival verb to be near.\u8fd1\u3002\u8fd1\u3002", "tokens": [37968, 491, 13, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 18614, 119, 5562, 3316, 250, 14769, 30, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 4563, 17463, 1543, 8524, 494, 267, 264, 29378, 3576, 9595, 281, 312, 2651, 13, 17463, 1543, 17463, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12701199168250674, "compression_ratio": 0.9797979797979798, "no_speech_prob": 7.823608757462353e-05}, {"id": 62, "seek": 50400, "start": 504.0, "end": 515.0, "text": "Repeat it's not far very close.\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1\u3002\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1\u3002", "tokens": [8524, 494, 267, 309, 311, 406, 1400, 588, 1998, 13, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 4563, 17463, 1543, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 4563, 17463, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0769883814980002, "compression_ratio": 1.3157894736842106, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001424869114998728}, {"id": 63, "seek": 50400, "start": 515.0, "end": 533.0, "text": "Try answering the question yourself now, it's not far very close.\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1\u3002Again.", "tokens": [51, 627, 13430, 264, 1168, 1803, 586, 11, 309, 311, 406, 1400, 588, 1998, 13, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 18614, 119, 5562, 3316, 250, 14769, 30, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 4563, 17463, 1543, 37968, 491, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0769883814980002, "compression_ratio": 1.3157894736842106, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001424869114998728}, {"id": 64, "seek": 53300, "start": 533.0, "end": 541.0, "text": "\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1\u3002", "tokens": [12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 18614, 119, 5562, 3316, 250, 14769, 30, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 4563, 17463, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11422984901515917, "compression_ratio": 1.2258064516129032, "no_speech_prob": 2.717761162784882e-05}, {"id": 65, "seek": 53300, "start": 541.0, "end": 552.0, "text": "Listen to Miss Novak's next question.\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u3002", "tokens": [35819, 281, 5275, 31948, 514, 311, 958, 1168, 13, 15282, 6734, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11422984901515917, "compression_ratio": 1.2258064516129032, "no_speech_prob": 2.717761162784882e-05}, {"id": 66, "seek": 53300, "start": 552.0, "end": 562.0, "text": "You already know that the verb \u8d70 can mean to go by way or it can mean to walk. The word \u8d70\u7740 is the form of the verb which means walking.", "tokens": [3223, 1217, 458, 300, 264, 9595, 220, 9575, 393, 914, 281, 352, 538, 636, 420, 309, 393, 914, 281, 1792, 13, 440, 1349, 220, 9575, 20708, 307, 264, 1254, 295, 264, 9595, 597, 1355, 4494, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11422984901515917, "compression_ratio": 1.2258064516129032, "no_speech_prob": 2.717761162784882e-05}, {"id": 67, "seek": 56200, "start": 562.0, "end": 569.0, "text": "Repeat walking \u8d70\u7740 \u8d70\u7740", "tokens": [8524, 494, 267, 4494, 220, 9575, 20708, 220, 9575, 20708], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12405667160496567, "compression_ratio": 1.5410958904109588, "no_speech_prob": 0.00013466048403643072}, {"id": 68, "seek": 56200, "start": 569.0, "end": 584.0, "text": "Repeat is it possible to get there by walking?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?", "tokens": [8524, 494, 267, 307, 309, 1944, 281, 483, 456, 538, 4494, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12405667160496567, "compression_ratio": 1.5410958904109588, "no_speech_prob": 0.00013466048403643072}, {"id": 69, "seek": 56200, "start": 584.0, "end": 591.0, "text": "You may wonder why this sentence means it's possible to get there by walking and not just is it possible to walk.", "tokens": [3223, 815, 2441, 983, 341, 8174, 1355, 309, 311, 1944, 281, 483, 456, 538, 4494, 293, 406, 445, 307, 309, 1944, 281, 1792, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12405667160496567, "compression_ratio": 1.5410958904109588, "no_speech_prob": 0.00013466048403643072}, {"id": 70, "seek": 59100, "start": 591.0, "end": 598.0, "text": "The idea of there is contained in the verb \u53bb.As you remember both \u8d70 and \u53bb can mean to go.", "tokens": [2278, 1558, 295, 456, 307, 16212, 294, 264, 9595, 220, 6734, 13, 10884, 291, 1604, 1293, 220, 9575, 293, 220, 6734, 393, 914, 281, 352, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10944146859018426, "compression_ratio": 1.3571428571428572, "no_speech_prob": 8.322445501107723e-05}, {"id": 71, "seek": 59100, "start": 598.0, "end": 616.0, "text": "We said that the difference is that \u53bb is used when the destination is in mind.Repeat again, is it possible to get there by walking?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?", "tokens": [4360, 848, 300, 264, 2649, 307, 300, 220, 6734, 307, 1143, 562, 264, 12236, 307, 294, 1575, 13, 8524, 494, 267, 797, 11, 307, 309, 1944, 281, 483, 456, 538, 4494, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10944146859018426, "compression_ratio": 1.3571428571428572, "no_speech_prob": 8.322445501107723e-05}, {"id": 72, "seek": 61600, "start": 616.0, "end": 626.0, "text": "Now repeat the question, how do I go there?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?", "tokens": [13267, 7149, 264, 1168, 11, 577, 360, 286, 352, 456, 30, 15282, 6734, 30, 15282, 6734, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14210315184159714, "compression_ratio": 1.3129251700680271, "no_speech_prob": 0.002326472196727991}, {"id": 73, "seek": 61600, "start": 626.0, "end": 636.0, "text": "Again the question \u600e\u4e48\u53bb and\u600e\u4e48\u8d70 may seem very close in meaning. Use \u600e\u4e48\u8d70 when you want to know by what route to go.", "tokens": [37968, 491, 264, 1168, 220, 15282, 6734, 293, 15282, 9575, 815, 1643, 588, 1998, 294, 3620, 13, 8278, 220, 15282, 9575, 562, 291, 528, 281, 458, 538, 437, 7955, 281, 352, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14210315184159714, "compression_ratio": 1.3129251700680271, "no_speech_prob": 0.002326472196727991}, {"id": 74, "seek": 63600, "start": 636.0, "end": 658.0, "text": "Use \u600e\u4e48\u53bb when you want to know by what means to get there.Repeat both questions now.How do I go there? Is it possible to walk there?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?", "tokens": [52, 405, 220, 15282, 6734, 562, 291, 528, 281, 458, 538, 437, 1355, 281, 483, 456, 13, 8524, 494, 267, 1293, 1651, 586, 13, 6462, 360, 286, 352, 456, 30, 1119, 309, 1944, 281, 1792, 456, 30, 15282, 6734, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30, 15282, 6734, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1315465215909279, "compression_ratio": 1.3, "no_speech_prob": 6.12534859101288e-05}, {"id": 75, "seek": 65800, "start": 658.0, "end": 675.0, "text": "Try it yourself now, you'll get a reply.How do I go there? Is it possible to get there by walking?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?", "tokens": [51, 627, 309, 1803, 586, 11, 291, 603, 483, 257, 16972, 13, 6462, 360, 286, 352, 456, 30, 1119, 309, 1944, 281, 483, 456, 538, 4494, 30, 15282, 6734, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14329907388398141, "compression_ratio": 1.4814814814814814, "no_speech_prob": 0.00014213741815183312}, {"id": 76, "seek": 65800, "start": 675.0, "end": 687.0, "text": "Again \u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?", "tokens": [37968, 491, 220, 15282, 6734, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14329907388398141, "compression_ratio": 1.4814814814814814, "no_speech_prob": 0.00014213741815183312}, {"id": 77, "seek": 68700, "start": 687.0, "end": 698.0, "text": "Try the conversation from the beginning now. I'll give you your lines in English as they come up. Let's begin. Excuse me, where is there a store that sells books?", "tokens": [51, 627, 264, 3761, 490, 264, 2863, 586, 13, 286, 603, 976, 291, 428, 3876, 294, 3669, 382, 436, 808, 493, 13, 961, 311, 1841, 13, 11359, 385, 11, 689, 307, 456, 257, 3531, 300, 20897, 3642, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14269333107526913, "compression_ratio": 1.1518987341772151, "no_speech_prob": 0.00021257005573716015}, {"id": 78, "seek": 68700, "start": 698.0, "end": 703.0, "text": "\u8001\u5bb6,\u54ea\u513f\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684?", "tokens": [10439, 5155, 11, 17028, 22933, 2412, 5322, 244, 2930, 99, 1546, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14269333107526913, "compression_ratio": 1.1518987341772151, "no_speech_prob": 0.00021257005573716015}, {"id": 79, "seek": 68700, "start": 703.0, "end": 708.0, "text": "\u738b\u5e9c\u666f\u5927\u8857\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97,\u5f88\u5927.", "tokens": [19940, 36516, 50218, 3582, 42529, 2412, 20182, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 11, 4563, 3582, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14269333107526913, "compression_ratio": 1.1518987341772151, "no_speech_prob": 0.00021257005573716015}, {"id": 80, "seek": 68700, "start": 708.0, "end": 712.0, "text": "Is the new China bookstore far from here?", "tokens": [6802, 264, 777, 3533, 43478, 1400, 490, 510, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14269333107526913, "compression_ratio": 1.1518987341772151, "no_speech_prob": 0.00021257005573716015}, {"id": 81, "seek": 71200, "start": 712.0, "end": 730.0, "text": "\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u513f\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1.How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?", "tokens": [12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 18614, 119, 5562, 22933, 3316, 250, 14769, 30, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 4563, 17463, 13, 6462, 360, 286, 352, 30, 1119, 309, 1944, 281, 483, 456, 538, 4494, 30, 15282, 6734, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10869830846786499, "compression_ratio": 0.9389312977099237, "no_speech_prob": 5.257824159343727e-05}, {"id": 82, "seek": 73000, "start": 730.0, "end": 749.0, "text": "Again, excuse me, where is there a store that sells books?\u8001\u5bb6,\u54ea\u513f\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684?\u738b\u5e9c\u666f\u5927\u8857\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97,\u5f88\u5927.", "tokens": [37968, 491, 11, 8960, 385, 11, 689, 307, 456, 257, 3531, 300, 20897, 3642, 30, 10439, 5155, 11, 17028, 22933, 2412, 5322, 244, 2930, 99, 1546, 30, 19940, 36516, 50218, 3582, 42529, 2412, 20182, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 11, 4563, 3582, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14501671871896518, "compression_ratio": 1.0368098159509203, "no_speech_prob": 4.330963201937266e-05}, {"id": 83, "seek": 73000, "start": 749.0, "end": 753.0, "text": "Is the new China bookstore far from here?", "tokens": [6802, 264, 777, 3533, 43478, 1400, 490, 510, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14501671871896518, "compression_ratio": 1.0368098159509203, "no_speech_prob": 4.330963201937266e-05}, {"id": 84, "seek": 75300, "start": 753.0, "end": 773.0, "text": "\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u513f\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1.How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5.", "tokens": [12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 18614, 119, 5562, 22933, 3316, 250, 14769, 30, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 4563, 17463, 13, 6462, 360, 286, 352, 30, 1119, 309, 1944, 281, 483, 456, 538, 4494, 30, 15282, 6734, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09350854379159433, "compression_ratio": 1.0845070422535212, "no_speech_prob": 2.9221884688013233e-05}, {"id": 85, "seek": 75300, "start": 773.0, "end": 781.0, "text": "The conversation continues. Listen.\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0\u5c31\u662f\u738b\u5e9c\u666f\u5927\u8857.", "tokens": [2278, 3761, 6515, 13, 7501, 13, 15282, 9575, 30, 35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 11, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 5620, 19940, 36516, 50218, 3582, 42529, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09350854379159433, "compression_ratio": 1.0845070422535212, "no_speech_prob": 2.9221884688013233e-05}, {"id": 86, "seek": 78100, "start": 781.0, "end": 787.0, "text": "Oh,\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u5bf9\u4e86.", "tokens": [3756, 11, 1654, 35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 11, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 8713, 41639, 30, 8713, 2289, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17417164702913654, "compression_ratio": 1.3037037037037038, "no_speech_prob": 8.769443957135081e-05}, {"id": 87, "seek": 78100, "start": 787.0, "end": 807.0, "text": "Repeat the word for entrance, literally big door.\u5927\u95e8,\u5927\u95e8.Repeat, go out from the entrance.\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb.", "tokens": [8524, 494, 267, 264, 1349, 337, 12014, 11, 3736, 955, 2853, 13, 3582, 8259, 101, 11, 3582, 8259, 101, 13, 8524, 494, 267, 11, 352, 484, 490, 264, 12014, 13, 35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 11, 35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17417164702913654, "compression_ratio": 1.3037037037037038, "no_speech_prob": 8.769443957135081e-05}, {"id": 88, "seek": 80700, "start": 807.0, "end": 827.0, "text": "Repeat the verb to turn.\u62d0,\u62d0.Repeat the prepositional verb to or toward.\u671d,\u671d.", "tokens": [8524, 494, 267, 264, 9595, 281, 1261, 13, 6852, 238, 11, 6852, 238, 13, 8524, 494, 267, 264, 2666, 329, 2628, 9595, 281, 420, 7361, 13, 46610, 11, 46610, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1386081611408907, "compression_ratio": 1.1527777777777777, "no_speech_prob": 0.00014916196232661605}, {"id": 89, "seek": 82700, "start": 827.0, "end": 845.0, "text": "The prepositional verb\u671d, meaning to, is mainly used in Peking, and usually when talking about north-southeast or west.Repeat, turn to the north.\u671d\u5317\u62d0,\u671d\u5317\u62d0.", "tokens": [2278, 2666, 329, 2628, 9595, 46610, 11, 3620, 281, 11, 307, 8704, 1143, 294, 430, 38437, 11, 293, 2673, 562, 1417, 466, 6830, 12, 82, 20468, 420, 7009, 13, 8524, 494, 267, 11, 1261, 281, 264, 6830, 13, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 11, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15520715124813128, "compression_ratio": 1.3695652173913044, "no_speech_prob": 4.399686076794751e-05}, {"id": 90, "seek": 84500, "start": 845.0, "end": 861.0, "text": "Repeat, I go out from the entrance and turn to the north.\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0.\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0.", "tokens": [8524, 494, 267, 11, 286, 352, 484, 490, 264, 12014, 293, 1261, 281, 264, 6830, 13, 1654, 35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 11, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 13, 1654, 35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 11, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09300920367240906, "compression_ratio": 1.816, "no_speech_prob": 2.9557928428403102e-05}, {"id": 91, "seek": 86100, "start": 861.0, "end": 882.0, "text": "Repeat, I go out from the entrance and turn to the north.is that correct?\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", "tokens": [8524, 494, 267, 11, 286, 352, 484, 490, 264, 12014, 293, 1261, 281, 264, 6830, 13, 271, 300, 3006, 30, 1654, 35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 11, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 8713, 41639, 30, 1654, 35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 11, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 8713, 41639, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08396735558143029, "compression_ratio": 1.2627118644067796, "no_speech_prob": 7.015530718490481e-05}, {"id": 92, "seek": 88200, "start": 882.0, "end": 893.0, "text": "Try to exchange yourself now.First, ask what way you go, then repeat the directions to see if you got them right.\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?", "tokens": [51, 627, 281, 7742, 1803, 586, 13, 27454, 11, 1029, 437, 636, 291, 352, 11, 550, 7149, 264, 11095, 281, 536, 498, 291, 658, 552, 558, 13, 15282, 9575, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13819892497002323, "compression_ratio": 1.1919191919191918, "no_speech_prob": 6.995306466706097e-05}, {"id": 93, "seek": 88200, "start": 893.0, "end": 906.0, "text": "\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0,\u5c31\u662f\u738b\u5e9c\u4e95\u5927\u8857\u3002\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 11, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 11, 5620, 19940, 36516, 31989, 3582, 42529, 1543, 1654, 35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 11, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 8713, 41639, 30, 8713, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13819892497002323, "compression_ratio": 1.1919191919191918, "no_speech_prob": 6.995306466706097e-05}, {"id": 94, "seek": 88200, "start": 906.0, "end": 911.0, "text": "Again.\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?", "tokens": [37968, 491, 13, 15282, 9575, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13819892497002323, "compression_ratio": 1.1919191919191918, "no_speech_prob": 6.995306466706097e-05}, {"id": 95, "seek": 91100, "start": 911.0, "end": 926.0, "text": "\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0,\u5c31\u662f\u738b\u5e9c\u4e95\u5927\u8857\u3002\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 11, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 11, 5620, 19940, 36516, 31989, 3582, 42529, 1543, 1654, 35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 11, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 8713, 41639, 30, 8713, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15784334492039037, "compression_ratio": 1.1547619047619047, "no_speech_prob": 2.5369849026901647e-05}, {"id": 96, "seek": 91100, "start": 926.0, "end": 933.0, "text": "A quick review. What's the word for boulevard?\u5927\u8857.", "tokens": [32, 1702, 3131, 13, 708, 311, 264, 1349, 337, 15345, 306, 11303, 30, 3582, 42529, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15784334492039037, "compression_ratio": 1.1547619047619047, "no_speech_prob": 2.5369849026901647e-05}, {"id": 97, "seek": 91100, "start": 933.0, "end": 940.0, "text": "What's the edgied travel verb to be far?\u8fdc.", "tokens": [3748, 311, 264, 1257, 70, 1091, 3147, 9595, 281, 312, 1400, 30, 3316, 250, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15784334492039037, "compression_ratio": 1.1547619047619047, "no_speech_prob": 2.5369849026901647e-05}, {"id": 98, "seek": 94000, "start": 940.0, "end": 951.0, "text": "What's the word for entrance?\u5927\u95e8.What's the verb to turn?\u62d0.", "tokens": [3748, 311, 264, 1349, 337, 12014, 30, 3582, 8259, 101, 13, 3748, 311, 264, 9595, 281, 1261, 30, 6852, 238, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1779043249887963, "compression_ratio": 1.0382513661202186, "no_speech_prob": 8.975502169050742e-06}, {"id": 99, "seek": 94000, "start": 951.0, "end": 967.0, "text": "Miss Norvac has another question. Listen.\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?\u8d70\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u8def\u4e1c\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u5c31\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97.Repeat how far?\u591a\u8fdc?", "tokens": [47205, 6966, 85, 326, 575, 1071, 1168, 13, 7501, 13, 9575, 6392, 3316, 250, 30, 9575, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 24658, 38409, 1546, 18049, 7549, 3582, 162, 2429, 5620, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 13, 8524, 494, 267, 577, 1400, 30, 6392, 3316, 250, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1779043249887963, "compression_ratio": 1.0382513661202186, "no_speech_prob": 8.975502169050742e-06}, {"id": 100, "seek": 96700, "start": 967.0, "end": 987.0, "text": "\u591a\u8fdc.You've seen the question word \u591a\u8fdc before when talking about ages as in \u591a\u5927,how old?Repeat how far do I go?\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?", "tokens": [6392, 3316, 250, 13, 3223, 600, 1612, 264, 1168, 1349, 220, 6392, 3316, 250, 949, 562, 1417, 466, 12357, 382, 294, 220, 6392, 3582, 11, 4286, 1331, 30, 8524, 494, 267, 577, 1400, 360, 286, 352, 30, 9575, 6392, 3316, 250, 30, 9575, 6392, 3316, 250, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.20638643526563458, "compression_ratio": 1.1209677419354838, "no_speech_prob": 4.343257751315832e-05}, {"id": 101, "seek": 98700, "start": 987.0, "end": 1013.0, "text": "Try asking the question yourself. You'll get a confirmation and a reply. How far do I go?\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?\u8d70\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u8def\u4e1c\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u5c31\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97.Again.\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?\u8d70\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u8def\u4e1c\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u5c31\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97.", "tokens": [51, 627, 3365, 264, 1168, 1803, 13, 509, 603, 483, 257, 21871, 293, 257, 16972, 13, 1012, 1400, 360, 286, 352, 30, 9575, 6392, 3316, 250, 30, 9575, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 24658, 38409, 1546, 18049, 7549, 3582, 162, 2429, 5620, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 13, 37968, 491, 13, 9575, 6392, 3316, 250, 30, 9575, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 24658, 38409, 1546, 18049, 7549, 3582, 162, 2429, 5620, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07672129737006293, "compression_ratio": 1.3233532934131738, "no_speech_prob": 2.2691188860335387e-05}, {"id": 102, "seek": 101300, "start": 1013.0, "end": 1030.0, "text": "Try the conversation from the beginning again. I'll give you your lines in English. Excuse me. Where's there a store that sells books?\u8001\u5bb6,\u54ea\u513f\u6709\u5356\u4e66\u7684?", "tokens": [51, 627, 264, 3761, 490, 264, 2863, 797, 13, 286, 603, 976, 291, 428, 3876, 294, 3669, 13, 11359, 385, 13, 2305, 311, 456, 257, 3531, 300, 20897, 3642, 30, 10439, 5155, 11, 17028, 22933, 2412, 5322, 244, 2930, 99, 1546, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14805905715278958, "compression_ratio": 1.0256410256410255, "no_speech_prob": 8.393080497626215e-05}, {"id": 103, "seek": 103000, "start": 1030.0, "end": 1058.0, "text": "\u738b\u5e9c\u4e95\u5927\u8857\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97,\u5f88\u5927.Is the new China bookstore far from here?\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u513f\u8fdc\u5417?\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1.How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u7740\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?", "tokens": [19940, 36516, 31989, 3582, 42529, 2412, 20182, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 11, 4563, 3582, 13, 6802, 264, 777, 3533, 43478, 1400, 490, 510, 30, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 18614, 119, 5562, 22933, 3316, 250, 14769, 30, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 4563, 17463, 13, 6462, 360, 286, 352, 30, 1119, 309, 1944, 281, 483, 456, 538, 4494, 30, 15282, 6734, 30, 9575, 20708, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10336357194024164, "compression_ratio": 1.0721649484536082, "no_speech_prob": 3.09885035676416e-05}, {"id": 104, "seek": 105800, "start": 1058.0, "end": 1086.0, "text": "\u8d70\u7740\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5.How do I go?\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0\u5c31\u662f\u738b\u5e9c\u4e95\u5927\u8857.Oh, I go off on the entrance and turn to the north.Is that right?\u6211\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb,\u671d\u5317\u62d0,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u5bf9\u4e86.", "tokens": [9575, 20708, 6734, 6723, 13, 6462, 360, 286, 352, 30, 15282, 9575, 30, 35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 11, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 5620, 19940, 36516, 31989, 3582, 42529, 13, 3756, 11, 286, 352, 766, 322, 264, 12014, 293, 1261, 281, 264, 6830, 13, 6802, 300, 558, 30, 1654, 35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 11, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 11, 8713, 41639, 30, 8713, 2289, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13340270178658623, "compression_ratio": 1.1395348837209303, "no_speech_prob": 3.389118501218036e-05}, {"id": 105, "seek": 108600, "start": 1086.0, "end": 1113.0, "text": "How far do I go?\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?\u8d70\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u8def\u4e1c\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u5c31\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97.A little later, when Miss Novak has walked a bit, she asks another person.\u8001\u5bb6,\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?\u662f\u7684.Repeat the word for a building.", "tokens": [6462, 1400, 360, 286, 352, 30, 9575, 6392, 3316, 250, 30, 9575, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 24658, 38409, 1546, 18049, 7549, 3582, 162, 2429, 5620, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 13, 32, 707, 1780, 11, 562, 5275, 31948, 514, 575, 7628, 257, 857, 11, 750, 8962, 1071, 954, 13, 10439, 5155, 11, 43083, 3582, 162, 2429, 1541, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 14769, 30, 30470, 13, 8524, 494, 267, 264, 1349, 337, 257, 2390, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09138849635183076, "compression_ratio": 1.0904761904761904, "no_speech_prob": 3.340805051266216e-05}, {"id": 106, "seek": 111300, "start": 1113.0, "end": 1142.0, "text": "\u5927\u697c.\u5927\u697c.This word,\u5927\u697c,actually refers to multi-storied buildings.Repeat,is that building the new China bookstore?\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?Repeat,excuse me.", "tokens": [3582, 162, 2429, 13, 3582, 162, 2429, 13, 5723, 1349, 11, 3582, 162, 2429, 11, 578, 671, 14942, 281, 4825, 12, 372, 284, 1091, 7446, 13, 8524, 494, 267, 11, 271, 300, 2390, 264, 777, 3533, 43478, 30, 43083, 3582, 162, 2429, 1541, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 14769, 30, 43083, 3582, 162, 2429, 1541, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 14769, 30, 8524, 494, 267, 11, 27855, 438, 385, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12896698399593956, "compression_ratio": 1.3051948051948052, "no_speech_prob": 3.794340227614157e-05}, {"id": 107, "seek": 114200, "start": 1142.0, "end": 1157.0, "text": "Is that building the new China bookstore?\u8001\u5bb6,\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?\u8001\u5bb6,\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?", "tokens": [6802, 300, 2390, 264, 777, 3533, 43478, 30, 10439, 5155, 11, 43083, 3582, 162, 2429, 1541, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 14769, 30, 10439, 5155, 11, 43083, 3582, 162, 2429, 1541, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.116016301241788, "compression_ratio": 1.6903225806451614, "no_speech_prob": 4.283012094674632e-05}, {"id": 108, "seek": 114200, "start": 1157.0, "end": 1168.0, "text": "Try asking the question yourself now.You'll get a reply.Excuse me.Is that building the new China bookstore?\u8001\u5bb6,\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?", "tokens": [51, 627, 3365, 264, 1168, 1803, 586, 13, 3223, 603, 483, 257, 16972, 13, 33553, 438, 385, 13, 6802, 300, 2390, 264, 777, 3533, 43478, 30, 10439, 5155, 11, 43083, 3582, 162, 2429, 1541, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.116016301241788, "compression_ratio": 1.6903225806451614, "no_speech_prob": 4.283012094674632e-05}, {"id": 109, "seek": 116800, "start": 1168.0, "end": 1193.0, "text": "\u8001\u5bb6,\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?\u662f\u7684.Again.\u8001\u5bb6,\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?\u662f\u7684.Now let's review what we've covered on this tape.Put the following sentences into Chinese.", "tokens": [10439, 5155, 11, 43083, 3582, 162, 2429, 1541, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 14769, 30, 30470, 13, 37968, 491, 13, 10439, 5155, 11, 43083, 3582, 162, 2429, 1541, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 14769, 30, 30470, 13, 13267, 718, 311, 3131, 437, 321, 600, 5343, 322, 341, 7314, 13, 37594, 264, 3480, 16579, 666, 4649, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08794381541590537, "compression_ratio": 1.2077922077922079, "no_speech_prob": 7.737007399555296e-05}, {"id": 110, "seek": 119300, "start": 1193.0, "end": 1221.0, "text": "Number one.Oh, you're going out.\u4f60\u51fa\u53bb.I thought I'd go out to buy a few books.\u6211\u60f3\u51fa\u53bb\u4e70\u51e0\u672c\u4e66.Is the new China bookstore far from here?\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u79bb\u8fd9\u513f\u8fdc\u5417?", "tokens": [45, 4182, 472, 13, 3756, 11, 291, 434, 516, 484, 13, 2166, 48973, 13, 40, 1194, 286, 1116, 352, 484, 281, 2256, 257, 1326, 3642, 13, 25246, 48973, 2930, 108, 6336, 254, 8802, 2930, 99, 13, 6802, 264, 777, 3533, 43478, 1400, 490, 510, 30, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 18614, 119, 5562, 22933, 3316, 250, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13929771241687594, "compression_ratio": 1.0292397660818713, "no_speech_prob": 0.00021908225608058274}, {"id": 111, "seek": 122100, "start": 1221.0, "end": 1249.0, "text": "Not far, very close.\u4e0d\u8fdc,\u5f88\u8fd1.How do I go?Is it possible to get there by walking?\u600e\u4e48\u53bb?\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5\u5417?It's possible to get there by walking.\u8d70\u5f97\u53bb\u53ef\u4ee5?", "tokens": [15208, 1400, 11, 588, 1998, 13, 1960, 3316, 250, 11, 4563, 17463, 13, 6462, 360, 286, 352, 30, 6802, 309, 1944, 281, 483, 456, 538, 4494, 30, 15282, 6734, 30, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 14769, 30, 3522, 311, 1944, 281, 483, 456, 538, 4494, 13, 9575, 5916, 6734, 6723, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12093704718130606, "compression_ratio": 1.2444444444444445, "no_speech_prob": 0.00013418210437521338}, {"id": 112, "seek": 124900, "start": 1249.0, "end": 1272.0, "text": "Number two.Excuse me.How do I get to the movie theater?\u8001\u5bb6,\u5230\u7535\u5f71\u9662\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?Go off on the entrance and turn to the north.", "tokens": [45, 4182, 732, 13, 33553, 438, 385, 13, 6462, 360, 286, 483, 281, 264, 3169, 10612, 30, 10439, 5155, 11, 4511, 42182, 16820, 38358, 6734, 15282, 9575, 30, 12104, 766, 322, 264, 12014, 293, 1261, 281, 264, 6830, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12360896620639535, "compression_ratio": 1.0153846153846153, "no_speech_prob": 3.2683157769497484e-05}, {"id": 113, "seek": 127200, "start": 1272.0, "end": 1296.0, "text": "\u4ece\u5927\u95e8\u51fa\u53bb\u671d\u5317\u62d0.How far do I go?\u8d70\u591a\u8fdc?Not far.\u4e0d\u8fdc.Number three.Excuse me.Is that building the new China bookstore?", "tokens": [35630, 3582, 8259, 101, 48973, 46610, 26668, 6852, 238, 13, 6462, 1400, 360, 286, 352, 30, 9575, 6392, 3316, 250, 30, 15208, 1400, 13, 1960, 3316, 250, 13, 45, 4182, 1045, 13, 33553, 438, 385, 13, 6802, 300, 2390, 264, 777, 3533, 43478, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12721328934033713, "compression_ratio": 0.9558823529411765, "no_speech_prob": 3.346138691995293e-05}, {"id": 114, "seek": 129600, "start": 1296.0, "end": 1325.0, "text": "\u8001\u5bb6,\u90a3\u4e2a\u5927\u697c\u662f\u65b0\u534e\u4e66\u5e97\u5417?Yes.\u662f\u7684.This is the end of the tape.End of directions module unit three, production tape one.", "tokens": [10439, 5155, 11, 43083, 3582, 162, 2429, 1541, 12560, 5322, 236, 2930, 99, 22469, 14769, 30, 6054, 13, 30470, 13, 5723, 307, 264, 917, 295, 264, 7314, 13, 36952, 295, 11095, 10088, 4985, 1045, 11, 4265, 7314, 472, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15634159709131995, "compression_ratio": 1.0551181102362204, "no_speech_prob": 0.00021468255727086216}, {"id": 115, "seek": 132500, "start": 1325.0, "end": 1327.0, "text": "\u8c22\u8c22\u5927\u5bb6.", "tokens": [50364, 19879, 6868, 13, 50464], "temperature": 0.4, "avg_logprob": NaN, "compression_ratio": 0.5909090909090909, "no_speech_prob": 0.0055961692705750465}], "language": "zh"}