WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:08.000 Standard Chinese, a modular approach, Directions Module Unit 3, Production Tape 1. 00:08.000 --> 00:12.000 The situations on this tape are set in Peking. 00:12.000 --> 00:16.000 On this tape, you'll learn how to talk about the relative distance of things. 00:16.000 --> 00:20.000 You'll also learn some typically peaking expressions for directions. 00:20.000 --> 00:23.000 Before going on to learn how to say these things, test your comprehension. 00:23.000 --> 00:25.000 Put the following into English. 00:25.000 --> 00:31.000 1.你出去啊。Oh, you're going out. 00:31.000 --> 00:37.000 我想出去买几本书。 00:37.000 --> 00:40.000 I thought I'd go out to buy a few books. 00:40.000 --> 00:45.000 2.老家哪儿有卖书的。 00:45.000 --> 00:49.000 Excuse me, where is there a place that sells books? 00:49.000 --> 00:58.000 王福景大街有一个新华书店,很大。 00:58.000 --> 01:03.000 There's a new China bookstore on Wangfujing Boulevard, which is very large. 01:03.000 --> 01:08.000 离这儿远吗?Is it far from here? 01:08.000 --> 01:14.000 不远,很近.Not far, very close. 01:14.000 --> 01:20.000 怎么去?走得去可以吗? 01:20.000 --> 01:25.000 How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking? 01:25.000 --> 01:31.000 走得去可以。It's possible to get there by walking. 01:31.000 --> 01:35.000 怎么走?How do I go? 01:35.000 --> 01:43.000 从大门出去,朝北管,就是王福景大街。 01:43.000 --> 01:50.000 You go out from the main door, turn to the north, and that's Wangfujing Boulevard. 01:50.000 --> 01:56.000 走多远?How far do I go? 01:56.000 --> 02:06.000 走不远,路东的第一个大楼,就是新华书店。 02:06.000 --> 02:12.000 Go a short distance, the first building on the right is the new China bookstore. 02:12.000 --> 02:17.000 If you had any trouble understanding these sentences, rewind the tape and work on them some more. 02:17.000 --> 02:21.000 If you understood them all, you should begin learning how to say them. 02:21.000 --> 02:23.000 Listen to this first exchange. 02:23.000 --> 02:27.000 Miss Novak is on her way out of the Peking Hotel. 02:27.000 --> 02:40.000 你出去啊。我想出去买几本书。Repeat the verb to go out.出去。出去。 02:40.000 --> 02:50.000 This verb is a compound of the verb 出 to exit or go out and 去 to go.Repeat, I thought I'd go out to buy a few books. 02:50.000 --> 03:01.000 我想出去买几本书。我想出去买几本书。 03:01.000 --> 03:07.000 Notice that the bound word 几 how many means a few when it's used without a tone. 03:07.000 --> 03:14.000 Fry saying it ahead of the speaker. I thought I'd go out to buy a few books. 03:14.000 --> 03:28.000 我想出去买几本书。Fry responding to the comment yourself now.你出去啊。 03:28.000 --> 03:36.000 我想出去买几本书。Again.你出去啊。 03:36.000 --> 03:45.000 我想出去买几本书。Repeat the first comment now. 03:45.000 --> 03:57.000 Oh, you're going out. Notice the intonation.你出去啊。你出去啊。 03:57.000 --> 04:05.000 This comment is really a form of greeting. Instead of saying hello when you just happen to run across someone you know, you state the obvious to acknowledge his presence such as, 04:05.000 --> 04:17.000 Oh, you're here or oh, you've come. How do you say, oh, you're going out?你出去啊。 04:17.000 --> 04:24.000 Next, Ms. Novak asks someone for directions.老家哪有卖书的。 04:24.000 --> 04:34.000 王府警大街有一个新华书店,很大。Repeat the word for excuse me.老家。 04:34.000 --> 04:39.000 老家。 04:39.000 --> 04:51.000 This is a peaking expression.Repeat a place where books are sold.卖书的。卖书的。 04:51.000 --> 04:57.000 In the last unit, you saw the phrase 卖唐的,a candy seller or candy counter. 04:57.000 --> 05:02.000 As you can see, this is a common way to refer to various types of stores.Repeat. 05:02.000 --> 05:12.000 Excuse me.Where is there a store that sells books?老家哪有卖书的。 05:12.000 --> 05:17.000 老家哪有卖书的。 05:17.000 --> 05:27.000 Try asking the question yourself. You'll get a reply.老家哪有卖书的。 05:27.000 --> 05:34.000 王府警大街有一个新华书店,很大。Again. 05:34.000 --> 05:39.000 老家哪有卖书的。 05:39.000 --> 05:52.000 王府警大街有一个新华书店,很大。A quick review.What's the verb to go out?出去。 05:52.000 --> 06:06.000 How do you say a place that sells books?卖书的。How do they say excuse me in peaking?老家。 06:06.000 --> 06:21.000 The conversation continues.Listen.新华书店离得远吗?不远,很近。Repeat the actual word for bookstore.书店。 06:21.000 --> 06:48.000 书店。Repeat new China bookstore.新华书店。新华书店。Repeat the prepositional verb from离,离。 06:48.000 --> 06:53.000 Although both zhong and li are translated as from, they are quite different. 06:53.000 --> 07:00.000 The prepositional verb li is actually one point apart from another.It's mainly used when discussing distances. 07:00.000 --> 07:07.000 Other times you use zhong for from.Now repeat the adjectival verb to be far. 07:07.000 --> 07:21.000 远。远。As with other prepositional verb phrases, the phrase with li from goes before the full verb. 07:21.000 --> 07:35.000 In this case, the adjectival verb 远 to be far.Repeat is it far from here?离这远吗?离这远吗? 07:35.000 --> 07:48.000 Repeat is the new China bookstore far from here?新华书店离这远吗?新华书店离这远吗? 07:48.000 --> 08:04.000 Try asking the question yourself now, you'll get a reply.新华书店离这远吗?不远,很近。 08:04.000 --> 08:24.000 Again.新华书店离这远吗?不远,很近。Repeat the adjectival verb to be near.近。近。 08:24.000 --> 08:35.000 Repeat it's not far very close.不远,很近。不远,很近。 08:35.000 --> 08:53.000 Try answering the question yourself now, it's not far very close.新华书店离这远吗?不远,很近。Again. 08:53.000 --> 09:01.000 新华书店离这远吗?不远,很近。 09:01.000 --> 09:12.000 Listen to Miss Novak's next question.怎么去?走得去可以吗?走得去可以。 09:12.000 --> 09:22.000 You already know that the verb 走 can mean to go by way or it can mean to walk. The word 走着 is the form of the verb which means walking. 09:22.000 --> 09:29.000 Repeat walking 走着 走着 09:29.000 --> 09:44.000 Repeat is it possible to get there by walking?走得去可以吗?走得去可以吗? 09:44.000 --> 09:51.000 You may wonder why this sentence means it's possible to get there by walking and not just is it possible to walk. 09:51.000 --> 09:58.000 The idea of there is contained in the verb 去.As you remember both 走 and 去 can mean to go. 09:58.000 --> 10:16.000 We said that the difference is that 去 is used when the destination is in mind.Repeat again, is it possible to get there by walking?走得去可以吗?走得去可以吗? 10:16.000 --> 10:26.000 Now repeat the question, how do I go there?怎么去?怎么去? 10:26.000 --> 10:36.000 Again the question 怎么去 and怎么走 may seem very close in meaning. Use 怎么走 when you want to know by what route to go. 10:36.000 --> 10:58.000 Use 怎么去 when you want to know by what means to get there.Repeat both questions now.How do I go there? Is it possible to walk there?怎么去?走得去可以吗?怎么去?走得去可以吗? 10:58.000 --> 11:15.000 Try it yourself now, you'll get a reply.How do I go there? Is it possible to get there by walking?怎么去?走得去可以吗?走得去可以吗? 11:15.000 --> 11:27.000 Again 怎么去?走得去可以吗?走得去可以吗? 11:27.000 --> 11:38.000 Try the conversation from the beginning now. I'll give you your lines in English as they come up. Let's begin. Excuse me, where is there a store that sells books? 11:38.000 --> 11:43.000 老家,哪儿有卖书的? 11:43.000 --> 11:48.000 王府景大街有一个新华书店,很大. 11:48.000 --> 11:52.000 Is the new China bookstore far from here? 11:52.000 --> 12:10.000 新华书店离这儿远吗?不远,很近.How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking?怎么去?走得去可以吗? 12:10.000 --> 12:29.000 Again, excuse me, where is there a store that sells books?老家,哪儿有卖书的?王府景大街有一个新华书店,很大. 12:29.000 --> 12:33.000 Is the new China bookstore far from here? 12:33.000 --> 12:53.000 新华书店离这儿远吗?不远,很近.How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking?怎么去?走得去可以吗?走得去可以. 12:53.000 --> 13:01.000 The conversation continues. Listen.怎么走?从大门出去,朝北拐就是王府景大街. 13:01.000 --> 13:07.000 Oh,我从大门出去,朝北拐对不对?对了. 13:07.000 --> 13:27.000 Repeat the word for entrance, literally big door.大门,大门.Repeat, go out from the entrance.从大门出去,从大门出去. 13:27.000 --> 13:47.000 Repeat the verb to turn.拐,拐.Repeat the prepositional verb to or toward.朝,朝. 13:47.000 --> 14:05.000 The prepositional verb朝, meaning to, is mainly used in Peking, and usually when talking about north-southeast or west.Repeat, turn to the north.朝北拐,朝北拐. 14:05.000 --> 14:21.000 Repeat, I go out from the entrance and turn to the north.我从大门出去,朝北拐.我从大门出去,朝北拐. 14:21.000 --> 14:42.000 Repeat, I go out from the entrance and turn to the north.is that correct?我从大门出去,朝北拐对不对?我从大门出去,朝北拐对不对? 14:42.000 --> 14:53.000 Try to exchange yourself now.First, ask what way you go, then repeat the directions to see if you got them right.怎么走? 14:53.000 --> 15:06.000 从大门出去,朝北拐,就是王府井大街。我从大门出去,朝北拐对不对?对了。 15:06.000 --> 15:11.000 Again.怎么走? 15:11.000 --> 15:26.000 从大门出去,朝北拐,就是王府井大街。我从大门出去,朝北拐对不对?对了。 15:26.000 --> 15:33.000 A quick review. What's the word for boulevard?大街. 15:33.000 --> 15:40.000 What's the edgied travel verb to be far?远. 15:40.000 --> 15:51.000 What's the word for entrance?大门.What's the verb to turn?拐. 15:51.000 --> 16:07.000 Miss Norvac has another question. Listen.走多远?走不远,路东的第一个大楼就是新华书店.Repeat how far?多远? 16:07.000 --> 16:27.000 多远.You've seen the question word 多远 before when talking about ages as in 多大,how old?Repeat how far do I go?走多远?走多远? 16:27.000 --> 16:53.000 Try asking the question yourself. You'll get a confirmation and a reply. How far do I go?走多远?走不远,路东的第一个大楼就是新华书店.Again.走多远?走不远,路东的第一个大楼就是新华书店. 16:53.000 --> 17:10.000 Try the conversation from the beginning again. I'll give you your lines in English. Excuse me. Where's there a store that sells books?老家,哪儿有卖书的? 17:10.000 --> 17:38.000 王府井大街有一个新华书店,很大.Is the new China bookstore far from here?新华书店离这儿远吗?不远,很近.How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking?怎么去?走着去可以吗? 17:38.000 --> 18:06.000 走着去可以.How do I go?怎么走?从大门出去,朝北拐就是王府井大街.Oh, I go off on the entrance and turn to the north.Is that right?我从大门出去,朝北拐,对不对?对了. 18:06.000 --> 18:33.000 How far do I go?走多远?走不远,路东的第一个大楼就是新华书店.A little later, when Miss Novak has walked a bit, she asks another person.老家,那个大楼是新华书店吗?是的.Repeat the word for a building. 18:33.000 --> 19:02.000 大楼.大楼.This word,大楼,actually refers to multi-storied buildings.Repeat,is that building the new China bookstore?那个大楼是新华书店吗?那个大楼是新华书店吗?Repeat,excuse me. 19:02.000 --> 19:17.000 Is that building the new China bookstore?老家,那个大楼是新华书店吗?老家,那个大楼是新华书店吗? 19:17.000 --> 19:28.000 Try asking the question yourself now.You'll get a reply.Excuse me.Is that building the new China bookstore?老家,那个大楼是新华书店吗? 19:28.000 --> 19:53.000 老家,那个大楼是新华书店吗?是的.Again.老家,那个大楼是新华书店吗?是的.Now let's review what we've covered on this tape.Put the following sentences into Chinese. 19:53.000 --> 20:21.000 Number one.Oh, you're going out.你出去.I thought I'd go out to buy a few books.我想出去买几本书.Is the new China bookstore far from here?新华书店离这儿远吗? 20:21.000 --> 20:49.000 Not far, very close.不远,很近.How do I go?Is it possible to get there by walking?怎么去?走得去可以吗?It's possible to get there by walking.走得去可以? 20:49.000 --> 21:12.000 Number two.Excuse me.How do I get to the movie theater?老家,到电影院去怎么走?Go off on the entrance and turn to the north. 21:12.000 --> 21:36.000 从大门出去朝北拐.How far do I go?走多远?Not far.不远.Number three.Excuse me.Is that building the new China bookstore? 21:36.000 --> 22:05.000 老家,那个大楼是新华书店吗?Yes.是的.This is the end of the tape.End of directions module unit three, production tape one. 22:05.000 --> 22:07.000 谢谢大家.