start end text 0 10000 Standard Chinese, a modular approach, directions module, unit four, comprehension tape one. 10000 13000 This unit is set in the ROC. 13000 20000 On this tape, you'll learn to understand questions and answers used in getting directions to things inside a building. 20000 23000 This is Daniel King's first day in Taipei. 23000 29000 When he comes out of his hotel room in the morning, he asks one of the hotel employees for some information. 29000 34000 May I ask, on what floor is the dining room? 34000 43000 请问餐厅在几楼? 43000 45000 It's on the second floor. 45000 49000 在二楼,在二楼. 49000 53000 Here's the word for a dining room in a hotel. 53000 56000 餐厅,餐厅. 56000 59000 And here's how you ask, what floor? 59000 62000 More literally, what number floor? 62000 66000 几楼,几楼. 66000 69000 Listen to the exchange live. 69000 72000 请问餐厅在几楼? 72000 75000 在二楼,again. 75000 78000 请问餐厅在几楼? 78000 82000 在二楼,check your comprehension. 82000 85000 请问餐厅在几楼? 85000 91000 May I ask, on what floor is the dining room? 91000 98000 在二楼,it's on the second floor. 98000 100000 Mr. King replies, 100000 104000 Oh, I take the elevator to the second floor. 104000 112000 哦,我坐电梯到二楼。 112000 116000 When I've gotten off the elevator, which way do I go? 116000 124000 下了电梯,往哪边走? 124000 127000 When you've gotten off the elevator, go to the right. 127000 129000 And that's the dining room. 129000 139000 下了电梯,往右走,就是餐厅。 139000 141000 Here's the word for elevator. 141000 143000 Literally electric stair. 143000 147000 电梯,电梯。 147000 152000 The phrase take the elevator in Chinese is really ride the elevator. 152000 154000 Here's the prepositional verb to ride. 154000 158000 坐,坐。 158000 160000 And here's the verb to get off. 160000 163000 下,下。 163000 167000 Notice that in the sentence,坐电梯到二楼, 167000 169000 take the elevator to the second floor. 169000 174000 The verb到 is used as a main verb without the verb to following it. 174000 178000 The verb to is only used for a final destination. 178000 182000 In this exchange,Mr. King's final destination is the dining room, 182000 184000 not just the second floor. 184000 187000 Here's the exchange lot. 187000 190000 哦,我坐电梯到二楼。 190000 193000 下了电梯,往哪边走? 193000 197000 下了电梯,往右走,就是餐厅。 197000 198000 Again. 198000 202000 哦,我坐电梯到二楼。 202000 205000 下了电梯,往哪边走? 205000 209000 下了电梯,往右走,就是餐厅。 209000 212000 Check your comprehension. 212000 220000 哦,我坐电梯到二楼。 220000 224000 Oh, I take the elevator to the second floor. 224000 232000 下了电梯,往哪边走? 232000 237000 When I've gotten off the elevator, which way do I go? 237000 246000 下了电梯,往右走,就是餐厅。 246000 249000 When you've gotten off the elevator, go to the right, 249000 252000 and that's the dining room. 252000 255000 Here's a conversation Mr. King might have later in the day 255000 257000 in a department store. 257000 260000 Listen to it live. 260000 264000 请问卖雨傘的在几楼? 264000 267000 在三楼。 267000 268000 有电梯吗? 268000 270000 有,在那边。 270000 273000 坐电梯到三楼。 273000 277000 下了电梯,就在左边。 277000 279000 Again. 279000 282000 请问卖雨傘的在几楼? 282000 284000 在三楼。 284000 286000 有电梯吗? 286000 288000 有,在那边。 288000 290000 坐电梯到三楼。 290000 294000 下了电梯,就在左边。 294000 297000 Check your comprehension. 297000 304000 请问卖雨傘的在几楼? 304000 308000 May I ask, what floor is the umbrella department on? 308000 312000 在三楼。 312000 314000 It's on the third floor. 314000 319000 有电梯吗? 319000 322000 Is there an elevator? 322000 327000 有,在那边。 327000 329000 Yes, it's over there. 329000 335000 坐电梯到三楼。 335000 337000 Take the elevator to the third floor. 337000 345000 下了电梯,就在左边。 345000 350000 When you've gotten off the elevator, it's just on the left. 350000 355000 After breakfast, Mr. King comes down to the lobby and talks to the hotel clerk. 355000 360000 May I ask, is there a place to get a haircut here? 360000 366000 请问,你们这里有没有立法的地方? 366000 370000 Yes, from here you go to the left. 370000 376000 有,从这里往左走。 376000 381000 有,从这里往左走。 381000 385000 Go downstairs and then you'll see it. 385000 391000 下楼就看见了。 391000 395000 Here's the expression for haircutting place. 395000 400000 立法的地方。 400000 403000 Here's the expression to go downstairs. 403000 408000 下楼,下楼。 408000 410000 And here's the verb to see. 410000 414000 看见,看见。 414000 417000 The verb看见 is a compound verb of result. 417000 420000 The verb看 means to look at. 420000 423000 And the verb见 means to perceive. 423000 430000 The verb compound看见 to see refers to an act of looking that results in a state of perceiving. 430000 435000 Listen to the exchange live. 435000 439000 请问,你们这里有没有立法的地方? 439000 442000 有,从这里往左走。 442000 445000 下楼就看见了。 445000 450000 Again,请问,你们这里有没有立法的地方? 450000 453000 有,从这里往左走。 453000 456000 下楼就看见了。 456000 460000 Check your comprehension. 460000 469000 请问,你们这里有没有立法的地方? 469000 473000 May I ask, is there a place to get a haircut here? 473000 479000 有,从这里往左走。 479000 483000 Yes, from here you go to the left. 483000 488000 下楼就看见了。 488000 492000 Go downstairs and then you'll see it. 492000 498000 Listen to a similar conversation that might take place in a department store live. 498000 501000 你们这里有没有立法的地方? 501000 503000 没有。 503000 505000 这附近有吗? 505000 508000 有,下楼从大门出去。 508000 511000 右边就有一个。 511000 516000 Again,你们这里有没有立法的地方? 516000 518000 没有。 518000 520000 这附近有吗? 520000 523000 有,下楼从大门出去。 523000 526000 右边就有一个。 526000 529000 Check your comprehension. 529000 537000 你们这里有没有立法的地方? 537000 540000 有没有立法的地方? 540000 542000 没有。 542000 544000 No. 544000 548000 这附近有吗? 548000 551000 Is there one in this area? 551000 558000 有,下楼从大门出去。 558000 561000 Yes, go downstairs and go out the entrance. 561000 566000 右边就有一个。 566000 570000 There's one just to the right. 570000 575000 After getting his haircut, Mr. King goes to the central bookstore. 575000 580000 Listen as he talks to a clerk near the entrance. 580000 584000 May I ask, on what floor do they sell maps? 584000 591000 请问,几楼卖地图? 591000 596000 Second floor,二楼,二楼。 596000 598000 How do I go? 598000 602000 怎么走? 602000 605000 Go straight to the back. 605000 611000 往后一直走,往后一直走。 611000 616000 Go upstairs and the map department is just on the right. 616000 625000 上楼右边就是卖地图的。 625000 633000 The Chinese sentence,几楼卖地图 has a location,几楼 as topic and no subject. 633000 641000 To translate this sentence into English, we must either add the subject they as in, on what floor do they sell maps? 641000 647000 Or change the verb to the passive as in, on what floor are maps sold? 647000 652000 Here's the word for back,后,后。 652000 659000 And here's the expression to go upstairs,上楼,上楼。 659000 662000 Here's the exchange live. 662000 665000 请问,几楼卖地图? 665000 668000 二楼,怎么走? 668000 670000 往后一直走。 670000 674000 上楼右边就是卖地图的。 674000 678000 Again,请问,几楼卖地图? 678000 681000 二楼,怎么走? 681000 688000 往后一直走,上楼右边就是卖地图的。 688000 691000 Check your comprehension. 691000 697000 请问,几楼卖地图? 697000 701000 May I ask, on what floor do they sell maps? 701000 706000 二楼,2nd floor. 706000 709000 怎么找? 709000 711000 How do I go? 711000 718000 往后一直走,go straight to the back. 718000 725000 上楼右边就是卖地图的。 725000 731000 Go upstairs and the map department is just on the right. 731000 736000 After buying a map, Mr. King goes to a small restaurant and is seated toward the front. 736000 740000 Listen as he talks to the waitress. 740000 743000 May I ask, where is the washroom? 743000 751000 请问,洗手间在什么地方? 751000 753000 It's there. 753000 756000 It's all the way in and it's on the right. 756000 766000 在那里,往里走,在右边。 766000 771000 Here's the word for washroom, literally wash hands room. 771000 775000 洗手间,洗手间。 775000 781000 And here's how you say to the inside in the sense of to the back or all the way in. 781000 784000 往里,往里。 784000 791000 The phrase,往里走 is often used to mean go to the back when the room in question is long and narrow. 791000 794000 Listen to the exchange live. 794000 798000 请问,洗手间在什么地方? 798000 802000 在那里,往里走,在右边。 802000 803000 Again. 803000 806000 请问,洗手间在什么地方? 806000 810000 在那里,往里走,在右边。 810000 813000 Check your comprehension. 813000 820000 请问,洗手间在什么地方? 820000 824000 May I ask, where is the washroom? 824000 833000 在那里,往里走,在右边。 833000 834000 It's there. 834000 838000 Go all the way in and it's on the right. 838000 844000 Here's a conversation Mr. King might overhear when he goes back to his hotel and picks up his key at the desk. 844000 847000 Listen to the exchange live. 847000 850000 请问,餐厅在哪里? 850000 853000 您上楼一直走就看见了。 853000 856000 请问,洗手间在哪里? 856000 860000 往后一直走就看见了。 860000 861000 Again. 861000 864000 请问,餐厅在哪里? 864000 867000 您上楼一直走就看见了。 867000 870000 请问,洗手间在哪里? 870000 874000 往后一直走就看见了。 874000 877000 Check your comprehension. 877000 882000 请问,餐厅在哪里? 882000 886000 May I ask, where is the dining room? 886000 894000 您上楼一直走就看见了。 894000 898000 Go upstairs and go straight and then you'll see it. 898000 904000 请问,洗手间在哪里? 904000 908000 May I ask, where is the washroom? 908000 916000 往后一直走就看见了。 916000 920000 Go straight back and then you'll see it. 920000 925000 The following series of exchanges reviews all the material introduced on this tape. 925000 931000 The questions in these exchanges are all addressed to a clerk near the entrance of a department store. 931000 934000 Listen to the exchanges live. 934000 936000 Number one. 936000 941000 你们这里有没有立法的地方? 941000 944000 对不起,没有。 944000 945000 Number two. 945000 948000 请问,洗手间在哪里? 948000 954000 您往里走,在那个卖雨傘的后面。 954000 956000 Number three. 956000 960000 请问,几楼卖收音机? 960000 961000 二楼。 961000 963000 怎么走? 963000 966000 上楼就看见了。 966000 968000 Number four. 968000 971000 你们这里有没有餐厅? 971000 972000 有。 972000 974000 在哪里? 974000 978000 电梯到五楼,下了电梯就看见了。 978000 980000 电梯在哪里? 980000 984000 从这里往右走就是电梯。 984000 988000 Again, number one. 988000 991000 你们这里有没有立法的地方? 991000 993000 对不起,没有。 993000 995000 Number two. 995000 999000 请问,洗手间在哪里? 999000 1003000 您往里走,在那个卖雨傘的后面。 1003000 1005000 Number three. 1005000 1008000 请问,洗楼卖收音机? 1008000 1009000 二楼。 1009000 1011000 怎么走? 1011000 1013000 上楼就看见了。 1013000 1015000 Number four. 1015000 1018000 你们这里有没有餐厅? 1018000 1019000 有。 1019000 1021000 在哪里? 1021000 1025000 坐电梯到五楼,下了电梯就看见了。 1025000 1027000 电梯在哪里? 1027000 1031000 从这里往右走就是电梯。 1031000 1033000 Any of you understood what was said? 1033000 1036000 Number one. 1036000 1043000 你们这里有没有立法的地方? 1043000 1046000 Do you have a place to get a haircut here? 1046000 1050000 对不起,没有。 1050000 1053000 I'm sorry, we don't. 1053000 1055000 Number two. 1055000 1062000 请问,洗手间在哪里? 1062000 1065000 May I ask, where is the washroom? 1065000 1070000 您往里走, 1070000 1073000 you go all the way in, 1073000 1079000 在那个卖雨傘的后面。 1079000 1083000 It's behind the umbrella department over there. 1083000 1084000 Number three. 1084000 1091000 请问,几楼卖收音机? 1091000 1095000 May I ask, on what floor do they sell radios? 1095000 1098000 二楼, 1098000 1100000 second floor. 1100000 1104000 怎么走? 1104000 1105000 How do I go? 1105000 1111000 上楼就看见了。 1111000 1114000 Go upstairs and then you'll see them. 1114000 1117000 Number four. 1117000 1123000 你们这里有没有餐厅? 1123000 1126000 Do you have a dining room here? 1126000 1128000 有。 1128000 1129000 Yes. 1129000 1132000 在哪里? 1132000 1134000 Where is it? 1134000 1140000 坐电梯到五楼,下了电梯就看见了。 1140000 1146000 Take the elevator to the fifth floor. 1146000 1148000 When you've gotten off the elevator, 1148000 1149000 then you'll see it. 1149000 1155000 电梯在哪里? 1155000 1156000 Where is the elevator? 1156000 1164000 从这里往右走就是电梯。 1164000 1166000 From here you go to the right 1166000 1167000 and that's the elevator. 1167000 1171000 As a final review, 1171000 1175000 see if you can translate the exchanges of the target list. 1175000 1177000 Number one. 1177000 1186000 请问,你们这里有没有立法的地方? 1186000 1187000 May I ask, 1187000 1189000 is there a place to get a haircut here? 1189000 1196000 有,下楼,左边就是。 1196000 1201000 Yes, go downstairs and it's just on the left. 1201000 1204000 Number two. 1204000 1209000 洗手间在哪里? 1209000 1211000 Where is the washroom? 1211000 1213000 在哪里? 1213000 1215000 It's over there. 1215000 1220000 往里走就看见了。 1220000 1223000 Go all the way in and then you'll see it. 1223000 1225000 Number three. 1225000 1230000 几楼卖地图? 1230000 1232000 On what floor do they show maps? 1232000 1237000 二楼,second floor. 1237000 1240000 怎么走? 1240000 1242000 How do I go? 1242000 1250000 往后一直走,go straight to the back. 1250000 1258000 上楼,右边就是卖地图的。 1258000 1262000 Go upstairs and the map department is just on the right. 1262000 1265000 Number four. 1265000 1272000 请问餐厅在哪里? 1272000 1273000 May I ask, 1273000 1275000 where is the dining room? 1275000 1280000 下楼电梯到二楼。 1280000 1283000 Take the elevator to the second floor. 1283000 1289000 下了电梯就看见了。 1289000 1291000 When you've gotten off the elevator, 1291000 1295000 then you'll see it. 1295000 1296000 If you think you're ready, 1296000 1298000 go on to the P1 tape. 1298000 1303000 This is the end of the tape. 1303000 1310000 Directions four,C1.