WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:06.000 Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach. Life in China Module Unit 1, Tape 1. 00:06.000 --> 00:12.000 In this unit, you'll learn some questions and answers used in talking about the organization and functions of street offices. 00:12.000 --> 00:19.000 Listen to the first exchange from the reference list. Your Fengshuang area has a street office too, doesn't it? 00:19.000 --> 00:23.000 你們方向地區也有接到辦事處吧? 00:23.000 --> 00:25.000 Yes, it's not far from our home. 00:25.000 --> 00:29.000 有,離我們家不遠. 00:29.000 --> 00:31.000 Repeat the name of a street in Beijing. 00:31.000 --> 00:36.000 方聖,方聖. 00:36.000 --> 00:38.000 Repeat street office. 00:38.000 --> 00:43.000 接到辦事處,接到辦事處. 00:43.000 --> 00:48.000 Repeat, your Fengshuang area has a street office too, doesn't it? 00:48.000 --> 00:56.000 你們方向地區也有接到辦事處吧? 00:56.000 --> 01:01.000 你們方聖地區也有接到辦事處吧? 01:01.000 --> 01:04.000 Now try asking the question yourself. You'll get a reply. 01:04.000 --> 01:12.000 Your Fengshuang area has a street office too, doesn't it? 01:12.000 --> 01:16.000 你們方聖地區也有接到辦事處吧? 01:16.000 --> 01:20.000 有,離我們家不遠. 01:20.000 --> 01:23.000 Listen to the next exchange. 01:23.000 --> 01:26.000 Who's the person in charge of your street office? 01:26.000 --> 01:30.000 你們接到辦事處的負責人是誰? 01:30.000 --> 01:34.000 劉開蘭,everyone calls her older sister Liu. 01:34.000 --> 01:39.000 是劉開蘭,大家叫她劉大姐. 01:39.000 --> 01:42.000 Repeat, responsible person, leading member. 01:42.000 --> 01:47.000 負責人,負責人. 01:47.000 --> 01:51.000 Repeat, who's the person in charge of your street office? 01:51.000 --> 01:57.000 你們接到辦事處的負責人是誰? 01:57.000 --> 02:03.000 你們接到辦事處的負責人是誰? 02:03.000 --> 02:06.000 Now ask the question yourself. You'll get a reply. 02:06.000 --> 02:12.000 Who's the person in charge of your street office? 02:12.000 --> 02:16.000 你們接到辦事處的負責人是誰? 02:16.000 --> 02:21.000 是劉開蘭,大家叫她劉大姐. 02:21.000 --> 02:26.000 Repeat, older sister, a respectful term of address for a woman. 02:26.000 --> 02:30.000 大姐,大姐. 02:30.000 --> 02:36.000 Repeat,劉開蘭,everyone calls her older sister Liu. 02:36.000 --> 02:42.000 是劉開蘭,大家叫她劉大姐. 02:42.000 --> 02:48.000 是劉開蘭,大家叫她劉大姐. 02:48.000 --> 02:51.000 Here's the next exchange. 02:51.000 --> 02:54.000 Does every street office manage several service units? 02:54.000 --> 02:58.000 每個接到辦事處都領導幾個服務站嗎? 02:58.000 --> 03:04.000 Yes, in addition to many ordinary service units, we also have an automated laundry. 03:04.000 --> 03:11.000 是的,除了許多普通的服務站以外,我們還有一個機械洗衣站. 03:11.000 --> 03:15.000 Repeat, to give administrative guidance to manage to direct. 03:15.000 --> 03:19.000 領導,領導. 03:19.000 --> 03:24.000 Repeat, service unit, an organization set up by the residents in a street office area. 03:24.000 --> 03:28.000 服務站,服務站. 03:28.000 --> 03:33.000 Repeat, does every street office manage several service units? 03:33.000 --> 03:39.000 每個接到辦事處都領導幾個服務站嗎? 03:39.000 --> 03:46.000 每個接到辦事處都領導幾個服務站嗎? 03:46.000 --> 03:49.000 Ask the question yourself to get a reply. 03:49.000 --> 03:56.000 Does every street office manage several service units? 03:56.000 --> 04:00.000 每個接到辦事處都領導幾個服務站嗎? 04:00.000 --> 04:07.000 是的,除了許多普通的服務站以外,我們還有一個機械洗衣站. 04:07.000 --> 04:10.000 Repeat, machinery. 04:10.000 --> 04:15.000 機械,機械. 04:15.000 --> 04:19.000 Repeat, automated laundry. 04:19.000 --> 04:25.000 機械洗衣站,機械洗衣站. 04:25.000 --> 04:32.000 Repeat, yes, in addition to many ordinary service units, we also have an automated laundry. 04:32.000 --> 04:36.000 是的,除了許多普通的服務站以外, 04:36.000 --> 04:43.000 我們還有一個機械洗衣站. 04:43.000 --> 04:52.000 是的,除了許多普通的服務站以外,我們還有一個機械洗衣站. 04:52.000 --> 04:55.000 Listen to the next exchange. 04:55.000 --> 04:59.000 Automated laundries aid the residents in washing clothes, don't they? 04:59.000 --> 05:04.000 機械洗衣站,幫助居民洗衣服,是不是? 05:04.000 --> 05:09.000 In addition to aiding the residents, they also often wash quilts for the troops. 05:09.000 --> 05:15.000 除了幫助居民以外,他們還常常幫部隊洗被子. 05:15.000 --> 05:17.000 Repeat, resident. 05:17.000 --> 05:20.000 居民,居民. 05:20.000 --> 05:25.000 Repeat, automated laundries aid the residents in washing clothes, don't they? 05:25.000 --> 05:33.000 機械洗衣站,幫助居民洗衣服,是不是? 05:33.000 --> 05:39.000 機械洗衣站,幫助居民洗衣服,是不是? 05:39.000 --> 05:42.000 Now try asking the question yourself to get a reply. 05:42.000 --> 05:49.000 Automated laundries aid the residents in washing clothes, don't they? 05:49.000 --> 05:53.000 機械洗衣站,幫助居民洗衣服,是不是? 05:53.000 --> 05:59.000 除了幫助居民以外,他們還常常幫部隊洗被子. 05:59.000 --> 06:03.000 Repeat, troops. 06:03.000 --> 06:07.000 部隊,部隊. 06:07.000 --> 06:10.000 Repeat, comforter quilt. 06:10.000 --> 06:13.000 被子,被子. 06:13.000 --> 06:19.000 Repeat, in addition to aiding the residents, they also often wash quilts for the troops. 06:19.000 --> 06:28.000 除了幫助居民以外,他們還常常幫部隊洗被子. 06:28.000 --> 06:35.000 除了幫助居民以外,他們還常常幫部隊洗被子. 06:35.000 --> 06:38.000 Now here's a review of the vocabulary you just learned. 06:38.000 --> 06:41.000 The name of a street in Peking. 06:41.000 --> 06:46.000 方省, street office. 06:46.000 --> 06:52.000 街道辦事處, responsible person, leading member. 06:52.000 --> 06:57.000 負責人, older sister, a respectful term of address for a woman. 06:57.000 --> 07:04.000 大節, to give administrative guidance to manage, to direct. 07:04.000 --> 07:10.000 領導, service unit, 07:10.000 --> 07:15.000 波站, automated laundering, 07:15.000 --> 07:21.000 機械洗衣站, resident, 07:21.000 --> 07:26.000 居民, troops. 07:26.000 --> 07:31.000 部隊, comforter quilt. 07:31.000 --> 07:33.000 被子. 07:33.000 --> 07:35.000 Now listen to the next exchange. 07:35.000 --> 07:41.000 There's no connection between street service units and the national production plan, is there? 07:41.000 --> 07:45.000 街道服務站和國家生產計畫沒有關係吧? 07:45.000 --> 07:52.000 No, but the street service units serve the masses in their daily lives, so the masses welcome them. 07:52.000 --> 07:59.000 你說得對,可是服務站可以為群眾生活服務,群眾很歡迎. 07:59.000 --> 08:03.000 Repeat, national production plan. 08:03.000 --> 08:08.000 國家生產計畫. 08:08.000 --> 08:11.000 國家生產計畫. 08:11.000 --> 08:18.000 Repeat, there's no connection between street service units and the national production plan, is there? 08:18.000 --> 08:28.000 街道服務站和國家生產計畫沒有關係吧? 08:28.000 --> 08:35.000 街道服務站和國家生產計畫沒有關係吧? 08:35.000 --> 08:48.000 海道服務站和國家生產計畫沒有關係吧? 08:48.000 --> 08:55.000 你說得對,可是服務站可以為群眾生活服務,群眾很歡迎. 08:55.000 --> 08:57.000 群众很欢迎 09:01.000 --> 09:02.000 群众 09:03.000 --> 09:04.000 群众 09:08.000 --> 09:09.000 服务 09:10.000 --> 09:11.000 服务 09:21.000 --> 09:22.000 你说的对 09:22.000 --> 09:25.000 可是服务站可以为群众生活服务 09:25.000 --> 09:27.000 群众很欢迎 09:34.000 --> 09:35.000 你说的对 09:35.000 --> 09:38.000 可是服务站可以为群众生活服务 09:38.000 --> 09:51.000 群众很欢迎 09:52.000 --> 09:55.000 居民委员会是不是基层的政府机关 09:55.000 --> 10:00.000 不 接到办事处才是基层的政府机关 10:00.000 --> 10:03.000 居民委员会受接到办事处的领导 10:15.000 --> 10:16.000 居民委员会 10:16.000 --> 10:21.000 居民委员会 10:26.000 --> 10:27.000 基层 10:29.000 --> 10:30.000 基层 10:35.000 --> 10:36.000 机关 10:36.000 --> 10:49.000 居民委员会是不是基层的政府机关 10:49.000 --> 11:06.000 居民委员会是不是基层的政府机关 11:11.000 --> 11:14.000 居民委员会是不是基层的政府机关 11:14.000 --> 11:18.000 不 接到办事处才是基层的政府机关 11:18.000 --> 11:21.000 居民委员会受接到办事处的领导 11:30.000 --> 11:34.000 不 接到办事处才是基层的政府机关 11:34.000 --> 11:43.000 不 接到办事处才是基层的政府机关 11:50.000 --> 11:53.000 居民委员会受接到办事处的领导 11:53.000 --> 12:02.000 居民委员会受接到办事处的领导 12:02.000 --> 12:12.000 居民委员会受接到办事处的领导 12:13.000 --> 12:23.000 居民委员会受接到办事处的领导 12:23.000 --> 12:28.000 是的 居民委员会组织家庭妇女参加学习 12:32.000 --> 12:36.000 家庭妇女 12:40.000 --> 12:44.000 政治学习 12:44.000 --> 12:48.000 附则 12:49.000 --> 12:52.000 附则 13:00.000 --> 13:04.000 家庭妇女参加政治学习也是居民委员会负责吗 13:04.000 --> 13:10.000 家庭妇女参加政治学习也是居民委员会负责吗 13:15.000 --> 13:17.000 现在问问自己的问题 13:17.000 --> 13:18.000 你会回答 13:18.000 --> 13:22.000 在家庭妇女参加政治学习也是居民委员会负责吗 13:22.000 --> 13:38.000 是的 居民委员会组织家庭妇女参加学习 13:38.000 --> 13:43.000 接下来的交换 13:43.000 --> 13:47.000 我明白居民委员会组织家庭妇女参加学习 13:50.000 --> 13:51.000 是的 13:51.000 --> 13:54.000 我们经常参加学习 13:59.000 --> 14:02.000 再说 听说 明白 14:02.000 --> 14:04.000 计说 14:04.000 --> 14:06.000 计说 14:11.000 --> 14:14.000 计说街道和学校也有关系 14:18.000 --> 14:21.000 计说街道和学校也有关系 14:21.000 --> 14:23.000 重新计说 14:23.000 --> 14:25.000 重新计说 14:25.000 --> 14:27.000 活动 14:27.000 --> 14:29.000 活动 14:29.000 --> 14:30.000 重新计说 14:30.000 --> 14:31.000 是的 14:31.000 --> 14:33.000 我们经常参加学习 14:33.000 --> 14:34.000 有 14:34.000 --> 14:36.000 我们常常参加学习的活动 14:41.000 --> 14:42.000 有 14:42.000 --> 14:44.000 我们常常参加学习的活动 14:47.000 --> 14:49.000 现在听到问题的回答 14:49.000 --> 14:51.000 计说 14:51.000 --> 14:53.000 我们经常参加学习的活动 14:53.000 --> 14:55.000 计说街道和学校也有关系 15:00.000 --> 15:01.000 有 15:01.000 --> 15:03.000 我们常常参加学习的活动 15:06.000 --> 15:08.000 现在听到问题的回答 15:08.000 --> 15:10.000 重新计说 15:10.000 --> 15:12.000 重新计说 15:12.000 --> 15:14.000 重新计说 15:14.000 --> 15:16.000 服务 15:16.000 --> 15:18.000 服务 15:18.000 --> 15:20.000 之欣 15:20.000 --> 15:21.000 联谈 15:23.000 --> 15:25.500 与医生 15:33.000 --> 15:35.000 公司 15:35.000 --> 15:37.000 主管 15:39.000 --> 15:41.000 妻生 15:41.000 --> 15:42.500 母亲 15:44.000 --> 15:46.500 政治学习 15:46.500 --> 15:48.500 to be responsible for 15:48.500 --> 15:50.500 負責 15:50.500 --> 15:52.500 activity 15:52.500 --> 15:54.500 活動 15:54.500 --> 15:56.500 national production plan 15:56.500 --> 15:58.500 國家生產計畫 15:58.500 --> 16:01.500 and here's the next exchange from the reference list. 16:01.500 --> 16:04.500 what should you do if you want to retire? 16:04.500 --> 16:07.500 你如果想退休,應該怎麼辦? 16:07.500 --> 16:09.500 you should talk with your work unit. 16:09.500 --> 16:12.500 these things are all taken care of by your work unit. 16:12.500 --> 16:14.500 應該和工作單位談一談 16:14.500 --> 16:17.500 這些事情都是工作單位管 16:17.500 --> 16:20.500 repeat to retire from work 16:20.500 --> 16:22.500 退休 16:22.500 --> 16:24.500 退休 16:24.500 --> 16:27.500 repeat what should you do if you want to retire? 16:27.500 --> 16:30.500 你如果想退休,應該怎麼辦? 16:33.500 --> 16:36.500 你如果想退休,應該怎麼辦? 16:38.500 --> 16:40.500 ask the question yourself, you get a reply. 16:40.500 --> 16:43.500 what should you do if you want to retire? 16:45.500 --> 16:48.500 你如果想退休,應該怎麼辦? 16:48.500 --> 16:51.500 應該和工作單位談一談 16:51.500 --> 16:54.500 這些事情都是工作單位管 16:55.500 --> 16:58.500 repeat work unit, place of work 16:58.500 --> 17:00.500 工作單位 17:01.500 --> 17:03.500 工作單位 17:05.500 --> 17:08.500 repeat to manage to be in charge of 17:08.500 --> 17:10.500 管 17:10.500 --> 17:12.500 管 17:12.500 --> 17:15.500 repeat you should talk with your work unit. 17:15.500 --> 17:18.500 these things are all taken care of by your work unit. 17:19.500 --> 17:21.500 應該和工作單位談一談 17:21.500 --> 17:24.500 這些事情都是工作單位管 17:30.500 --> 17:32.500 應該和工作單位談一談 17:32.500 --> 17:35.500 這些事情都是工作單位管 17:35.500 --> 17:37.500 repeat people 17:37.500 --> 17:39.500 repeat to collect 17:39.500 --> 17:41.500 四人 17:41.500 --> 17:43.500 repeat to collect 17:47.500 --> 17:49.500 三人 17:49.500 --> 17:51.500 repeat people 17:52.500 --> 17:55.500 repeat to collect 17:59.500 --> 18:01.500 全人 18:01.500 --> 18:02.500 repeat to collect 18:02.500 --> 18:08.120 重新,用手機,用手機,用手機去找到一個問題 18:08.120 --> 18:12.020 零,零 18:12.020 --> 18:17.020 重新,我明白,人們用手機在某個辦公室裡 18:17.020 --> 18:22.020 據說,人們在一個什麼辦事處領退休金 18:22.020 --> 18:31.020 據說,人們在一個什麼辦事處領退休金 18:31.020 --> 18:36.020 對,要在街道辦事處領退休金 18:36.020 --> 18:41.020 現在,我會用手機去找到一個問題 18:41.020 --> 18:46.020 重新,我明白,人們用手機去找到一個問題 18:46.020 --> 18:51.020 據說,人們在一個什麼辦事處領退休金 18:51.020 --> 18:56.020 對,要在街道辦事處領退休金 18:56.020 --> 18:59.020 別在街道辦理�� you just learned. You just learned, test yourself. Pull yourself 18:59.020 --> 19:03.020 to retire from work,退休 19:03.020 --> 19:07.020 work unit, place of work 19:07.020 --> 19:12.020 工作單位 to manage to be in charge of 19:12.020 --> 19:17.020 管, retirement pension 19:17.020 --> 19:23.020 退休金,people,人們 19:23.020 --> 19:25.020 联系 19:27.020 --> 19:28.020 联 19:35.020 --> 19:37.020 明天你有什么事吗 19:44.020 --> 19:46.020 明天是8月1号 19:46.020 --> 19:52.020 我们要去慰问军属、列属 20:04.020 --> 20:08.020 军属、军属 20:08.020 --> 20:10.020 联系 20:25.020 --> 20:27.020 明天是8月1号 20:27.020 --> 20:37.020 我们要去慰问军属、列属 20:37.020 --> 20:39.020 明天是8月1号 20:39.020 --> 20:41.020 我们要去慰问军属、列属 20:41.020 --> 20:43.020 明天是8月1号 20:43.020 --> 20:45.020 我们要去慰问军属、列属 20:59.020 --> 21:01.020 明天是8月1号 21:01.020 --> 21:13.020 我们要去慰问军属、列属 21:13.020 --> 21:15.020 你接到通知没有 21:15.020 --> 21:18.020 是不是最近学校要开家长会 21:22.020 --> 21:26.020 是啊,好像是下星期一、下午五点 21:26.020 --> 21:28.020 通知 21:43.020 --> 21:46.020 你接到通知没有 21:46.020 --> 21:52.020 你接到通知没有?是不是最近学校要开家长会? 21:52.020 --> 22:05.020 你接到通知没有?是不是最近学校要开家长会? 22:05.020 --> 22:12.020 你接到通知没有?是不是最近学校要开家长会? 22:12.020 --> 22:19.020 是啊,好像是下星期一、下午五点。 22:19.020 --> 22:37.020 现在我们来评论这个最后一部分的评论,来评论和打扰。 22:37.020 --> 22:39.020 卫问。 22:39.020 --> 22:50.020 军属。 22:50.020 --> 22:52.020 列属。 22:52.020 --> 22:57.020 通知。 22:57.020 --> 23:03.020 家长。 23:03.020 --> 23:10.020 卫问。