Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Module on Customs Surrounding Marriage Birth and Death, Unit 1. This tape presents language used in talking about marriage practices and wedding customs in the PRC today. Part 1 deals with marriage practices. Government 政府 to advocate 提倡 to be young 年轻 to get married 结婚 Does the government advocate young people marry late? 中国政府是不是提倡年轻人晚结婚? late involvement and late marriage 晚恋晚婚 the government advocates late involvement and late marriage 政府提倡晚恋晚婚 youth young person 青年 to be hardworking 努力 that young person is very hardworking 那个青年工作很努力 rural area, countryside 农村 to practice, to carry out a policy or plan 实行 Do the young people in the countryside also practice late marriage? 农村年轻人也实行晚婚吗? to become 成 common practice 风气 late marriage has already become a common practice for young people. 晚婚已经成了一种风气 with and 和 to be romantically involved 恋爱 all along, all the time up until a certain point 意直 小李 went out with her for a long time, but he never wanted to get married 小李和他恋爱很久了,可是一直不要结婚 city 小城市 indeed really 可 boy this little town pretty 这个小城市可漂亮了 now here's a review of the new words in part one government 政府 to advocate 提倡 to be young 年轻 to get married 结婚 late involvement and late marriage 晚恋晚婚 youth young person 青年 to be hardworking 努力 rural area countryside 农村 to practice to carry out a plan or policy 实行 to become 成 common practice 放弃 with and 和 to be romantically involved 恋爱 all along all the time up until 一直 city 城市 indeed really 可 now here's a review of the sentences in part one does the chinese government advocate that young people marry late? 中国政府是不是提倡年轻人晚结婚? the government advocates late involvement and late marriage 政府提倡晚恋晚婚 that young person is very hardworking 那个青年工作很努力 do the young people in the countryside also practice late marriage? 年轻人也实行晚婚吗? late marriage has already become a common practice for young people 晚婚已经成了一种风起 小离 went out with her for a long time but he never wanted to get married 小离和她恋爱很久了 可是一直不要结婚 boy is this little town pretty? 这个小城市可漂亮了 now here's a dialogue reviewing part one an american visiting china talks with her guide about the policies and practices concerning marriage 我记得上次你说你28岁了 还没有结婚 对 我一直想问问你 中国年轻人好像30岁左右才结婚是不是? 对了 我们青年有很多事要做 要努力工作努力学习 不要早结婚 政府也提倡晚恋晚婚 在城市里年轻人都在25岁以后才结婚 农村里的年轻人也实行晚婚吗? 对 他们也实行晚婚 在农村晚恋爱晚结婚 已经成了一种新风起 我有一个在北京郊区工作的朋友 下礼拜结婚 你要不要和我一起去看看 我给你安排一下 好急了 那可真有意思 刚到这儿就有这么一个好机会 第二个是婚纱和联系 婚纱 仪式 现在中国人结婚有什么仪式? 什么仪式? relatives 亲戚 to give something as a gift 送 gift present 礼物 gifts did your relatives give you when you got married? 你结婚的时候 你的亲戚送给你什么礼物? to serve as to act as 坐 momentals 纪念 they gave me a few small presents as momentals 他们送给我一些小礼物 做纪念 many 许多 to move to to go live at 诸多 the husband's family 男家 the wife's family 女家 some men now go and live with the wife's family after they get married 有的男青年结婚以后住到女家去 custom 风俗 difference distinction 区别 this is very different from the customs of the past 这跟以前的风俗有很大的区别 I'll say 可不是吗? to change 改变 a lot, many 不少 I'll say it's really changed a lot 可不是吗?真是改变了不少 furthermore 而且 furthermore late marriage is also practiced in rural areas 而且在农村也实行晚婚 now here's a review of the new words presented in part 2 test yourself ceremony 婚事 relatives 亲戚 to give something as a gift 送 gift, present 礼物 to serve as, to act as momento memorial 纪念 many 许多 to move to, to go live at 住到 the husband's family 家 the wife's family 女家 custom 风俗 difference, distinction 区别 I'll say 可不是吗?to change 改变 a lot, many 不少 furthermore 而且 now here's a review of the sentences in part 2 what kind of ceremony do the Chinese have when they get married now? 现在中国人结婚有什么仪式? what gifts did your relatives give you when you got married? 你结婚的时候,你的亲戚送给你什么礼物? they gave me a few small presents as mementos 他们送给我一些小礼物做纪念 some men now go and live with the wife's family after they get married. 有的男青年结婚以后,住到女家去 this is very different from the customs of the past. 这跟以前的风俗有很大的区别 I'll say it's really changed a lot. 可不是吗?这是改变了不少 furthermore, late marriage is also practiced in rural areas 而且在农村也实行晚婚 now here's a conversation reviewing part 2 an American woman and her guide in Peking talk about the wedding ceremony she came surrounding a celebration 中国人结婚的时候有什么样的仪式? 没有什么仪式 就是请亲戚朋友来喝点茶,吃点糖,点心什么的 亲戚朋友送不送礼物? 有的人送一点小礼物做纪念 我听说以前,农村里女孩子结婚的时候 男家要送许多礼物 这种风俗是不是也改变了? 是啊,这种事情在不少地区都没有了 而且现在也有的男青年结婚以后住到女家去 这跟以前的风俗也有很大的区别 可不是吗?真是改变了不少 part 3 talks more about attitudes and policies surrounding marriage in the PRC today both sides, both parties 双方 each other, mutually 彼此 to understand, understanding 了解 before you two were married, did you two both know each other very well? 你们结婚以前,双方彼此都很了解吗? to divorce 离婚 there aren't very many people getting divorced in China now 现在中国离婚都很了解 现在中国离婚都很了解 现在中国离婚的不太多 married couple 夫妇 that married couple doesn't work in the same region 那对夫妇不在一个地区工作 那对夫妇不在一个地区工作 leave for visiting family 探亲家 how many days of leave does he get every year to visit family? 他每年有多少天的探亲家? always 总之 can be able to 能够 it's always better if married couples can be together 夫妇总是能够在一起比较好 to go through 经过 quite very 相当 to consider 考虑 they gave it quite a bit of consideration before they got married 他们是经过相当的考虑以后才结婚的 but 但是 but for some reason or other they still had a lot of problems 但是不知道为什么他们还是有很多问题 male and female 男女 should or to 应当 relatively 比较 a man and woman should know each other relatively well before they get married 男女应当彼此比较了解以后再结婚 might quite to solve 解决 do you think he will help me solve this problem? 你想他会不会帮我解决这个问题? now here's a review of the new words in part 3 both sides, both parties 双方 each other mutually 彼此 to understand understanding 了解 to divorce 离婚 marry couple 夫妇 leave for visiting family 叹亲家 always 总是can to be able to 能够to go through 经过 quite very 相当 to consider 考虑 but 但是 male and female 男女should or to 应当 relatively 比较 might quite to solve 解决 now here's a review of the sentences in part 3 before you two were married, did you both know each other very well? 你们结婚以前,双方彼此都很了解吗? there aren't very many people getting divorced in China now. 现在中国离婚的不太多. that married couple doesn't work in the same region. 那对夫妇不在一个地区工作. how many days of leave does he get every year to visit family? 他每年有多少天的叹亲家? it's always better if married couples can be together. 夫妇总是能够在一起比较好. they gave quite a bit of consideration before they got married. 他们是经过相当的考虑以后才结婚的. but for some reason or other they still had a lot of problems. 但是不知道为什么,他们还是有很多问题. a man and woman should know each other relatively well before they get married. 男女应当彼此比较了解以后再结婚. do you think he'll help me solve this problem? 你想他会不会帮我解决这个问题? now here's a conversation reviewing part three. a Canadian woman visiting China talks with her guide in Beijing. 我们认识只有两个多星期,可是已经是老朋友了. 我们天天在一块儿,真好像是老朋友了. 我一直想问问你,你是什么时候结婚的呢? 我是前年结婚的. 你二十八岁了,你爱人呢? 他三十二了,你们结婚的时候可不小了. 中国年轻人都是这个样子吗? 对了,政府提倡晚恋晚婚, 年轻人也都要努力学习,努力工作,不要早结婚. 城市里女的多大结婚? 差不多二十五岁左右. 男的呢? 大概二十八岁左右. 结婚的时候有什么样的仪式? 没有什么仪式,不过结婚那天, 请亲戚朋友来喝喝茶,吃点糖,点心什么的, 没有人送点小礼物做纪念。 农村里的年轻人也实行晚婚吗? 对,在农村里,晚恋爱晚结婚,也已经成了一种风气。 农村里,女孩子结婚的时候,男家还要送许多礼物吗? 不要了,而且现在有些男青年结婚以后住到女家去, 结婚以前的风俗有很大的区别。 可不是吗?真是改变了不少。 现在中国离婚的多不多? 有,可是比较少, 因为结婚以前,男女双方彼此比较了解, 又经过相当的考虑,所以离婚的不太多。 我听说,中国有一些夫妇不在一个地区工作, 不住在一个地方,这会不会有问题呢? 夫妇不在一个地方工作,虽然每年有半个月的探亲价, 但是还有很多不方便, 所以为了让他们更好的工作和学习,应当帮他们解决这个问题。 对极了,夫妇总是能够在一起比较好。 这就是结婚结婚的结尾。 结婚,结婚,结婚,结婚,结婚,结婚。