Standard Chinese, a modular approach, post office and telephone module unit 1. On this tape, you'll learn what to do and say while at a post office or telegraph office. That is, questions and phrases used in mailing a letter or a package or in sending a telegram. Part 1 talks about mailing a letter. Post office. 有證據. May I ask, is there a post office in the area? 請問,這附近有有證據嗎? To mail, to send by mail. 記 a letter 一方信 信 I want to mail a letter. 我要記一方信 mail box 郵通 this floor 這層樓 is there a mail box on this floor? 這層樓有沒有郵通? a stamp 一張郵票 Does your service desk here sell stamps? 你們這個服務台賣不賣郵票? To register something. 管號 I want to send a registered letter. 我要記一封管號信 letter paper 信紙 envelope 信封 Does the variety shop downstairs sell letter paper and envelopes? 樓下小賣部賣不賣信紙信封? Here's a review of the vocabulary you've learned to produce. Post office. 郵證據. 證據 to mail to send by mail. 記 a letter 一方信 mail box 郵通 a stamp 一張郵票 to register something. 管號 letter paper 信紙 letter this floor 這層樓 envelope 信封 Now here's a review of the sentences you've learned to produce. May I ask, is there a post office in this area? 請問,這附近有郵證局嗎? I want to mail a letter. 我要記一封信 Is there a mailbox on this floor? 這層樓有沒有郵通? 郵通 Does your service desk here sell stamps? 你們這個服務台賣不賣郵票? I want to send a registered letter. 我要記一封管號信 Does the variety shop downstairs sell letter paper and envelopes? 樓下小賣布?賣不賣信紙信封? Now here's a conversation reviewing what you've just learned. On his way out to mail some things, an American asked the service attendant on his floor of the hotel for some information. Now here's a conversation reviewing what you've just learned. On his way out to mail some things, an American asked the service attendant on his floor of the hotel for some information. 你有事嗎? 對,飯店裡有郵證局嗎? 有,在一樓,下了電梯往右走,過了買書的就是郵局。 可是現在郵局已經關門了。 如果你就要買郵票,我們這也賣。 我要郵票,還有兩封信要掛號。 哦,記掛號信,你得到郵局去記。 郵局幾點鐘開門? 七點半開門,下午六點半關門。 這層樓有沒有郵筒? 沒有,郵筒在郵局門口。 你們這也賣信紙信封嗎? 我們不賣,我們就有飯店的信紙信封。 樓下的小賣部賣。 Part 2 talks about different postage rates. air mail. 航空。 to paste on, to stick. 貼。 Excuse me, how much postage do you need to put on an airmail letter to Shanghai? 老家,往上海記得航空信要貼多少錢的郵票。 airgram. 郵件。 How much postage do you have to put on an airgram to America? 望美國記錄。 美國記錄。 美國記錄。 美國記錄。 美國記錄。 望美國記的航空郵件。 要貼多少錢的郵票? regular mail, surface mail. 平信。 How much is regular mail to Canton? 到廣州去的平信是多少錢? postcard. 明信片。 明信片。 How much postage do you have to put on a postcard to Hong Kong? 記到香港去的明信片是多少錢? 郵件。 現在,這裡有些詞和句子你需要學會了解。 國內的國內。 國內。 全國內的國內的國內有十分之一。 國內的航空線都是一毛。 外國。 國外。 國外的國內的國內有十分之一。 記到國外去的航空線是七毛。 本市。 regular mail within the city is four cents。 本市的平信,四分錢。 Outside the local area。 外地。 regular mail outside the city is eight cents。 外地的平信,八分錢。 Here's a review of the vocabulary you've learned to produce so far. air mail。 航空。 to paste on, to stick。 貼。 arrowgram。 郵件。 regular mail。 郵件。 regular mail, surface mail。 平信。 postcard。 明信片。 Now here's a review of the sentences you've learned to produce. Excuse me, how much postage do you have to put on an air mail letter to Shanghai? 老家,往上海记到航空信,要贴多少钱的邮票? How much postage do you have to put on an airgram to America? 往美国记到航空邮件,要贴多少钱的邮票? How much is regular mail to Canton? How much is regular mail to Canton? 到广州去的平信是多少钱? How much postage do you have to put on a postcard to Hong Kong? 记到香港去的明信片是多少钱? Now here's a conversation reviewing what you've just learned. It takes place in Peking. 老家,往上海记到航空信,要贴多少钱的邮票? 一毛,国内的航空信都是一毛。 国外航空信呢? 记到国外去的航空信是七毛,航空邮件是三毛五。 记到国外去的明信片呢? 航空的两毛二。 国内的平信是多少? 本市的四分,外地的八分。 请你给我十张一毛的邮票,五张航空邮件, 还要十张七毛的航空邮票。 好,一共九块七毛五。 这是十块钱。 找你两毛五。 找你两毛五。 包裹。 我要往美国记个包裹。 海运。 海运。 我要海运。 保险。 保险。 保险。 保险。 保险。 保险。 我希望这个包裹保险。 我这个包裹要保险。 在某人的地方,四个。 七毛。 我不会写中国字,请你替我写,好不好? 包裹。 包裹。 箱子。 桌。 上面面。 上头。 外面写什么? 箱子上头写着什么呢? 什么呢? 检查 我们要检查你要记的东西 careful 小心 fragile 清放 the best it would be best 最好 to write on something 写杀 it would be best if you write on the outside careful fragile fragile 你最好在箱子外面写上小心清放 here's a review of the vocabulary you've learned to produce so far package 包裹 seamail 海韵 to protect by insurance to ensure 保险 again in place of someone for tea box suitcase trunk 箱子 outside 外面 now here's a review of the sentences you've learned to produce i want to mail a package to the united states i want to send it by seamail i want this package insured i want to send it by seamail 我要海韻 I want this package insured 我这个包裹要保险 I can't write Chinese characters, please write it for me, alright? I can't write Chinese characters, please write it for me, alright? What is written on the outside? 箱子外面写着什么呢? 我要忘美国寄个包裹 你要寄航空还是海韻 海韻 这是你要寄的东西吗? 我们得检查 好,请你检查吧 哦,一套盘子碗 这个可以保险吗? 可以,你最好在箱子外面写上小清清放 我不会写中国字,请你替我写,好不好? 好,我替你写 part 4 deals with sending a telegram to be important 重要 an important matter, something important 一件重要的事 I have something important that I want to tell my parents 我有一件重要的事要告诉我父母 telegram 电报 I think I'll send a telegram 我想打一方电报 telegraph office in Taiwan 电信局 how do you get to the telegraph office? 到电信局去怎么找? now here are some words and phrases you need to learn to understand together 一起 the telegraph office and the Taipei post office are located together 电信局跟台北郵政局在一起 here is a prepositional verb meaning to take it's used to mark the direct object in a sentence and is often not translated into English write the address and what you want to say on this paper the telegraph building in Peking 电报大楼 here's a review of the vocabulary you've learned to produce so far to be important 重要 an important matter, something important 一件重要的事 telegram 电报 telegraph office 电信局 now here's a review of the sentences you've learned to say I have something important I want to tell my parents 我有一件重要的事要告诉我父母 I think I'll send a telegram 我想打一封电报 how do you get to the telegraph office 到电信局去怎么走 now here's a conversation reviewing what you've just learned it takes place in Taipei 我有一件重要的事要往美国打一封电报 到哪里去打 到电信局去打 在哪里 在博埃路 跟台北郵政局在一起 好,谢谢你 我现在就去打 请问我要往美国打一封英文电报 怎么打 你把地址跟要说的都写在这张纸上 一个字多少钱 一个字台币二十二块五毛钱 最少二十个字 好 he writes down what he wants to say and hands it to the clerk 一共二十一个字 一共四百七十二块五毛钱 好 here's another conversation reviewing what you've just learned it takes place in Peking 我想打一封电报 在饭店里可以不可以打 还是我得到电报大楼去打 不必到电报大楼去打 你可以到饭店里的邮局去打 好,谢谢 你知道多少钱一个字吗 我也不知道 你问他们吧 this is the end of the tape end of post office and telephone module unit one