1. A: Wǒmen zínme chēnghu nín hlo ne? How should we address you? B: Lfii zhèli cānguān f&ngwènde rén dǒu jiao wǒ LXo Wing. People who come here to visit all call me Lio Wing. 2. A: Nín xiing zhèijiàn shi zénme ānpii bījiio hSo? What do you think would be the best way to arrange this? B: Wǒ xiing zuì hlo ding wǒ hé ShànghXi fángmian liinxì yíxià zài shuǒ. I think it would be best to wait until I’ve contacted Shanghai and then we'll see about it. 3. A: Tīngshuǒ nín duì zhèi yídài-de fāngyin hen yǒu yinjiū. I've heard that you're an expert on the dialect of this area. B: NÌli! Wǒ zhī shi liSojié yìdiinr, tinbudào yǒu yinjiǔ. Oh no! I just know a little about it; I couldn't say I'm an expert. 4. A: Xiànzài Zhǒngguǒ yǒngde shíyǒu dabùfen shi zì jI shēngchinde, duì ba? China now produces most of the oil that it uses, isn't that right? B: Bù, £u£nbù shi zìjī shēng-chinde. No, they produce all of it. 5. A: Dabùfen béifāng rén dǒu huì shuo pǔtǒnghuì. duì bu duì? Most northerners can speak the standard language, can't they? B: Òu, bù zhī shi béifǎng rén, h?n duǒ ninfǎng rénde pǔtǒnghuì y? bú cud. Oh, not Just northerners. A lot of southerners speak standard Chinese pretty well, too. 6. A: MÍngtiān wǒ Jiù cǒng Shenzhen 11 ling le. Tomorrow I'm going to leave the country from Shenzhen. B: ó, zhème kuài! Wǒ hid yīwéi nī néng gěn wǒmen dào Sǔzhǒu qù winr Jitiān ne! Oh, so soon! I thought you could go with us to Sǔzhǒu for a few days. 7. A: Dǒngbéi. Xíbéi nī dǒu qù-guo le ba? You've been to Manchuria and the Northwest, haven't you? B: Zài DǒngbSi vǒ zhī cǎnguǎnle Dicing. Xībéi hii méi qù ne. In Manchuria I've only visited Daqing, and I haven't been to the Northwest yet. 8. A: Ní xiin x3u hlo le, w8 Jiù líl. You go ahead and leave. I'll be right there. B: Hlo. Hui tóu ji&n. Okay. See you in a while. 9. A: Zhèiwèi xuézhé yénjiūde shi nei fǎngmiànde wèntí? What subject does this scholar study? B: Tā yánjiūde zhSyào shi yìiy&n he yǔy&nxué. She mainly studies languages and linguistics. 10. A: Zài Xinjiang Nèiméng yídài meiyou hSn duo rén shuō pútōnghuà ba? In the region of Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia not many people speak standard Chinese, do they? B: Duì, zìi nèixiē dìfang, ahioshù mínzú ySyin zhàn zhǔyàode dìwei. Right. In those places the minority nationality languages occupy the major position. 11. A: Nlmen xiing qùde dìqǔ quin d3u qù. le ba? Hái you shénme wèntí meiyou? Have you been to all the regions you wanted to go to? Do you have any more questions? B: Meiyou shénme wèntí le, Luxíngshède gōngzuò giode hén hao,w3men hen m&nyì. We don't have any more questions. The China Travel Service did a very good Job and we're very pleased. 12. iSxíngtuán tour group 13. GuXngxī n an autonomous region, formerly spelled Kwangs! 14. Guili a famous scenic mountain in Ǎnhuī province 15. Yúnnán a province in southern China 16. Guizhou a province, formerly spelled Kweichow 17. Huébèi north China 18. Huánán south China 19. Huángshān a famous scenic mountain in Ǎnhuī province