Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 3 An American tourist, Professor Michaels (M), is packing his bags in his hotel room. Ms. Táng Lán (T), from the door. China Travel Service, comes to his T: Màikè Jiàoshòu, dàrào nl le. M:   Mei shenme, kuài qlng zuō, wō zhèr luànqībāzāode, zài shōushi dōngxi. Professor Michaels, I’m disturbing you Not at all. Please sit down. It’s a mess here, I'm packing. T:   Shénme shíhourde fěijí ya? M: Wǎnshangde, hái z&o ne, bù jí bù JÍ, nl zuō ma. T: Wō lái song gěi nín yìběn yōulán huàcè. M: Yōulàn huàcè? Jiù shi wōmen zài yōulSn Wànll Chángchéngde shihou, wō xiàng màide nèizhōng? T:   Jiù shi. Zhèizhōng huàcè xūyào liàng kě dà le. M:   Shì ma! Suzhou láide, yěizhōu láide, shénme dìfang láide kèren dōu xiàng m&i yìběnr. Xūyàeliàng yídìng hěn dà. When’s your plane? In the evening. It's still early. No rush, no rush. Come on and sit down. I’ve come to give you a photographic travel book. A photographic travel book? Is it the kind I wanted to buy when we were touring the Great Wall of Ten Thousand Li? Right. There sure is a great demand for this kind of book of photographs. Sure! Visitors from Europe, America, everywhere, all want to buy one. Of course there’s a great demand. T: Nèitiǎn zài BSdállng, nín méiyou māizháo, jintiǎn wō gei nín sònglai le. M:   Zhěn xièxie ni, zhème diǎnr xiǎo shir nī hái xiǎngzhe. Duóshao q.ián na? T:   Shi Luxíngshè song nínde. Wǒmen huānyíng nín zài lái. That day at BSdállng, you weren’t able to find one, so today I’m bringing you one. Thank you so much. Such a small thing and you still remembered it. How much was it? It’s a gift from the Travel Service. We welcome you to come back again. (Michael takes a Parker pen out of the pocket of his suitcase.) M:   Nà, zhèizhī bī song gei ni. T: Ò, bù kéyi, wǒmen bù kéyi jiē-shòu kèrende līwù. M*. Name song gei nimen Luxíngshè. Hái Jide nèitiǎn wǒmen zài Shísǎn-líng ma? T:   Dui, nèitiǎn nín hěn gāoxìng. M:   Xlnshǎng Zhōngguó gǔdài jiànzhù yìshu shi wō zuì gǎoxìngde shi. Nèitiǎn wǒmen zhào xiang le, nī hái jìde ma? T:   Jide. Nèitiǎn nín gěi wǒmen Lu- xíngshède Jīge tóngzhì zhàole xiāng, nín hái zài zhàopiàn hòu-mian yòng Zhōngwén xiěle "Měi-Zhōng yǒuh&o” sìge zì. M: Duì, nàme Jintiǎn nī song huàcè lai, wŌ song gei nimen yìzhl bī wèishénme bù kéyi ne? T:   Hǎo. Wō dàibiǎo tóngzhìmen xiè xie nín, huānyíng nín zài lái. Then, take this pen as a gift. Oh, I can’t. We’re not allowed to accept gifts from visitors. Then I give it to your Travel Service. Do you still remember that day at the Thirteen Tombs? Yes. That day you were very happy. The thing that makes me happiest is admiring the ancient architectural art of China. That day we took pictures, do you remember? Yes. That day, you took a picture of us comrades from the Travel Service, and you wrote on the back of the picture ’’American-Chinese friendship.” Right. So then today since you’ve brought me the photographic travel book, what’s wrong with my giving you a pen? All right. On behalf of the other comrades, I thank you and welcome you to come back again. M: Wō yídìng zài lái. I’ll be sure to.