àn 按 according to 8 7 FSI Chinese -bèi -倍 time, -fold 8 7 FSI Chinese bèi 被 passive marker 8 7 FSI Chinese -bù -部 (counter for automobiles, machines, etc.) 8 7 FSI Chinese Chángjiāng 長江 Yangtze River 8 7 FSI Chinese dào 倒 yet, on the contrary, nevertheless 8 7 FSI Chinese dǎoyóu 导游 (tour) guide 8 7 FSI Chinese děngyú 等于 to equal, to be equal to 8 7 FSI Chinese fāshēng 发生 to happen, to occur 8 7 FSI Chinese fāxiàn 发见 to discover 8 7 FSI Chinese gāngtiě 钢铁 iron and steel 8 7 FSI Chinese gǎnshàng(lái) 赶上 to catch up 8 7 FSI Chinese gǎocuò 搞错 to do wrong; to be wrong (mistaken) 8 7 FSI Chinese gōnglù 公路 highway 8 7 FSI Chinese háishi 还是 it would be better 8 7 FSI Chinese hàozhāo (hàozhào) 号召 to to call, to appeal 8 7 FSI Chinese jiāshǔ 家属 family members, (family) dependents 8 7 FSI Chinese jǐn 紧 to be tight 8 7 FSI Chinese jìnxíng 进行 to carry on, to conduct; to be 8 7 FSI Chinese jǐnzhāng 紧张 to be nervous, to be tense 8 7 FSI Chinese jiùshi...yě... 就是。。。也。。。 even (if)... 8 7 FSI Chinese kuài yào 快要 will soon 8 7 FSI Chinese qīngchǔ (-chu) 清楚 to be clear, to be distinct 8 7 FSI Chinese rényuán 人员 personnel, staff 8 7 FSI Chinese shèyuán 社员 commune member 8 7 FSI Chinese shítáng 食堂 mess hall, dining room 8 7 FSI Chinese sùshè 宿舍 living quarters; dormitory 8 7 FSI Chinese tiělù 铁路 railroad 8 7 FSI Chinese xiāomiè 消灭 to eliminate, to abolish, to exterminate, to wipe out 8 7 FSI Chinese xuǎn 选 to choose 8 7 FSI Chinese -yàng -样 kind (bound form) 8 7 FSI Chinese yànzhe 沿着 along(side) 8 7 FSI Chinese yèyú 业余 spare time, after hours, amateur 8 7 FSI Chinese yǐ- 以- used, before direction words to mark direction with reference to a point 8 7 FSI Chinese yǐshàng 以上 above, over (an amount) 8 7 FSI Chinese yǐxià 以下 under (an amount) 8 7 FSI Chinese yòuéryuán 幼儿园 kindergarten 8 7 FSI Chinese zhígōng 职工 staff and workers; worker or staff member 8 7 FSI Chinese zhìzào 制造 to manufacture 8 7 FSI Chinese zhìzàochǎng 制造厂 manufacturing plant, factory 8 7 FSI Chinese