Dialogue and Translation for Exercise U This is a conversation between two Fair. - A: Dàtīnglide zhuōzi dōu bǎihǎo le meiyou? - B: Bǎihǎo le. Jīntiān you shi huānsòng shéi ya? - A: Huānsòng yíge Xianggang láide làshī dàibiǎotuán. employees at the Guǎngzhōu Trade Have all the tables in the large hall been set? Yes. Who is it that is being given a send-off today? A delegation of lawyers from Hong Kong. - B: Lils hi? FālÚ gōngzuòzhě gěn Guāngjiǎohuì yōu shénme guānxi? - A: Xiànzài Zhōngguó he wàishāngde hézuò yuè lái yuè duō le. Zhōng-guō yào Jìnkōu shèbèi, yào gāo Jiāgōng gōngyè, huòshi yào gāo biéde JlngJi hézuò, dōu xūyào fālū a! - B: Wō háishi Juéde yōu yidiānr qí- guài, bù zānme qīngchu, wō cónglái méi xiāngdào fālù hé JlngJi hái yōu guānxi. - A: Wàiguō shāngren ma, Jiàqian na, zlběn na, shenmede, dōu yào yòng fālù xiěqīngchude, yàoburán, tāmen zānme zhīdao bāozhèng kéyi zhuàn qián ne? Bù kéyi zhuàn qián, tāmen wèishenme yào hé wŌmen zuò mǎimai ne? - B: A! Nín zhèi yì shuō wō Jiu qīng- chu le. Yōule fālà bāozhèng, wàishāng cái ken zuò māimai. - A: Hāo le, zài qù kànkan, wānhuì- shang xūyàode dōngxi dōu yào JÍ-zhōng fànghāode. - B: Hāo, J ide le. - A: Hái yōu, ni tīngdao xiāoxi le meiyou? - B: Méiyou a, shénme xiāoxi? - A: Jintiǎn vānshangde huānsònghuì bú tài píngcháng. - B: Zānme bù píngcháng ne? - A: Guǎngdōng shěng, Guǎngzhōu shi gèjí rénmín zhèngfú dōu yào pài hěn zhòngyàode rén lái. Yōu hěn duō hěn zhòngyàode shi yào zài zhèr tán, wǒmen del bā shénme dōu Lawyers? What connection do legal workers have with the Guǎngzhōu Trade Fair? China is cooperating more and more with foreign merchants. If China wants to import equipment, to do processing or finishing of products, or have any other economic cooperation, they need lawyers! I still think that’s kind of strange. I don’t really understand. I never thought that law had anything to do with economics. Foreign merchants, you know. They have to write out clearly their prices and capital in legal terms, otherwise how can they know for sure that they are guaranteed to make money? And if they can’t make any money, why would they want to do business with us? Oh! When you put it that way, I understand. Foreign merchants are only willing to do business if they they have legal guarantees. Okay, go back and take a look. The things we’ll need during the banquet should all be put together in one place. All right, I won’t forget. And another thing: Have you heard the news? No, what news? Tonight’s farewell meeting isn’t going to be an ordinary one. How’s that? All levels of the people’s government of Guǎngdōng province and the city of Guǎngzhōu are sending very important people. They’ll be talking about a lot of important things here. yùbeihio, rang līngdāò fang xīn. - B: Méi wèntí, w3 zài qù Jiānchá yícì. Nín dāi huīr k? děi zài lái kàn yíxiàr a! A:   Hāo, dāi huīr wo Jiù lái. We should prepare everything well and put the leadership at ease. That won’t be any problem. I’ll go back and check once more. But later . you have to go look things over once yourself.’ Okay, I’ll be right there.