WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.400 Standard Chinese is a modular approach 00:02.400 --> 00:05.600 biographic information module units 5 through 8 00:05.600 --> 00:07.600 review tape 1 00:07.600 --> 00:10.100 This tape contains a review of units 5 through 8 00:10.100 --> 00:12.400 of the biographic information module 00:12.400 --> 00:15.900 All the target sentences from each of the units will be reviewed 00:15.900 --> 00:18.900 first for comprehension and then for production 00:18.900 --> 00:21.500 To begin, the Chinese sentences will be given 00:21.500 --> 00:23.100 and you put them into English 00:23.100 --> 00:24.900 Let's start 00:24.900 --> 00:26.900 Number 1 00:26.900 --> 00:31.000 去年我还不会写中国字 00:31.000 --> 00:36.500 Last year, I couldn't write Chinese characters 00:36.500 --> 00:40.500 现在我会写一点了 00:40.500 --> 00:46.000 Now I can write a little bit 00:46.000 --> 00:48.800 Number 2 00:48.800 --> 00:52.000 我今天不来了 00:52.000 --> 00:56.800 I'm not coming today 00:56.800 --> 01:01.400 我病了 01:01.400 --> 01:03.700 I'm sick 01:03.700 --> 01:06.400 Number 3 01:06.400 --> 01:11.400 你是哪年生的? 01:11.400 --> 01:13.900 What year were you born? 01:13.900 --> 01:19.200 我是1939年生的 01:19.200 --> 01:22.900 I was born in 1939 01:22.900 --> 01:25.700 Number 4 01:25.700 --> 01:29.800 你来了多久了? 01:29.800 --> 01:33.100 How long have you been here? 01:33.100 --> 01:37.800 我来了两个星期了 01:37.800 --> 01:41.100 I've been here for two weeks 01:41.100 --> 01:44.200 Number 5 01:44.200 --> 01:48.900 你们男孩子都几岁了? 01:48.900 --> 01:53.100 How old are your boys? 01:53.100 --> 01:54.900 一个九岁了 01:54.900 --> 02:00.000 一个六岁了 02:00.000 --> 02:04.000 One is nine and one is six 02:04.000 --> 02:07.000 Number 6 02:07.000 --> 02:11.500 你们星期几走? 02:11.500 --> 02:15.000 What day of the week are you leaving? 02:15.000 --> 02:18.500 我们星期天走 02:18.500 --> 02:21.900 We're leaving on Sunday 02:21.900 --> 02:24.800 Number 7 02:24.800 --> 02:29.400 你是在哪生的? 02:29.400 --> 02:32.100 Where were you born? 02:32.100 --> 02:37.100 我是在德州生的 02:37.100 --> 02:40.700 I was born in Texas 02:40.700 --> 02:43.600 Number 8 02:43.600 --> 02:47.000 你在哪里工作? 02:47.000 --> 02:49.200 Where do you work? 02:49.200 --> 02:52.400 我是学生 02:52.400 --> 02:55.500 I'm a student 02:55.500 --> 02:58.500 Number 9 02:58.500 --> 03:03.300 你父亲是军人吗? 03:03.300 --> 03:06.300 Is your father a military man? 03:06.300 --> 03:12.300 是,他是海军军官 03:12.300 --> 03:15.800 Yes, he's a naval officer 03:15.800 --> 03:18.600 Number 10 03:18.600 --> 03:23.700 你在大学念过历史吗? 03:23.700 --> 03:29.500 Did you study history in college? 03:29.500 --> 03:32.300 念过 03:32.300 --> 03:34.900 Yes 03:34.900 --> 03:36.900 Number 11 03:36.900 --> 03:41.400 李太太没来 03:41.400 --> 03:43.900 Mrs. Lee didn't come 03:43.900 --> 03:47.100 Number 12 03:47.100 --> 03:52.800 你从前天英文变了多久? 03:52.800 --> 03:56.200 How long did you study English? 03:56.200 --> 04:01.400 我念英文念了六年 04:01.400 --> 04:04.600 I studied English for six years 04:04.600 --> 04:06.500 Thirteen 04:06.500 --> 04:09.500 你多大了? 04:09.500 --> 04:11.900 How old are you? 04:11.900 --> 04:16.500 我35了 04:16.500 --> 04:19.900 I'm 35 04:19.900 --> 04:22.500 Number 14 04:22.500 --> 04:27.300 你从前来过吗? 04:27.300 --> 04:30.400 Have you ever been here before? 04:30.400 --> 04:35.200 我从前没来过 04:35.200 --> 04:38.300 I haven't been here before 04:38.300 --> 04:42.400 我太太来过 04:42.400 --> 04:45.100 My wife's been here 04:45.100 --> 04:47.700 Number 15 04:47.700 --> 04:51.600 你的中国话很好 04:51.600 --> 04:54.000 Your Chinese is very good 04:54.000 --> 05:00.900 哪里哪里?我就会说一点 05:00.900 --> 05:02.300 Not at all, not at all 05:02.300 --> 05:05.300 I can only speak it a little 05:05.300 --> 05:07.600 Number 16 05:07.600 --> 05:10.700 你念什么? 05:10.700 --> 05:12.800 What are you studying? 05:12.800 --> 05:16.600 我学中文 05:16.600 --> 05:19.400 I'm studying Chinese 05:19.400 --> 05:22.000 Number 17 05:22.000 --> 05:26.300 你来做什么? 05:26.300 --> 05:29.000 What did you come to do? 05:29.000 --> 05:34.200 我来演书 05:34.200 --> 05:36.600 I came to study 05:36.600 --> 05:39.500 Number 18 05:39.500 --> 05:44.400 你们会说中文吗? 05:44.400 --> 05:47.300 Can you speak Chinese? 05:47.300 --> 05:49.300 我太太不会说 05:49.300 --> 05:55.500 我会说一点 05:55.500 --> 05:56.800 My wife can't speak it 05:56.800 --> 06:00.300 I can speak it a little 06:00.300 --> 06:02.500 Number 19 06:02.500 --> 06:07.700 你念法文念了多久了? 06:07.700 --> 06:10.800 How long have you been studying French? 06:10.800 --> 06:16.300 我念了一年了 06:16.300 --> 06:19.600 I've been studying it for one year 06:19.600 --> 06:22.300 Number 20 06:22.300 --> 06:27.300 你太太在香港住了多久? 06:27.300 --> 06:31.700 How long did your wife stay in Hong Kong? 06:31.700 --> 06:35.600 她住了两天 06:35.600 --> 06:38.000 She stayed two days 06:38.000 --> 06:40.100 21 06:40.100 --> 06:43.700 你住多久? 06:43.700 --> 06:46.000 How long are you staying? 06:46.000 --> 06:50.300 我住一年 06:50.300 --> 06:53.500 I'm staying one year 06:53.500 --> 06:57.700 22 06:57.700 --> 07:02.900 你太太在香港住多久? 07:02.900 --> 07:06.700 How long is your wife staying in Hong Kong? 07:06.700 --> 07:12.100 我想她住两天 07:12.100 --> 07:16.000 I think she's staying two days 07:16.000 --> 07:18.100 23 07:18.100 --> 07:22.800 你今天还有课吗? 07:22.800 --> 07:26.400 Do you have any more classes today? 07:26.400 --> 07:30.600 没有课了 07:30.600 --> 07:33.300 I don't have any more classes 07:33.300 --> 07:36.200 24 07:36.200 --> 07:41.600 你是在哪里学的中文? 07:41.600 --> 07:44.800 Where did you study Chinese? 07:44.800 --> 07:49.700 我是在华盛顿学的 07:49.700 --> 07:53.000 I studied it in Washington 07:53.000 --> 07:55.300 25 07:55.300 --> 08:00.900 你想在台湾住多久? 08:00.900 --> 08:04.700 How long are you thinking of staying in Taiwan? 08:04.700 --> 08:10.300 我想住六个月 08:10.300 --> 08:17.300 I'm thinking of staying six months 08:17.300 --> 08:19.500 26 08:19.500 --> 08:23.900 今天好了没有? 08:23.900 --> 08:26.800 Are you better today? 08:26.800 --> 08:30.500 今天好了 08:30.500 --> 08:33.400 I'm alright today 08:33.400 --> 08:36.000 27 08:36.000 --> 08:40.600 您在哪里工作? 08:40.600 --> 08:43.600 Where do you work? 08:43.600 --> 08:49.200 我在美国国务院工作 08:49.200 --> 08:53.100 I work with the State Department 08:53.100 --> 08:55.400 28 08:55.400 --> 09:01.900 你是几月几号生的? 09:01.900 --> 09:06.100 What is your month and date of birth? 09:06.100 --> 09:12.300 我是7月4号生的 09:12.300 --> 09:17.600 I was born on July 4th 09:17.600 --> 09:20.800 Now let's review your production of the target list sentences. 09:20.800 --> 09:22.100 I'll give the English sentences 09:22.100 --> 09:24.200 and you put them into Chinese. 09:24.200 --> 09:27.500 Let's start. 09:27.500 --> 09:29.100 1. 09:29.100 --> 09:35.900 Last year I couldn't write Chinese characters. 09:35.900 --> 09:41.500 去年我还不会写中国字 09:41.500 --> 09:46.400 Now I can write a little bit. 09:46.400 --> 09:52.500 现在我会写一点了 09:52.500 --> 09:54.000 2. 09:54.000 --> 09:58.700 I'm not coming today. 09:58.700 --> 10:02.800 我今天不来了 10:02.800 --> 10:05.100 I'm sick. 10:05.100 --> 10:08.800 我病了 10:08.800 --> 10:11.300 3. 10:11.300 --> 10:15.800 What year were you born? 10:15.800 --> 10:20.800 你是哪年生的? 10:20.800 --> 10:27.800 I was born in 1939. 10:27.800 --> 10:32.700 我是1939年生的 10:32.700 --> 10:34.200 4. 10:34.200 --> 10:38.600 How long have you been here? 10:38.600 --> 10:43.200 你来了多久了? 10:43.200 --> 10:49.300 I've been here two weeks. 10:49.300 --> 10:54.700 我来了两个星期了 10:54.700 --> 10:56.500 5. 10:56.500 --> 11:01.400 How old are your boys? 11:01.400 --> 11:06.600 你们男孩子都几岁了? 11:06.600 --> 11:13.800 One is nine and one is six. 11:13.800 --> 11:20.200 一个九岁了一个六岁了 11:20.200 --> 11:21.900 6. 11:21.900 --> 11:26.600 What day of the week are you leaving? 11:26.600 --> 11:30.700 你们星期几早 11:30.700 --> 11:35.600 We're leaving on Sunday. 11:35.600 --> 11:40.000 我们星期天走 11:40.000 --> 11:42.200 7. 11:42.200 --> 11:46.900 Where were you born? 11:46.900 --> 11:52.500 你是在哪儿生的? 11:52.500 --> 11:59.400 I was born in Texas. 11:59.400 --> 12:04.100 我是在德州生的 12:04.100 --> 12:05.600 8. 12:05.600 --> 12:09.100 Where do you work? 12:09.100 --> 12:13.400 你在哪里工作? 12:13.400 --> 12:16.900 I'm a student. 12:16.900 --> 12:21.000 我是学生 12:21.000 --> 12:23.300 9. 12:23.300 --> 12:28.400 Is your father a military man? 12:28.400 --> 12:33.600 你父亲是军人吗? 12:33.600 --> 12:40.700 Yes, he's a naval officer. 12:40.700 --> 12:45.900 是,他是海军军官 12:45.900 --> 12:48.100 10. 12:48.100 --> 12:53.900 Did you study history in college? 12:53.900 --> 12:58.700 你在大学念过历史吗? 12:58.700 --> 13:01.200 Yes. 13:01.200 --> 13:04.500 念过 13:04.500 --> 13:06.500 11. 13:06.500 --> 13:12.400 How long did your wife stay in Hong Kong? 13:12.400 --> 13:17.500 你太子在香港住了多久? 13:17.500 --> 13:22.400 She stayed two days. 13:22.400 --> 13:26.500 她住了两天 13:26.500 --> 13:27.700 12. 13:27.700 --> 13:31.700 How long are you staying? 13:31.700 --> 13:35.300 你住多久? 13:35.300 --> 13:39.300 I'm staying one year. 13:39.300 --> 13:43.500 我住一年 13:43.500 --> 13:45.600 13. 13:45.600 --> 13:51.400 How long is your wife staying in Hong Kong? 13:51.400 --> 13:55.900 你太子在香港住多久? 13:55.900 --> 14:02.800 I think she's staying two days. 14:02.800 --> 14:08.500 我想她住两天 14:08.500 --> 14:10.400 14. 14:10.400 --> 14:15.800 Do you have any more classes today? 14:15.800 --> 14:20.500 你今天还有课吗? 14:20.500 --> 14:26.000 I don't have any more classes. 14:26.000 --> 14:30.600 没有课了 14:30.600 --> 14:32.000 15. 14:32.000 --> 14:37.800 Where did you study Chinese? 14:37.800 --> 14:43.000 你是在哪里学的中文? 14:43.000 --> 14:49.300 I studied it in Washington. 14:49.300 --> 14:54.800 我是在华盛顿学的 14:54.800 --> 14:56.200 16. 14:56.200 --> 15:02.600 How long are you thinking of staying in Taiwan? 15:02.600 --> 15:07.700 你想在台湾住多久? 15:07.700 --> 15:15.300 I'm thinking of staying six months. 15:15.300 --> 15:19.700 我想住六个月 15:19.700 --> 15:21.700 17. 15:21.700 --> 15:25.800 Are you all better today? 15:25.800 --> 15:29.000 今天好了没有? 15:29.000 --> 15:33.900 I'm all right today. 15:33.900 --> 15:37.100 今天好了 15:37.100 --> 15:38.800 18. 15:38.800 --> 15:42.700 Where do you work? 15:42.700 --> 15:47.400 您在哪里工作? 15:47.400 --> 15:55.800 I work with the State Department. 15:55.800 --> 16:01.300 我在美国国务院工作 16:01.300 --> 16:03.300 19. 16:03.300 --> 16:08.900 What is your month of date of birth? 16:08.900 --> 16:13.900 你是几月几号生的? 16:13.900 --> 16:21.600 I was born on July 4th. 16:21.600 --> 16:26.600 我是7月4号生的 16:26.600 --> 16:28.300 20. 16:28.300 --> 16:32.800 Mrs. Lee didn't come. 16:32.800 --> 16:37.000 李太太没来 16:37.000 --> 16:38.400 21. 16:38.400 --> 16:44.700 How long did you study English? 16:44.700 --> 16:49.900 你从前念英文念了多久? 16:49.900 --> 16:57.100 I studied English for six years. 16:57.100 --> 17:02.100 我念英文念了六年 17:02.100 --> 17:03.300 22. 17:03.300 --> 17:06.800 How old are you? 17:06.800 --> 17:10.200 你多大了? 17:10.200 --> 17:13.600 I'm 35. 17:13.600 --> 17:17.200 我35了? 17:17.200 --> 17:19.400 23. 17:19.400 --> 17:23.900 Have you ever been here before? 17:23.900 --> 17:27.200 你从前来过吗? 17:27.200 --> 17:31.900 I haven't been here before. 17:31.900 --> 17:35.700 我从前没来过. 17:35.700 --> 17:40.000 My wife's been here. 17:40.000 --> 17:43.900 我太太来过. 17:43.900 --> 17:45.700 24. 17:45.700 --> 17:51.400 Your Chinese is very good. 17:51.400 --> 17:55.000 你的中国话很好. 17:55.000 --> 17:56.400 Not at all. 17:56.400 --> 18:02.900 I can only speak it a little. 18:02.900 --> 18:04.300 哪里哪里? 18:04.300 --> 18:09.600 我就会说一点. 18:09.600 --> 18:10.900 25. 18:10.900 --> 18:14.600 What are you studying? 18:14.600 --> 18:18.300 你念什么? 18:18.300 --> 18:22.400 I'm studying Chinese. 18:22.400 --> 18:26.100 我学中文. 18:26.100 --> 18:28.200 26. 18:28.200 --> 18:31.900 What did you come to do? 18:31.900 --> 18:36.200 你来做什么? 18:36.200 --> 18:41.700 I came to study. 18:41.700 --> 18:45.600 我来念书. 18:45.600 --> 18:47.200 27. 18:47.200 --> 18:51.800 Can you speak Chinese? 18:51.800 --> 18:57.400 你们会说中文吗? 18:57.400 --> 18:58.500 My wife can't speak it. 18:58.500 --> 19:06.000 I can speak it a little. 19:06.000 --> 19:07.900 我太太不会说. 19:07.900 --> 19:11.800 我会说一点. 19:11.800 --> 19:13.200 28. 19:13.200 --> 19:18.600 How long have you been studying French? 19:18.600 --> 19:23.000 你念法文念了多久了? 19:23.000 --> 19:29.200 I've been studying it for one year. 19:29.200 --> 19:33.200 我念了一年了. 19:33.200 --> 19:35.000 This is the end of the tape. 19:35.000 --> 19:37.000 And a biographic information module, 19:37.000 --> 19:38.600 units 5 through 8, 19:38.600 --> 19:53.600 I'll give you tape 1.