Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Rúguō wǒ bādiǎn zhōng líkāi jiā, láidejí ma? 如果我八点钟离开家,来得及吗? If I leave home at eight o'clock, can I make it? Rúguǒ wǒ bādiǎn zhōng líkāi jiā, shénme shíhou dào? 如果我八点钟离开家,什么时候到? If I leave home at eight o'clock, what time will I arrive? 2. Rúguǒ wǒ shídiǎn zhōng líkāi xuéxiào, láidejí ma? 如果我十点钟离开学校,来得及吗? If I leave the school at 10 o'clock, can I make it? Rúguǒ wǒ shídiǎn zhōng líkāi xuexiào shěnme shíhou dào? 如果我十点钟离开学校什么时候到? If I leave the school at 10 o'clock, what time will I arrive? 3. Rúguǒ Lǐ Xiānsheng shíyīdiǎn shifēn líkāi Dàshiguǎn, láidejí ma? 如果李先生十一点十分离开大使馆,来得及吗? If Mr. Lǐ leaves the embassy at 11 o'clock, can he make it? Rúguǒ Lī Xiānsheng shíyīdiǎn shífēn líkāi Dàshiguǎn, shénme shíhou dào? 如果李先生十一点十分离开大使馆,什么时候到? If Mr. Lǐ leaves the embassy at 11 o'clock, what time will he arrive? 4. Rúguǒ Zhang Nǚshì shíyuè qíhào líkāi zhèli, láidejí ma? 如果张女士十月七号离开这里,来得及吗? If Mrs. Zhang leaves in Oktober, can she make it? Rúguǒ Zhāng Nǚshì shíyuè qíhào líkāi zhèli, shénme shíhou dào? 如果张女士十月七号离开这里,什么时候到? If Mrs. Zhang leaves in Oktober, what time will she arrive? 5. Rúguǒ tā sìdiǎnbàn líkāi fàndiàn, láidejí ma? 如果他/他四点半离开饭店,来得及吗? If he/she leaves the store at 4:30, can he/she make it? Rúguǒ tā sìdiǎnbàn líkāi fàndiàn, shénme shíhou dào? 如果他/他四点半离开饭店,什么时候到? If he/she leaves the store at 4:30, what time will he/she arrive? 6. Rúguǒ nǐ zǎoshang qīdiǎn zhong líkāi jiā, láidejí ma? 如果早上七点钟离开家,来得及吗? If you leave at 7 oc'clock in the morning, can you make it? Rúguǒ nǐ zǎoshang qīdiǎn zhōng líkāi jiā, shénme shíhou dào? 如果早上七点钟离开家,什么时候到? If you leave at 7 oc'clock in the morning, what time will you arrive? 7. Rúguǒ tāmen xiànzài líkāi chēzhǎn, láidejí ma? 如果他/他们现在离开车站,来得及吗? If they leave the station now, can they make it? Rúguǒ tāmen xiànzài líkāi chēzhàn, shénme shíhou dào? 如果他/他们现在离开车站,什么时候到? If they leave the station now, what time will they arrive?