start	end	text
0	5200	第五步
5200	13200	Standard Chinese, a modular approach, directions module unit four, production tape one.
13200	16200	The situations on this tape are set in Taipei.
16200	20200	On this tape you'll learn some useful expressions for getting around within a building.
20200	24200	Before learning how to say these things, test your comprehension of them.
24200	26200	Put the following exchanges into English.
26200	28200	Number one.
28200	31200	请问,餐厅在哪里?
31200	34200	May I ask, where is the dining room?
34200	39200	坐电梯,到二楼。
39200	42200	Take the elevator to the second floor.
42200	45200	下了电梯,就看见了。
45200	50200	When you've gotten off the elevator, then you'll see it.
50200	53200	Number two.
53200	57200	请问,你们这里有没有离法的地方?
57200	63200	May I ask, is there a place to get a haircut?
63200	72200	有,下了楼梯,左边就是。
72200	76200	Yes, go down the stairs and it's just on the left.
76200	79200	Number three.
79200	82200	几楼卖地图?
82200	84200	On what floor do they sell maps?
84200	87200	二楼,second floor.
87200	89200	怎么走?
89200	91200	How do I go?
91200	94200	往后一直走。
94200	97200	Go straight to the back.
97200	104200	上楼,右边就是卖地图的。
104200	108200	Go up the stairs and the map department is just on the right.
108200	110200	Number four.
110200	113200	洗手间在哪里?
113200	115200	Where is the washroom?
115200	120200	在那里,往里走就看见了。
120200	122200	It's over there.
122200	126200	Go all the way in and then you'll see it.
126200	131200	If you had any problems with these sentences, rewind the tape and work on them some more.
131200	135200	If you understood them all, you should begin learning how to say them.
135200	137200	Listen to this first exchange.
137200	140200	We're in a large hotel in Taipei.
140200	143200	请问餐厅在哪里?
143200	147200	在二楼,repeat the word for dining room.
147200	149200	餐厅?
149200	153200	餐厅?
153200	156200	repeat where is the dining room?
156200	161200	餐厅在哪里?
161200	164200	餐厅在哪里?
164200	168200	repeat may I ask where is the dining room?
168200	174200	请问餐厅在哪里?
174200	178200	请问餐厅在哪里?
178200	181200	Try asking the question yourself now.
181200	186200	May I ask where is the dining room?
186200	191200	请问餐厅在哪里?
191200	198200	在二楼,again.
198200	201200	请问餐厅在哪里?
201200	206200	在二楼。
206200	209200	Listen as the conversation continues.
209200	214200	我坐电梯到二楼,下了电梯往哪边走?
214200	218200	下了电梯往右走,就是餐厅.
218200	221200	Repeat the word for elevator.
221200	224200	电梯?
224200	227200	电梯?
227200	231200	In Chinese,when you take an elevator, you ride it.
231200	234200	Repeat the prepositional verb to ride.
234200	240200	坐,坐.
240200	245200	Notice that the prepositional verb to ride is 坐 with a falling tone,
245200	250200	and the word for the direction left is 坐 with a low tone.
250200	254200	Repeat I take the elevator to the second floor.
254200	263200	我坐电梯到二楼,我坐电梯到二楼,
263200	268200	notice that when talking about the floor number,
268200	270200	the number for two is R.
270200	274200	Repeat I take the elevator to the second floor.
274200	284200	我坐电梯到二楼,我坐电梯到二楼,
284200	290200	now repeat the verb to get off, literally to go down.
290200	296200	下,下.
296200	299200	Repeat when I've gotten off the elevator.
299200	308200	下了电梯,下了电梯.
308200	312200	Now repeat the word for which side or which way.
312200	316200	哪边?
316200	319200	哪边?
319200	324200	I've already seen that the bound word 边 can be attached to the four directions as in 北边
324200	328200	and to the words for in and out as in 外边.
328200	332200	Now you see that it can also be attached to the words 这,哪,
332200	337200	and 哪,giving the words for this side, that side, or which side.
337200	340200	Repeat which way do I go?
340200	344200	往哪边走?
344200	349200	往哪边走?
349200	351200	哪边?
351200	354200	is translated here as which way rather than which side,
354200	359200	because it can refer to large undefined areas as well as smaller areas.
359200	363200	Repeat when I've gotten off the elevator, which way do I go?
363200	373200	下了电梯,往哪边走?
373200	380200	Try asking the question yourself, you'll get a reply.
380200	387200	When I've gotten off the elevator, which way do I go?
387200	390200	下了电梯,往哪边走?
390200	394200	下了电梯,往右走,就是餐厅.
394200	399200	Again.
399200	403200	下了电梯,往哪边走?
403200	410200	下了电梯,往右走,就是餐厅.
410200	413200	Listen to the whole conversation now.
413200	416200	请问餐厅在哪里?
416200	418200	在二楼.
418200	423200	我坐电梯到二楼,下了电梯,往哪边走?
423200	428200	下了电梯,往右走,就是餐厅.
428200	431200	Find out where the dining room is.
431200	434200	I'll give you your lines in English as they come up.
434200	439200	May I ask, where's the dining room?
439200	441200	请问餐厅在哪里?
441200	444200	在二楼.
444200	451200	Oh, I take the elevator to the second floor.
451200	456200	哦,我坐电梯到二楼.
456200	458200	And I've gotten off the elevator.
458200	463200	Which way do I go?
463200	466200	下了电梯,往哪边走?
466200	471200	下了电梯,往右走,就是餐厅.
471200	476200	Now, at another hotel in Taipei, a guest asks,
476200	480200	请问你们这里有没有离法的地方?
480200	485200	有,从这里往左走,下楼梯,就看见了.
485200	489200	Repeat the verb to cut hair.
489200	496200	离法,离法.
496200	501200	Repeat the phrase for a place to get a haircut.
501200	508200	离法的地方,离法的地方.
508200	512200	Repeat, is there a place to get a haircut here?
512200	520200	你们这里有没有离法的地方?
520200	525200	你们这里有没有离法的地方?
525200	530200	Repeat, may I ask, is there a place to get a haircut here?
530200	539200	请问,你们这里有没有离法的地方?
539200	546200	请问,你们这里有没有离法的地方?
546200	550200	Try asking the question yourself now, you'll get a reply.
550200	557200	May I ask, is there a place to get a haircut here?
557200	561200	请问,你们这里有没有离法的地方?
561200	567200	有,从这里往左走,下楼梯,就看见了.
567200	573200	Again.
573200	577200	请问,你们这里有没有离法的地方?
577200	585200	有,从这里往左走,下楼梯,就看见了.
585200	589200	Listen to how the guest restates what he heard.
589200	595200	我先从这里往左走,然后下楼梯,就看见了,是不是?
595200	597200	是的.
597200	602200	Repeat, first from here I go to the left.
602200	613200	我先从这里往左走,我先从这里往左走.
613200	620200	Notice that the adverb 先 first goes up front in the sentence before any prepositional verb phrases.
620200	624200	Repeat again, first from here I go to the left.
624200	636200	我先从这里往左走,我先从这里往左走.
636200	640200	Now listen to the second sentence in the summary again.
640200	645200	然后下楼梯,就看见了,是不是?
645200	647200	Repeat the verb to go down.
647200	652200	下,下.
652200	655200	Repeat the word for stairs.
655200	662200	楼梯,楼梯.
662200	664200	Repeat the verb which means to see.
664200	670200	看见,看见.
670200	675200	You may wonder how this verb actually differs from the verb 看 to look.
675200	679200	Listen to this sentence which shows the difference.
679200	684200	我看了,可是没看见.
684200	688200	Repeat I looked but didn't see.
688200	695200	我看了,可是没看见.
695200	700200	我看了,可是没看见.
700200	705200	Now repeat, when I've gone down the stairs, then I'll see it.
705200	711200	下楼梯,就看见了.
711200	716200	下楼梯,就看见了.
716200	720200	Take a look for a moment at the lower marker in this sentence.
720200	725200	It's used to indicate completed action, but an action which is to be completed in the future.
725200	730200	Repeat again, when I've gone down the stairs, then I'll see it.
730200	735200	下楼梯,就看见了.
735200	740200	下楼梯,就看见了.
740200	744200	Repeat after that when I've gone down the stairs, then I'll see it.
744200	751200	然后下楼梯,就看见了.
751200	756200	然后下楼梯,就看见了.
756200	761200	Repeat again, when I've gone down the stairs, then I'll see it.
761200	767200	然后下楼梯,就看见了.
767200	770200	Repeat each sentence of the summary now.
770200	773200	First, from here I go to the left.
773200	779200	我先从这里往左走.
779200	784200	我先从这里往左走.
784200	787200	Repeat after that when I've gone down the stairs, then I'll see it.
787200	789200	Is that it?
789200	792200	然后下楼梯,就看见了.
792200	798200	是不是?
798200	801200	然后下楼梯,就看见了.
801200	805200	是不是?
805200	808200	Try saying each one ahead of the speaker.
808200	813200	First, from here I go to the left.
813200	817200	我先从这里往左走.
817200	820200	After that, when I've gone down the stairs, then I'll see it.
820200	826200	Is that it?
826200	830200	然后下楼梯,就看见了.
830200	834200	是不是?
834200	836200	Try saying the whole summary now.
836200	838200	You'll get a reply.
838200	840200	First, from here I go to the left.
840200	842200	After that, when I've gone down the stairs, then I'll see it.
842200	851200	Is that it?
851200	854200	我先从这里往左走.
854200	856200	然后下楼梯,就看见了.
856200	858200	是不是?
858200	867200	Again.
867200	870200	我先从这里往左走.
870200	873200	然后下楼梯,就看见了.是不是?
873200	875200	是的.
875200	879200	Listen to the whole conversation again.
879200	882200	请问,你们这里有没有理法的地方?
882200	885200	有,从这里往左走.
885200	888200	下楼梯,就看见了.
888200	890200	我先从这里往左走.
890200	893200	然后下楼梯,就看见了.是不是?
893200	895200	是的.
895200	897200	Now you try it.
897200	906200	You can see the desk clerk in the hotel and ask if they have a place to get a haircut.
906200	910200	请问,你们这里有没有理法的地方?
910200	918200	有,从这里往左走.下楼梯,就看见了.
918200	920200	Now try summing up the directions.
920200	922200	First, from here I go to the left.
922200	924200	After that, when I've gone down the stairs, then I'll see it.
924200	932200	Is that it?
932200	937200	我先从这里往左走.下楼梯,就看见了.是不是?
937200	940200	是的.
940200	942200	Try the whole conversation again.
942200	949200	First, ask if there's a place to get a haircut.
949200	953200	请问,你们这里有没有理法的地方?
953200	960200	有,从这里往左走.下楼梯,就看见了.
960200	962200	Now sum up the directions.
962200	964200	First, from here I go to the left.
964200	967200	After that, when I've gone down the stairs, then I'll see it.
967200	976200	Is that it?
976200	980200	我先从这里往左走.下楼梯,就看见了.是不是?
980200	982200	是的.
982200	985200	Here's a quick vocabulary review.
985200	989200	What's the verb to get off or to go down?
989200	991200	下.
991200	995200	What's the word for stairs?
995200	997200	楼梯.
997200	1001200	What's the word for elevator?
1001200	1005200	电梯.
1005200	1011200	What phrase can you use to express a place to get a haircut?
1011200	1014200	理法的地方.
1014200	1018200	What's the verb to look?
1018200	1020200	看.
1020200	1023200	What's the verb to see?
1023200	1026200	看见.
1026200	1028200	Here's another short conversation.
1028200	1031200	An American is in a bookstore in Taipei.
1031200	1032200	Listen.
1032200	1034200	几楼卖地图?
1034200	1035200	二楼.
1035200	1036200	怎么走?
1036200	1042200	往后一直走,上楼,右边就是卖地图的.
1042200	1043200	Repeat.
1043200	1046200	On what floor do they sell maps?
1046200	1051200	几楼卖地图?
1051200	1057200	几楼卖地图?
1057200	1061200	Notice that this sentence seems to mean what floor sells maps.
1061200	1065200	You may be tempted to add common or other pronouns but don't.
1065200	1068200	This is an impersonal construction.
1068200	1073200	And as in other sentences with impersonal constructions such as 这里有报mail.
1073200	1075200	Is there a newspaper here?
1075200	1078200	The sentence begins with the place word 几楼.
1078200	1080200	What floor?
1080200	1082200	Now try asking the question yourself.
1082200	1085200	You'll get a reply.
1085200	1086200	First ask.
1086200	1088200	On what floor do they sell maps?
1088200	1093200	Then ask how you go.
1093200	1095200	几楼卖地图?
1095200	1097200	二楼.
1097200	1099200	怎么走?
1099200	1106200	往后一直走,上楼,右边就是卖地图的.
1106200	1110200	Again.
1110200	1112200	几楼卖地图?
1112200	1114200	二楼.
1114200	1116200	怎么走?
1116200	1122200	往后一直走,上楼,右边就是卖地图的.
1122200	1127200	Listen as the customer restates the directions.
1127200	1132200	我往后一直走,上楼,左边就是,是不是?
1132200	1136200	不是,右边就是卖地图的.
1136200	1139200	Repeat the word for back or behind.
1139200	1142200	后.
1142200	1145200	后.
1145200	1154200	The word 后, back, like 左, left, 离, in, and others can combine with the bound form 边,
1154200	1158200	Repeat the back or the back part.
1158200	1161200	后边.
1161200	1166200	后边.
1166200	1172200	As you see, the word 后 and 后边 are similar in meaning, but not quite the same.
1172200	1174200	So when do you use which?
1174200	1181200	The word 后 is used to refer to the direction and therefore is usually used after 往, as in 往后走.
1181200	1188200	The word 后边, on the other hand, refers to a place as in 小学在那个大楼后边.
1188200	1192200	The elementary school is in back of that building.
1192200	1193200	Repeat.
1193200	1196200	First I go straight back.
1196200	1202200	我先往后一直走.
1202200	1208200	我先往后一直走.
1208200	1211200	Repeat the verb to go up.
1211200	1214200	上.
1214200	1217200	上.
1217200	1220200	Repeat the phrase go upstairs.
1220200	1224200	上楼.
1224200	1227200	上楼.
1227200	1230200	Repeat the word for left side.
1230200	1233200	左边.
1233200	1237200	左边.
1237200	1238200	Repeat.
1238200	1242200	I go upstairs and it's just on the left.
1242200	1243200	上楼.
1243200	1248200	左边就是.
1248200	1249200	上楼.
1249200	1253200	左边就是.
1253200	1261200	Notice that the verb 是 is stressed here.Repeat.
1261200	1262200	上楼.
1262200	1264200	左边就是.
1264200	1269200	是不是.
1269200	1270200	上楼.
1270200	1271200	左边就是.
1271200	1274200	是不是.
1274200	1275200	Now repeat.
1275200	1278200	First I go straight back.
1278200	1282200	我先往后一直走.
1282200	1289200	我先往后一直走.
1289200	1291200	Now repeat.
1291200	1293200	Then I go upstairs and it's just on the left.
1293200	1295200	Is that it?
1295200	1296200	上楼.
1296200	1297200	左边就是.
1297200	1302200	是不是.
1302200	1303200	上楼.
1303200	1304200	左边就是.
1304200	1306200	是不是.
1306200	1309200	First saying the whole sentence ahead of the speaker.
1309200	1311200	First I go straight to the back.
1311200	1314200	And then I go upstairs and it's just on the left.
1314200	1326200	Is that it?
1326200	1328200	我先往后一直走.
1328200	1329200	上楼.
1329200	1330200	左边就是.
1330200	1334200	是不是.
1334200	1335200	Try it again.
1335200	1337200	This time you get a reply.
1337200	1339200	First I go straight back.
1339200	1341200	Then I go upstairs and it's just on the left.
1341200	1348200	Is that it?
1348200	1350200	我先往后一直走.
1350200	1351200	上楼.
1351200	1352200	左边就是.
1352200	1354200	是不是.
1354200	1355200	不是.
1355200	1359200	右边就是卖地图的.
1359200	1367200	Again.
1367200	1369200	我先往后一直走.
1369200	1370200	上楼.
1370200	1371200	左边就是.
1371200	1372200	是不是.
1372200	1373200	不是.
1373200	1378200	右边就是卖地图的.
1378200	1380200	Here's a quick vocabulary review.
1380200	1383200	What's the verb to go down?
1383200	1385200	下.
1385200	1387200	What's the verb to go up?
1387200	1390200	上.
1390200	1394200	What's the word for back or behind?
1394200	1396200	后.
1396200	1399200	What's the word for dining room?
1399200	1402200	餐厅.
1402200	1406200	What's the phrase for a place to get a haircut?
1406200	1410200	离法的地方.
1410200	1413200	Now listen to the last conversation on this tape.
1413200	1416200	A customer in a restaurant asks.
1416200	1418200	洗手间在哪里?
1418200	1419200	在那里.
1419200	1420200	往里走.
1420200	1423200	在左边.
1423200	1425200	Repeat the word for washroom.
1425200	1430200	洗手间.
1430200	1434200	洗手间.
1434200	1435200	Repeat.
1435200	1437200	Where's the washroom?
1437200	1442200	洗手间在哪里?
1442200	1446200	洗手间在哪里?
1446200	1448200	Try saying it ahead of the speaker.
1448200	1452200	Where's the washroom?
1452200	1457200	洗手间在哪里?
1457200	1458200	Try asking the question again.
1458200	1460200	This time you get a reply.
1460200	1464200	Where's the washroom?
1464200	1467200	洗手间在哪里?
1467200	1468200	在那里.
1468200	1469200	往里走.
1469200	1472200	在右边.
1472200	1475200	Again.
1475200	1478200	洗手间在哪里?
1478200	1479200	在那里.
1479200	1484200	往里走.在右边.
1484200	1486200	Now let's review what was covered on this tape.
1486200	1489200	Put the following sentences into Chinese.
1489200	1491200	Number one.
1491200	1496200	May I ask where's the dining room?
1496200	1501200	请问餐厅在哪里?
1501200	1504200	坐电梯到二楼.
1504200	1508200	下了电梯往右走.就是餐厅.
1508200	1515200	Oh, I take the elevator to the second floor.
1515200	1520200	我坐电梯到二楼.
1520200	1527200	When I've gotten off the elevator, which way do I go?
1527200	1530200	下了电梯往哪边走?
1530200	1535200	下了电梯往右走.就是餐厅.
1535200	1537200	Number two.
1537200	1544200	May I ask, is there a place to get hair cut here?
1544200	1548200	请问,你们这里有没有离法的地方?
1548200	1554200	有,从这里往左走,下楼梯就看见了.
1554200	1560200	First from here, I go to the left.
1560200	1565200	我先从这里往左走.
1565200	1573200	After that, when I've gone downstairs, then I'll see it, is that it?
1573200	1576200	然后下楼梯就看见了,是不是?
1576200	1578200	是的.
1578200	1580200	Number three.
1580200	1585200	I'm on what floor do they sell maps?
1585200	1587200	几楼卖地图?
1587200	1591200	二楼,how do I go?
1591200	1593200	怎么走?
1593200	1601200	往后一直走,上楼梯,右边就是卖地图的.
1601200	1614200	First I go straight back, then I go upstairs and it's just on the left, is that it?
1614200	1620200	我先往后一直走,上楼,左边就是,是不是?
1620200	1625200	不是,右边就是卖地图的.
1625200	1627200	Number four.
1627200	1631200	Where's the washroom?
1631200	1633200	洗手间在哪里?
1633200	1639200	在那里,往里走,在右边.
1639200	1641200	This is the end of the tape.
1641200	1651200	end of directions module unit four production tape one.