start	end	text
0	3700	Standard Chinese, a modular approach.
3700	7700	Society module units 5 through 8, review tape 1.
7700	11500	This tape reviews the reference list sentences in units 5 through 8.
11500	14700	First, review your understanding of the meaning of these sentences.
14700	18700	Each sentence is said in Chinese. You put it into English.
18700	20500	Number 1,
20500	23500	你說我該不該去?
26500	28500	Do you think I should go?
28500	32500	你看著辦吧,聽說那個地方快打仗了。
36500	40500	You do as you see fit, but I hear that there's about to be a war there.
40500	42500	Number 2,
42500	46500	你要是想聽故事的話,我給你講一個呀。
49500	52500	If you want to listen to a story, I'll tell you one.
52500	55500	算了,我們下棋吧。
55500	59500	Forget it, let's play chess.
59500	62500	Number 3,
62500	65500	這兩年,你們的收入怎麼樣?
68500	71500	What has your income been like the last couple of years?
71500	77500	這兩年,農業生產情況不錯,收入也還好。
77500	81500	Agricultural production conditions have been pretty good, and income is all right too.
81500	83500	Number 4,
83500	88500	他又去找小蘭幹什麼?人家又不喜歡他?
88500	93500	What is he going to see Xiao Lan again for? After all, she doesn't like him.
93500	96500	你別提,我來欠一欠他。
96500	101500	What is he going to see Xiao Lan again for? After all, she doesn't like him.
101500	104500	你別提,我來欠一欠他。
104500	107500	Don't get upset, I'll try to persuade him.
107500	110500	Number 5,
110500	114500	他的說法,我沒聽懂,你聽明白了嗎?
120500	124500	I didn't understand his way of saying it, did you understand it?
124500	129500	沒有,我也沒聽明白,而且這個題目也太難了。
129500	134500	No, I didn't understand it either. Moreover, this topic is too hard.
134500	137500	Number 6,
137500	141500	他為什麼早婚?
141500	144500	Why did she get married early?
144500	149500	去年,他父親死了,沒人照顧他,只好結婚了。
153500	158500	Last year, her father died, and there was no one to take care of him.
158500	161500	All she could do was get married.
161500	164500	Number 7,
164500	169500	聽說從前,你們這裡有很多有意思的風俗。
172500	176500	I've heard that in the past, you have a lot of interesting customs here.
176500	181500	是啊,後來工商業發達了,風俗也改變了。
183500	187500	Yes, later when industry and commerce develop, customs change too.
187500	190500	Number 8,
190500	195500	為了能互相照顧,他們一家三代住在一起。
199500	203500	All three generations live together so that they can take care of each other.
203500	206500	Number 9,
206500	212500	剛才我去給王大夫送行,他說他願意給您看看。
212500	218500	Just now, when I went to see Dr. Wang off, he said he would be willing to see you.
218500	222500	這一下子好了,等他回來我去看他。
225500	229500	Now that's better, I'll go see him when he gets back.
229500	232500	Number 10,
237500	240500	What is this short story about?
240500	244500	寫的是一個農村幹部的故事。
247500	250500	It's the story of a cadre in a rural area.
250500	252500	Number 11,
252500	255500	明天都有誰考試?
257500	259500	Who's taking the test tomorrow?
259500	262500	等一下,我給你寫一個單子。
264500	267500	I'll write you a list in a minute.
267500	270500	Number 12,
277500	278500	What a stupid kid.
278500	282500	Why didn't you tell me about this before, since it's such an important thing?
288500	291500	I did tell you, but you've forgotten.
291500	297500	Number 13,
299500	302500	That looks like Xiaoli who just passed by the door.
302500	307500	你好好的在這念書吧,別想動詳細的。
310500	314500	You just tend to your studies, don't be thinking of this and that.
314500	318500	Number 14,
318500	322500	These are mother taking a nap?
322500	326500	小聲點,別把她吵醒了。
329500	332500	Keep it down, don't wake her up.
332500	334500	Number 15,
334500	340500	在共產黨領導下,中國在世界上的地位有了很大的改變。
345500	347500	Under the leadership of the Communist Party,
347500	351500	China's position in the world has changed greatly.
351500	353500	Number 16,
362500	365500	What benefit is there in having a flourishing industry in commerce?
365500	367500	It's so dirty everywhere.
367500	369500	這一點我不同意,
369500	372500	工商業發達有不少好處。
372500	377500	I don't agree with that.
377500	381500	There are a lot of benefits to having a flourishing industry in commerce.
383500	384500	Number 17,
385500	389500	聽說別放以後,共產黨做了些好事。
394500	398500	I've heard that the Communist Party did some good things after liberation.
398500	401500	有些政策是不錯,
401500	403500	有些也不太好。
405500	408500	Yes, some policies were all right,
408500	410500	but some weren't too good.
412500	414500	Number 18,
414500	420500	學評音也好,不學評音也好,中國自總得學。
425500	427500	Whether you study romanization or not,
427500	429500	you'll always have to study Chinese characters.
429500	433500	是啊,這樣中國文化才能保持下去。
437500	442500	Yes, this is the only way Chinese culture can continue to be preserved.
442500	444500	Nineteen,
444500	448500	十年來,這兩個城市越來越漂亮了。
453500	455500	In the past ten years,
455500	458500	these two cities have become more and more beautiful.
458500	461500	這和政府的領導是分不開的。
464500	467500	This can't be separated from the government's leadership.
468500	470500	Number 20,
470500	473500	我想去買些工藝品帶回美國。
477500	480500	I want to buy some handicrafts to bring back to America.
481500	484500	我這正好有幾件,你都戴上吧。
484500	489500	I'll just happen to have some here. Take them with you.
491500	493500	Number 21,
493500	497500	你聽說了嗎?老張的女兒愛上小王了。
501500	502500	Have you heard?
502500	505500	老張's daughter has fallen in love with Xiao Wang.
505500	509500	這真是麻煩事,老張最恨王家的人。
509500	511500	Number 22,
511500	514500	去年,她的英文還說得那麼難聽。
514500	517500	去年好像好多了,是怎麼回事兒?
522500	524500	Last year's English still sounded so awful,
524500	527500	but this year seems a lot better. What happened?
528500	529500	是怎麼回事兒?
529500	530500	I don't know.
530500	531500	I don't know.
531500	532500	I don't know.
532500	533500	I don't know.
533500	534500	I don't know.
534500	535500	I don't know.
535500	539500	It seems a lot better. What happened?
539500	540500	是怎麼回事兒?
540500	544500	她母親疼她,送她去英國念了一年書。
547500	548500	It's this way,
548500	549500	his mother doped on him
549500	552500	and sent him to school in England for a year.
553500	554500	23,
554500	557500	政府是不是保護人們的財產?
560500	563500	Does the government protect people's property?
563500	566500	政府實行保護人們財產的政策。
569500	572500	Yes, the government is carrying out a policy
572500	574500	of protecting people's property.
575500	576500	24,
576500	580500	家裡勞動力多,生活也就會好一點。
585500	587500	If a family has more manpower,
587500	590500	then it follows that life will be a little better.
590500	593500	可是現在人口多,不一定有什麼好處。
599500	603500	But now it's not necessarily an advantage to have a lot of people.
604500	605500	25,
605500	608500	老王的兒子入過團嗎?
611500	614500	Has Lao Wang's son joined the Communist Youth League?
614500	617500	沒有,聽說參加過紅衛兵。
617500	621500	No, but I've heard that he was in the Red Guard.
623500	624500	26,
625500	628500	你說宗教的責任是什麼?
631500	634500	What do you think the responsibility of religion is?
635500	637500	這不是一個簡單的問題,
637500	639500	我們得從歷史談起。
644500	646500	That's not a simple question.
646500	648500	We have to begin by talking about history.
650500	651500	27,
652500	654500	你看,這次的生意怎麼樣?
658500	660500	How do you think business will be this time?
660500	662500	不知道,要看運氣了。
664500	666500	I don't know, it depends on luck.
667500	668500	28,
669500	671500	你看,這篇文章裡,
671500	676500	不是吸毒,就是殺人。
677500	681500	Look, there's nothing in this article but taking drugs and killing.
682500	684500	看這種新聞,只能使人難受,
684500	686500	算了,不要看了。
690500	693500	Reading this kind of news will only make you feel bad.
693500	695500	Forget it, don't read it.
696500	697500	29,
697500	701500	最近幾年,教育工作有很大的進步。
706500	710500	There's been a lot of progress in work and education these past few years.
710500	714500	是啊,持校裡再也沒有什麼亂七八糟的情況了。
717500	720500	Yes, the schools aren't so messed up anymore.
721500	722500	30,
723500	725500	如果你不介意的話,
725500	727500	我想和你的秘書談幾分鐘。
731500	732500	If you don't mind,
732500	734500	I'd like to talk with your secretary for a few minutes.
735500	737500	他在打字,馬上就來。
739500	741500	He's typing, he'll be in in a moment.
743500	744500	31,
745500	747500	本來他的中文不錯,
747500	755500	離開中國久了,忘了很多。
756500	758500	Originally his Chinese was pretty good,
758500	762500	but he's been away from China for a long time and has forgotten a lot.
763500	764500	32,
765500	768500	只要你來幫忙,我們就有辦法。
771500	774500	As long as you help out, we'll be able to do it.
774500	777500	這有什麼?應該的嗎?
780500	782500	This is nothing, it's only right.
783500	784500	33,
784500	787500	你覺得最近社會上安定一點嗎?
791500	794500	Do you think society has been a little calmer lately?
795500	798500	當然,有了心法力,犯罪的人少多了。
798500	800500	Of course, since there have been new laws,
800500	802500	there are far fewer people committing crimes.
803500	804500	34,
805500	807500	多數人都喜歡自由。
809500	811500	Most people like freedom.
812500	814500	可是不是很多人能夠得到自由。
817500	819500	But not many people can obtain freedom.
822500	825500	There are a lot of people who like freedom.
825500	826500	35,
826500	830500	明報不錯,世界性的新聞它都有。
837500	840500	The明報 is not bad, it has all the world news.
841500	844500	對了,明報不錯,不能不看。
847500	850500	Yes, the明報 is quite good, you have to read it.
852500	853500	36,
853500	856500	在那兒寫字的那個人,是不是他丈夫?
860500	862500	Is that person writing over there her husband?
863500	864500	正是他。
865500	866500	That's him alright.
868500	869500	37,
870500	872500	我想看看今天有什麼廣告。
875500	877500	I'd like to see what ads there are today.
877500	882500	有一份華盛頓郵報,你拿去找看看吧。
885500	887500	Here's a copy of the Washington Post.
887500	889500	Take it and try to find some.
890500	891500	38,
891500	894500	這個孩子不像話,不管怎麼說都不聽。
897500	899500	This child is too much.
899500	901500	No matter what you say, he just doesn't listen.
902500	904500	對嘛,這哪像新中國的兒童?
904500	908500	Yes, he's certainly no child of New China.
909500	910500	39,
911500	913500	你急急忙忙的做什麼去啊?
915500	917500	What are you in such a hurry to go do?
918500	919500	向學去啊。
920500	921500	I'm going to school.
922500	923500	Number 40,
924500	928500	在大陸的十億人口中,有多少是受過教育的?
928500	930500	有多少是受過教育的?
933500	937500	How many of the one billion people on the mainland have received an education?
939500	942500	我想現在連離城市很遠的農村都有學校了。
943500	945500	受過教育的人大概不少。
949500	952500	I think that now even villages far from the city have schools.
952500	957500	So there are probably a lot of people who are educated.
958500	959500	This is the end of the tape.
959500	985500	end of society module units 5 through 8 review tape 1.