start	end	text
0	6600	Strander Chinese, A Modular Approach, Society Module Unit 2, Tape 1.
6600	12800	In this unit, you'll learn how to talk a bit about some social issues which first arise in a western context.
12800	15800	Listen to the first exchange from the reference list.
15800	19000	This French weekly is quite good.
19000	22400	這本法文周刊,相當不錯。
22400	27000	Oh, you know a lot about French now. You can read French magazines.
27000	33000	啊,你現在對法文很有研究了,能看法文雜誌了。
33000	39000	Repeat weekly publication, weekly magazine, or weekly.
39000	43000	周刊,周刊.
43000	47000	Repeat quite considerably.
47000	51000	相當,相當.
51000	55000	Repeat this French weekly is quite good.
55000	61000	這本法文周刊,相當不錯。
61000	66000	這本法文周刊,相當不錯。
66000	71000	Now repeat to have done research on to know a lot about.
71000	77000	有研究,有研究。
77000	82000	Now repeat the reply.Oh, you know a lot about French now. You can read French magazines.
82000	91000	啊,你現在對法文很有研究了,能看法文雜誌了。
91000	97000	啊,你現在對法文很有研究了,能看法文雜誌了。
101000	103000	Now listen to the sentence.
103000	106000	This French weekly is quite good and answer it yourself.
106000	111000	Reply,Oh, you know a lot about French now. You can read French magazines.
111000	116000	這本法文周刊,相當不錯。
119000	125000	啊,你現在對法文很有研究了,能看法文雜誌了。
125000	129000	Here's the next exchange. Listen.
129000	133000	Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?
133000	137000	男女平等,是不是中國人的看法?
137000	140000	Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.
140000	145000	Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.
145000	149000	Repeat men and women male-female.
149000	154000	男女,男女.
154000	158000	Repeat equality to be equal.
158000	163000	平等,平等.
163000	168000	Repeat,is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?
168000	174000	男女平等,是不是中國人的看法?
174000	180000	男女平等,是不是中國人的看法?
180000	184000	Repeat concept, idea, notion.
184000	189000	觀念,觀念.
189000	191000	Repeat the reply.
191000	195000	Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.
195000	200000	可是那是中國人的親觀念,不是老觀念。
200000	209000	是,可是那是中國人的新觀念,不是老觀念。
209000	213000	Now listen to the question.
213000	216000	Is equality between men and women a Chinese point of view?
216000	218000	And answer it yourself.
218000	222000	Say yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.
222000	230000	男女平等,是不是中國人的看法?
230000	236000	是,可是那是中國人的新觀念,不是老觀念。
236000	238000	Here's the next exchange.
238000	239000	Listen.
239000	241000	Isn't this article any good?
241000	244000	這篇文章不好嗎?
244000	246000	That wasn't what I meant.
246000	247000	The article is pretty good.
247000	249000	It's just that it's a bit long.
249000	253000	Do you have any other articles?
253000	259000	你還有什麼別的文章嗎?
259000	263000	Repeat the counter for articles' essays.
263000	268000	編,編.
268000	271000	Repeat article essay.
271000	277000	文章,文章.
277000	278000	Repeat.
278000	281000	Isn't this article any good?
281000	285000	這篇文章不好嗎?
285000	290000	這篇文章不好嗎?
290000	291000	Repeat.
291000	293000	That wasn't what I meant.
293000	294000	The article is pretty good.
294000	296000	It's just that it's a bit long.
296000	298000	不是這個意思。
298000	306000	文章不錯,就是長了一點。
306000	308000	Repeat.
308000	311000	Do you have any other articles?
311000	316000	你還有什麼別的文章嗎?
316000	321000	你還有什麼別的文章嗎?
321000	323000	Answer the question.
323000	325000	Isn't this article any good?
325000	326000	Say,
326000	327000	That wasn't what I meant.
327000	328000	The article is pretty good.
328000	330000	It's just that it's a bit long.
330000	332000	Do you have any other articles?
332000	335000	這篇文章不好嗎?
335000	344000	這篇文章不好嗎?
344000	346000	不是這個意思。
346000	349000	文章不錯,就是長了一點。
349000	352000	你還有什麼別的文章嗎?
352000	356000	Now here's a review of the vocabulary in the first set of sentences from the reference list.
356000	358000	Test yourself.
358000	363000	Weekly publication, weekly magazine, a weekly.
363000	365000	��은充分會看,
365000	367000	Quite considerably.
367000	370000	相當。
370000	374000	Add to know a lot kas to have done research on.
374000	376000	有研究,
376000	379000	Men and women, now female.
379000	382000	男女,
382000	385000	Equality to be equal.
385000	387000	平等,
387000	389000	lawmakers,
389000	391000	Concept-idea-notion.
391000	393000	关念
393000	396000	Article SA
396000	399000	文章
399000	401000	One article
401000	405000	一篇文章
405000	410000	Now here's the next exchange from the reference list.
410000	413000	Before you got married, did you live with your parents all along?
413000	418000	你结婚以前一直都跟父母一起住吗?
418000	424000	No, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.
424000	430000	不是,我没结婚就离开家,独立生活了七八年。
430000	434000	Repeat to get married.
434000	438000	结婚,结婚。
438000	443000	Repeat, before you got married, did you live with your parents all along?
443000	451000	你结婚以前一直都跟父母一起住吗?
451000	458000	你结婚以前一直都跟父母一起住吗?
458000	462000	Now repeat, to be independent, independent.
462000	467000	独立,独立。
467000	471000	Repeat, life or to live.
471000	475000	生活。
475000	481000	Repeat, no, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.
481000	491000	不是,我没结婚就离开家,独立生活了七八年。
491000	500000	不是,我没结婚就离开家,独立生活了七八年。
500000	505000	Now answer the question, before you got married, did you live with your parents all along?
505000	512000	Say, no, I left home before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.
512000	520000	你结婚以前一直都跟父母一起住吗?
520000	527000	不是,我没结婚就离开家,独立生活了七八年。
527000	530000	Here's the next exchange, listen.
530000	535000	Look, here's a news article about living together.
535000	540000	你看,这儿有一篇关于同居的新闻。
540000	543000	Forget it, what's interesting about that kind of news?
543000	547000	算了吧,这种新闻有什么意思?
547000	552000	Repeat, to cohabit, to live together, cohabitation.
552000	563000	同居,同居,repeat news,新闻,新闻。
563000	568000	Repeat, look, here's a news item about living together.
568000	575000	你看,这儿有一篇关于同居的新闻。
575000	581000	你看,这儿有一篇关于同居的新闻。
581000	585000	Repeat, forget it, let it go with that.
585000	590000	算了吧,算了吧。
590000	594000	Repeat, forget it, what's interesting about that kind of news?
594000	601000	算了吧,这种新闻有什么意思?
601000	608000	算了吧,这种新闻有什么意思?
608000	610000	Now listen to the sentence.
610000	614000	Here's a news article about living together, and you give the reply.
614000	618000	Say, forget it, what's interesting about that kind of news?
618000	625000	你看,这儿有一篇关于同居的新闻。
625000	630000	算了吧,这种新闻有什么意思?
630000	633000	Now listen to the next exchange from the reference list.
633000	637000	Your sister is getting more and more medical books.
637000	640000	你姐姐医学方面的书越来越多了。
640000	643000	Yes, she's studying medicine with all her energy.
643000	647000	是啊,她在拼命学医呢。
647000	651000	Repeat, medical science, medicine.
651000	655000	医学,医学。
655000	658000	Repeat, more and more.
658000	664000	越来越多,越来越多。
664000	667000	Repeat, your sister is getting more and more medical books.
667000	674000	你姐姐医学方面的书越来越多了。
674000	681000	你姐姐医学方面的书越来越多了。
681000	685000	Now repeat, with all one's might, like mad.
685000	690000	拼命,拼命。
690000	692000	Repeat, to study medicine.
692000	697000	学医,学医。
697000	702000	Repeat, yes, she's studying medicine with all her energy.
702000	707000	是啊,她在拼命学医呢。
707000	712000	是啊,她在拼命学医呢。
712000	716000	Now listen to the sentence, your sister is getting more and more medical books.
716000	721000	Give the reply yourself, say, yes, she's studying medicine with all her energy.
721000	726000	你姐姐医学方面的书越来越多了。
726000	730000	是啊,她在拼命学医呢。
730000	735000	Now here's a review of the vocabulary in this set of sentences from the reference list.
735000	745000	Test yourself, to get married,结婚, to be independent, independent,独立,
745000	751000	life, to live,生活,
751000	758000	to cohabit, to live together, cohabitation,同居,
758000	768000	news,新闻, forget it, let it go with that.算了吧,
768000	775000	medical science, medicine,医学,
775000	782000	more and more,越来越多,
782000	788000	with all one's might, like mad,拼命,
788000	793000	to study medicine,学医。
793000	797000	Now here's the next exchange from the reference list.
797000	800000	Mr. Liu's class is really boring.
800000	804000	刘先生的课实在没意思。
804000	808000	If you keep attending it, gradually you'll become interested.
808000	812000	你听下去,慢慢会有兴趣的。
812000	816000	Repeat really to be real.
816000	821000	实在,实在。
821000	825000	Repeat Mr. Liu's class is really boring.
825000	830000	刘先生的课实在没意思。
830000	835000	刘先生的课实在没意思。
835000	838000	Repeat to continue listening.
838000	844000	听下去,听下去。
844000	848000	Repeat to be interested.
848000	854000	有兴趣,有兴趣。
854000	859000	Repeat if you keep attending it, gradually you'll become interested.
859000	865000	你听下去,慢慢会有兴趣的。
865000	871000	你听下去,慢慢会有兴趣的。
871000	873000	Listen to the sentence.
873000	876000	Mr. Liu's class is really boring and answer it yourself.
876000	881000	Reply if you keep attending it, gradually you'll become interested.
881000	888000	刘先生的课实在没意思。
888000	893000	你听下去,慢慢会有兴趣的。
893000	896000	Listen to the next exchange.
896000	899000	There really aren't many teachers like Professor Wang.
899000	903000	像王教授这样的老师真是不多。
903000	904000	You're right.
904000	908000	If it weren't for the help he's given me, I really wouldn't want to go on studying.
908000	910000	你说对了。
910000	915000	If it weren't for the help he's given me, I really wouldn't want to go on studying.
915000	920000	Repeat to resemble light, such as。
920000	926000	像,像。
926000	930000	Repeat there really aren't many teachers like Professor Wang.
930000	935000	像王教授这样的老师真是不多。
935000	940000	像王教授这样的老师真是不多。
940000	943000	Now repeat to help.
943000	945000	帮助。
945000	948000	帮助。
948000	950000	Repeat you're right.
950000	955000	If it weren't for the help he's given me, I really wouldn't want to study anymore.
955000	956000	你说对了。
956000	964000	如果不是他帮助我,我真不想学了。
964000	966000	你说对了。
966000	974000	如果不是他帮助我,我真不想学了。
974000	976000	Now listen to the sentence.
976000	978000	There really aren't many teachers like Professor Wang.
978000	980000	And answer yourself.
980000	982000	Reply, you're right.
982000	986000	If it weren't for the help he's given me, I really wouldn't want to study anymore.
986000	993000	像王教授这样的老师真是不多。
993000	994000	你说对了。
994000	1000000	如果不是他帮助我,我真不想学了。
1000000	1002000	Listen to the next exchange.
1002000	1006000	I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.
1006000	1009000	三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。
1009000	1012000	It's really great that you can take care of yourself.
1012000	1016000	你能自己管自己,真不错。
1016000	1019000	Repeat to depend on.
1019000	1021000	靠。
1021000	1029000	Repeat, I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.
1029000	1034000	三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。
1034000	1040000	三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。
1040000	1044000	Now repeat to take care of, to manage.
1044000	1048000	管。管。
1048000	1052000	Repeat, it's really great that you can take care of yourself.
1052000	1056000	你能自己管自己,真不错。
1056000	1063000	你能自己管自己,真不错。
1063000	1064000	Listen to the sentence.
1064000	1067000	I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.
1067000	1068000	And answer yourself.
1068000	1072000	Say, it's really great that you can take care of yourself.
1072000	1077000	三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。
1077000	1082000	你能自己管自己,真不错。
1082000	1086000	Now listen to the final exchange from the reference list.
1086000	1090000	The novels he wrote are all very popular now.
1090000	1095000	他写的几本小说,现在都很流行。
1095000	1100000	Of course, novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.
1100000	1106000	那当然,像他那样有地位有知识的人,写的小说一定有意思。
1106000	1112000	Repeat to be common, to be popular, to be prevalent.
1112000	1116000	流行。流行。
1116000	1121000	Repeat the novels he wrote are all very popular now.
1121000	1125000	他写的几本小说,现在都很流行。
1125000	1131000	他写的几本小说,现在都很流行。
1131000	1135000	Now repeat position status.
1135000	1140000	地位。地位。
1140000	1147000	Repeat knowledge.知识。知识。
1147000	1154000	Repeat, of course, novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.
1154000	1161000	那当然,像他那样有地位有知识的人,写的小说一定有意思。
1161000	1166000	Now repeat position status.
1166000	1171000	那当然,像他那样有地位有知识的人,写的小说一定有意思。
1171000	1176000	Now repeat position status.
1176000	1180000	Now listen to the sentence, the novels he wrote are all very popular now.
1180000	1187000	Answer it yourself, say, of course, novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.
1187000	1195000	他写的几本小说,现在都很流行。
1195000	1203000	那当然,像他那样有地位有知识的人,写的小说一定有意思。
1203000	1207000	Now here's a review of the vocabulary from the last part of the reference list.
1207000	1209000	Test yourself.
1209000	1212000	Really to be real.
1212000	1214000	实在
1214000	1217000	to continue listening.
1217000	1219000	听下去
1219000	1222000	to be interested.
1222000	1225000	有兴趣
1225000	1228000	to resemble like such ad.
1228000	1231000	像
1231000	1234000	help to help.
1234000	1236000	帮助
1236000	1239000	to depend on.
1239000	1241000	靠
1241000	1243000	to take care of, to manage.
1243000	1245000	管
1245000	1249000	to be common, to be popular, to be prevalent.
1249000	1251000	流行
1251000	1254000	position status.
1254000	1256000	地位
1256000	1258000	knowledge.
1258000	1262000	知识.
1262000	1266000	Now here's a dialogue reviewing the material presented on this tape.
1266000	1270000	Tom, a graduate student, talked with his classmate from Hong Kong, Yiping,
1270000	1274000	in front of a larger library at Georgetown University.
1274000	1276000	Hey, Tom, 你好。
1276000	1278000	你好,李平,来看书啊。
1278000	1280000	吃了晚饭,出来走走。
1280000	1283000	到图书馆看看新到的杂志。
1283000	1286000	你最喜欢的英文杂志是什么?
1286000	1288000	嗯,新闻周刊。
1288000	1289000	为什么?
1289000	1293000	新闻周刊很好,对学英文很有帮助。
1293000	1296000	对,看这个杂志,一方面可以学英文,
1296000	1299000	一方面可以知道美国社会的情况,是不错。
1299000	1303000	这个星期有什么有意思的文章吗?
1303000	1307000	有,有一篇关于男女平等的文章很有意思。
1307000	1312000	哦,男女平等,我的女朋友对这个题目很有研究。
1312000	1315000	怎么?你也对这个问题有兴趣吗?
1315000	1319000	有,我有兴趣,而且想知道你们的看法。
1319000	1321000	我可以问几个问题吗?
1321000	1323000	当然,请问吧。
1323000	1328000	这篇文章说,在很多地方越来越流行男女同居了,
1328000	1329000	对不起。
1329000	1331000	没什么,你说下去。
1331000	1336000	这篇文章还说,这种事和妇女的地位有关系。
1336000	1338000	这一点我真是不懂了。
1338000	1341000	中国人的传统观念是,妇女没有结婚,
1341000	1344000	不应该和她的男朋友住在一起。
1344000	1346000	我们的观念不太一样,
1346000	1349000	一些妇女特别是知识妇女,
1349000	1351000	他们不要靠先生生活,
1351000	1355000	他们要有独立的经济和社会地位。
1355000	1358000	像我的女朋友,她就有这样的看法。
1358000	1362000	而且我想,同居的问题和很多事情有关系,
1362000	1365000	不只是妇女的地位问题。
1365000	1369000	如果可以谈的话,你给我讲讲怎么样。
1369000	1372000	这样吧,我给你谈谈我的事,
1372000	1375000	你就知道我们怎么想了。
1375000	1378000	你知道,我的女朋友她是学医的,
1378000	1381000	学医不是一件容易的事,
1381000	1383000	她还要在大学学习六年。
1383000	1385000	那你们什么时候结婚呢?
1385000	1387000	现在我们还不想结婚。
1387000	1390000	为什么?你们觉得结了婚,
1390000	1392000	有了孩子会不会麻烦是不是?
1392000	1394000	不是这个意思。
1394000	1397000	就是我们结婚了,也不一定马上要孩子。
1397000	1400000	重要的是,我们这一辈子要做什么,
1400000	1402000	还没有好好想过呢?
1402000	1405000	应该先想那个问题。
1405000	1407000	而且我们都愿意在结婚以前,
1407000	1411000	清楚地知道自己喜欢的那个人是一个什么样的人。
1411000	1413000	这也需要时间。
1413000	1415000	可是有人会觉得你们这样做,
1415000	1418000	是因为你们觉得同居比结婚自由。
1418000	1420000	有人这么说,
1420000	1423000	可是我想他们没懂我们的自由是什么。
1423000	1425000	是什么呢?
1425000	1428000	美国人觉得自己可以计划自己的生活,
1428000	1430000	是最重要的自由。
1430000	1432000	如果美国没有这种自由,
1432000	1434000	就不会有那么多人想来美国了。
1434000	1436000	你说我说的对不对?
1436000	1439000	你说的有点道理。
1439000	1441000	哦,我还忘了问你,
1441000	1444000	今年夏天你的女朋友能陪你到香港去吗?
1444000	1445000	不行。
1445000	1447000	她计划到德国去念书。
1447000	1450000	暑假的时候,她要在德国住三个月。
1450000	1452000	那对她的德文一定很有帮助。
1452000	1454000	对。
1454000	1455000	怎么样?
1455000	1458000	你对新闻周刊这篇文章还有什么别的看法吗?
1458000	1459000	看法有。
1459000	1461000	这个题目很大,
1461000	1463000	我们以后慢慢再谈。
1463000	1465000	好,以后再谈。
1465000	1469000	这就是最后的题目。