a 啊 question Marker 1 2 FSI-Chinese bù/bú 不 not 1 2 FSI-Chinese bú shi  不是 not to be 1 2 FSI-Chinese guìxìng 貴姓 honorable name 1 2 FSI-Chinese hǎo 好 to be fine, to be well, ok, good 1 2 FSI-Chinese jiào 叫 to be called, named 1 2 FSI-Chinese ma 嗎 question marker at the end of the sentence 1 2 FSI-Chinese míngzi 名字 given name, full name 1 2 FSI-Chinese ne 呢 question marker 1 2 FSI-Chinese xièxie 謝謝 thank you 1 2 FSI-Chinese