júzi 橘子 oranges, tangerines 3 2 FSI-Chinese píjiǔ 啤酒 beer 3 2 FSI-Chinese yíkuài féizào 一塊肥皂 one bar of soap 3 2 FSI-Chinese zuò mǎimai 做買賣 to do business 3 2 FSI-Chinese dàrén 大人 adult 3 2 FSI-Chinese xiǎoháizi 小孩子 child 3 2 FSI-Chinese dà 大 to be large 3 2 FSI-Chinese -de 的 marker of modification 3 2 FSI-Chinese diǎnr 點兒 a little, some 3 2 FSI-Chinese diǎnxin (yíkuài, yìjīn) 點心 (一塊,一斤) pastry, snack 3 2 FSI-Chinese -fēn 分 cent 3 2 FSI-Chinese hái 還 also, additionally 3 2 FSI-Chinese -jīn 斤 catty (1.1 pound) 3 2 FSI-Chinese -kuài 塊 piece (counter) 3 2 FSI-Chinese líng 零 zero 3 2 FSI-Chinese mǎimai 買賣 business 3 2 FSI-Chinese -máo 毛 dime 3 2 FSI-Chinese -píng 瓶 bottle 3 2 FSI-Chinese píngguǒ 蘋果 apple 3 2 FSI-Chinese qǐng 清 please 3 2 FSI-Chinese qìshuǐ 汽水 soda, carbonated soft drink 3 2 FSI-Chinese xiǎo 小 to be small 3 2 FSI-Chinese xiǎohaízi 小孩子 child 3 2 FSI-Chinese yào 要 to want 3 2 FSI-Chinese zàijiàn 再見 good-bye 3 2 FSI-Chinese zhǎo 找 to give change 3 2 FSI-Chinese zuò mǎimai 做買賣 to do business 3 2 FSI-Chinese gōngxiāo hézuòshè 供銷合作社 supply and marketing cooperative 3 2 FSI-Chinese