1. Zhèige dàde hǎokàn ma? 这个大的好看吗? Is this large one nice looking? Zhèige dàde zhēn hǎokàn. 这个大的真好看。 This large one is really nice looking. 3 3 FSI-Chinese 2. Nèige xiǎode hǎokàn ma? 哪个晓得好看吗? Is that small one nice looking? Nèige xiǎode zhēn hǎokàn. 那个小的真好看。 Taht small one is really nice looking. 3 3 FSI-Chinese 3. Zhèige lánde guì ma? 这个蓝的贵吗? Is this ble one expensive? Zhèige lánde zhēn guì. 这个蓝的真贵。 That blue one is really expensive. 3 3 FSI-Chinese 4. Nèibǎ yǔsǎn hǎokàn ma? 哪把雨伞好看吗? Is that umbrella nice looking? Nèibǎ yǔsǎn zhēn hǎokàn. 哪把雨伞真好看。 That umbreall is really nicelooking. 3 3 FSI-Chinese 5. Zèige huāpíng dà ma? 这个花瓶大吗? Is this vase big? Zhèige huāpíng zhēn dà. 阿和个花瓶真大。 This vase is really big. 3 3 FSI-Chinese 6. Nèizhāng zhōngguó dìtú hǎokàn ma? 那张中国地图好看吗? Is that map of China good looking? Nèizhāng zhōngguó dìtú zhēn hǎokàn. 那张中国地图真好看。 That map of China is really nice looking. 3 3 FSI-Chinese 7. Zhèiběn zìdiǎn guì ma? 这本字典贵吗? Is this dictionary expensive? Zhèiběn zìdiǎn zhēn guì. 这本字典真贵。 That dictionary is really expensive. 3 3 FSI-Chinese