1. Zhèi liǎngběn shū shì wǒde. 這兩本書是我的。 These two books are mine. hǎo 好 good Zhèi liǎngde shū, něiběn hǎo? 這兩的書,哪本好? Which of these two books is better? 3 3 FSI-Chinese 2. Zhèi liǎngkuài féizào shì wǒde. 這兩快肥皂是我的。 These two bars of soap are mine. piányi 便宜 cheap Zhèi liǎngkuài féizào, něikuài piányi? 這兩個肥皂,哪塊便宜? Which of these two bars of soap is better? 3 3 FSI-Chinese 3. Zhèi liǎngzhāng dìtú shì wǒde. 這兩張地圖是我的。 These two maps are mine. guì 貴 expensive Zhèi liǎngzhāng dìtú, něizhāng guì? 這兩張地圖,哪張貴? Which of these two maps is better? 3 3 FSI-Chinese 4. Zhèi liǎngbǎ yǔsǎn shì wǒde. 這兩把雨傘是我的。 These two umbrellas are mine. hǎokàn 好看 good looking Zhèi liǎngbǎ yǔsǎn, něibǎ hǎokàn? 這兩把雨傘,哪把好看? Which of these two umbrellas is better? 3 3 FSI-Chinese 5. Zhèi liǎngge xuésheng shì wǒde. 這兩個學生是我的。 These two students are mine. hǎo 好 good Zhèi liǎngge xuésheng, nèige hǎo? 這兩個學生,哪個好? Which of these two students is better? 3 3 FSI-Chinese 6. Zhèi liǎngběn zìdiǎn shì wǒde. 這兩本字典是我的。 These two dictionaries are mine. hǎo 好 good Zhèi liǎngběn zìdiǎn, něiběn hǎo? 這兩本字典,哪本好? Which of these two dictionaries is better? 3 3 FSI-Chinese 7. Zhèi liǎnfèn bào shì wǒde. 這兩分報是我的。 These two newspapers are mine. guì 貴 expensive Zhèi liǎngfèn bào, něifèn guì? 這兩分報,哪分貴? Which of these two newspapers is better? 3 3 FSI-Chinese