Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Shì Zhōngguó shū. 是中国书。 It's a Chinese book. Cuemǎi to buy Tā mǎide shū shì zhōngguó shū. 他/她买的书是中国书。 The book he/she bought (is buying) is a Chinese book. 2. Shì měiguó zhuōzi. 是美国桌子。 It's an American table. Cuexǐhuan 喜欢 to want Tā xǐhuande zhuōzi shì Měiguó zhuōzi. 他/她喜欢的桌子是美国桌子。 The table he/she like is an American table. 3. Shì Rìběn shūjiàzi. 是日本书架子。 It's a Japanese bookcase. Cuemǎi to buy Tā mǎide shūjiàzi shì Rìběn shūjiàzi. 他/她书架子是日本书架子。 The bookkcase he/she bought is a Japanese bookcase. 4. Shì Yīngguó zàzhì. 是英国杂志。 It's an English magazine. Cuekàn to read Tā kànde zázhì shì Yīngguó zázhì. 他/她看的杂志是英国杂志。 The magazine he/shi look at is an English magazine. 5. Shì Zhōngguó pánzi. 是中国盘子。 It's a Chinese plate. Cuexǐhuan 喜欢 to want Tā xǐhuande pánzi shì Zhōngguó pánzi. 他/她喜欢的盘子是中国盘子。 The plate he/she like is a Chinese plate. 6. Shì Fàguó dìtǎn. 是法国地毯。 It's a French carpet. Cuemǎi to buy Tā mǎide dìtǎn shì Fàguó dìtǎn. 他/她买的地毯是法国地毯。 The carpet he/she bought is a French carpet. 7. Shì Qīngdǎo píjiǔ. 是青岛啤酒。 It's a beer from Qīngdǎo. Cuemǎi to buy Tā mǎide píjiǔ shì Qīngdǎo píjiǔ. 他/她买的啤酒是青岛啤酒。 The beer he/she bought is a beer from Qīngdǎo.