1. A: Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ liǎngzhāng wǔkuàide. 请你给我两张五块的。 Please give me two fives. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 2. B: Máfan nǐ, wǒ zhèr yǒu yìzhāng shíkuàide. 麻烦你,我这儿有一张十块的。 Sorry to bother you,工 have a ten here. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 3. B: Qǐng ni gěi wǒ Huànhuan. 请你给我换换。 Please change it for me. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 4. C: Nín yào zěnme huàn? 您要怎么换? How do you want to change it? 3 5 FSI-Chinese B: Qǐng gěi wǒ liǎngzhāng wǔkuàide ba. 请给我两张五块的吧。 How about giving me two fives, please. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 5. B: Xièxie. 谢谢。 Thank you. 3 5 FSI-Chinese C: Bú kèqi. 不客气。 You're welcome. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 6. D: Nǐmen shōu Měijīn ma? 你们受美金吗? Do you accept U.S. currency? 3 5 FSI-Chinese E: Duìbuqǐ, wǒmen bù shōu. 对不起,我们不受。 I'm sorry, we don't. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 7. D: Zài nǎr huàn ne? Zhèr yǒu méiyou yínháng? 在那儿换呢?这人有没有银行? Well, where do I change it? Is there a bank here? 3 5 FSI-Chinese E: Yǒu. Yínháng jiù zài nàr. 有。银行就在那儿。 There is. The bank is right over there. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 8. D: Qǐngwèn, shì bu shi zài zhèr huàn qián? 请问,是不是在这儿换钱? May I ask, is it there that I can change money? 3 5 FSI-Chinese F: Shì, shì zài zhèr huàn. 是,是在这儿换。 Yes, you change it here. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 9. F: Nǐ yào huàn duóshao? 你要换多少? How much do you want to change? 3 5 FSI-Chinese D: Wǒ zhèr yǒu yìbǎikuài Měijīnde lǚxíng zhīpiào. 我这儿有一百块美金的旅行支票。 I have one hunderd U.S. dollars in travelers's checks here. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 10. D: Jíntiānde páijià shi duōshao? 今天的牌价是多少? What is today's exchange rate? 3 5 FSI-Chinese F: Yíkuài měijīn huàn yīkuài jiǔmáo liù Rénmínbì. 一块美金换一块九毛六人民币。 One U.S. dollar to one dollar and ninety-six cents in People's currency. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 11. yíge diànshàn 一个电扇 one electric fan 3 5 FSI-Chinese 12. yíge diànshì 一个电视 one television 3 5 FSI-Chinese 13. yíge shōuyīnjī 一个收音机 one radio 3 5 FSI-Chinese 14. yíge zhōng 一个钟 one clock 3 5 FSI-Chinese 15. yíge shǒubiǎo 一个手表 one wristwatch 3 5 FSI-Chinese