1. 那煩你,我這兒有一百塊美金的旅行支票。請你給我換換. Máfan nǐ, wǒ zhèr yǒu yìbǎikuài Měijīnde lǚxíng zhǐpiào. Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ huànhuan. Sorry to bother you. I have one hundred U.S. dollars in traveler's checks here. Please change it for me. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 2. 你要怎麼換? Nǐ yào zenme huàn? How do you want to change it? 3 5 FSI-Chinese 請你給我兩張五塊的把。 Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ liǎngzhāng wǔkuàide ba. How about giving me two fives? 3 5 FSI-Chinese 3. 你們受美金嗎? Nǐmen shōu Měijīn ma? Do you accept U.S. currency? 3 5 FSI-Chinese 對不起,我們不受美金。 Duìbuqǐ, wǒmen bù shōu Měijīn. I'm sorry. We don't accept U.S. currency. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 4. 這兒有沒有銀行? Zhèr yǒu méiyou yīnháng? Is there a bank? 3 5 FSI-Chinese 有。銀行在那兒。 Yǒu. Yínháng jiù zài nàr. There is. The bank is right over there. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 5. 請問,是不是在這兒換錢? Qǐngwèn, shì bu shi zài zhèr huàn qián? May I ask, is it here that I change money? 3 5 FSI-Chinese 是,是在這兒換。 Shì, shì zài zhèr huàn. Yes, you change here. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 6. 今天的牌價是多少? Jīntiānde páijià shì duōshao? What is today's exchange rate? 3 5 FSI-Chinese 今天的牌價是一塊美金換一塊九毛六人民幣。 Jīntiānde páijià shi yíkuài Mèijīn huàn yíkuài jiǔmáo liù Rénmínbì. Today's exchange rate is one U.S. dollar to one dollar and ninety-six cents in People currency. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 7. 謝謝。 Xièxie. Thank you. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 不客氣。 Búkèqi. You are welcome. 3 5 FSI-Chinese 8. 一個電扇 yíge diànshàn one electric fan 3 5 FSI-Chinese 9. 一個電視 yíge diánshì one television 3 5 FSI-Chinese 10. 一個收音機 yíge shōuyīnjī one radio 3 5 FSI-Chinese 11. 一個鐘 yíge zhōng one clock 3 5 FSI-Chinese 12. 一個手錶 yíge shǒubiǎo one wristwatch 3 5 FSI-Chinese