1 Zuǒbianr shi diànyǐngyuàn. 左边儿是电影院。 To the left is the movie theater. Dōngdān Càishichǎngde 东单菜市场 Dōngdān market Dōngdān Càishichǎngde zuǒbianr shi diànyǐngyuàn. 东单菜市场的左边儿是电影院。 To the left of the Dongdan Market is the movie theater. 4 2 FSI-Chinese 2 Yòubianr yǒu shāngdiàn. 右边儿有商店。 To the right is a store. zhèige fàndiàn 这个饭店 this restaurant Zhèige fàndiànde yòubianr yǒu shāngdiàn. 这个饭店的右边儿有商店。 To the right of this restaurant is a store. 4 2 FSI-Chinese 3 Zuǒbianr shi mài tàngde. 左边儿是卖糖的。 To the right is a place where they sell candies. xiǎomàibù 小卖部 variety shop Xiǎomàibùde zuǒbianr shi mài tángde. 小卖部的左边儿是卖糖的。 To the right of the variety shop is a place where they sell candies. 4 2 FSI-Chinese 4 Wàibianr yǒu màibàode. 外边儿有卖报的。 There is place where they sell newspaper outside. gōngyuán 公园 park Gōngyuánde wàibianr yǒu màibàode. 公园的外边儿有卖卖报的。。 There is place where they sell newspaper outside the park. 4 2 FSI-Chinese 5 Zuǒbianr yǒu fàndiàn. 左边儿有饭店。 To the left is a restaurant. càishichǎng 菜市场 vegetable market Càishichǎngde zuǒbianr yǒu fàndiàn. 菜市场的左边儿有饭店。 To the left of the vegetable market is a restaurant. 4 2 FSI-Chinese 6 Yòubianr yǒu mài tángde. 右边儿有卖糖的。 To the right is a place where they sell candies. diànyǐngyuàn 电影院 movie theater Diànyǐngyuànde yòubianr yǒu mài tángde. 电影院的右边儿有卖糖的。 To the right of the movie theater is a place where they sell candies. 4 2 FSI-Chinese 7 Wàibianr shi shāngdiàn. 外边儿是商店。 There is the store outside. fàndiàn 饭店 restaurant Fàndiànde wàibianr shi shāngdiàn. 饭店的外边儿是商店。 There is the store outside the restaurant. 4 2 FSI-Chinese