běi north 4 2 FSI-Chinese běibian(r) north side 4 2 FSI-Chinese -bianr (-bian} side, edge (used in place words) 4 2 FSI-Chinese càishichǎng market 4 2 FSI-Chinese chū to go out, to exit 4 2 FSI-Chinese diànyǐng(r) movie, film 4 2 FSI-Chinese diSnyīngyuàn movie theater 4 2 FSI-Chinese dōng east 4 2 FSI-Chinese dōngbian(r) east aide 4 2 FSI-Chinese Dōngdān a neighborhood in Běijīng 4 2 FSI-Chinese fùjìn area, vicinity 4 2 FSI-Chinese gōngyuán park 4 2 FSI-Chinese lǐ inside, in 4 2 FSI-Chinese lǐbianr (lǐbian) inside 4 2 FSI-Chinese nán south 4 2 FSI-Chinese nánbian(r) south side 4 2 FSI-Chinese táng candy, sugar 4 2 FSI-Chinese wàibianr (wàibian) outside 4 2 FSI-Chinese Wāngfǔjǐng Dàjiē Wāngfǔjǐng Boulevard (Běijīng) 4 2 FSI-Chinese xī west 4 2 FSI-Chinese xiǎomàibù variety shop 4 2 FSI-Chinese xiǎoxué elementary school 4 2 FSI-Chinese xībian(r) west side 4 2 FSI-Chinese yǐhòu after 4 2 FSI-Chinese yǐqián before 4 2 FSI-Chinese yòubianr (yòubian) right side 4 2 FSI-Chinese zhóngxué middle school (the equivalent of junior and senior high school) 4 2 FSI-Chinese zuǒbianr (zuǒbian) left side 4 2 FSI-Chinese bànshìchù office 4 2 FSI-Chinese gòu to be enough 4 2 FSI-Chinese guòle lùkǒur having passed the intersection 4 2 FSI-Chinese nà well, then 4 2 FSI-Chinese rè to he hot 4 2 FSI-Chinese zǒuzou to take a walk 4 2 FSI-Chinese zuìhǎo it would be best that 4 2 FSI-Chinese