Bǎihuò Dàlóu 百货大楼 name of a department store in Běijīng 4 3 FSI-Chinese bǎihuò gōngsī 百货公司 department store 4 3 FSI-Chinese cháo 朝 to, towards 4 3 FSI-Chinese chūlai 出来 to come out 4 3 FSI-Chinese chūqu 出去 to go out 4 3 FSI-Chinese 4 3 FSI-Chinese dàjiē 大街 boulevard 4 3 FSI-Chinese dàlóu 大楼 building 4 3 FSI-Chinese dàmén(r) 大门 entrance 4 3 FSI-Chinese dǐxia 地下 underneath; the underneath 4 3 FSI-Chinese duó yuǎn 多远 how far 4 3 FSI-Chinese guǎi 拐 to turn 4 3 FSI-Chinese jǐ- 几 a few 4 3 FSI-Chinese jǐge 几个 several 4 3 FSI-Chinese jìn 近 to be close, to be near 4 3 FSI-Chinese láojià 劳驾 excuse me 4 3 FSI-Chinese lí 离 from, apart from 4 3 FSI-Chinese lùběi 路北 the north side of the street 4 3 FSI-Chinese lùdōng 路东 the east side of the street 4 3 FSI-Chinese lùnán 路南 the south side of the street 4 3 FSI-Chinese lùxī 路西 the west side of the street 4 3 FSI-Chinese pángbiānr (pángbiān) 旁边儿 (旁边) beside, next to, alongside of;the side 4 3 FSI-Chinese shàngbianr (shàngbian) 上边儿 (上边) above, the top, the upper part 4 3 FSI-Chinese shūdiàn 书店 bookstore 4 3 FSI-Chinese xiàbianr (xiàbian) 下边儿 (下边) below, under; the bottom, the lower part 4 3 FSI-Chinese Xǐnhuá Shūdiàn 新华书店 New China Bookstore (Běijīng) 4 3 FSI-Chinese yíge 一个 a, an 4 3 FSI-Chinese yuǎn 远 to be far 4 3 FSI-Chinese zhōngjiānr (zhōngjiànr) (zhōngjiān) 中间二 (中间) the middle, the space in between 4 3 FSI-Chinese zhuǎn 转 to turn 4 3 FSI-Chinese zǒuzhe 走着 walking 4 3 FSI-Chinese dài biǎo 戴表 to wear a watch 4 3 FSI-Chinese Hàn-Rì zìdiǎn 汉日字典 Chinese-Japanese dictionary 4 3 FSI-Chinese niàn 年 to be pronounced, to be read as 4 3 FSI-Chinese Rì-Hàn zìdiǎn 日汉字点 Japanese-Chinese dictionary 4 3 FSI-Chinese yíjiàn yīshang 一件以上 a piece of clothing 4 3 FSI-Chinese zǎo 早 to be early 4 3 FSI-Chinese zǒu dào 走到 to walk to 4 3 FSI-Chinese