1 Qǐngwèn, cāntīng zài jǐlóu? 请问,餐厅在几楼? May I ask, on what floor is the dining room? èr 二 second Qǐngwèn, cāntīng zài èrlóu, duì bu dui? 请问,餐厅在二楼,对不对? May I ask, the dining room is on the second floor. Is that correct? 4 4 FSI-Chinese 2 Qǐngwèn, cèsuǒ zài jǐlóu? 请问厕所在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are the toilettes? sān 三 third Qǐngwèn, cèsuǒ zài sānlóu, duì bu dui? 请问厕所在三楼,对不对? May I ask, the toilettes are on the third floor. Is that correct? 4 4 FSI-Chinese 3 Qǐngwèn, mài tángde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖糖的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are candies sold? wǔ 五 fifth Qǐngwèn, mài tángde zài wǔlóu, duì bu dui? 请问,卖糖的在五楼,对不对? May I ask, the candies seller is on the fifth floor. Is that correct? 4 4 FSI-Chinese 4 Qǐngwèn, mài shūde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖书的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are books sold? sì 四 fourth Qǐngwèn, mài shūde zài sìlóu, duì bu dui? 请问,卖书的在四楼,对不对? May I ask, the bookseller is on the fourth floor. Is that correct? 4 4 FSI-Chinese 5 Qǐngwèn, mài huāpíngde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖花瓶的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are vases sold? liù 六 sixth Qǐngwèn, mài huāpíngde zài liùlóu, duì bu dui? 请问,卖花瓶的在六楼,对不对? 请问,卖花瓶的在几楼May I ask, the vases seller is on the sixth floor. Is that correct? 4 4 FSI-Chinese 6 Qǐngwèn, mài yǔsǎnde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖雨伞的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are umbrella sold? sān 三 third Qǐngwèn, mài yǔsǎnde zài sānlóu, duì bu dui? 请问,卖雨伞的在三楼,对不对? ,对不对?May I ask, the umbrellas seller is on the third floor. Is that correct? 4 4 FSI-Chinese 7 Qǐngwèn, mài féizàode zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖肥皂的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are soap sold? èr 二 second Qǐngwèn, mài féizàode zài èrlóu, duì bu dui? 请问,卖肥皂的在二楼,对不对? May I ask, the soap seller is on the second floor. Is that correct? 4 4 FSI-Chinese