Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Xiàle diàntī wàng yòu zǒu jiù shi mài dìtúde. 下了电梯往右走就是卖地图的。 The map department is [just] to the right when you get off the elevator. Duìbuqǐ, xiàle diàntī wàng nǎbian zǒu jiù shi mài dìtúde? 对不起,下了电梯往哪边走就是卖地图的? Excuse me, once I get off the elevator, which way is the map department? 2 Xiàle diàntī wàng zuǒ zǒu jiù shì mài shūde. 下了电梯往左走就是卖书的。 The map bookstore is [just] to the left when you get off the elevator. Duìbuqǐ, xiàle diàntī wàng nǎbian zǒu jiù shi mài shūde? 对不起,下了电梯往哪边走就是卖书的? Excuse me, once I get off the elevator, which way is the bookstore? 3 Xiàle diàntī wàng hòu zǒu jiù shì mài huāpíngde. 下了电梯往后走就是卖花瓶的。 The store which sells vases is [just] backwards when you get off the elevator. Duìbuqǐ, xiàle diàntī wàng nǎbian zǒu jiù shi mài huāpíngde? 对不起,下了电梯往哪边走就是卖花瓶的? Excuse me, once I get off the elevator, which way is the store which sells vases? 4 Xiàle diàntī wàng yòu yìzhí zǒu jiù shì mài yǔsǎnde. 下了电梯往右一直走就是卖雨伞的。 The store which sells umbrellas is [just] to the right when you get off the elevator. Duìbuqǐ, xiàle diàntī wàng nǎbian zǒu jiù shi mài yǔsǎnde? 对不起,下了电梯往哪边走就是卖雨伞的? Excuse me, once I get off the elevator, which way is the store which sells umbrellas? 5 Xiàle diàntī wàng zuǒ yìzhí zǒu jiù shì mài tángde. 下了电梯往左一直走就是卖糖的。 The store which sells candies is [just] to the left when you get off the elevator. Duìbuqǐ, xiàle diàntī wàng nǎbian zǒu jiù shi mài tángde? 对不起,下了电梯往哪边走就是卖糖的? Excuse me, once I get off the elevator, which way is the store which sells candies? 6 Xiàle diàntī wàng nàbian yìzhí zǒu jiù shì mài pánziwǎnde. 下了电梯往那边一直走就是卖盘子晚的。 The store which sells dishes is just other there all the way when you get off the elevator. Duìbuqǐ, xiàle diàntī wàng nǎbian zǒu jiù shi mài pánziwǎnde? 对不起,下了电梯往哪边走就是卖盘子晚的? Excuse me, once I get off the elevator, which way is the store which sells dishes? 7 Xiàle diàntī wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu jiù shì mài zìdiǎnde. 下了电梯往后一直走就是卖字典的。 The store which sells dictionaries is just backwards when you get off the elevator. Duìbuqǐ, xiàle diàntī wàng nǎbian zǒu jiù shi mài zìdiǎnde? 对不起,下了电梯往哪边走就是卖字典的? Excuse me, once I get off the elevator, which way is the store which sells dictionaries?