Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Qǐngwèn, xíshǒujiān zài shénme dìfang? 请问,洗手间在什么地方? May I ask, where is the washroom? Cuelóutī pángbiān 楼梯旁边 beside the staircase Zài nàli, zài lóutī pángbiān. 在那里,在楼梯旁边。 It’s there, beside the staircase. 2 Qǐngwèn, cěsuǒ zài shénme dìfang? 请问,厕所在什么地方? May I ask, where 阿热他和? Cuelóutī yòubian 楼梯右边 to the right of the stairs Zài nàli, zài lóutī yòubian. 在那里,在楼梯右边。 It’s there, to the right of the stairs. 3 Qǐngwèn, lóutī zài shénme dìfang? 请问,楼梯在什么地方? MMay I ask, where is the elevator? Cuehòubian 后边 in the back Zài nàli, zài hòubian. 在那里,在后边。 It’s there, in the back. 4 Qǐngwèn, cāntīng zài shénme dìfang? 请问,餐厅在什么地方? May I ask, where is the restaurant? Cuezuǒbian 左边 on the lef Zài nàli, zài zuǒbian. 在那里,在左边。 It’s there, on the left. 5 Qǐngwèn, mài huāpíngde zài shénme dìfang? 请问,卖花瓶的在什么地方? May I ask, where is the store which sells vases? Cuediàntī pángbiān 电梯旁边 next to the elevator Zài nàli, zài diàntī pángbiān. 在那里,在电梯旁边。 It’s there, next to the elevator。 6 Qǐngwèn, mài féizàode zài shénme dìfang? 请问,卖肥皂的在什么地方? May I ask, where is the store wich sells sopa? Cuelóutī pángbiān 楼梯旁边 by the stairs. Zài nàli, zài lóutī pángbiān. 在那里,在楼梯旁边。 It’s there, by the stairs. 7 Qǐngwèn, mài pánziwǎnde zài shénme dìfang? 请问,卖盘子晚的在什么地方? May I ask, where is the store which sells dishes? Cuelóutī zuǒbian 楼梯左边 on the left of the stairs Zài nàli, zài lóutī zuǒbian. 在那里,在楼梯左边。 It’s there, on the left of the stairs.