Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Qǐngwèn, cèsuǒ zài jǐlóu? 请问,厕所在几楼? May I ask, on what floor is the toilet? Cuemài shūde 卖书的 a place where they sell books Qǐngwèn, mài shūde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖书的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are books sold? 2 Qǐngwèn, mài shūde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖书的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are books sold? Cuemài píjiǔde 卖啤酒的 a place where they sell beer Qǐngwèn, mài píjiǔde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖啤酒的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor is beer sold? 3 Qǐngwèn, mài píjiǔde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖啤酒的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor is beer sold? Cuemài tángde 卖糖的 a place where they sell candies Qǐngwèn, mài tángde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖唐糖的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are candies sold? 4 Qǐngwèn, mài tángde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖唐糖的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are candies sold? Cuexiǎomàibù 小卖部 variety shop Qǐngwèn, xiǎomàibù zài jǐlóu? 请问,小卖部在几楼? May I ask, on what floor is the variety shop? 5 Qǐngwèn, xiǎomàibù zài jǐlóu? 请问,小卖部在几楼? May I ask, on what floor is the variety shop? Cuecèsuǒ 厕所 toilettes Qǐngwèn, cèsuǒ zài jǐlóu? 请问,厕所在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are the toilettes? 6 Qǐngwèn, cèsuǒ zài jǐlóu? 请问,厕所在几楼? May I ask, on what floor is the toilet? Cuemài huāpíngde 卖花瓶的 a place where they sell vases Qǐngwèn, mài huāpíngde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖花瓶的在几楼? May I ask, on what follt are vases sold?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Qǐngwèn, cāntīng zài jǐlóu? 请问,餐厅在几楼? May I ask, on what floor is the dining room? Cueèr second Qǐngwèn, cāntīng zài èrlóu, duì bu dui? 请问,餐厅在二楼,对不对? May I ask, the dining room is on the second floor. Is that correct? 2 Qǐngwèn, cèsuǒ zài jǐlóu? 请问厕所在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are the toilettes? Cuesān third Qǐngwèn, cèsuǒ zài sānlóu, duì bu dui? 请问厕所在三楼,对不对? May I ask, the toilettes are on the third floor. Is that correct? 3 Qǐngwèn, mài tángde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖糖的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are candies sold? Cue fifth Qǐngwèn, mài tángde zài wǔlóu, duì bu dui? 请问,卖糖的在五楼,对不对? May I ask, the candies seller is on the fifth floor. Is that correct? 4 Qǐngwèn, mài shūde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖书的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are books sold? Cue fourth Qǐngwèn, mài shūde zài sìlóu, duì bu dui? 请问,卖书的在四楼,对不对? May I ask, the bookseller is on the fourth floor. Is that correct? 5 Qǐngwèn, mài huāpíngde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖花瓶的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are vases sold? Cueliù sixth Qǐngwèn, mài huāpíngde zài liùlóu, duì bu dui? 请问,卖花瓶的在六楼,对不对? 请问,卖花瓶的在几楼May I ask, the vases seller is on the sixth floor. Is that correct? 6 Qǐngwèn, mài yǔsǎnde zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖雨伞的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are umbrella sold? Cuesān third Qǐngwèn, mài yǔsǎnde zài sānlóu, duì bu dui? 请问,卖雨伞的在三楼,对不对? ,对不对?May I ask, the umbrellas seller is on the third floor. Is that correct? 7 Qǐngwèn, mài féizàode zài jǐlóu? 请问,卖肥皂的在几楼? May I ask, on what floor are soap sold? Cueèr second Qǐngwèn, mài féizàode zài èrlóu, duì bu dui? 请问,卖肥皂的在二楼,对不对? May I ask, the soap seller is on the second floor. Is that correct?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Wǒ yào mǎi shū. 我要买书。 I want to buy a book. Cueshūdiàn 书店 bookstore Wǒ yào mǎi shū. Qǐngwèn, zhèr fùjìn yǒu meiyou shūdiàn? 我要买书。请问,这儿附近有没有书店? I want to buy a book. May I ask, is there a bookstore around here? 2 Wǒ yào mǎi táng. 我要买糖。 I want to buy candies. Cuemài tángde 卖糖的 a place where they sell candies Wǒ yào mǎi táng. Qǐngwèn, zhèr fùjìn yǒu meiyou mài tángde? 我要买糖请问,这儿附近有没有卖糖的? I want to buy candies. May I ask, is there a place where I can buy candies nearby? 3 Wǒ yào mǎi dìtú. 我要买地图。 I want to buy maps. Cueshūdiàn 书店 bookstore Wǒ yào mǎi dìtú. Qǐngwèn, zhèr fùjìn yǒu meiyou shūdiàn? 我要买地图。请问,这儿附近有没有书店? I want to buy maps. May I ask, is there a place where I can buy maps nearby? 4 Wǒ yào huàn qián. 我要换钱。 I want to change money. Cueyínháng 银行 bank Wǒ yào huàn qián. Qǐngwèn, zhèr fùjìn yǒu meiyou yínháng? 我要换钱。请问,这儿附近有没有银行? I want to change money.May I ask, is there place where I can change money nearby? 5 Wǒ yào kàn diànyǐng. 我要看电影。 I want to watch a movie. Cuediànyǐngyuàn 电影院 movie theater Wǒ yào kàn diànyǐng. Qǐngwèn, zhèr fùjìn yǒu meiyou diànyǐngyuàn? 我要看电影请问,这儿附近有没有电影院? I want to watch a movie. May I ask, is there a movie theater nearby? 6 Wǒ yào mǎi bào. 我要买报。 I want to buy a newspaper. Cuemài bàode 卖报的 a place where they sell newspapers Wǒ yào mǎi bào. Qǐngwèn, zhèr fùjìn yǒu meiyou mài bàode? 我要买报。请问,这儿附近有没有卖报的? I want to buy a newspaper. May I ask, is there a place where I can buy a newspaper nearby? 7 Wǒ yào mǎi féizào. 我要买肥皂。 I want to buy a bar of soap. Cueshāngdiàn 商店 store Wǒ yào mǎi féizào. Qǐngwèn, zhèr fùjìn yǒu meiyou shāngdiàn? 我要买肥皂。请问,这儿附近有没有商店? I want to buy a bar of soap. May I ask, is there a place where I can buy soap nearby?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Jǐlóu mài dìtú? 几楼卖地图? On what floor are maps sold? CueÈrlóu 二楼 second floor Èrlóu yǒu meiyou mài dìtúde? 二楼有没有卖地图的? On the second floor is there a place where maps are sold? 2 Jǐlóu mài huāpíng? 几楼卖花瓶? On what floor are vases sold? CueSānlóu 三楼 third floor Sānlóu yǒu meiyou mài huāpíngde? 三楼有没有卖花瓶的? On the third floor is there a place where vases are sold? 3 Jǐlóu mài táng? 几楼卖糖? On what floor are candies sold? CueWǔlóu 五楼 fifth floor Wǔlóu yǒu meiyou mài tángde? 五楼有没有卖糖的? On the fifth floor is there a place where maps are sold? 4 Jǐlóu mài pánziwǎn? 几楼卖盘子晚? On what floor are dishes sold? CueSānlóu 三楼 third floor Sānlóu yǒu meiyou mài pánziwǎnde? 三楼没有卖盘子晚的? On the third floor is there a place where dishes are sold? 5 Jǐlóu mài féizào? 几楼卖肥皂? On what floor is soap sold? CueSìlóu 四楼 fourth floor Sìlóu yǒu meiyou mài féizàode? 四楼没有卖肥皂的? On the fourth floor is there a place where soap is sold? 6 Jǐlóu mài zázhì? 几楼卖杂志? On what floor are magazines sold? CueLiùlóu 六楼 sixth floor Liùlóu yǒu meiyou mài zázhìde? 六楼没有卖杂志的? On the sixth floor is there a place where magazines are sold? 7 Jǐlóu mài yǔsǎn? 几楼卖雨伞? On what floor are umbrellas sold? CueWǔlóu 无漏 fifth flour Wǔlóu yǒu meiyou mài yǔsǎnde? 无漏没有卖雨伞的? On the fifth floor is there a place where umbrellas are sold?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Nín zuò diàntī dào èrlóu. 您坐电梯到二楼。 Take the elevator to the second floor. Cuenèibian 那边 over there Òu, zuò diàntī dào èrlóu, xiàle diàntī, wàng nèibian zǒu, duì bu dui? 哦坐电梯到二楼,下了电梯,往那边走对不对? Oh, I take the elevator to the second floor. After I have gotten off the elevator, I go that way. Is that correct? 2 Nín zuò diàntī dào sìlóu. 您坐电梯到四楼。 Take the elevator to the fourth floor. Cueyòu on the right Òu, zuò diàntī dào sìlóu, xiàle diàntī wàng yòu zǒu, duì bu dui? 哦坐电梯到四楼,下了电梯,往右走对不对? 下了电梯坐电梯到Oh, I take the elevator to the fouth floor. After I have gotten off the elevator, I go that way. Is that correct? 3 Nín zuò diàntī dào wǔlóu. 您坐电梯到五楼。 Take the elevator to the fifth floor. Cuezuǒ on the left Òu, zuò diàntī dào wǔlóu, xiàle diàntī wàng zuǒ zǒu, duì bu dui? 哦坐电梯到五楼,下了电梯,往左走对不对? Oh, I take the elevator to the fifth floor. After I have gotten off the elevator, I go that way. Is that correct? 4 Nín zuò diàntī dào liùlóu. 您坐电梯到六楼。 Take the elevator to the sixth floor. Cueyìzhí 一直 straight ahead Òu, zuò diàntī dào liùlóu, xiàle diàntī yìzhí zǒu, duì bu dui? 哦坐电梯到六楼,下了电梯,一直走对不对? Oh, I take the elevator to the sixth floor. After I have gotten off the elevator, I go that way. Is that correct? 5 Nín zuò diàntī dào sānlóu. 您坐电梯到三楼。 Take the elevator to the third floor. Cuewǎng yòu yìzhí 往右一直 go right Òu, zuò diàntī dào sānlóu, xiàle diàntī wàng yòu yìzhí zǒu, duì bu dui? 哦坐电梯到三楼,下了电梯,往往右一直,对不对? Oh, I take the elevator to the third floor. After I have gotten off the elevator, I go that way. Is that correct? 6 Nín zuò diàntī dào qīlóu. 您坐电梯到七楼。 Take the elevator to the seventh floor. Cuenèibian 那边 other there Òu, zuò diàntī dào qīlóu, xiàle diàntī wàng nèibian zǒu, duì bu dui? 哦坐电梯到七楼,下了电梯,往那边走对不对? Oh, I take the elevator to the seventh floor. After I have gotten off the elevator, I go that way. Is that correct? 7 Nín zuò diàntī dào èrlóu. 您坐电梯到二楼。 Take the elevator to the second floor. Cuezuǒbian 左边 on the right Òu, zuò diàntī dào èrlóu, xiàle diàntī wàng zuǒbian zǒu, duì bu dui? 哦坐电梯到二楼,下了电梯,往左边走对不对? Oh, I take the elevator to the second floor. After I have gotten off the elevator, I go that way. Is that correct?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Wǒ xiān cóng zhèli wàng yòu zǒu. 我先从这里往右走。 First, I go from here to the right. Cuexià lóu 下楼 downstairs Wǒ xiān cóng zhèli wàng yòu zǒu. Ránhòu xià lóu jiù kànjian le, shì bu shi? 我想从这里往右走。然后下楼就看见了,是不是? First, I go from here to the right. Then I go downstairs, and I’ll see it. Right? 2 Wǒ xiān cóng zhèli wàng zuǒ zǒu. 我先从这里往左走。 First, I go from here to the left. Cueshàng lóu 上楼 upstairs Wǒ xiān cóng zhèli wàng zuǒ zǒu. Ránhòu shàng lóu jiù kànjian le, shì bu shi? 我先从这里往左走。然后上楼就看见了,是不是? First, I go from here to the left. Then I go upstairs, and I’ll see it. Right? 3 Wǒ xiān cóng zhèli wàng hòu zǒu. 我先从这里往后走。 First, I go back from here. Cuexià lóu 下楼 downstairs Wǒ xiān cóng zhèli wàng hòu zǒu. Ránhòu xià lóu jiù kànjian le, shì bu shi? 我先从这里往后走。然后下楼看见了,是不是 ? First, I go back from here. Then I go downstairs, and I’ll see it. Right? 4 Wǒ xiān cóng zhèli wàng nàbian zǒu. 我先从这里往那边走。 First, I go from here over there. Cueshàng lóu 上楼 upstairs Wǒ xiān cóng zhèli wàng nàbian zǒu. Ránhòu shàng lóu jiù kànjian le, shì bu shi? 我先从这里往那边走。然后上楼就看见了,是不是? First, I go from here over here. Then I go downstairs, and I’ll see it. Right? 5 Wǒ xiān cóng zhèli wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu. 我先从这里往后一直走。 First, I go straight from here onwards. Cuexià lóu 下楼 downstairs Wǒ xiān cóng zhèli wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu. Ránhòu xià lóu jiù kànjian le, shì bu shi? 我先从这里往后一直走。然后下楼看见了,是不是? First, I go straight from here onwards. Then I go downstairs, I’ll see it. Right? 6 Wǒ xiān cóng zhèli wàng yòu yìzhí zǒu. 我先从这里往右一直走。 First, I go straight from here to the right. Cueshàng lóu 上楼 upstairs Wǒ xiān cóng zhèli wàng yòu yìzhí zǒu. Ránhòu shàng lóu jiù kànjian le, shì bu shi? 我先从这里往右一直走。然后上楼就看见了,是不是? First, I go straight from here to the right. Then I go upstairs, I’ll see it. Right? 7 Wǒ xiān cóng zhèli wàng zuǒ yìzhí zǒu. 我先从这里往左一直走。 First, I go straight from here to the left. Cuexià lóu 下楼 downstairs Wǒ xiān cóng zhèli wàng zuǒ yìzhí zǒu. Ránhòu xià lóu jiù kànjian le, shì bu shi? 我先从这里往左一直走。然后下楼就看见了,是不是? First, I go straight from here to the left, I’ll see it. Right?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Xiàle diàntī wàng yòu zǒu jiù shi mài dìtúde. 下了电梯往右走就是卖地图的。 The map department is [just] to the right when you get off the elevator. Duìbuqǐ, xiàle diàntī wàng nǎbian zǒu jiù shi mài dìtúde? 对不起,下了电梯往哪边走就是卖地图的? Excuse me, once I get off the elevator, which way is the map department? 2 Xiàle diàntī wàng zuǒ zǒu jiù shì mài shūde. 下了电梯往左走就是卖书的。 The map bookstore is [just] to the left when you get off the elevator. Duìbuqǐ, xiàle diàntī wàng nǎbian zǒu jiù shi mài shūde? 对不起,下了电梯往哪边走就是卖书的? Excuse me, once I get off the elevator, which way is the bookstore? 3 Xiàle diàntī wàng hòu zǒu jiù shì mài huāpíngde. 下了电梯往后走就是卖花瓶的。 The store which sells vases is [just] backwards when you get off the elevator. Duìbuqǐ, xiàle diàntī wàng nǎbian zǒu jiù shi mài huāpíngde? 对不起,下了电梯往哪边走就是卖花瓶的? Excuse me, once I get off the elevator, which way is the store which sells vases? 4 Xiàle diàntī wàng yòu yìzhí zǒu jiù shì mài yǔsǎnde. 下了电梯往右一直走就是卖雨伞的。 The store which sells umbrellas is [just] to the right when you get off the elevator. Duìbuqǐ, xiàle diàntī wàng nǎbian zǒu jiù shi mài yǔsǎnde? 对不起,下了电梯往哪边走就是卖雨伞的? Excuse me, once I get off the elevator, which way is the store which sells umbrellas? 5 Xiàle diàntī wàng zuǒ yìzhí zǒu jiù shì mài tángde. 下了电梯往左一直走就是卖糖的。 The store which sells candies is [just] to the left when you get off the elevator. Duìbuqǐ, xiàle diàntī wàng nǎbian zǒu jiù shi mài tángde? 对不起,下了电梯往哪边走就是卖糖的? Excuse me, once I get off the elevator, which way is the store which sells candies? 6 Xiàle diàntī wàng nàbian yìzhí zǒu jiù shì mài pánziwǎnde. 下了电梯往那边一直走就是卖盘子晚的。 The store which sells dishes is just other there all the way when you get off the elevator. Duìbuqǐ, xiàle diàntī wàng nǎbian zǒu jiù shi mài pánziwǎnde? 对不起,下了电梯往哪边走就是卖盘子晚的? Excuse me, once I get off the elevator, which way is the store which sells dishes? 7 Xiàle diàntī wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu jiù shì mài zìdiǎnde. 下了电梯往后一直走就是卖字典的。 The store which sells dictionaries is just backwards when you get off the elevator. Duìbuqǐ, xiàle diàntī wàng nǎbian zǒu jiù shi mài zìdiǎnde? 对不起,下了电梯往哪边走就是卖字典的? Excuse me, once I get off the elevator, which way is the store which sells dictionaries?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Nǐ wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu, shàng lóu, zuǒbian jiù shì. 你往后一直走,上楼,左边就是。 Go straight to the back, up the stairs, and it’s on the left. Hǎo, wǒ wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu, shàng lóu wàng zuǒ zǒu, jiù kànjian le, shì bu shi? 好,我往后一直走,就看见了,是不是? Okay, I go directly to the back, upstairs and to the left, and I'll see it, right? 2 Nǐ wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu, shàng lóu, yòubian jiù shì. 你往后一直走,上楼,右边就是。 You go straight back, go upstairs, and it's on the right. Hǎo, wǒ wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu, shàng lóu, wàng yòu zǒu, jiù kànjian le, shì bu shi? 好,我往后一直走,上楼,往右走,就看见了,是不是? Okay, I'll go straight back, go upstairs, go to the right, and I'll see it, right? 3 Nǐ wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu, xià lóu, zuǒbian jiù shì. 你往后一直走,下楼,左边就是。 You go straight back, down the stairs, and it's on the left. Hǎo, wǒ wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu, xià lóu, wàng zuǒbian zǒu, jiù kànjian le, shì bu shi? 好,我往后一直走,下楼,往左边走就看见了,是不是? Okay, I'll go straight back, down the stairs, go to the left and I'll see it, right? 4 Nǐ wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu, xià lóu, yòubian jiù shì. 你往后一直走,下楼,右边就是。 You go straight back, down the stairs, and it's on the right. Hǎo, wǒ wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu, xià lóu, wàng yòubian zǒu, jiù kànjian le, shì bu shi? 好,我往后一直走,下楼,往右边走就看见了,是不是? Okay, I'll go straight back, go downstairs, go to the right and I'll see it, right? 5 Nǐ wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu, shàng lóu, duìmiàn jiù shì. 你往后一直走,上楼,对面就是。 You go straight back, go upstairs, and it is opposite. Hǎo, wǒ wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu, shàng lóu, yìzhí zǒu, jiù kànjian le, shì bu shi? 好,我往后一直走,上楼,一直走就看见了,是不是? Okay, I'll keep walking back, upstairs, and I'll see it as soon as I keep walking, right? 6 Nǐ wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu, shàng lóu, yòubian jiù shì. 你往后一直走,上楼,右边就是。 You go straight back, go upstairs, it's on the right. Hǎo, wǒ wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu, shàng lóu, wàng yòubian zǒu, jiù kànjian le, shì bu shi? 好,我往后一直走,上楼,往右边走就看见了,是不是? Okay, I'll go straight back, go upstairs, go to the right and I'll see it, right? 7 Nǐ wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu, xià lóu, duìmiàn jiù shì. 你往后一直走,下楼,对面就是。 You go straight back, down the stairs, it's on the opposite. Hǎo, wǒ wàng hòu yìzhí zǒu, xià lóu, yìzhí zǒu, jiù kànjian le, shì bu shi? 好,我往后一直走,下楼,一直走就看见了,是不是? Okay, I'll keep walking back, down the stairs, and I'll see it as soon as I keep walking, right?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Xǐshǒujiān zài shénme dìfang? 洗手间在什么地方? Where is the washroom? CueCèsuǒ 厕所 toilettes Cèsuǒ zài shénme dìfang? 厕所在什么地方? Where are the toilettes? 2 Cèsuǒ zài shénme dìfang? 厕所在什么地方? Where are the toilettes? Cuelóutī 楼梯 escalator Lóutī zài shénme dìfang? 楼梯在什么地方? Where is the escalator? 3 Lóutī zài shénme dìfang? 楼梯在什么地方? Where is the lift? Cuediàntī 电梯 lift Diàntī zài shénme dìfang? 电梯在什么地方? Where is the lift? 4 Diàntī zài shénme dìfang? 电梯在什么地方? Where is the elevator? Cuemài bàode 卖报的 the store which sells newspapers Mài bàode zài shénme dìfang? 卖报的在什么地方? Where is the store which sells newspapers? 5 Mài bàode zài shénme dìfang? 卖报的在什么地方? Where is the store which sells newspapers? Cue mài yǔsǎnde 卖雨伞的 the store which sells umbrellas Mài yǔsǎnde zài shénme dìfang? 卖报的在什么地方? Where is the store which sells umbrellas? 6 Mài yǔsǎnde zài shénme dìfang? 卖雨伞的在什么地方? Where is the store which sells umbrellas? Cue cāntīng 餐厅 the restaurant Cāntīng zài shénme dìfang? 餐厅在什么地方? Where is the restaurant?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Qǐngwèn, xíshǒujiān zài shénme dìfang? 请问,洗手间在什么地方? May I ask, where is the washroom? Cuelóutī pángbiān 楼梯旁边 beside the staircase Zài nàli, zài lóutī pángbiān. 在那里,在楼梯旁边。 It’s there, beside the staircase. 2 Qǐngwèn, cěsuǒ zài shénme dìfang? 请问,厕所在什么地方? May I ask, where 阿热他和? Cuelóutī yòubian 楼梯右边 to the right of the stairs Zài nàli, zài lóutī yòubian. 在那里,在楼梯右边。 It’s there, to the right of the stairs. 3 Qǐngwèn, lóutī zài shénme dìfang? 请问,楼梯在什么地方? MMay I ask, where is the elevator? Cuehòubian 后边 in the back Zài nàli, zài hòubian. 在那里,在后边。 It’s there, in the back. 4 Qǐngwèn, cāntīng zài shénme dìfang? 请问,餐厅在什么地方? May I ask, where is the restaurant? Cuezuǒbian 左边 on the lef Zài nàli, zài zuǒbian. 在那里,在左边。 It’s there, on the left. 5 Qǐngwèn, mài huāpíngde zài shénme dìfang? 请问,卖花瓶的在什么地方? May I ask, where is the store which sells vases? Cuediàntī pángbiān 电梯旁边 next to the elevator Zài nàli, zài diàntī pángbiān. 在那里,在电梯旁边。 It’s there, next to the elevator。 6 Qǐngwèn, mài féizàode zài shénme dìfang? 请问,卖肥皂的在什么地方? May I ask, where is the store wich sells sopa? Cuelóutī pángbiān 楼梯旁边 by the stairs. Zài nàli, zài lóutī pángbiān. 在那里,在楼梯旁边。 It’s there, by the stairs. 7 Qǐngwèn, mài pánziwǎnde zài shénme dìfang? 请问,卖盘子晚的在什么地方? May I ask, where is the store which sells dishes? Cuelóutī zuǒbian 楼梯左边 on the left of the stairs Zài nàli, zài lóutī zuǒbian. 在那里,在楼梯左边。 It’s there, on the left of the stairs.