1. Nǐ zhīdao Dóngdān Diànyǐngyuàn shì bu shi zài zhèr fùjìn? 你知道动荡电影院是不是在这儿附近? Do you know whether the Dōngdān Movie Theater is in this area? 4 2 FSI-Chinese Shì. 是。 Yes. 4 2 FSI-Chinese 2. Cóng zhèr dào Dōngdān Diànyǐngyuàn qù, zěnme zǒu? 从这儿到动荡电影院去,怎么走? How do I get from here to the Dōngdān Movie Theater? 4 2 FSI-Chinese Chūle zhèige fàndiàn wāng dōng zǒu. 出了这个饭店往东走。 When you have gone out of the hotel, walk to the east. 4 2 FSI-Chinese Dàole dìèrge lùkǒur, běibianr shi Dōngdān Càishichǎng. 到了第二个路口,北边儿是动荡菜市场。 When you have reached the second intersection, on the north side is the Dōngdān Market. 4 2 FSI-Chinese Nánbianr shi Dōngdān Gōngyuán. 南边儿是动荡公园。 On the south side is Dōngdān Park. 4 2 FSI-Chinese Diànyǐngyuàn jiù zài Dōngdān Càishichǎngde xībianr. 电影院在动荡菜市场的西边儿。 The movie theater is just on the west side of the Dōngdān Market. 4 2 FSI-Chinese 3. Qù kàn diànyǐng yǐqián, wǒ xiān qù kàn yige péngyou. 去看电影以前,我先去看一个朋友。 Before I go to see the movie, I am first going to visit a friend. 4 2 FSI-Chinese 4. Fàndiàn lǐbianr yǒu meiyou mài tángde? 饭店里边儿有没有买湯的? Is there a place to buy candy in the hotel? 4 2 FSI-Chinese Yǒu. Yǒu yige xiǎomàipù. Zài nèibianr. 有。有一个小买铺。在那边儿。 Yes. There's a variety shop. It’s over there. 4 2 FSI-Chinese 5. wàibianr (wàibian) 外边儿 outside 4 2 FSI-Chinese 6. yǐhòu 以后 after 4 2 FSI-Chinese 7. yòubianr (yòubian) 右边儿 right side 4 2 FSI-Chinese 8. zuǒbianr (zuǒbian) 左边儿 left side 4 2 FSI-Chinese 9. xiǎoxué 小学 elementary school 4 2 FSI-Chinese 10. zhōngxué 中学 middle school (the equivalent of Junior and senior high school) 4 2 FSI-Chinese