Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Dào Běijīng Zhǎnlǎnguǎn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到北京展览馆有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Beijing Exhibition Center? CueMínzú Fàndiàn 民族饭店 Ethnic Hotel Dào Mínzú Fàndiàn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到民族饭店有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to the Nationalities Hotel? 2. Dào Mínzú Fàndiàn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到民族饭店有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to National People's Hotel? CueSǎnlítún 三里屯 Sanlitun Dào Sǎnlítún yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到三里屯有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Sanlitun? 3. Dào Sǎnlítún yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到三里屯有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Sanlitun? CueXīdān 西单 Xidan Dào Xīdān yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到西单有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Xidan? 4. Dào Xīdān yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到西单有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Xidan? CueDōngdān Càishichǎng 东单菜市场 Dongdan Market Dào Dōngdān Càishichǎng yǒu meiyou zhídáchē ? 到东单菜市场有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Dongdan Market? 5. Dào Dōngdān Càishichǎng yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到东单菜市场有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Dongdan Market? CueDōngdān Diànyǐngyuàn 东单电影院 Dongdan Cinema Dào Dōngdān Diànyǐngyuàn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到东单电影院有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Dongdan cinema? 6. Dào Dōngdān Diànyǐngyuàn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到东单电影院有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Dongdan cinema? CueJiānádà Wǔguānchù 加拿大武官処 Canadian Embassy Dào Jiānádà Wǔguānchù yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到加拿大武官処有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Canada Military Office? 7. Dào Jiānádà Wǔguānchù you meiyou zhídáchē? 到加拿大武官処有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Canada Military Office? CueSǎnlítún 三里屯 Sanlitun Dào Sǎnlítún yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到三里屯有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Sanlitun?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Dào Běijīng Zhǎnlǎnguǎn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到北京展览馆有没有直达车? is there a direct bus to the Běijīng Exhibition Hall? CueXīdān 西单 Xīdān Méiyou, děi zài Xīdān huàn chē. 没有,得在西单换车。 There isn’t. You have to change buses at Xīdān. 2. Dào Sǎnlítún yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到三里屯有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Sanlitun? CueDōngdān 东单 Dōngdān Méiyou, děi zài Dōngdān huàn chē. 没有,得在东单换车。 No, you have to change the bus in Dongdan. 3. Dào Guānghuá Lù yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到光华路有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Guanghua Road? Cuetāmen nàr by them 他们那儿 Méiyou, děi zài tāmen nàr huàn chē. 没有,得在他们那儿换车。 4. Dào Dōngdān Diànyǐngyuan yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到东单有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Dongdan? CueQiánmén 前门 Qiánmén Méiyou, děi zài Qiánmén huàn chē. 没有,得在前门换车。 No, you have to change the bus. 5. Dào Jiānádà Wǔguānchù yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到武官処有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Wukan Beach? CueXīdān 西单 Xīdān Méiyou, děi zài Xīdān huàn chē. 没有,得在西单换车。 No, you have to change at Xidan. 6. Dào Qiánmén yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到前门有没有直达车? Is there any direct bus to Qianmen? CueDōngdān 东单 Dōngdān Méiyou, děi zài Dōngdān huàn chē. 没有,得在东单换车。 No, you have to change the bus in Dongdan. 7. Dào Wángfǔjǐng Dàjiē yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到王府井大街有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Wangfujing Street? Cuecàishichǎng nàr 菜市场 by the market Méiyou, děi zài càishichǎng nàr huàn chē. 没有,得在菜市场换车。 No, have to change the bus at the food market.
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. dào nàr qù 到那儿去 to go there Cue what number Dào nàr qù zuò jǐlù chē? 到那儿去坐几路车? What [number] bus do you take to go there? 2. dào zhǎnlǎnguǎn qù 到展览馆去 to go to the exhibition hall Cue3 3 3 Dào zhǎnlǎnguǎn qù zuò Sānlù chē. 到展览馆去坐三路车。 To go to the exhibition hall, take the Number 3 bus. 3. dào Dōngdān qù 到东单去 to do to Dōngdān Cue3 3 3 Dào Dōngdān qù zuò Sānlù chē. 到东单去坐三路车。 To go to Dōngdān take the Number 3 bus. 4. dào nàr qù 到那儿去 to go there Cue what number Dào nàr qù zuò jǐlù chē? 到那儿去坐几路车? What [number] bus do you take to go there? 5. dào Xīnhuá Shūdiàn qù 到新华书店去 to go to the Xīnhuá bookstore Cue1 1 1 Dào Xīnhuá Shūdiàn qù zuò Yīlù chē. 到新华书店去坐一路车。 To go to Xīnhuá bookstore take the Number 1 bus. 6. dào Sānlǐtún qù 到三里屯去 to go to Sānlǐtún Cue5 5 5 Dào Sānlǐtún qù zuò Wǔlù chē. 到三里屯去五路车。 To go to Sānlǐtún, take the Number 5 bus. 7. dào Dōngdān Càishichǎng qù 到东单菜市场去 to go to Dōngdān vegetable market Cue what number Dào Dōngdān Càishichǎng qù zuò jǐlù chē? 到东单菜市场去坐几路车? What [number] bus do you take to go to Dōngdān vegetable market.
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Nín xiān zuò Yīlù chē, zuò dao Xīdān huàn chē. 您先坐一路车,坐到西单换车。 You first take the Number 1 bus. Take it to Xīdān and change buses. Wǒ xiān zuò Yīlù chē, zuò dao Xīdān huàn chē, duì bu dui? 我先坐一路车,坐到西单换车,对不对。 I first take the Number 1 bus. I take it to Xīdān and change buses. Right? 2. Nín xiān zuò Sānlù chē, zuò dao Wángfǔjǐng Dàjiē huàn chē. 您先坐三路车,坐到王府井大街换车。 You first take the Number 3. Take it to Wángfǔjǐng boulevard and change buses. Wǒ xiān zuò Sānlù chē, zuò dao Wángfǔjǐng Dàjiē huàn chē, duì bu dui? 我先坐三路车,坐到王府井大街换车,对不对。 I first take the Number 3 bus. I take it to Wángfǔjǐng and change buses. Right? 3. Nín xiān zuò Liùlù chē, zuò dao Dōngdān huàn chē. 您先坐六路车,坐到东单换车。 You first take the Number 6. Take it to Dōngdān and change buses. Wo xiān zuò Liùlù chē, zuò dao Dōngdān huàn chē, duì bu dui? 我先坐六路车,坐到东单换车,对不对。 I first take the Number 6 bus. I take it to Dōngdān and change buses. Right? 4. Nín xiān zuò Wǔlù chē, zuò dao Qiánmén huàn chē. 您先坐五路车,坐到前门换车。 You first take the Number 5. Take it to Qiánmén and change buses. Wǒ xiān zuò Wǔlù chē, zuò dao huàn chē, duì bu dui? 我先坐五路车,坐到前门换车,对不对。 I first take the Number 5 bus. I take it to Qiánmén and change buses. Right? 5. Nín xiān zuò Shílù chē, zuò dao Sānlītǔn huàn chē. 您先坐十路车,坐到三里屯换车。 You first take the Number 10. Take it to Sānlītǔn and change buses. Wǒ xiān zuò Shílù chē, zuò dao Sānlītǔn huàn chē, duì bu dui? 我先坐十路车,坐到三里屯换车,对不对。 I first take the Number 10 bus. I take it to Sānlītǔn and change buses. Right? 6. Nín xiān zuò Qílù chē, zuò dao Rìtán Lù huàn chē. 您先坐七路车,坐到日坛路换车。 You first take the Number 7. Take it to Temple Road and change buses.Wǒ xiān zuò Qílù chē, zuò dao Rìtán Lù huàn chē, duì bu dui? 我先坐七路车,坐到日坛路换车,对不对。 I first take the Number 7 bus. I take it to Temple Road and change buses. Right? 7. Nín xiān zuò Shíèrlù chē, zuò dao Guānghuá Lù huàn chē. 您先坐十二路车,坐到光华路换车。 You first take the Number 12. Take it to Guānghuá road and change buses.Wǒ xiān zuò Shíèrlù chē, zuò dao Guānghuá Lù huàn chē, duì bu dui? 我先坐十二路车,坐到光华路换车,对不对。 I first take the Number 12 bus. I take it to Guānghuá road and change buses. Right?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Dào nàr qù xiān zuò Sānlù chē, ránhòu zuò Wǔlù chē. 到那儿去先坐三路车,然后坐五路车。 To go there, first take the Number 3 bus; then take the Number 5 bus. Wǒ xiān zuò Sānlù chē, ránhòu zuò Wǔlù chē. Qǐngwèn, zài nǎr huàn chē? 我先坐三路车,然后坐五路车。请问,在哪儿换车? I first take the Number 3 bus; then take the Number 5 bus. May I ask, where do I change buses? 2. Dào Zhǎnlǎnguǎn qù xiān zuò Yīlù chē, ránhòu zuò Sìlù chē. 到展览馆去先坐一路车,然后坐四路车。 To go to Zhǎnlǎnguǎn, first take the Number 1 bus; then take the Number 4 bus. Wǒ xiān zuò Yīlù chē, ránhòu zuò Sìlù chē. Qǐngwèn, zài nar huàn chē? 我先坐一路车,然后坐四路车。请问,在哪儿换车? I first take the Number 1 bus; then take the Number 4 bus. May I ask, where do I change buses? 3. Dào Wángfǔjǐng Dàjiē qù xiān zuò Èrlù chē, ránhòu zuò Wǔlù chē. 到王府井大街去先坐二路车,然后坐五路车。 To go to Wángfǔjǐng boulevard, first take the Number 2 bus; then take the Number 5 bus. .Wǒ xiān zuò Èrlù chē, ránhòu zuò Wǔlù chē. Qǐngwèn, zài nǎr huàn chē? 我先坐二路车,然后坐五路车。请问,在哪儿换车? I first take the Number 2 bus; then take the Number 5 bus. May I ask, where do I change buses? 4. Dào Rìtán Lù qù xiān zuò Qílù chē, ránhòu zuò Sānlù chē. 到日坛路去先坐七路车,然后坐三路车。 To go to Rìtán Road, first take the Number 7 bus; then take the Number "" bus. Wǒ xiān zuò Qílù chē, ránhòu zuò Sānlù chē. Qǐngwèn, zài nar huàn chē? 我坐七路车,然后坐三路车。请问,在哪儿换车? I first take the Number 7 bus; then take the Number 3 bus. May I ask, where do I change buses? 5. Dào Sānlǐtún qù xiān zuò Liùlù chē, ránhòu zuò Èrlù chē. 到三里屯去先坐六路车,然后坐二路车。 To go to Sānlǐtún, first take the Number 6 bus; then take the Number 2 bus. Wǒ xiān zuò Liùlù chē, ránhòu zuò Èrlù chē. Qǐngwèn, zài nar huàn chē? 我坐六路车,然后坐二路车。请问,在哪儿换车? I first take the Number 6 bus; then take the Number 2 bus. May I ask, where do I change buses? 6. Dào Rìtán Lù qù xiān zuò Shílù chē, ránhòu zuò Qílù chē. 到日坛路去先坐十路车,然后坐七路车。 To go to Rìtán Road, first take the Number 10 bus; then take the Number 7 bus. Wǒ xiān zuò Shílù chē, ránhòu zuò Qílù chē. Qǐngwèn, zài nar huàn chē? 我先坐十路车,然后坐七路车。请问,在哪儿换车? I first take the Number 10 bus; then take the Number 7 bus. May I ask, where do I change buses? 7. Dào Xīdān qù xiān zuò Shíwulù chē, ránhòu zuò Liùlù chē. 到西单去先坐十五路车,然后坐六路车。 To go to Xīdān, first take the Number 10 bus; then take the Number 6 bus. Wo xiān zuò Shíwulù chē, ránhòu zuò Liùlù chē. Qǐngwèn, zài nǎr huàn chē? 我先坐十五路车,然后坐六路车。请问,在哪儿换车? I first take the Number 10 bus; then take the Number 6 bus. May I ask, where do I change buses?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? 咱们在哪儿买票? Where do we buy tickets? Cuechēshang 车上 on the bus Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? Zài chēshang mǎi piào ma? 咱们在哪儿买票?在车上买票吗? Where do we buy tickets? Do we buy them on the bus? 2. Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? 咱们在哪儿买票? Where do we buy tickets? Cuezhèr 这儿 here Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? Zài zhèr mǎi piào ma? 咱们在哪儿买票?在这儿买票吗? Where do we buy tickets? Do we buy them here? 3. Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? 咱们在哪儿买票? Where do we buy tickets? Cuenar 那儿 there Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? Zài nàr mǎi piào ma? 咱们在哪儿买票?在那儿买票吗? Where do we buy tickets? Do we buy them there? 4. Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? 咱们在哪儿买票? Where do we buy tickets? CueDōngdān nàr 东单那儿 at Dōngdān Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? Zài Dōngdān nàr mǎi piào ma? 咱们在哪儿买票?在东单那儿买票吗? Where do we buy tickets? Do we buy them at Dōngdān? 5. Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? 咱们在哪儿买票? Where do we buy tickets? Cuechēshang 车上 on the bus Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? Zài chēshang mǎi piào ma? 咱们在哪儿买票?在车上买票吗? Where do we buy tickets? Do we buy them on the bus? 6. Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? 咱们在哪儿买票? Where do we buy tickets? Cuecàishichǎng nàr 菜市场 at the vegetable market Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? Zài càishichǎng nàr mǎi piào ma? 咱们在哪儿买票?在菜市场买票吗? Where do we buy tickets? Do we buy them at the vegetable market? 7. Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? 咱们在哪儿买票? Where do we buy tickets? CueXīdān nàr 西单那儿 at Xidan Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? Zài Xīdān nàr mǎi piào ma? 咱们在哪儿买票?在西单那儿买票吗? Where do we buy tickets? Do we buy them at Xidan?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Zánmen jiǔdiǎn zhōng shàng ban. 咱们九点钟上班。 We start work at nine o’clock. Zánmen jiǔdiǎn zhōng cái shàng bān. 咱们九点钟才上班。 We don’t start work until nine o’clock. 2. Wǒmen wǔdiǎnbàn xià bān. 我们五点半下班。 We start work at 5 o’clock. Wǒmen wǔdiǎnbàn cái xià bān. 我们五点半下班。 We'll not get off work until half past five. 3. Wǒmen xià yízhàn xià chē. 我们下一站才下车。 We get off at the next stop. Wǒmen xià yízhàn cái xià chē. 我们下一站才下车。 We don't get off until the next stop. 4. Yínháng jiǔdiǎn zhōng kāi mén. 银行九点钟开门。 The bank opens at nine o'clock. Yínháng jiǔdiǎn zhōng cái kāi mén. 银行九点钟才开门。 The bank doesn't open until nine o'clock. 5. Women xià yízhàn huàn chē. 我们下一站换车。 We change trains at the next stop. Wǒmen xià yízhàn cái huàn chē. 我们下一站才换车。 We'll not change trains until the next stop. 6. Tāmen liùdiǎn zhōng xià ban. 他们六点钟下班。 They get off work at six o'clock. Tāmen liùdiǎn zhōng cǎi xià ban. 他们六点钟才下班。 They don't get off work until six o'clock. 7. Tāmen shídiǎn zhōng shàng ban. 他们十点钟才上班。 They don't go to work until ten o'clock. Tāmen shídiǎn zhōng cǎi shàng ban. 他们十点钟才上班。 They don't go to work until ten o'clock.
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Nánjīng Dōnglù dào le ma? 南京东路到了吗? Have we reached Nánjīng Dōnglù? Cuehǎi méi ne 还没呢 Not yet Hǎi méi ne. Xià yízhàn cái xià chē. 还没呢。下一站才下车。 Not yet. We don’t get off until the next stop. 2. Nánjīng Dōnglù dào le ma? 南京东路到了吗? Have we reached Nánjīng Dōnglù? Cuedào le 到了 already arrived Dào le. Wǒmen zài zhèr xià chē. 到了。我们在这儿下车。 We have already arrived. We get off here. 3. Zhōnghuá Lù dào le ma? 中华路到了吗? Have we reached Zhōnghuá Road? Cuehái méi ne 还没呢 Not yet Hái méi ne. Xià yízhàn cái xià chē. 还没呢。下一站才下车。 Not yet. We don’t get off until the next stop. 4. Dàlǐ Jiē dào le ma? 大理街到了吗? Have we reached Dàlǐ Street? Cuedào le 到了 already arrived Dào le. Wǒmen zài zhèr xià chē. 到了。我们在这儿下车。 We have already arrived. We get off here. 5. Zhōngshān Běilù dào le ma? 中山北路到了吗? Have we reached Zhōngshān Běilù? Cuehái méi ne 还没呢 Not yet Hái méi ne. Xià yízhàn cái xià chē. 还没呢。下一站才下车。 Not yet. We don’t get off until the next stop. 6. Hépíng Xīlù dào le ma? 和平西路到了吗? Have we reached Hépíng Xīlù? Cuedào le 到了 already arrived Dào le. Wǒmen zài zhèr xià chē. 到了。下车。 We have already arrived. We get off here. 7. Jīlóng Lù dào le ma? 基隆街到了吗? Have we reached Jīlóng Road? Cuehái méi ne 还没呢 Not yet Hái méi ne. Xià yízhàn cái xià chē. 还没呢。下车。下一站才下车。 Not yet. We don’t get off until the next stop.
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Qǐngwèn Shíwǔlù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr? 请问十五路站在哪儿? May I ask, where is the Number 15 bus stop? Cuenèige lùkourshang 那个路口上 on that corner Jiù zài nèige lùkourshang. 就在那个路口上。 it’s [just] on that corner. 2. Qǐngwèn Shísìlù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr? 请问十四路汽车站在哪儿? May I ask, where is No. 14 bus stop? Cuenèige dàlóu nàr 那个大楼那儿 right there by that building Jiù zài nèige dàlóu nàr. 就在那个大楼那儿。 it’s [just] right there by that building. 3. Qǐngwèn Liùlù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr? 请问六路汽车站在哪儿? May I ask, where is No. 6 bus stop? Cuelùde nèibian 路德那边 over the road Jiù zài lùde nèibian. 就在路德那边。 it’s [just] over the road. 4. Qǐngwèn, Yīlù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr? 请问一路汽车站在哪儿? May I ask, where is No. 1 bus stop? Cuenèige yínháng qiánbian 那个银行前边 front of the bank Jiù zài nèige yínhǎng qiánbian. 就在那个银行前边。 it’s [just] in the front of the bank. 5. Qǐngwèn, Sānlù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr? 请问三路汽车站在哪儿? May I ask, where is No. 3 bus stop? Cuenèige shāngdiàn nàr 那个商店那儿 by that shop there Jiù zài nèige shāngdiàn nàr. 就在那个商店那儿。 it’s [just] by that shop there. 6. Qǐngwèn, Qílù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr? 请问七路汽车站在哪儿? May I ask, where is No. 7 bus stop? Cuecàishichǎng qiánbian 菜市场前边 front of the vegetable market Jiù zài nèige càishichǎng qiánbian. 就在菜市场前边。 it’s [just] in front of the vegetable market. 7. Qǐngwèn, Shílù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr? 请问十路汽车站在哪儿? May I ask, where is No. 10 bus stop? Cuenèige diànyǐngyuàn qiánbian 那个电影院前边 front of the movie theater Jiù zài nèige diànyingyuàn qiánbian. 就在那个电影院前边。 it’s [just] in the front of the movie theater.
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Tā jǐdiǎn zhōng lái? Tā jiǔdiǎn zhōng lái ma? 他/她几点钟来?他/她九点钟来吗? What time is he/sHe/she coming? Is He/she coming at nine o'clock? Cuebā diǎn zhōng 八点钟 8 o'clock Tā shuō tā bādiǎn zhōng jiù lái. 他/她说他/她八点钟来。 He/she says He/she is coming at eight o'clock. 2. Tā jǐdiǎn zhōng lái? Tā jiǔdiǎn zhōng lái ma? 他/她几点钟来?他/她九点钟来吗? What time is he/sHe/she coming? Is He/she coming at nine o'clock? Cueshí diǎn zhōng 十点钟 10 o'clock Tā shuō tā shídiǎn zhōng cái lái ne. 他/她说他/她十点钟才来呢。 He/she says He/she isn’t coming until ten o'clock. 3. Tā jǐdiǎn zhōng lái? Tā sìdiǎn zhōng lái ma? 他/她几点钟来?他/她四点钟来吗? What time is he/sHe/she coming?Is He/she coming at 4 o'clock? Cuewǔ diǎn zhōng 五点钟 5 o'clock Tā shuō tā wǔdiǎn zhōng cái lái ne. 他/她说他/她五点钟才来呢。 He/she says He/she isn’t coming until 5 o'clock. 4. Tā jǐdiǎn zhōng lái? Tā yìdiǎn zhōng lái ma? 他/她几点钟来?他/她一点钟来吗? What time is he/sHe/she coming?Is He/she coming at one o'clock? Cueshí èr diǎn zhōng 十二点中 12 o'clock Tā shuō tā shíèrdiǎn zhōng jiù lái. 他/她说他/她十二点钟才来呢。 He/she says He/she isn’t coming until 12 o'clock. 5. Tā jǐdiǎn zhōng lái? Tā bādiǎn zhōng lái ma? 他/她几点钟来?他/她八点钟来吗? What time is he/sHe/she coming?Is He/she coming at 8 o'clock? Cueqī diǎn zhōng 七点中 7 o'clock Tā shuō tā qīdiǎn zhōng jiù lái. 他/她说他/她七点钟才来呢。 He/she says He/she isn’t coming until 7 o'clock. 6. Tā jǐdiǎn zhōng lái? Tā liùdiǎn zhōng lái ma? 他/她几点钟来?他/她六点钟来吗? What time is he/sHe/she coming?Is He/she coming at 6 o'clock? Cuebā diǎn zhōng 八点钟 8 o'clock Tā shuō tā bādiǎn zhōng cái lái ne. 他/她说他/她八点钟才来呢。 He/she says He/she isn’t coming until 8 o'clock. 7. Tā jǐdiǎn zhōng lái? Tā shídiǎn zhōng lái ma? 他/她几点钟来?他/她十点钟来吗? What time is he/sHe/she coming?Is He/she coming at 10 o'clock? Cueshí yī diǎn zhōng 十一点钟 11 o'clock Tā shuō tā shíyidiǎn zhōng cái lái ne. 他/她说他/她十一点钟才来呢。 He/she says He/she isn’t coming until 11 o'clock.