fāngfǎ 方法 method, way, means 6 4 FSI-Chinese fázi 法子 method, way (Běijīng) 6 4 FSI-Chinese huà 画 to paint 6 4 FSI-Chinese huà(r) (yìzhāng) 画儿 (一张) a painting 6 4 FSI-Chinese huānyíng 欢迎 to welcome 6 4 FSI-Chinese jiānmiàn 见面 to meet someone, to see someone 6 4 FSI-Chinese jiàoshòu 教授 professor 6 4 FSI-Chinese jìn 进 to enter 6 4 FSI-Chinese jiǔyǎng 久仰 glad to meet you 6 4 FSI-Chinese qǐngjiào 请教 to ask advice, to consult 6 4 FSI-Chinese qǐng zuo 请坐 please sit down 6 4 FSI-Chinese shānshuǐ 山水 mountains and rivers, scenery with hills and water 6 4 FSI-Chinese shānshuī huà(r) (yìzhāng) 山水画儿 (一张) landscape painting 6 4 FSI-Chinese shèhuìxué 社会学 sociology 6 4 FSI-Chinese shóuxi 熟悉 to be familiar 6 4 FSI-Chinese Tāidà 台大 Táiwān University 6 4 FSI-Chinese tèbié 特别 especially 6 4 FSI-Chinese túshūguǎn 图书馆 library 6 4 FSI-Chinese xiang 向 towards; from 6 4 FSI-Chinese xiǎo yìsi 小意思 a token of appreciation 6 4 FSI-Chinese zuo 坐 to sit 6 4 FSI-Chinese biǎoyǎn 表演 to give a demonstration 6 4 FSI-Chinese bú dà hǎo mǎi 不大好买 not very easy to buy 6 4 FSI-Chinese duì...shóuxi 对...熟悉 to be familiar with 6 4 FSI-Chinese Jiàoyubù 教育部 Ministry of Education 6 4 FSI-Chinese mǎi cài 买菜 to buy groceries 6 4 FSI-Chinese sòng gěi 送给 to give 6 4 FSI-Chinese xǐ yīshang 洗衣裳 to to wash clothes 6 4 FSI-Chinese yánjiu 研究 to study, to do research 6 4 FSI-Chinese yòuéryuǎn 幼儿园 kindergarten 6 4 FSI-Chinese yóu huà 油画 oil painting 6 4 FSI-Chinese zhǎnlǎn 展览 exhibition 6 4 FSI-Chinese zhàogu 照顾 to take care of 6 4 FSI-Chinese zuò fan 做饭 to cook 6 4 FSI-Chinese zuòyè 作业 homework 6 4 FSI-Chinese