biéde 別的 other, different 6 6 FSI-Chinese bù hǎo yìsi 不好意思 to be embarrassing; to feel embarrassed 6 6 FSI-Chinese bù yídìng 不一定 not necessarily; it’s not definite 6 6 FSI-Chinese cài 菜 food, cooked dish 6 6 FSI-Chinese cāntīng 餐廳 dining room; restaurant 6 6 FSI-Chinese chībuzháo 吃不找 can’t find (to eat) 6 6 FSI-Chinese Dàahuá Cāntīng 大華餐廳 Great China Restaurant 6 6 FSI-Chinese Dōngmén Cāntīng 東門餐廳 East Gate Restaurant 6 6 FSI-Chinese fēicháng 非常 very, extremely, highly 6 6 FSI-Chinese gèng 更 even more 6 6 FSI-Chinese hǎoxiē 好些 a good many, a lot 6 6 FSI-Chinese kànfa 看法 opinion, view 6 6 FSI-Chinese méiyou...nàme/zhème 沒有...那麽/怎麽 is not 6 6 FSI-Chinese suírǎn (suīrán)...kěshi... 雖然...可是... although, even though...(still)... 6 6 FSI-Chinese wǎnfàn 晚飯 supper, dinner 6 6 FSI-Chinese xiǎngfa 想法 idea, opinion 6 6 FSI-Chinese yídìng 一定 certainly 6 6 FSI-Chinese yìxiē 一些 some, several, a few 6 6 FSI-Chinese yòu...yòu... 又...又.. both...and... 6 6 FSI-Chinese zǎofǎn 早飯 breakfast 6 6 FSI-Chinese zhōngfàn 中飯 lunch 6 6 FSI-Chinese zuòfa 做法 way of doing things, method, practice 6 6 FSI-Chinese ānpaíhǎo le 安排好了 successfully arranged 6 6 FSI-Chinese -bù 部 (counter for cars and buses) 6 6 FSI-Chinese chūfā 出發 to start a journey 6 6 FSI-Chinese jiāoqū 郊區 suburbs 6 6 FSI-Chinese lǎoshi 老是 always, all the time 6 6 FSI-Chinese lián...(yě) 連...也 even...(also) 6 6 FSI-Chinese Shísānlíng 十三陵 Ming Tombs (literally, “Thirteen Tombs”) 6 6 FSI-Chinese yěcān 野餐 picnic 6 6 FSI-Chinese yǒu míng 又名 to be famous 6 6 FSI-Chinese Yúyuán 渝園 Szechuan Garden 6 6 FSI-Chinese zhāodài 招待 to be hospitable to 6 6 FSI-Chinese